Virtue is Abundant

Chapter 530: Secret passages and ruins!

The rice bowl is green pepper shredded pork rice bowl.

As if feeling that Wu Xiaode was not enough to eat, Shen Feixue heated up two marinated chicken legs in the microwave and served them together.

Wu Xiaode ate hungrily.

Shen Xiujun said from the side: "Don't be brave, remember to call me when you encounter problems." "Understood, I'm not a fool, if I don't hold on to your thick thighs, do you want to die?"

Wu Xiaode said while eating.

After hearing this, Shen Xiujun showed a satisfied smile. not for a while.

After finishing his meal, Wu Xiaode wiped his mouth and said, "Then, I'm going to work." After speaking, he got up and walked out of the bar.

"Really not taking her? Maybe there will be some information?" Shen Xiujun asked from behind. In her hand, a small glass bottle contained a group of floating phantom figures.

-- the mother of all things.

After learning all her hole cards, Wu Xiaode chose to form an alliance with her. When the two signed the contract, Shen Xiujun made a sudden move.

As the robber of the first catastrophe, he restrained the Lord of the World, and at such a short distance, the goal was to focus on the contract.

In one fell swoop, Shen Xiujun sealed the remnant soul of the mother of all things in a small bottle.

Wu Xiaode finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"She's not even my comrade in arms, and she can't be trusted in that environment. It's better for me to figure it out myself."

After he finished speaking, he waved his hand and walked out of the bar.

Shen Xiujun looked at his back, raised the corner of his mouth, and praised:

"As expected of Brother Xiaowu, he was not tempted by these superficial benefits at all, and he always treats enemies so ruthlessly."

While speaking, a strand of long black hair emerged from between her fingers, quietly got into the glass bottle, pierced into the remnant soul, and twisted it lightly.

The remnant soul immediately dispersed.

From this moment on, there is no more Mother of All in the world. .....

this time.

Wu Xiaode used the power of Thunder Calamity to open the door.

Wrapped in glazed flames, he stepped in, and immediately stood on the ground full of bones and treasures.


Fog shrouded the tomb, which was comparable to a towering mountain.

Wu Xiaode clamped the edge of a broken knife between the thumb and index finger of his left foot, squatted on the knife, and kept looking around.


Why didn't you feel the panic and dying feeling like last time? wrong.....

still have.

It's just that compared to last time, this feeling seems to be much weaker.

Wu Xiaode groaned for a few breaths, then he straightened his body, flew over a large pile of bones, and landed in front of a sloping wall.

There is a metal handle on this wall, which seems to be some kind of mechanism.

Wu Xiaode was about to step forward and hold the handle, when he suddenly felt that he was a bit overbearing. — There is obviously an undead maid.

Why are you so adventurous? "Blood child."

He called out.

The girl with white hair and red eyes suddenly appeared in front of Wu Xiaode. "Owner?"

"Go, grab that handle, pull hard, and see what happens." "Yes, Master."

Xuezhi stepped forward and pulled hard—bang bang!

She pulled the wrench up from the wall, revealing a dark and secret passage behind that could not be seen at a glance.

"Master, it's a secret way." Xuezhi said excitedly. Wu Xiaode made a gesture of silence.

Xuezhi immediately shut her mouth. Waited for a few breaths.

In the densely packed holes on the ground, a few tentacles stick out and inspect it casually.

When it was found that only one wall had collapsed, the tentacles retracted. Wu Xiaode fell into deep thought for a moment.

This tentacles are completely different from last time!

Last time, the tentacles were densely packed, exuding a terrifying atmosphere, and they were always ready to **** up the target.

The guy brought by the mother of all things didn't even have a chance to resist

Yes, die.

But now there is so much movement—

The tentacles are dull and mechanical, as if they have lost their souls. Could it be...

That monster isn't home?

Wu Xiaode muttered, his figure flashed lightly, and landed in front of another wall hundreds of miles away.

Take a closer look--

This wall also has handles.

Xuezhi came over and pulled, and sure enough, another underground tunnel was opened. next.

The two changed directions several times, and they all found this kind of tunnel leading to the ground. After hesitating for a moment, Wu Xiaode suddenly flew into the sky.

look up.

The whole world is not that big, the horizon is within sight, and there is endless darkness beyond.

It was the dark void beyond the world.

The whole world seems to be built around that tomb. There are only densely packed bones and various treasures on the ground. In this way--

Are the secrets hidden underground?

Wu Xiaode pondered for a few breaths, and simply chose a secret passage and walked in.

Walk along the long secret path until you reach the darkness where you can't see your fingers.

"There is no way ahead, Master." Xuezhi said loudly.

Wu Xiaode walked over to have a look, only to see that the front is indeed a dead end. strangeness....

The two looked around.

Although it was pitch black, they could still sense their surroundings.

"It seems to be a ruin... I have a dining table and a sofa here, but they are too dilapidated to be used at all."

Xue Zhi said.

Wu Xiaode reached out and touched the table.

The dining table suddenly turned into scattered dust, fluttering and falling to the ground. time--

Been here too long.

"Let's take another secret path." Wu Xiaode shook his head and said.

The two walked out of the secret path, stopped and walked, and finally selected another secret path. They **** in and walk in.


A wall completely sealed by rocks appeared in front of him.

Xuezhi was not reconciled, and went forward to dig, but behind the wall was just ordinary dirt and sand.

There is really no way. Look around again.

This time it wasn't the ruins of the house—

The ground is full of decayed and dilapidated weapons, incomplete shields, and damaged coffins covered with scratches.

"You can't carry it like that, even if you find two roads, there are only ruins and dead ends." Xue Zhi whispered.

"It's okay, let's look for it again." Wu Xiaode said. next.

In order to avoid encountering a dead end again, they crossed a large area all the way, constantly looking for secret passages, and then entered.

They changed twenty-seven or eight secret paths one after another, even went to the big tomb, and searched on the tomb hill.

— There are also various organs and secret passages on the tomb hill. Once you reach the end of the secret passage, it will still be in ruins.

This is strange. at last.

In a secret passage on the top of the tomb.

"There must be something we don't know...Master, you shouldn't have killed the mother of all things before." Xuezhi said.

Wu Xiaode glanced at her, making her hairy. Only then did Xuezhi react.

If I hadn't signed the law of karma that must save his life with him, maybe... my end would be the same?

After all, I have done several inappropriate things. Even Shen Xiujun has killing intent towards him.

Thinking of this, she quickly shut up, and obediently stood aside, never daring to comment on Wu Xiaode's actions.

Wu Xiaode squatted on the ground and grabbed a flower basket. next second.

The flower basket turned into dust and dissipated.

He opened the double card consisting of "Star of Eternal Night" and "Heir of the World Tree".

A line of small words appeared on the card:

"In the walk of time, everything is but

Dust..." Wu Xiaode silently looked at the small print.

In the darkness, his eyes gradually lit up. There are so many ruins here.

Even if everything is turned into ashes and buried in the long river of time, there is always a way for myself to find out.

Even if others can't - I have this opportunity.

"Banner of No Beginning, are you alright?" He said to the void.

One breath. Two breaths. Three breaths.

A black banner quietly appeared in the air, and it made a tired voice: "You must know that eradicating parasites is a very hard work...I'm almost exhausted."

"So don't call me casually."

— Banner of the Beginless, Banner of the Lord of Time! Wu Xiaode raised his hand without saying a word.


Countless golden sands spewed out from his hands, submerging his legs in an instant.

The black flag fluttered in an instant, and it was inserted directly into the golden sand. A vortex suddenly appeared in the sand.

All the golden sands submerged in the vortex disappeared.

However, more and more gold dust spewed out from Wu Xiaode's hands, almost covering his waist.

The black banner hurriedly pulled itself out of the golden sand, and circled the golden sand hill for a full circle.

Instantly. All the sands disappeared.

Wu Xiaode held down the holy treasure ring on his finger, and asked: "Do you want more?"

"Yes! Good buddy, my boss, Brother Wu, what do you want from me, just tell me, buddy will definitely do it for you." Hei Qi said.

"Just now you seemed to say not to call you casually?" Wu Xiaode asked.

"How can Brother Wu call you casually? It must be after careful consideration. If you have anything to say, please tell me!" Hei Qi said.

"This world is full of secret passages and ruins. I need to investigate the real situation of these ruins in order to find some kind of clue." Wu Xiaode said.

The black flag floated in the air and looked around, suddenly said:

"This is the tomb of the world...Okay, you have to prepare for the border." "Border?" Wu Xiaode repeated.

"That's right, the most direct communication between the world and the is bordering, which is the same as men and women!"

After Hei Qi finished speaking, he slammed hard into the ground. sudden change --

A puff of dust flew up from the ground, condensed together, and formed the flower basket again.

The ground begins to be covered with fragrant flowers and lawns. The entire secret passage dissipated.

Instead, it's a sunny world. time--

Already backtracked.

At this moment, this piece of ruins has returned to the time when everything about it was still intact.

Wu Xiaode came to this era. Make Fireworks into a City Author

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