Virtue is Abundant

Chapter 533: Evolve and win!

On one side is the wasteland.

Dark clouds rolled over the wasteland, and one after another muffled thunder sounded from the clouds. On the other side is the grassland.

The demon king, who was burning with blazing green flames, walked across the grassland step by step, heading towards the wilderness. Wu Xiaode looked back at Ye Jiana.

Ye Jiana frowned, and kept chanting, as if the spell had reached a critical moment. Can not be done.

That demon king is very powerful at first glance, even if he is suppressed by "anger", his fighting skills and methods are definitely not something these humans can handle.

It's kind of like a lot of fighting games—

The length of the blood bar of the last boss may be the same as the player. — But can you beat it?

We must find a solution immediately, otherwise after the people here are killed by the devil, even our own world will suffer!

Wu Xiaode's eyes fell on those enemy soldiers on the wasteland.

The king led a charge just now and killed many enemy troops, but there were still a large number of enemies standing still and unable to move.

The dragon curse has not yet expired. good chance. Then - "Go."

Wu Xiaode put away the world attribute "anger" and spit out a word. next second.

I saw those broken stones scattered in the enemy's battle formation flew up one after another, forming giants with a height of five or six meters in the air.

-- Rock giants!

This rare species has played dead for so long, and finally participated in the battle! "Ahhhhh, for the glory of the Lord of the World!"

The rock giants roared, rampaging through the enemy positions.

Although the devils are no longer affected by "anger", they are still trapped in place by the dragon curse, and in addition to being caught off guard--

The rock giant randomly grabbed a devil, pulled it with both hands, and tore the devil in half, throwing the corpse on the ground at will.

Some rock giants were hit by the devil's spells, but they didn't resist stubbornly, but fell backwards. Countless screams sounded.

With its huge and hard body, if it casually rolls on the ground, it will cause casualties immediately. For a while, the enemy army was in chaos!

"Brother Wu, do we want to make a move?" the angel of extreme goodness asked. "Let's see later." Wu Xiaode said.

To deal with ordinary enemies, it is enough to use rock giants.

They continue to kill and injure the enemy army, transforming the opponent's corpse and soul into the original power of this world. finally.....

The original power is full!

The Book of the Undead opened, and a line of small ice crystal characters quickly appeared:

"With sufficient world power, the current species: rock giants are about to evolve." "Please choose an evolution tree from the following three directions."

"1. Psychic;"

"The evolution of spirituality and ghosts is the beginning of the road of 'advent'; "2, elements;"

"The law of rocks produces mutations, which can transform towards elemental creatures. It is the talent tree of the 'Five Elements Power';"

"3. Growth;"

"The comprehensive evolution of strength, body shape, texture and wisdom opens the 'end' evolution tree." How to choose?

Wu Xiaode chose "psychic" without hesitation.

His own ability itself is a book of the undead that is biased towards the ghosts. If the species of the world also follow this path, it is equal to compatibility and can obtain a certain degree of world blessing.

The earth kept shaking.

A force surged from the depths of the world, sinking into the body of the rock giant one after another.

The rock giants gradually slowed down, as if they were being irrigated by the power of the world. On the Book of the Dead, a brand new blank page was created.

The rock giant's skill tree emerges on this page—

The original icon emerged from the darkness, but it was a double figure. A few lines of small ice crystal characters appeared next to the icon:

"The initial ability of the psychic system: "Spirituality."

"With the talent of psychics, the rock giant can call the Lord of the World, and let his body become the carrier of the Lord of the World, so as to face the battle together."

Wu Xiaode was watching, and suddenly an ominous premonition emerged in his heart. He immediately turned his gaze to the demon king on the grassland.

Seeing the changing situation on the battlefield, the Demon King crossed the entire grassland in an instant, and landed in the wilderness.

for a moment.

"Rage, unfold." Wu Xiaode shouted immediately.

The rock giants scattered their bodies in response, turned into broken stones again, and fell to the ground.

—When "Wrath" unfolds, all living beings will participate in the battle as "human beings". The rock giants are dead.

So they don't have to go to war! At the same moment - the devil appeared on the wasteland.

It shrunk sharply and turned into a strange woman with strange tattoos all over her body and long purple hair.

The devil stopped in his tracks, looked up at his blood and soul power bars, with a sarcastic look on his face. "Ye Jiana, what do you think—"

"In this way, those garbage species can defeat me?"

As she spoke, rays of light appeared all over her body, turning into three spinning green flame **** around her body.

Wu Xiaode revealed a dignified look.

He took a special look at the other party's soul power bar, but found that the soul power bar was full. That is to say --

This move did not consume the opponent's soul power.

According to the knowledge that the Human Sovereign instilled in him, only that kind of innate ability does not need to consume soul power.

And these abilities are almost all extremely weird and irresistible.

The demon king stood still, looking at the king not far away, his eyes swept away, and then fell on the temple.

"Come on, I will kill you one by one, and let you know what despair is." She put up a fighting posture on the spot, and extended an invitation to the people opposite.

The king had won a battle just now, and at this time he was full of spirits, holding a huge sword and urging his horse forward, and slowly came to the opposite of the devil.

"Kill me? Who do you think you are?" the king taunted.

The Demon King didn't speak, but the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, as if he didn't even bother to start a conversation. mid-air.

Ye Jiana suddenly said, "The spell has been completed."

Wu Xiaode hurriedly went to look at the brick, only to see wildly changing runes appearing on the brick, without stopping for a moment.

There is only one line of prompts on the Book of the Dead: "?????"

Wu Xiaode hesitated for a while, and said, "This is what I want to get?" Ye Jiana nodded solemnly and said:

"You have successfully delayed the time and let my spell be completely completed. Now you take this thing and hurry back to the future."

"Remember, you need to fully understand the power contained in this thing." "Maybe one day, you can do what neither of us can do." "--now go!"

After Wu Xiaode listened, he looked into the field.

I saw the king dressed in blood-colored light and shadow, holding up the huge sword, and rushing straight to the face of the demon king. "Die!"

roared the king.

But the Demon King said: "I am the Lord of Purgatory, you are just a human being in an unknown world, why should you fight with me?"

sudden change --

I saw the king, man and horse turned into a lifeless stone statue.

He still holds the huge sword high, with a lifelike expression, as if a killer move will erupt in the next second.

The Demon King stepped forward and gently picked it off with his hand.

She took off the king's head and rubbed it into a ball of fly ash that drifted with the wind. The Demon King couldn't help but curl his mouth slightly, and said softly:


"Whether it's a giant dragon, an elemental life, or a mediocre human, you can go together, anyway, you and your world will be annihilated."

Wu Xiaode's heart sank continuously. What kind of move was that just now? Didn't see it at all. more importantly--

The other party has been restricted into a humanoid existence, but it can still explode with such mighty power! If it wasn't for the limitation of "anger", how strong is her real strength?

"Go, it's ruined

No one is her match for the demon lord of purgatory who has destroyed countless worlds. You have to go back to the future to find the only chance. "

Ye Jiana urged.

Wu Xiaode looked at the brick in his hand and couldn't help but nodded. There is no need for me to fight the enemy here.

but a-

The black flag behind him trembled, as if it was ready to open a space-time channel at any time and take him back, but he held it down with his hand.

"Ye Jiana, how did you become the master of the world?" Wu Xiaode heard himself ask.

"Me? I'm a human being," Ye Jiana was a little surprised, but still explained, "I went through a lot of hardships, and finally passed many tests and obtained my own world."

"But this is an era of rampant catastrophe, and almost all worlds are powerless to resist the killing of robbers."

"I can only pass on hope to you, and hope that in the future, someone can avenge me."

Wu Xiaode fell silent. future--

In the future, Jiemo will continue to destroy the world. ridiculous.

He raised the black flag against the wind, and a passage appeared in the void. "This place is about to be destroyed, it is not suitable to stay for a long time, go quickly."

Black Flag whispered.

Wu Xiaode stepped into the passage step by step. The next moment.

The demon king on the ground seemed to have sensed it, and immediately roared loudly: "Thief!"

"Damn Ye Jiana, if you escape with that thing, even if you travel all over the infinite world, I will find you and torture you for 10,000 years, so that you will never escape!"

Ye Jiana trembled all over. "Instead of enduring that kind of ending..."

She gritted her teeth, pulled out a dagger, and stabbed directly at her neck. Seeing that she was about to commit suicide here—

The dagger stopped.

At some point, Wu Xiaode had already stood in front of her, directly grabbing her sword-holding wrist. "Huh? Why don't you leave? Don't let my sacrifice be in vain!"

Ye Jiana said with a pale face.

"Of course I want to go," Wu Xiaode said lazily, "but you gave me such an important thing, so I don't want to watch you die."

"Let's say-"

"Someone called me a thief, and said they would trouble me in the future—"

"I'm so scared!"

"Now I'm going to kill her first."

A faint murderous aura emanated from His eyes fell on the demon king again. sudden change --

There was a loud bang suddenly in mid-air.

Nine stars emerged in midair, arranged in a circular crown, emitting dazzling brilliance. Then the Book of the Dead was opened, and lines of small ice crystal characters emerged:

"Your choice has been approved by the laws."

"They have waited with bated breath for a long time, lurking in the dark, wanting to see your true choice, and you have not let them down."

"Let's fight--"

"When you defeat the demon king on the opposite side, you will win their further recognition, and you will get the third card that is sung in endless time and space:


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