Virtue is Abundant

Chapter 539: just today

unreal world. coffee shop.

Satan, with his hair combed back, sat on the large sofa and extinguished his cigar with his hands.

"Your Excellency...Your Excellency should know that we fallen angels only do business and do not participate in secular affairs. Do you think you should go find someone else?"

he said cautiously.

Opposite him, a skinny man wearing a wide-brimmed hat closed his eyes, holding a teacup, looking thoughtful.

After Satan finished speaking, the skinny man picked up the teacup and took a sip, tasted the aroma of the tea, sighed, then put down the teacup, and said unhurriedly:

"I'm just an old blind man, I can't find anyone else, so I have to come to you." "What do you want?" Satan asked.

The skinny man said: "It's very simple, give me the detailed information of all the contestants in the Tournament of Hegemony - that person must be on the list, I will find him according to the map, and I will find him soon, and settle this matter."

Satan took out a handkerchief, wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and said with a wry smile:

"If the illusory world knows that I have provided you with a list of participants, thereby destroying its battle for hegemony, then I have no choice but to go to the Naihe Bridge."

The skinny man adjusted his sunglasses, grinned and said, "Then I don't care."

After speaking, he suddenly took out a lunch box from his pocket and spread it out on the table. There was no rice in the lunch box.

But the moment it was spread out, there was rice inside. Not only rice, but even two dishes.

Tomato eggs, shredded pork with green peppers.

The skinny man held the lunch box, picked up a piece of shredded meat with chopsticks, and ate slowly.

— just an ordinary meal.

However, Satan's face was pale and his whole body was trembling, as if he was enduring some unspeakable pain.

The skinny man seemed to be aware of his strangeness, and said in a gentle and steady voice:

"Don't worry, I'm not being unreasonable. If you don't tell me after I finish eating, I'll go find someone else."

Satan sat there, motionless. suddenly.

A female voice sounded from outside the box:

"What's the point of bullying a businessman?" The door opened.

Jiang Shanglan walked in and sat down on another chair.

"Oh? Little girl, do you want to stand up for him?" the skinny man asked without raising his head while eating rice.

"Now is the most important evolutionary moment of the 'Unreal World'. If you come here to cause trouble, the world will kill you immediately." Jiang Shanglan said coldly.

"What about you?" said the skinny man.

"I'm on the side of the world—now I'm hosting the battle for it, do you understand?" Jiang Shanglan said.

The skinny man thought for a while and sighed, "Two against one? It's not fair." He finally put the lunch box back on the table.

next second.

Satan immediately took a deep breath, as if he had regained his life. Jiang Shanglan glanced at him and said directly:

"I know that your holy side is only here to do business - you are also a disaster, get out."

As if being pardoned, Satan immediately jumped up, hurried out of the box, and closed the door by the way.

There was silence in the box.

The skinny man took off his sunglasses and looked at Jiang Shanglan with his eyes.

I saw that there were no eyeballs in his eye sockets, but each had a black bead with the words:

"Eating" and "replacing".

The dark bead with the word "Food" has just absorbed all the light and regained its calm.

"I didn't eat him, it's enough to give you face." The skinny man said darkly.

Jiang Shanglan sneered and said, "Old blind man, you eat Satan's feast, are you not afraid that I will call the kingdom of heaven to come?"

"God doesn't care about this." The skinny man said.

"Satan has made a lot of money recently, and Heaven's KPI ranks first. If you kill him, guess if God will take a look." Jiang Shanglan said.

The skinny man—or the old blind man stared at Jiang Shanglan, his whole body

Killingly said:

"Are you going to ruin my business?"

Jiang Shanglan changed the subject, shook his head and said, "Did I have any grudges with you in the past?" "No." The old blind man said.

"You should be able to see that I'm working for the 'Unreal World' now, no matter what you want to do, this moment is too sensitive, don't make it unhappy, this is its most critical moment." Jiang Shanglan said.

The old blind man fell silent.

As soon as he came, he discovered that the world was at a critical point in evolution.

This world is so special that in the past years, even I had to deal with it carefully.

Now it is at such a historical node again—

If he hadn't been stolen from Tiandao's core power, he wouldn't have come here to make trouble.

From this point of view, Jiang Shanglan didn't actually target himself.

She does have the contract power of the illusory world, and she can fully sense it. so--

The old blind man restrained his murderous intent, cupped his fists politely and said:

"You and I have no grudges in the past, and no enmity today—by the way, I also want to congratulate you. The curse on your body seems to have been lifted a lot. Seeing that you are about to get out of trouble, it is really gratifying."

"Excuse me, but why did you come here? Please give me a letter, the world is waiting for your answer." Jiang Shanglan crossed his arms and said.

The old blind man said sincerely:

"I'm... missing something."

"Is there anyone else who can steal from you?" Jiang Shanglan pretended to be surprised.

"A subordinate who failed too much... She did a good job at first, so I handed everything over to her, but she made a major mistake." The old blind man said.

In the void beside him, a female corpse emerged. —it was the corpse of the Mother of All Things.

The corpse was covered with sharp iron thorns, and it moaned: "Master...I'm sorry...forgive me this time..."

Jiang Shanglan took a look and asked curiously, "Incomplete soul?" The old blind man smiled gently and said:

"She used the soul-dividing method to entrust part of her soul to the thief... According to the fluctuation of the remnant soul, I found that the thief was hiding in the 'illusory world', so I came here."

Jiang Shanglan was silent for a moment. wrong.

If this is the case, the other party should go after Xiao Wu. There must be something wrong here.

With this in mind, Jiang Shanglan said slowly:

"In this case, on behalf of the illusory world, I allow you to capture the thief directly, so that you can get what you want, and we can complete the evolution of the world with peace of mind."

The last breath of tyranny on the old blind man also disappeared.

He put the sunglasses back on, nodded and said, "Thank you for your understanding, but unfortunately, just after I arrived in this world, the fluctuation of the remnant soul disappeared."

"I used various methods to calculate, and deduced that the remnant soul has been completely wiped out by the power of destruction."

"Oh, it's my fault too, my legs are too slow, I really can't find that thief now."

As the old blind man said, he took out another iron thorn, gently inserted it into the body of the Mother of All Things, and pierced her head.

"Nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu to

Jiang Shanglan's eyes fell on the female corpse, and thoughts flashed in his mind. remnant soul--

Xiao Wu should have dealt with it. So the old blind man couldn't find him.

Then, as long as Xiao Wu doesn't return to the illusory world, he will be fine!

"This is troublesome... We can't interrupt the evolution of the world, and find that person just for you. After all, evolution is the most important thing, and it is related to everything in the illusory world." Jiang Shanglan pondered.

The old blind man sighed, shook his head and said, "Of course I understand this, so I'll just wait here, after all, the battle for supremacy will always end, and when that time-"

The corpse of the mother of all things immediately answered:

"Sure! Master, I will help you find that person!" The old blind man nodded in satisfaction.

Jiang Shanglan got up slowly and said:

"Then it's settled. You don't want to cause trouble in the battle of supremacy. The world doesn't care who you want to arrest after the battle of supremacy."

"Thank you." The old blind man clasped his fists. …

the other side. City of Dreams.

Sitting in the resplendent hall, Wu Xiaode said softly: "Don't think about it, it's all over."

Gerstaff sat beside him, lowered her head, and said in a low mood, "Actually, I have been unable to figure out one thing."

"What's the matter?" Wu Xiaode asked.

"Whether it's Ulysses, the king of demons, Lester, or Satan and Skadi, they are all the strongest in the group, or they have some extraordinary abilities and artifacts, but I He is the weakest of the Dragon Clan."

"I really don't know why I was chosen. UU Reading was imprisoned in the sin prison." Gerstav sighed.

"It's not easy? Maybe you also have great potential, but you have been busy raising children, so this potential has been suppressed."

Wu Xiaode picked up the auction manual, flipped through it, and continued:

"When you soar into the sky, these may be precious memories."

"Flying into the sky?" Gerstaff smiled bitterly, "I have tried to struggle and cheer up in the long years, but it was useless; I remember the shame of being captured today, but I don't know when I will be able to report."

Wu Xiaode stopped his hands suddenly, his eyes suddenly fell on a certain object. It was a treasure related to the Dragon Clan.

"Maybe... just today," he said softly.

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