Virtue is Abundant

Chapter 532: Go to war as the world!

"Hey, your reward is a brick?"

Wu Xiaode said unhappily.

The woman looked at the brick, but her face showed reluctance, and said softly:

"One day in the future, you will be satisfied with this reward."

Wu Xiaode glanced at her, and saw unprecedented sadness and hope in her eyes.

"In the walk of time, everything is but dust..."

This is the label that appeared on the double card composed of "Star of Eternal Night" and "Heir of the World Tree".


this world.

The lord of the world and her all—

Sooner or later, it will turn into ruins and finally appear in the world of the tomb.

do you mean this?

Wu Xiaode fell silent.

The tomb deck of the Law of Many issued such a task to itself.


I don't like this kind of thing that is doomed to a sad ending.

If you are the consciousness condensed by all the laws, you will definitely not assign such a "mourning" task.

- I will find a way to change all this!

"Okay, then I'll take it first—by the way, I don't know what you call it yet?"

Wu Xiaode put away the bricks and asked.

"Ye Jiana," the woman said.

"Ye Jiana...Understood, I'll help out, let's deal with the battle first."

As Wu Xiaode said, he cast his gaze beyond the temple, across the wilderness, and landed on the black army.

The Angel of Judgment is already there.

She was floating on the grassland, holding a notebook in her hand, quickly flipping through it, looking at the lines of text that emerged on it.

"Burning, killing, looting, and slaughtering living beings is a heinous crime that cannot be forgiven."

The judgment angel said coldly.


The sky was cloudy and thunderous.

It rained heavily.

"Flood, come!"

The judgment angel shouted.

Gradually, water flows out of the grassland, converging into a stream, surging like a tide.

In an instant.

And so the flood came, sweeping toward the great army.

But Ye Jiana whispered in Wu Xiaode's ear:

"It's useless. Even if I defeat the opponent now, the opponent will continue to send more powerful forces, until the demons descend on my world one after another and completely destroy my world."

"Then what should we do?" Wu Xiaode couldn't help asking.

"The king of the world can buy me time, and you have to cooperate with him until I complete this spell, and then you can leave this era." Ye Jiana said.

"Are you sure?" Wu Xiaode asked.

"This is not a simple matter," Ye Jiana laughed, "You must have the deepest understanding of this—"

"The laws are watching this scene."

"This matter is related to everything in the future. It is the most important thing in the world."

"If you can't do it, you'll die here."

"And from the time I start chanting the spell, there is no way out for all of this."

She simply stood where she was, raised her hands to shoulder level, and made a handprint that Wu Xiaode had never seen before.

A series of mysterious spells spit out from her mouth, causing the void to vibrate with it.

Wu Xiaode felt something, and quickly took out the brick.

One after another mysterious runes emerged on the bricks, as if they were being injected with something.

"...Buying time, right?"

Wu Xiaode murmured softly.

He suddenly discovered that in front of the enemy camp on the grassland, giant monsters formed by condensed black mist quietly appeared one by one.

These demons stood where they were, with blazing flames bursting out from their bodies, and burned all the floods dry. -devil?

It is clearly the human enemy army, but there are demons

Ghosts join the battle.

Where the **** are these guys from?

What is the purpose?

It was too late to ask in detail.

Wu Xiaode became completely serious, and said:

"Pang Sa, find a way to let the battle unfold in my world!"

That's right.

My own world has three attributes.

Jiang Shanglan also said that although his world is only a primary world, its attributes are terrifying.

If people are not careful, they will capsize.

now - a

Just let yourself be the world and participate in this battle.

Wu Xiaode's voice fell.

Among the layers of gold bricks, a rough voice sounded:


I saw a huge figure rushing up to the sky, roaring towards the grassland:

"Kings of mankind, you uphold the love and justice of the earth, please fight near the temple, so that the power of the gods will protect you!"

The king and his subjects looked back.

In the clouds all over the sky, a giant dragon emitting golden light kept walking, looking towards them!

"Dragon Clan!"

"My God, the dragon actually appeared!"

"—It's the dragon that guards that temple!"

"Your Majesty, shall we accept its suggestion?"

The king said loudly without hesitation:

"Everyone, retreat to the temple!"

Just kidding, it was in the temple before that I obtained the inheritance skills of my ancestors.

The gods are protecting themselves!

At present, a terrifying devil that has never been seen before has appeared on the opposite side, and the giant dragon has already issued a reminder, why should I hesitate?

Under the king's order, everyone retreated in front of the temple.

The king raised his huge sword aloft and roared angrily:

"For the sake of all beings on the earth, for the love and peace of the world, we will fight one last time!"

"God, please bless us!"

Ye Jiana looked down at the king.

The next moment.

Wisps of holy light fell on the king, illuminating all the followers around him.

Everyone cheered up and roared loudly, ready to fight at any time.

Ye Jiana glanced at Wu Xiaode again.

-It's your turn.

Wu Xiaode naturally understood the meaning of her gaze, and simply looked towards the strongest existence in his world—

The giant dragon was wandering in mid-air, and at this time, because of "anger", it had already turned into a fat human.

He was wearing a floral shirt, beach pants, and a mopboard, and he uttered long raps:

"YO, come and listen to my rap today!"

"I'm the king of the battlefield, I'm as imposing as a river, I don't need a gun in the audience, anyone who dares to pretend to be in front of me will kill you all immediately—

The entire battlefield was at a standstill for a few breaths.

"Is this Dragon Yin?"

The king looked up at the huge figure on the clouds, and asked the elders beside him in a low voice.

"I don't know, Your Majesty," the elder whispered with a complicated expression on his face, "I've never heard that the dragon chant is carried out in the form of rap—I think it's too fashionable, and it's not the same as the atmosphere of the current battle of death." It's a bit out of place."

"I also think it's a bit incompatible...but the other party seems to be on our side, should we cooperate?" the king asked.

"But this old man can't sing and sing." said the elder.

"I won't either, forget it." The king said with a sigh of relief.

Wu Xiaode was speechless for a while.

This dragon doesn't know what style it is, and it has to rap every time a battle starts.

Forget it, never mind.

Wu Xiaode stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers.

The Book of the Dead unfolded, and a line of small ice crystal characters instantly appeared in the void:

"Expand the world attribute: anger."

——It was with the help of Jiang Shanglan that he completely integrated into the world and became the "anger" of the world attribute!

The humans below suddenly felt it.

They looked up one after another, only to see streaks of blood appearing above their heads.

A rocky wall suddenly rose from the ground, and lines of small characters continuously appeared on it, showing it in front of everyone:

"In the current wasteland, both sides in the battle will be human beings with the same blood volume and soul power;"

"Agility, same strength, same attack power;"

"Body strength is the same;"

"The attack power of all spells has been reduced to three-block HP damage; cold weapons only have normal cold weapon damage;"

"—The person whose blood bar is empty first will definitely die."

"Once you try to escape, the shackles will immediately pull you back to the battlefield."

"Please fight to the death with all your might!"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

— Are these real or fake?


They couldn't help but look across.

The enemy has begun to charge—

Those giant devils rushed to the front, roaring and stepping into the wasteland world.

Almost instantly.

The figures of the devils suddenly shrunk, turning into about the size of an adult human, and their facial features and body also became human.

Bleeding streaks also appeared above the heads of these "human beings".

The elder on the king's side lost his voice: "It's true! They are in this wasteland and must fight us as humans!"

"And the blood volume and soul power are as much as ours!" The king continued.

He seemed to see hope and trembled all over.

There was also hope in everyone's eyes.

If only we were all human.

If the damage of all spells is the same.

That's really worth fighting!

The "Great. I just inherited" Bloodseeker Summon is ready to use! "

the king whispered.

He took a deep breath, stuck the giant sword on the ground, and clenched the blade with both hands. When the blood flowed out, he began to chant the spell quickly:

"Following the ancient summoning ritual, with my bloodline, I call for you to come from the **** world to help me."

Boom boom boom boom—

The sound of continuous cannon appeared in the void.

I saw streaks of blood falling on everyone, like blood-colored cloaks emitting light.

Everyone looked at the cloak on him in disbelief.

"Your Majesty, is this the legendary—"

A general spoke excitedly, but did not dare to give the final answer.

The king nodded at him and said:

"As long as you kill the enemy, you can recover blood!"

The crowd couldn't help cheering.

Keep killing, keep restoring vitality.

This is the strongest battle buff effect in the legend on the earth!

Especially under the premise of "both sides are human beings with the same blood bars", it is not an exaggeration to say that the battle is one-sided!

— After all, the enemy doesn't know the rules yet!

"Everyone, charge with me!"

cried the king.

Everyone got on their horses, began to urge the horses to move forward, gradually increased their speed, and rushed towards the army of demons on the opposite side.

in the clouds.

Fat Sa grinned.

"Shadow Dragon's Curse, successful."

He said silently in his heart.

The next moment.

I saw that all the enemy troops on the opposite side froze in place!

However, the speed of the assault team was getting faster and faster, and the whole team was like a sharp awl, directly piercing through the enemy's army.

Although the devil is powerful, he is directly transformed into a human form by "Wrath", which limits his physical advantage, and is also defeated by the dragon.

The curse stabilizes the body, and at this time, he can only bear the charge.

I saw blood flying all over the place where the king's assault team passed-no.

Instead, the dense red blood bars continued to shrink, and finally turned into empty blood bar slots.

One by one the bodies fell to the ground.

In the sky.

Wu Xiaode sensed it immediately, and reached out to touch the Book of the Dead in front of him.

Lines of small ice crystal characters have already appeared on the page:

"World attribute: 'The law is transformed, and it starts to work."

"All corpses and dead souls have been absorbed by your world, and will soon be transformed into world source power, providing evolutionary power for your world species."

"Combining the gains from the previous battles, it is estimated that the world's source power will be fully charged in three minutes."

"The rock giant is about to start evolving."

Wu Xiaode looked at Ye Jiana.

Ye Jiana shook her head while reciting the spell.

—she needs more time!


This spell has been recited for a long time, but it still hasn't healed.

I really don't know what she is doing.

Wu Xiaode muttered in his heart, looking down at the ground again.

However, the king's assault team had already returned to the temple after killing back and forth.

"Don't slack off! Let's charge again!"

cried the king.

"Yes! Your Majesty!" Everyone shouted loudly.

Wu Xiaode looked at the enemy again.

All kinds of huge and ferocious monsters have appeared on the grassland in the distance.

A towering two-horned demon king stood on the grassland, exuding green flames full of sulfur breath, and roared loudly:

"Ye Jiana, hand over that thing, or your world will definitely be destroyed!"

Wu Xiaode's expression froze slightly.

This guy already has the aura of robbery.

I faintly felt the meaning of destruction on it.

—Where did these monsters come from?

Could it be that Ye Jiana's world was destroyed by these monsters in the distant history?

"Don't be careless, very, and help them again."

Wu Xiaode ordered.

Two angels flew out from the temple, each holding a book, exuding a faint divine light.

"Ji Shan, let's trigger the thunder!" said the judgment angel.

"Good idea, let's mobilize the goodness of all living beings together, and attract thousands of thunders to destroy the enemy!" said the extremely good angel.

They all started to write something in the notebook quickly.

One breath.

Two breaths.

They stopped at the same time.

It was getting dark.

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