Virtue is Abundant

Chapter 540: her history

wear this. "

Gerstav handed a pair of sunglasses to Wu Xiaode. "Why?" Wu Xiaode asked in surprise.

"In this way, when you are taking pictures of something, people will not be able to see how much you want that thing because of your expression." Gerstaff said.

"No, I'm a robber. If you want anything, just kill the World Robbery." Wu Xiaode licked his lips, his eyes were full of madness, "This time, the Duke of Abyss gave me a little thing... In favor of others, I will not do anything to this city of dreams." Gerstav silently took back her sunglasses.

The people sitting around got up silently and moved quietly to other positions.

Wu Xiaode flipped through the auction manual with great interest, as if he didn't notice the reaction of everyone.

"Ha, you're here."

A figure suddenly appeared on the seat beside Wu Xiaode. Duke of the Abyss.

He was still holding a glass of red wine, crossed his legs, and squinted his eyes slightly, as if he had no interest in the auction at all.

"Idle is idle, I'll show my subordinates something." Wu Xiaode said.

The Duke of Abyss glanced at Gerstaff, and couldn't help but suddenly said: "It turned out to be a dragon. I said, why do you care about the garbage of these sentient beings?"

Wu Xiaode held his breath slightly.

It seems that as a robber, it is too inappropriate to participate in the auction of sentient beings.

Despite the foundation of what he just said, the Duke of Abyss is still curious about it. Fortunately, Gerstav was there.

The Duke of Abyss seemed to be having some conversation, and said casually: "Dragon is really worth investing in. After all, some ancient horror legends are related to dragons."

Wu Xiaode answered: "I used to have a dragon, but because I couldn't fall asleep in my hands, I abolished it."

The Duke of Abyss laughed.

Dragons must recover their physical strength through deep sleep, and even practice and evolve.

A dragon, working in Jiemo's hands, was so afraid that he couldn't sleep, couldn't sleep, and was finally abolished.

Darwell proves two things with this witty remark.

First, he knows the dragon clan so well that he has been raising dragons for fun.

Second, the dragon can't even complete a deep sleep in his hands, which proves his strength and terror from the side.

The Duke of Abyss fully understood the meaning of his words! Wu Xiaode tilted his head and looked at the other party, wondering:

"I came here to raise a dragon, you came here to—"

The Duke of Abyss shook his head, and said in a low voice: "I'm here to tell you that we will gather on the top floor tomorrow morning, and we will do that."

"I'll be there on time." Wu Xiaode said.

"Well, have fun, and one last thing to say, I may be less talented than you, and no living being can survive with me, so I have never raised a dragon." The Duke of Abyss said.

Wu Xiaode couldn't help smiling.

The two looked at each other, as if they both thought it was a very interesting thing. The Duke of Abyss took another special look at Gerstaff.

I couldn't move my eyes when I saw this. He said in an admiring tone:

"I didn't take a closer look just now, but now I realize that this dragon of yours has a history, not bad, not bad!"

After the Duke of Abyss finished speaking, he patted his shoulder and disappeared in a flash. As soon as he left, everything around him returned to normal again.

The crowd around and even the auctioneers on the stage took a deep breath, and then gasped violently.

Wu Xiaode glanced at Ge Jia Si Tafu.

Ge Jia Si Ta Fu silently said: "Dragon has a long breath, so I'm fine." "What happened just now?" Wu Xiaode asked.

"Can't breathe," Gerstaff said.

Wu Xiaode opened the Book of the Dead, only to see two lines of small characters appearing on it: "Halo: Divine pressure has disappeared."

"The halo didn't target any target, so it only aroused less than 10% of its power, causing the following effects:"

"Existence that does not have the power to rob demons will only be suffocated

That's all. ' did not target any targets.

Less than 10% of the strength.

"Just" will be suffocated "just". Tsk.

It's too strong.

Fortunately, his Davier's body is indeed the body of the robber, so it was not affected.

—Actually, I am the master of the world.

Jiang Shanglan said that her world is still very fragile, and told herself to be careful of those robbers. But it's not impossible.

Wu Xiaode sighed.

"Gerjastaff, the Duke of Abyss is an extremely powerful robber. It says you have a lot of history, is it true?" he asked.

"Origin?" Gerstav smiled wryly, "I left the Dragon Clan very early, and even my husband's face has been blurred. I was wandering alone, and I didn't even awaken my strength. What is the origin!"

Wu Xiaode fell into deep thought.

Duke of Abyss... There is no need to lie to yourself about this kind of thing.

What really surprised me was actually the narration of Gerstaff.

"Impossible, why don't you even remember your husband's appearance? Didn't your ethnic group keep you? Just let you take care of the children alone?"

Wu Xiaode asked.

Gerstav frowned, and for the first time a look of doubt appeared on her face.

She said slowly: "I have never doubted this matter, so I have not thought about it. When you put it this way, I realize that my past is all an illusion...""

"In my memory, there is actually nothing there."

Wu Xiaode fell silent.

In fact, as Gejistaf said before, each of the demon gods who can be selected as prison guards has a lot of history, a variety of methods, and their strength is considered to be very good among all living beings.

How could Gerstaff be an exception? no.....

I will ask the Duke of Abyss later. Still not right.

Asking about this matter specifically will arouse the vigilance of Duke Abyss.

—You obviously like raising dragons, but you don’t know the origin of the dragon in your hand?

This doesn't make sense logically. Then - "Black Flag." Wu Xiaode called out in a low voice.

"I'm here." Black Flag said.

"Can you turn back a little bit of time without attracting the Duke of Abyss' attention?"

"Let me see...Your current force has recovered 3 points, plus gold is enough, then we can cast "Time Reset" once, remember, only once." Black Flag road.

"Come on!" Wu Xiaode said.

The black flag landed on his hand, and he raised it vigorously—everything turned backwards.

"Ha, you're here."

A figure suddenly appeared on the seat beside Wu Xiaode. Duke of the Abyss.

He was holding a glass of red wine, crossed his legs, and squinted his eyes slightly, as if he had no interest in the auction at all.

"Idle is idle, I'll show my subordinates something." Wu Xiaode said.

The Duke of Abyss glanced at Gerstaff, and couldn't help but suddenly said: "It turned out to be a dragon. I said, why do you care about the garbage of these sentient beings?"

Wu Xiaode answered: "I used to have a dragon, but because I couldn't fall asleep in my hands, I abolished it."

The Duke of Abyss laughed.

Wu Xiaode looked calm, and continued: "Fortunately, I got this dragon, she has not died in my hands, it is very good."

The Duke of Abyss answered, "That's why you brought it here and picked something for her." "That's right, to raise a dragon, you have to choose something that can survive—my dragon can be considered to have a great history." Wu Xiaode Said in a casual tone.

Upon hearing this, the Duke of Abyss took another careful look at Gerstaff.

"Isn't this dragon the exiled dragon mother, Gestaff, whose ability has evolved to the peak, which is a taboo for the dragon royal family, so her memory was sealed and expelled, but you picked her up."

The Duke of Abyss said in a chatty tone.

"Not Wu Xiaode said in a show-off tone.

"In fact, I also thought about raising some dragons as followers. They are ancient legendary creatures and are very useful," the Duke of Abyss said with a clear smile.

"By the way, I'm here to tell you, gather tomorrow morning on the top floor, and we'll do that."

"I'll be there on time." Wu Xiaode said. "Well, have fun."

After the Duke of Abyss finished speaking, his figure disappeared in a flash. The surrounding beings began to pant sharply.

Wu Xiaode turned his head to look at Gerstav, only to see a bewildered look on her face. "Did you hear that? You are actually very strong."

Wu Xiaode said via voice transmission.

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