Virtue is Abundant

Chapter 531: guide!


With the sound of footsteps, a person came from a distance. It was a being in full armor.

She held a three-meter-long javelin in her hand, and she was full of killing intent, as if she was ready to strike at any time.

"Quick, put me behind you, and the other party will know that you are from the other side of time."

Black Flag said.

Wu Xiaode grabbed the black flag and put it behind him, the black flag automatically floated in the air, fluttering in the wind.

The man on the other side stopped.

A female voice sounded from the thick helmet:

"Banner without beginning, this is the banner of the Lord of Time...".

"I said how could there be such a shameless guy who bordered on me without my permission."

"—Are you from the past? Or the future?" Wu Xiaode said, "I'm from the future."

"What will happen to my world in the future?" the female voice continued to ask.

"I only saw the ruins, so I had to go back to this moment to get some useful information."

Wu Xiaode said truthfully.

"So that's how it is. You are someone time trusts. I need some help here... this is going to happen soon." The female voice said.

She took off her helmet and looked down at the ground beneath her feet. Wu Xiaode also looked towards the ground.

I saw that after my wilderness bordered the grassland, it gradually became alive. The ground began to shake.

At the end of the grassland, a team of riders came at a fast speed.

I saw that they were all wounded, their stomachs were broken, and their horses were foaming at the mouth, as if they were exhausted to the extreme.

"Huh? Look!"

A cavalryman shouted in surprise. Everyone looked over here one after another—

Their sights penetrated Wu Xiaode and the woman, and landed directly in Wu Xiaode's world.

"There is no such wasteland on the map!" Someone shouted. "It seems to be an unknown land, let's go and have a look!" Another cavalry said.


Everyone swung their whips and beat their horses, and they all rushed into Wu Xiaode's wilderness. "Is this the sentient beings in your world?" Wu Xiaode asked.

"Yes," said the woman.

Wu Xiaode made a gesture casually. On the wasteland.

The rock giants immediately spread their bodies apart, like gravel debris all over the ground.

Fat Sa had already woken up, and was about to make a move, but when he saw Wu Xiaode's gesture, he turned over immediately, submerged into the depth of the gold brick, and hid himself.

In the temple.

The two angels slowly closed their eyes and remained still.

—they turned to stone, like two real gods. This is Wu Xiaode's kindness.

He used this behavior to show that he didn't come here to find trouble, but really wanted to obtain information about this world.

Seeing this, the woman said meaningfully:

"You showed up in time and gave me a brand new option, but even so, you have to be able to help me in order to get my entrustment."

After Wu Xiaode listened, he looked towards his own world again. I saw the cavalry turn over and dismount one after another.

They were shocked by the golden bricks on the ground, looked at it for a while, and then walked towards the temple.

"It's strange, it doesn't move my gold." Wu Xiaode said.

"The lower limit of human beings is very low, but the upper limit is also very high. This group is the elite in my world." The woman said.

By this time the cavalry had tied their horses outside and entered the temple together.

A tall man in the cavalry came out more and more, walked to the altar, knelt down on one knee, prayed with both hands, and said softly:

"God, if you really exist, please give me some shelter." On the altar, the two angels remained motionless.

Their voices all appeared in Wu Xiaode's ears: "Brother Wu, what should we do?"

Wu Xiaode pondered, looked at the woman opposite, and asked: "Do you need me to take action?"

"Protect them for me. If you can gain their trust, you can get what you want."

When the woman said this, she changed the subject and said, "If you choose to protect my people, you may die yourself—this is the price."

"You have three minutes to think about it." She looked towards the grassland.

Wu Xiaode followed her gaze and looked towards the end of the grassland together. I saw a black army already appearing on the grassland.

These armies are all composed of human beings, but there is a black aura that seems to be lingering on their bodies.

Wu Xiaode made a decision after pondering for a while.

Whether it's for myself, for the entrustment of the heroic spirits, or even for the survival of the prison world--

You must find a third card yourself.

The opportunity is in front of us, how can we retreat without fighting?

He came to the temple in a blink of an eye, and said to the two angels, "Look at their merits."

Two angels flew out of the statue together, stood in the void, and looked down at the mortals below.

Mortals are unaware of this.

The super good angel looked at the man kneeling on the ground, and quickly wrote in the notebook: "Check this man's goodness."


A blazing white light rose from the man's body, completely submerged in the book of the excellent angel.

"This person is a king in the current world. Every day he protects sentient beings, he has great merit. You can give it a try."

The good angel said.

The Angel of Judgment flew out, facing the direction of the grassland, and guided him casually.

Boundless darkness poured into her notebook, and densely packed small characters emerged. "The enemy has committed too many crimes, which can trigger the punishment of heaven."

The Angel of Judgment said awe-inspiringly.

The two angels exude a powerful aura far beyond the past, and they look eager to try, as if they are ready to intervene in the history of the real world at any time.

After receiving the blessing of Wu Xiaode's 9 points of world power, their strength has made great progress.

"Let's start." Wu Xiaode said.

The extremely good angel quickly wrote in the notebook:

"The current Ming Lord, who saves the common people, deserves the protection of heaven."

As soon as he finished writing, the entire line of characters emanated a golden glow, soaring into the sky, and directly submerged into the shield behind the man below.

The shield shook.

The man sensed it immediately, quickly took off the shield, and observed it carefully.

There was no movement on the shield.

"Strange, I clearly felt the shield move..."

The man muttered to himself, and silently put the shield back on his back. Seeing this, the extremely good angel in mid-air shook his head helplessly and said:

"Brother Wu, this shield involves the key elements to change his destiny, and I tried my best to mobilize it—if he is smarter, he should have realized something by this time."

"Hey, give him a little more reminder." Wu Xiaode had no choice but to say.

The extremely good angel had no choice but to write again with a swipe of his pen: "Respect the gods, be kind, and be blessed."

A streak of light flew out of the notebook and landed on the man again. next second.

A piece of loose wood fell from the beam of the temple and hit the man's shield with a "bang".

The man was startled.

The surrounding people are also in disbelief.

"My lord, this place is a bit strange." A guard couldn't help but said. A white-haired old man stopped the guard and said seriously:

"Your Majesty, with our strength, any disturbance around us will never escape our attention. Even if an assassin wants to pass us and assassinate you, it is almost impossible."

"That's right," the man mused, "I'm the strongest, but even I didn't find out how the wood hit the shield."

Another guard jumped up, landed on the beam, and looked around.

"Your Majesty, there is a piece of wood missing from the beam, and nothing else has been found," he said loudly.

The man called His Majesty thought for a moment, then suddenly smiled and said:

"Just now I was praying to the two gods in this temple...then I was hit by a log in the temple and hit the shield. Maybe the gods are guiding me?"

"Before I was hit, I felt the shield visibly move."

He bowed again to the two gods on the altar, then stood up, took the shield off his back, and greeted:

"Let's take a look, what's different about my shield." Everyone gathered around and looked at the shield in his hand carefully. — no difference!

"Your Majesty, your shield is a treasure inherited from the royal family, a legendary piece of armor, we have the opportunity to look at it every year..."

"But I really can't see any changes in it." "Yes, Your Majesty."

"It's the same as I remember." "Nothing found, Your Majesty." Everyone said in a hurry.

The king pondered for a while, then suddenly said: "Bring my sword." "Yes!"

Two guards came forward with a giant sword in their hands and knelt down in front of him. The king grabbed the giant sword, pointed behind the shield and said:

"The front of this shield is extremely hard, but the back is quite soft—this sentence must be told every generation of kings. I thought it was just an ordinary entrustment, but now it seems that this sentence has a special meaning."

The sword light flashed. The shield shattered.

I saw that a small book hidden in the shield was chopped into pieces of paper, flying all over the air.

In mid-air, the extremely good angel covered his face in pain, and said in despair:

"Obviously it is a bright future to obtain the secret method of inheritance and kill the Quartet, but it is so difficult to realize..."

The voice just fell.

All the scraps of paper were burned by the flames entangled in the sword wind, and instantly burned to ashes. There was a dead silence.

"..." Wu Xiaode.

True, good angels are not gods yet, and have little experience in such matters. But this is your own shield!

Can't you be more careful when chopping? —This is **** hopeless, so farewell.

He turned around and was about to leave, but was grabbed by the female world master and explained dryly:

"Wait a minute! He conquered the world with bravery, maybe it has something to do with his personality, please save him again."

"Unless I end up personally, this will definitely destroy the entire history and cause big problems." Wu Xiaode said earnestly.

"You're already on the border with me again." The female world lord shook his arm and said.

"Let's save the field again, Jishan, otherwise all the merits will be lost in vain." Wu Xiaode had no choice but to say to the Jishan angel.

"Brother Wu, then we have to use everyone's merits." The angel of extreme goodness picked up the pen and tapped lightly on the notebook. immediately.

Light from everyone present fell on the notebook. She quickly wrote:

"Although the legendary technique was burned, a page has survived because it was still hidden in the shield and did not fall out just now."

next second. "Look, Your Majesty!"

An old man pointed at the broken shield and shouted loudly.

The man dropped the giant sword, rushed forward, grabbed the cracked shield, and took out a dark blue book page from it.

"It's the pages woven by marine spider silk! No wonder it's safe and sound!" He became excited, and quickly looked at the contents on the pages.

Everyone turned their heads wisely, put on a defensive formation, and guarded the king. The king quickly read the pages.

He closed his eyes and said in a low voice: "This is a summoning contract lost in my family heritage. Only our family blood can activate it...I will be able to master it soon." After a few breaths.

He signed his name on the page with his own blood.

A strange wave of power suddenly filled his whole body, so that he seemed to hear another call from outside the endless void.

The summoning contract is completed!

The king collected the pages of the book with confidence, held up the huge sword and said:

"Everyone! I have inherited

I signed the contract of the legendary "Blood Demon Summoner", which is the guardian force of our kingdom, and follow me to kill the enemy! "

"Yes! Your Majesty!" The crowd shouted excitedly.

Everyone pack up Get your equipment in order, and leave this temple immediately. Before leaving.

The king turned his head, knelt down on one knee again, and prayed to the two statues: "God, please bless me to defeat the enemy!"

After thinking for a while, he took out a small bag and placed it in front of the altar before leading everyone away.

There was silence again in the temple.

"What is that?" Wu Xiaode asked, pointing to the bag.

"It's what you want—as long as you help me preserve the world's fire, then in the future, you will rely on it to get what you deserve." The female world leader said.

Wu Xiaode stretched out his finger.

The cloth bag was untied immediately, revealing the contents inside. -- is a brick.

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