Virtue is Abundant

Chapter 543: The Collusion between Xiao Wu and the Fairy (Part 1)

Let time go back a little.

Jiang Shanglan left the West Queen Mother Temple to deal with the hegemony battle.

Just as Wu Xiaode put down the phone, he was about to find Satan, hoping that Satan could provide a hiding place for Gejistaf to break through the seal.

He stepped out of the temple gate and suddenly remembered something. . No

All my skills are sealed, and only equipment can be used. Is it really just equipment?

Besides, now that I have become the devil king of purgatory, I still need a lot of foreshadowing to make things happen.

So what else can I use?

Wu Xiaode withdrew his steps, returned to the altar, pondered for a while, and placed things on the altar.

Wristwatch: cover the sky with one hand.

This is a treasure to observe the condition of the Queen Mother of the West, so it is not needed. Black gloves.

The combat gloves that Zhao Zhibing made for herself can shoot out flames, so they can't be used here. Tsk.

Is there really nothing else to use?

Wu Xiaode touched it, and took out a token, a dark blue world stone and a bracelet. The token is the pass token at the bottom of the prison in the future era.

The World Stone is a teleportation stone returning to the Entropy Family.

The bracelet is a bracelet for transporting Kunlun Mountains. Unfortunately, I have returned to the "illusory world" now. Unless I complete the task on the Naihe Bridge, I have no time to go back to Kunlun Mountains.

However, now that his skills have been sealed, it is too risky to do the task of Naiheqiao. --None of them are available.

Wu Xiaode didn't believe in evil, continued to touch, and suddenly found a small storage box. This was a gift from Big Brother Bang when I was doing the live broadcast.

Rows of small words in ice crystals appeared next to the storage box: "Desmarkt's Love Letter Storage Box."

"Rare, strange side creation."

"This strange thing has the following properties:"

"Immortality: This thing cannot be destroyed by all forces in the vast living world;

"Teaser: Pay 10 points of soul power to make this iron box reach the character you want it to reach, and you can take it back at any time:"

"Storage: This wooden box has a storage space of about one thousand cubic meters." This is a good thing!

It's great for logistics, but it's a pity that there are few live broadcasts, so it's not very useful. — Does it have any use for the current situation?

Wu Xiaode fell into deep thought.

After counting breaths, he suddenly thought of something, "Wait..."

....In addition to equipment, I seem to be able to call people to come. "

Wu Xiaode murmured, his eyes suddenly turned to those offering fruits on the altar.

Jiang Shanglan is particular about his work, and the melons and fruits enshrined in the statues here are all fresh and of excellent quality, which are just right for use!

Wu Xiaode directly poured all the melons and fruits in front of the statues into the storage box, then patted the box and said, "Go, give it to Chris, and tell her that I need her help."

The box disappeared in a flash. It didn't take long.

A black cat suddenly appeared on the beam of the temple, looking down at Wu Xiaode. "Hi, long time no see." Wu Xiaode greeted.

"It's been a while since I ate fruit, thank you, our nutrition has become more balanced." The black cat said, shaking its fur.

—It was Chris’s vest.

She didn't seem to be surprised at Wu Xiaode's transformation into the Demon King of Purgatory, she just looked at his long hair carefully, as if she was very interested in his hair color.

"You're welcome, I called you here to discuss something with you." Wu Xiaode said. "What's the matter?" said the black cat.

"I remember our Ningshensi's style of doing things is—" "Switch!" Chris said excitedly.

Wu Xiaode nodded.

Yes, the flat peach tree also said that the dryads of Ningshensi can help him cover up the secrets of the sky and change the sky for the sun.

Last time, the goblins helped him pretend to be Ariane and successfully broke into the World Extinction Council.

this time--

Wu Xiaode

While thinking, he said:

"I've decided to do a few things... I may need your elves' help."

"Stop talking nonsense, you are the master of Ningshen, that is, the master of the flat peach tree, and we should help." Chris patted her chest and said boldly.

"Thank you, that's it-"

Wu Xiaode took out the black flag from behind, took off the holy treasure ring, put it together on Desmark's love letter storage box, and pushed it in front of the black cat.

"Wow, these are all very interesting things." The black cat wagged its tail happily.

Wu Xiaode couldn't help hesitating for a moment when he heard the words. leprechaun--

It seems to be unreliable.

But in fact, I found hope in many things from their unreliability. They seem to match their compatibility very well.

Doing things yourself is a bit different from other people's ideas. Never mind then, let it be!

Wu Xiaode squatted on the ground, and told Chris one by one about his arrangement. Chris nodded.

"Okay, please, you can go now." Wu Xiaode finally said. "Leave it to us and rest assured."

After Chris finished speaking, she collected the three treasures on the ground and was about to leave immediately. She suddenly turned her head again and looked at Wu Xiaode suspiciously.

"Why have you been sealed with so much power?"

Chris couldn't help but ask.

Wu Xiaode told what happened.

Chris turned around him, shook her head and said:

"This is not easy to handle. If there is no place to help you with the causal law seal of hundreds of millions of souls sacrificed, I will not be able to help you."

Wu Xiaode waved his hand and said:

"I also have a shadow follower hidden in the last page of the book, and I was extremely lucky to escape the seal-so I can still borrow some dragon power, don't worry, you go to work on those few things."

But Chris sat still on the wooden box, and looked at Wu Xiaode for a while, then suddenly raised the black flag, put the ring of holy treasure on the flagpole, and waved vigorously:

"Flag, flag, let me see the situation at that time."--The sorcery is in effect!

As soon as the black flag was waving, some gold was missing from the ring of the sacred treasure, but there was a scene of Wu Xiaode fighting the purgatory demon king in the void.

Wu Xiaode was startled.

He knew that Black Flag could reverse time.

But I didn't expect that Chris could use black magic to drive the black flag, and directly turn the past events into light and shadow.

—Perhaps the use of treasures by elves is always different from other races. Otherwise, they wouldn't be able to create such a perverted thing as a green radish brooch. Chris stared at the images intently.

After a while, she suddenly said softly;

"It turned out to be a magic skill like spells... You must find an entry point before you can use it...

I saw the scene of the two fighting continuously displayed until the last one by one

The Purgatory Demon King flipped through the Book of the Dead in his hand and shouted angrily:

"Using the hundreds of millions of souls in purgatory as sacrifices, gather strength in me, and ban all your skills!" Wu Xiaode kept losing his abilities.

"All your powers have been banned. From now on, let's experience the powerlessness of ordinary people." The demon king said happily.

"Hey, you lost, isn't this a shame?" At that time, Wu Xiaode said unwillingly.

Chris held her breath, turned her gaze, and stared closely at the Purgatory Demon King.

The Demon King of Purgatory said, "Losing? It was just a moment of carelessness that you took advantage of... Now that you have lost all your abilities, let me see how you can resist the next situation."

Chris's eyes lit up.

It stomped the black flag on the ground and said, "The devil has admitted..." The screen stopped immediately.

"Admit what?" Wu Xiaode asked puzzled.

"When she answered the call, she didn't refute what you said, 'Isn't this a joke? We can take it as her acquiescence.

Playing tricks - that's why speaking mantras must be rigorous. "

Chris said excitedly.

"But, so what if she admits she's cheating?" Wu Xiaode spread his hands.

"No one can play tricks in front of us goblins! This is our domain, and everyone else can only stand aside!" Chrissy said loudly.

She jumped lightly, jumped in the air, and directly tore off the Book of the Dead and pressed it to the ground. "Meowing, seal, seal, you dare to compete with me and play tricks!"

The black cat said in a threatening tone.

Boom one by one

A stack of black and red talisman sacrificial circles rose from the Book of the Dead. Hundreds of millions of wailing sounds sounded from the sacrificial circle.

When the black cat saw the sacrificial circle, all its fur blew up, its claws showed sharp nails, and it just scratched when it jumped up.

All kinds of painful wailing in the magic circle became louder. While biting, the black cat said loudly:

"Xiao Wu, what is the ability that has the deepest relationship with you? You'd better call it, maybe it can escape from the seal."

The ability that has the deepest relationship with me?

In addition to the fundamental ability of the Book of the Dead—that is my original law of causality!

In Purgatory and the Spire of Eternal Night, I surpassed all professionals in one fell swoop, climbed to the top of the spire, and called all the holy spirits of Eternal Night to come to help me, the original law of karma!

Wu Xiaode was blessed for a moment, and suddenly said:

"Come out, my Art of Karma, I am your creator!"

In the sacrificial circle, a blazing light suddenly flashed from the Book of the Dead.

This bright light wandered erratically on the surface of the Book of the Dead, as if extremely anxious, trying to find a way out of the seal.

The black cat tore the magic circle vigorously, and said loudly:

"This is the basic skill of your profession! Call it with your profession Only then can it find you! Wu Xiaode took a deep breath and said loudly:

"Come back, my skills, I am '399,099,999,999 professional names are mine, please don't grab them, I am Wu Xiaode, I love you, Memmada' the founder of this profession!"

The air suddenly became quiet. The black cat was startled.

Even the sealing sacrificial circle paused.

Only that streamer seemed to feel the guidance of the direction, and suddenly jumped out of the sealing circle and landed on Wu Xiaode.

A line of small ice crystal characters appeared:

"With the help of the goblin, your professional basic skills 'If you can't beat it, join it' has broken free from the seal and returned to you."

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