Virtue is Abundant

Chapter 542: Xiao Wu! Xiao Wu!

unreal world.

Cuiyun Mountain.

West Queen Mother Temple.

On the altar, Wu Xiaode opened his eyes.

"came back?"

In the main hall, a woman suddenly turned her head to look at him.

Wu Xiaode nodded, wanting to move, but found himself surrounded by a layer of light.

"Don't panic, this is my technique, it can ensure that you are still outside the illusory world, so that the old blind man will not notice that you have returned."

Jiang Shanglan said.

old blind man?

Wu Xiaode showed doubts on his face.

"Xiao Wu, the power in you that removes the curse for me originally came from the Tomb World, didn't it?"

Jiang Shanglan asked seriously.

Wu Xiaode said, "Yes, at that time—"

"No need to say more," Jiang Shanglan interrupted him, speaking quickly: "The old blind man is the guardian of the tomb world, you stole his "core of heavenly power" and integrated it into his own world, he has already chased" Illusory world, here we come."

"Now there are two ways to go."

"His strength is extremely terrifying. Even in my heyday, I may not be able to defeat him steadily."

"First, don't move on the altar, I'll help you complete some Naihe Bridge tasks, and give you some time to turn around—you should avoid the limelight first, and don't come back for now;"

"Secondly, the old blind man and his subordinates, the mother of all things, have many search methods. As long as you are in the "illusory world, they will definitely find you, unless—"

Jiang Shanglan's eyes fell on the brooch on Wu Xiaode's chest, and continued:

"Borrowing the power of the goblin, you can become a person he and his men have never seen before, so that you can escape his hunt."

"-have you understood?"

Wu Xiaode nodded, indicating that he already understood.

— There is no point in procrastinating.

Avoiding the limelight is basically tantamount to giving up the strategic initiative.

Besides, I have to help Gerstav lift the seal.

But in the world of the mother of all things, the mother of all things has seen herself transform into various identities.

She has seen both Ariane and Qilin.

What about Robber Davill?

Can not remember.

The mother of all things is a world-like life form, maybe there is a way to inquire about her past


Then, it is not safe to become Davier.

For safety reasons-



Wu Xiaode made a decision, and with a thought, there were lines of small ice crystal characters in the void

"You unleashed the power of the dill brooch."

"Description: Wearing this brooch, you will immediately obtain a brand new body, which is an enemy you have killed before: you can obtain the memory of the enemy, and freely manipulate this body, just like it is Same as your second body."

"You have obtained the designated body."

Wu Xiaode took off the brooch and put it in the ring of holy treasure, then he shook his body and jumped off the offering platform.

"How?" He uttered a female voice.

Jiang Shanglan looked at him strangely, and murmured after a while:

"Many years ago, the Devil King of Purgatory fell unexpectedly. Before he died, he said who could avenge her

Enmity, you can inherit the crown of purgatory... So it was you who did it?

"It took a lot of luck to kill her." Wu Xiaode sighed.

"Tsk tsk, it's so beautiful, it's also the first time I've seen the Purgatory Demon King himself.

Woolen cloth. "Jiang Shanglan looked at him with interest.

— Eyes full of spirituality and magic, long purple hair, slender figure

Slender, with every move to charm all living beings.

It is the devil of purgatory!

He used the goblin's green radish brooch to transform into the devil king of purgatory!

"It should be fine now, no matter if it's an old blind man or a young blind man, they will never recognize me as Wu Xiaode—hmph!"

Wu Xiaode hooked the corners of his mouth and said proudly.

Jiang Shanglan was speechless for a while.

If you don't recognize it, you don't recognize it. What are you doing there twisting your waist?

So into the show?

"But many years ago, the Demon King of Purgatory died, and he didn't even want the crown. How do you explain that?" Jiang Shanglan asked seriously.

"I'm messed up. Whoever wants to take care of purgatory will take care of it. This demon king has other ambitions."

Wu Xiaode sat down on the altar, crossed his legs casually, but found that it was indecent for a female body, so he had to put his legs together again.

"Major Demon King, what is your ambition?"

Jiang Shanglan sat down beside him and asked amusedly.

—Obviously it was a matter of life and death, but it turned out like this for him.

"I'm here to save my sister—my sister is so beautiful and strong, but she is cursed. I must do my best to help her regain her strength." Wu Xiaode said coquettishly.

Jiang Shanglan's head was full of black lines.

This kid's tea smells like tea, can he get away with it?

Xiaode asked.

"By the way, there are often tourists in this temple, why didn't I see a single person?" Wu said.

"I bought this mountain." Jiang Shanglan said.

"Sister is so handsome, why do I feel a headache..." Wu Xiaode held his head and asked inexplicably.

"You should have accepted the other party's memory—as the Demon Lord of Purgatory, her memory contains endless knowledge and anecdotes. I'm afraid you need to rest for a while."

Jiang Shanglan explained.

She waved.

The light that shrouded Wu Xiaode's body completely disappeared.

The two waited for a few breaths together.

There was no movement in the temple or even in the whole mountain.

"It was indeed hidden."

Jiang Shanglan breathed a sigh of relief.

"Sister, my head hurts so much, rub it for me." Wu Xiaode acted like a baby again.

Jiang Shanglan glared at him, and said angrily, "Come on, the battle for supremacy has already begun!"

At the beginning, I want to preside over the affairs of the neutral zone for you, and I am extremely busy. "

Having said that, she finally stretched out her hand and gently rubbed Wu Xiaode's head.

A ray of light fell on Wu Xiaode's head, shoulders and neck.

The light began to knead continuously.

The temples, neck, cervical spine, and shoulders are constantly being massaged by the light, and they are still very comfortable.


He fiddled with his long purple hair, feeling a burst of warmth in his heart.

"I'm off to work, let's have dinner together tonight."

After Jiang Shanglan finished speaking, he disappeared.

Only Wu Xiaode was left sitting in front of the altar.


It was indeed me who was supposed to manage the neutral zone in the Contest of Hegemony.

But he was busy, so this important matter was taken over by Jiang Shanglan, and she took care of it.

Thanks to her.

Wu Xiaode covered his head, sat there and slowly received the memory of the Demon King of Purgatory, without moving for a while.

Just a casual perception can find that this mountain has been designated as a private territory, and indeed no one comes.

The mountains are very quiet.

This is much safer than the dream world.

But there is one more problem to solve.

The fluctuations emitted by the Dragon Soul Diamond of the Dragon Race.

All her powers were sealed, and she couldn't help Gerstav calm down this situation.


If at the critical moment of her breakthrough, other dragons came to her door to steal the precious diamonds, it would be ridiculous.

Wu Xiaode thought for a while, took out his cell phone, and dialed a number.

"Crooked? Sarah

Dan? See you later, I'll go find you, I need your help

busy. "

"What? Can't you tell who I am?"

"I am a mysterious woman."

"Damn it, don't hang up, it's me! Brother, save the world!"

Two quarters of an hour later.

Cafe basement.

Satan circled around the coffin of the Dragon Clan's Sleeping Awakening a few times, full of praise:

"It's hard to get this thing now, where did you get it?"

Wu Xiaode folded his arms and said "hmph":

"Isn't my mother going to do things right away?"

Satan looked back at him with as weird a look as he could get.

"Don't look," Wu Xiaode said via voice transmission, "I'm substituting a female role to

In order not to really meet that old blind man and be seen through in person. "

Thinking of the old blind man, Satan's face turned green.

"That guy is not on the same level as us. Be careful, otherwise no one will be able to save you."

Satan preaches.

"It seems that you have suffered a lot?"

"He has the skill of eating banquets, which can eat you in front of your face. I was saved by Jiang Shanglan, otherwise I would have been eaten raw by him."

"That's really scary, I have to be careful."

With Wu Xiaode's casual move, the Book of the Dead was opened immediately.

Gerstaff jumped down from the last page and landed in front of the two of them.

"The technique of awakening is a kind of karmic law exclusive to the dragon clan, which can help me break through the seal and restore my memory."

"It's just that during this process, you must not be attacked by others."

Gergarstaff said.

Wu Xiaode looked at Satan.

With a cigar in his mouth, Satan said confidently, "Don't worry, this is my base. I have set up a powerful radiant magic circle, which can isolate any fluctuations. No one will find this place."

Seeing that he was so confident, Wu Xiaode took out three dragon soul diamonds and inlaid them on the grooves of the coffin.

rumble rumble--

The coffin of deep sleep and awakening slowly opened, revealing several beds inside.

Gerstaff hesitated for a moment, then said softly:

"Then I'm going."

"Come on, my good sister, I'm waiting for you to break through all the seals!" Wu Xiaode clenched his fists and said.

"" Grace Taf.

"If the devil knows that you play her like this, he will crawl back from death **** and kill you." Satan whispered.

"I will do my best, and I hope to succeed." Gerstaff said.

She walked into the coffin slowly and lay down on a bed.

rumble rumble--

The coffin of deep sleep and awakening slowly closed.

The three Soul Diamonds immediately began to resonate, emitting dazzling light at the same time.

After dozens of breaths.

Suddenly Gerstav's weeping sounded from inside the coffin.

"no, do not want……"

"I don't want to do it again... Please..."

It sounded like she was in some kind of dream.

— After all, the power of the dragon clan is awakened through deep sleep.

"Do you think she can succeed?"

Wu Xiaode asked with some trepidation.

Satan shook his head, sighed and said:

"It's very difficult—since the Dragon Clan is sure to expel her, they must kill all her means and won't let her recover."

Wu Xiaode murmured in a low voice: "What should I do..."

"Hey, tell me how you beat the Queen of Purgatory, it's really weird

Incredible. "Satan said.

Just as Wu Xiaode was about to speak, there was another scream from inside the coffin, followed by the sound of vomiting blood continuously.

Satan took out a clean white handkerchief,

Cover your nose and mouth:

"It's pure ancient dragon blood, I'm allergic to it."

"How is she?" Wu Xiaode asked.

"—It seems to be dying." Satan said.

Wu Xiaode opened the book of the dead until the last page, only to see that the cards of Gejistaf were turning gray and white.


This is not happy!

I will not resurrect cards!

Wu Xiaode's thoughts flashed, suddenly he stretched out his slender fingers, and clicked on the card

A little bit.

"Shadow follower, give me your dragon blood.

she said softly.

In an instant, two lines of small ice crystal characters appeared:

"Girstaff is your shadow follower, you can borrow all her powers

quantity. "

"You borrowed the dragon blood from her."

Wu Xiaode didn't even look at the small print, he stretched out his hand and slapped the coffin hard.

rumble rumble--

The coffin was opened again.

Wu Xiaode walked in directly, on the other bed next to Gerstav

lie down.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

Satan couldn't help asking.

"Save her."

The whole world turned into darkness.

After Wu Xiaode finished speaking, he closed his eyes and said: "Add But in front of Wu Xiaode's eyes, there are lines of small ice crystal characters popping up:

rumble rumble--

The coffin closed again.

"You activated the unique technique of Karma:"

"Join if you can't beat it."

"Because you have the dragon's blood of Gerstav, this time you can use the dragon's

The coffin of sleep and awakening. "

"You generated a 2P position player in the awakening dream of Gerstav."

"You are about to enter this awakening dream!"

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