Virtue is Abundant

Chapter 528: Power upgrades!

23 hours passed.

With one hour left, the battle for supremacy will begin.

Wu Xiaode looked down at the Ring of Wangchuanjiang in his hand.

A stream of light emerged from the ring, forming a line of small characters out of thin air: "The pre-war missions are all over?"

Wu Xiaode looked at this line, and always felt that there was a sense of reluctance hidden between the lines.

Last 23 hours - satan made money.

The illusory world has obtained precious metal resources such as gold.

I have completed a large number of Naihe bridge tasks, obtained various treasures, and the time to return.

Jiang Shanglan's curse was lifted a lot.

—When her world is upgraded and the strength of the two angels increases, they can further help her lift the curse.

Four wins.

Not to mention the will of the world, even Jiang Shanglan is a little bit reluctant. Satan wanted to ask for help just now, but he declined.

"According to the statistics, basically all the participants have obtained three skills, and we have earned a lot of votes."

Wu Xiaode said casually, and then asked:

"Hey, I'm going to leave the illusory world in a while, and come back after spending the time I earn from the mission, do you approve?"

The streamer changes rapidly, forming a new text:

"Of course, it's a good deal, but when you're away, Jiang Shanglan will step up and take charge of the affairs of the safe zone."

Wu Xiaode breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "No problem, she agreed to this long ago."

He closed his eyes slightly and began to look inside his world. A wasteland the size of two and a half football fields.

A small temple.

The ground is full of gold, a dragon sleeping in the gold. —This is how the world looks like right now.

Jiang Shanglan is in this world.

She glanced at the sleeping dragon, shook her head, and walked straight into the temple. The Angel of Excellence and the Angel of Judgment jumped down from the altar together.

"Sister, you are here."

"Sister, do you want some tea? I'll pour water for you." The two angels greeted her affectionately.

Jiang Shanglan smiled gently and said:

"Xiao Wu gathered a lot of treasures, let me help him." She opened a bag.

—In this bag are all the strong players who participated in the Battle of Hegemony, through completing the Naihe Bridge super-speeding task, they have accumulated various rewards.

Now, these treasures are all in Jiang Shanglan's hands.

In fact, it is extremely arduous and difficult for those strong people to complete the task of surpassing the Naihe bridge.

But the will of the world allocated Jiang Shanglan to Wu Xiaode. —Jiang Shanglan took care of the whole process!

That's why the mission has been going smoothly!

Wu Xiaode believed in her strength and vision, and simply asked her to help complete the upgrade of the world.

"Are you sure?"

Wu Xiaode appeared in his own world and asked.

"I've thought about it," Jiang Shanglan smiled sweetly, stroked her hair and said, "Your Book of the Undead is extremely rare, and it's almost impossible to fully integrate into the world at once. It's better to focus on one skill."

After she finished speaking, she took out all kinds of treasures from the bag, sorted them into categories, and placed them neatly.

"What is this for?" he asked curiously.

A look of worry flashed across Jiang Shanglan's beautiful face, and said softly:

"I have a secret technique, which is specially used to strengthen a certain world skill. I have never used it before. This time, I will use it in your world."

Xiao Wu's world has that attribute, which is the core power of the heaven. That's why the temple is manifested.

—That's why there is a world skill of Karma: Heaven's Punishment. There must be a way to speed up the integration.

Late makes a difference!

Then there is only the secret method—

Jiang Shanglan finally made up his mind and quietly stretched out his hand.

I saw a faint glow emanating from her five fair and slender fingers.

In every halo, mysterious natural runes constantly emerged.

boom boom boom --

The aura emanating from her body continued to roar violently, as if it could destroy everything in this world at any time.

"Star method, Ning!" Jiang Shanglan shouted.

All the treasures placed on the ground were shattered, gathered towards her five fingers respectively, and condensed into five light colors of red, yellow, orange, green and blue.

"What is this?" Wu Xiaode asked curiously.

"Spells that you can't touch now." Jiang Shanglan said. you--

Who are you referring to?

Wu Xiaode chewed on this sentence silently.

Jiang Shanglan recited the spell and put his hand on Wu Xiaode's chest.

In an instant, those five-color lights and shadows merged into his body one after another. "...There seems to be no response."

Wu Xiaode said in surprise.

"What reaction do you want?" Jiang Shanglan glared at him, blushing a little. Wu Xiaode took a few breaths of silence before reacting, and couldn't help but secretly sighed.

—Girl, your associative ability is too rich, and it has already broken through my upper limit.

I'm afraid I won't be able to accompany you well in the future. After counting interest.

Between the two angels, a brand new altar appeared.

The Book of the Undead suddenly appeared on the altar, and then it was opened, revealing lines of small characters written in ice crystals:

"From now on, "Rage" has been completely integrated into your world." ""Rage" has become your second world attribute."

"—This is your most powerful power at present!" "Start to count your world attributes:"

"1: Law Transformation;"

"Your divine envoy can extradite the dead to your world, and turn them into world attributes at the right time, providing evolutionary power for your world species."

"2: Feign death;"

"When the world is attacked, it will fall into false destruction, so as to avoid the harm of the outside world."

"—The world is destroyed, how do you want to destroy it again?" "3: Anger;"

"The whole world has become the battlefield of 'rage', and everything is fought according to the law of 'rage'." All the small words flashed away.

Wu Xiaode subconsciously looked up at his blood bar.


My vitality has increased! strength.....

He clenched his fists tightly, feeling that the strength in his body could almost crush the stars. "My previous power was eternal soul power...only a few hundred points."

Wu Xiaode said hesitantly.

Jiang Shanglan smiled slightly, shook his head and said, "You don't have to worry about your strength as a sentient being anymore. Even if the soul power of sentient beings is as high as millions or tens of millions, how can you be an enemy of the whole world? That is called the enemy of the whole world."

"—Unless someone can destroy all living things in your world, just like Jiemo, how can he be qualified to stand shoulder to shoulder with you?"

She patted Wu Xiaode lightly. Instantly.

A sense of understanding emerged in Wu Xiaode's heart.

——My own strength attributes have begun to change!

Even if you collect the pages of the Dark Sealed Book in the future, you can only add the law of death to your own world, and can no longer become your own soul power.


My soul power has transformed!

Lines of small ice crystal characters also appeared on the Book of the Dead: "You have been enlightened by Jiang Shanglan."

"The other party is a ???? level existence that has guided you to complete the initialization of world power."

"All your soul power is transformed into 'world-like soul power', which can also be referred to as boundary power for short."

"World-type soul power is calculated based on the size of your entire world, the abundance of resources, the number of sentient beings, and the degree of spirituality."

"Your world soul power is:" "10."

"Each point of world soul power can release the skills of sentient beings once, and bring them to the extreme."

"Each point of world soul power can exert a law-like influence on one's own world, making the world grow."

Wu Xiaode thought for a few breaths, then waved his hand casually. "You used 1 point of world power."

I saw the rain began to fall from the sky.

The heavy rain fell on the wilderness amidst thunder and lightning, awakening the grass seeds that had been silent in the ground. A little greenery is gradually emerging in the wasteland.

The rocks lying on the ground turned their bodies comfortably, letting the mud cover their bodies--

This is when the rock giants began to absorb the minerals contained in the rainwater and soil. They also started to grow.

"So it's used like this." Wu Xiaode said with emotion.

"Okay, let's talk about the main point." Jiang Shanglan laughed, "You have gathered three world attributes, as long as you continue to grow and evolve these three attributes to a higher level, you will be upgraded to a medium world life form body."

"Upgrade?" Wu Xiaode asked.

"Yes, after becoming an intermediate world-like life form, your world-like soul power will be greatly improved, the world will become wider, and species will also have the opportunity to evolve naturally." Jiang Shanglan said.

"—Looks like I have to upgrade 'Anger' first." Wu Xiaode said without hesitation.

In the past, "anger" could only guarantee that the enemy's blood loss was a fixed value. Now in your own world!

From now on, let alone those giants pretending to be dead, let alone the twin angels with "God's Punishment", just the dragon named Fat Sa can join the battle!

This is a giant dragon with dragon secret skills! Jiang Shanglan quietly felt the breath, and said with emotion:

"Although your world is still in its infancy, the degree of cohesion of the laws is quite terrifying. Even an existence that is a few levels stronger than you may capsize if you don't pay attention."

Wu Xiaode said sincerely:

"Thank you for your secret technique, otherwise I don't know how long it would take me to integrate "Rage" into my world."

He looked towards the altar.

I saw that the two angels were full of indescribable power. — This is the power of the world!

Compared with it, the "anger" I used before doesn't know how weak it is. "Excellent, Judgment, don't move, I will increase your strength." He said. The two angels opened their eyes together and looked at him expectantly.

Wu Xiaode stretched out his hand and poured the remaining 9 points of world soul power into the two women.

for a while. The earth kept shaking.

The boundaries of the world began to expand in all directions.

Soon, the new wasteland land appeared from the darkness, and the area became larger and The ground below the temple continued to arch, forming a hill that lifted the temple on the peak.

Various spirit flowers of gods and beasts appeared in the void, and the fragrance of rain and heaven tightly surrounded the temple, making it more solemn and solemn.

The two angels of extreme goodness and judgment felt it at the same time.

They spread their pure white wings and closed them again, turning into a simple and elegant robe, and flew up to the altar together, standing still.

A line of small ice crystal characters appeared on the Book of the Dead:

"The will of the world has instilled powerful world power into the two angels." "Their strength has been improved to a certain extent."

"Please continue to pour 50 points of world-type soul power into them, and they will be qualified to become gods."

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