Virtue is Abundant

Chapter 527: Roll me all!

After a few hours.

Maresa squatted on a tall building, sighing and bandaging his own wound.

—The task of going to Naihe Bridge to save the undead is too difficult.

I am also the master of the world who has been in the world for countless years, and I am used to seeing all kinds of scenes, and my methods are endless.

But it was still almost killed by the undead.

I tried my best to turn the danger into safety at the last moment, and successfully saved the two undead.

As for the third—

I can't hold on any longer, and I'm about to die. Fortunately, the neutral job

The personnel appeared in time, replaced him, and helped him complete that transcendence.

— What a good man!


Why is he so proficient in saving the undead?

In the end, what are you talking to yourself like "Spruce grows into forests, world peace"?

Forget it, never mind.

Anyway -

I finally got two skills!

You can not only see other people's blood bars, but also hide your own blood bars! In this way, no one can figure out their own details.

A heavy sense of accomplishment enveloped Maresa.

— This is in the fantasy world!

The will of the world must be watching his performance!

The kind of terrifying undead beyond ordinary people's comprehension—

I sent two away! Who can do it?

Maresa grinned, finished bandaging the wound on his body, and then lowered his head to look down at the street scene below.


on the street.

The blood bars of mortals can be seen clearly.

Occasionally there will be one or two people without any blood bars on their heads.

These people seem to have learned the first skill and then the second skill.

Unexpectedly, they also went to surpass the undead.

Must be very busy.

Maresa thought about it, and couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth slightly.

Feeling something in those hearts, they raised their heads and saw Maresa.

Everyone's eyes intertwined, and there was a feeling of "classmate" or "comrade-in-arms" in their hearts.

Can not help but sympathize with each other.

"Brother, you succeeded too? Let's have a drink together!"

Someone sent a voice.

—Do you want to go down and have a drink with them and ask them what they are saving

What kind of horror exists?

Maresa hesitated for a moment, then shook his head.

Those people left.

Maresa squatted on the roof, and suddenly thought of something.

Always felt……

Where is it weird?

Well, that's not true.

The smile on Maresa's face gradually disappeared, replaced by a deep thought.

He came back a little bit.

In the beginning, when you arrive in this world, you are ready to participate in the battle for hegemony.

At this time, everyone has no blood bars.


Introduced by Satan, after learning a skill—

You can see the blood bars!

However, now that everyone has learned the second skill, the blood bar can be hidden.

It is equivalent to that everyone has no blood bars again.

—So what are the effects of learning these two skills?

Learned to be lonely!

Maresa squatted there, only feeling that there was a knife under his buttocks, hurting himself physically and mentally.

Suddenly, he saw a guy with 300,000 health bars on the street.


No, it's you.

Maresa straightened up and appeared directly in front of that guy.

The world life-like body was taken aback. After seeing Maresa clearly, he couldn't help but look at the top of his head, surprised


"This brother—who are you? Why is there no blood on your head?"

Maresa was silent for a while.

How bad is this guy.

He obviously learned the first skill, but he didn't even notice the information about the "two skills" revealed in the words of the neutral personnel?

"Hmph, idiot, many people have learned the second skill, but you don't know?"

Maresa couldn't help scolding.

"The second skill?" The other party asked in surprise.

"That's right, during the conversation with the neutral person, he revealed the meaning of the "two skills"

Intelligence, haven't you noticed? "Maresa hates iron but steel.

"It seems to be the case. After all, as long as you learn the second skill,

Can it be like you without exposing the blood bar? "The other party continued to be amazed.

"Exactly." Maresa nodded.

That's all, what more can I say?

The so-called don't worry about scarcity but inequity. When everyone doesn't have it, we can live in peace.


But if there is one person who has it, then he does not have it, which is tantamount to falling


No one will be reconciled!

The result is-

"Thank you sir, I will learn the second skill right now!"

That guy saluted seriously and left with a thousand thanks.

Maresa stood there, silent for a long time.

for a moment.

He couldn't help letting out a long breath.

—Why should I be fooled by myself?


Roll it up for me!

A burst of inexplicable pleasure emerged in Maresa's heart.

He's so happy to see a few more bloodless guys on the street

At that time, they exchanged glances tacitly.

— Comrade, you also learned two skills?

—That's right, buddy survived the level of overcoming the undead! buddy is amazing


Sometimes the strong only need one look to understand each other's meaning.

But Maresa is so clever.

This time he stood on a higher level—

I was cheated. That's fine.

What? Everyone was cheated?

The more Maresa thought about it, the more he felt the aggrieved feeling in his heart gradually dissipate.

After shopping for more than an hour, he even became a little interested and walked into a

Snack bar, get ready for a bite to eat.

He ordered two cages of soup dumplings, a bottle of spirits, a plate of stewed beef, and a dish of fried noodles.

It's been a long time since I tasted the diet of mortals.

Before the battle for supremacy begins, enjoy the fireworks in the world first.

—Anyway, they were all cheated.

Everyone is the same.

So nothing to worry about.

Perhaps there are still some combatants at this moment who have not received any information from Satan at all?

That being said, the two skills still have to be learned, otherwise they will fall behind others


Thinking of this, Maresa felt more at ease.


Suddenly a figure rushed in from outside and sat directly opposite the table, so that Maresa was so surprised that he almost broke the chopsticks in his hand.

"It's you?"

Maresa said hesitantly.

That's right.

It was more than an hour ago that the opposite party accepted his own information and went to learn the first

Two skill guys.

"Brother, thank you for telling me that I have learned the second skill."

The other party said excitedly, scanning the QR code to pay the bill.

Maresa relaxed.

It turned out to be this matter, since you paid the bill and expressed your thanks, I also

I don't have much to tell you.

—Okay, let's go, don't bother me for dinner.

He was about to say this, but found that the other party still had a pipe length above his head.

Long blood bars.


what's the situation?

Maresa looked up.

I saw something embroidered on the other party's bright red blood strip, as if it was Zuo Qing

The dragon, the right white tiger, and the old cow are in the middle, and a line of small characters is engraved on the tripe:

"Don't look at me."

This line of words did not cover the value of the blood bar.

The health bar value is—


Looking at this value, Maresa was stunned as if he had been punched by someone.

its not right.

300,000 just now, how come it is 1 million?

He couldn't help asking:

"Brother, your blood bar—"

"Brother, because you told me that you have a second skill, I'm here to repay you

of. "

The other party said gratefully:

"Brother, look, actually after learning the second skill, I felt that I was really careless before, so I pestered the neutral person to say a lot of good things and bribed him with a lot of gold, which triggered the hidden mission— "

"The art of camouflaging the blood bar!"

"This technique can be based on the first and second skills, allowing you to change the blood bar number at will, and you can also do some personalized skin decoration."

"In addition, I also set a blood value of 1 million for myself."

Speaking of excitement, this buddy patted his chest and shouted:

"When the battle starts tomorrow, let's see which idiot dares to fight with me!"

After listening silently, Maresa stabilized his mood.

"Are you sure no one else has learned this skill?" he asked in a low voice.

"No! The neutral staff also said, I'm the first." The buddies called

Package ticket.

Maresa looked at his health bar.


Only a few people have this skill

It's really messed up.

If the blood bar is set low, you can set up traps and pretend to be pigs and eat tigers;

The blood bar is set high, you can bluff and scare those stronger guys.


It's worth the investment.

"How much did you spend to acquire this skill?" Maresa asked in a low voice


The buddy also seemed to realize the value of this secret, and quickly lowered his voice, reporting the number to Maresa's ear.

After hearing that number, Maresa felt that his heart had been cut.

The pain was unbearable.

The buddy saw that he was in a bad mood, and comforted him intimately:

"Brother, give it a go. Bikes can be turned into motorcycles. Money is a bastard. Earn money after you spend it. Don't miss this opportunity!"

let's go. "

Maresa took a deep breath and said in a hoarse voice: "Okay, I see, you

"Well, thank you brother, see you tomorrow!

The other party left quickly.

Maresa ate the soup dumpling silently, downed the bottle of white wine in one breath, and stood up slowly.

The other party was right.

If the money is gone, you can earn it again.

As long as I have this skill, I will definitely be able to take the lead in tomorrow's battle


Then do it.

He walked out of the snack bar and ran towards the lake.

same moment.

coffee shop.

Satan stroked his back and put a video tape on the table.

"The latest information, hidden missions."

A strong man sitting across from him

Sometimes there is some emotion.

"Are you sure it's worth it?" the Strong asked.

"It's definitely worth it, and I bet my name as Satan as a guarantee!" "Okay, deal!" The strong man gritted his teeth.

Satan said confidently, smoking a cigar.

Transaction complete.

The other party leaves. The door closes.

Satan picked up the money bag on the table and weighed it.


No wonder in the future I will be mixed with Wu Xiaode.

I didn't understand it at first.

Now I fully understand.


——When the Battle of Hegemony officially starts tomorrow, I believe that everyone will have blood bars with personalized skin on their heads, and they will appear on the battlefield in various colors.

It's spectacular when you think about it.

Still the same moment.

Wu Xiaode is also making final preparations.

"There are still 15 hours. UU Reading"

he said.

"And then? What are you going to do?" Jiang Shanglan asked.

"The task of saving the undead has earned a lot of treasures. When I use the treasures to upgrade the world, I will strive to

Take the power of extreme goodness and judgment to become stronger and lift more curses for you! "

Wu Xiaode said.

—Recover part of Jiang Shanglan's strength until he can resist that assassin!

Only in this way can I leave with peace of mind and look for the next piece of "Laws of the People"

Grave Deck".

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