Virtue is Abundant

Chapter 544: The Collusion between Xiao Wu and the Fairy (Part 2)

Let time keep going backwards. The past years.

The day before Wu Xiaode was fighting the Purgatory Demon King. Tomb world.

this day.

The old blind man was eating in the tomb when the void suddenly moved, and a wooden box appeared in front of him. "Huh? What is this?"

He waved casually. The wooden box opened immediately.

I saw a letter lying inside. The letter reads:

"I am the secret envoy No. 1 of the Demon King of Purgatory, and I would like to make the following explanation:"

"The devil king is about to fake his death somewhere, and get away to build other worlds. If you are willing to donate generously and subsidize a little gold, my king will reward you generously in the future! This message is free of flow, reply to the verification code TD to unsubscribe."

The old blind man: "...." This is too ridiculous.

The Demon Lord of Purgatory leaves the great Purgatory World alone, and wants to build a world by himself? He shook his head and casually pointed at the wooden box.


The wooden box was hit, but escaped into the void intact and disappeared.

The old blind man was taken aback.

This thing is not bad, it can withstand its own attack? Ordinary people simply cannot obtain such treasures.

--Is it true?

Forget it, these things have nothing to do with me, nor do I have any interest relationship. Even if you are a liar, you can't fool yourself.

The old blind man picked up the bowl and continued to eat. next moment--

With a "pop", the void opened, and the wooden box fell to the ground again, and opened towards the old blind man. Inside lay a letter.

The letter reads:

"I am the secret envoy No. 1 of the Demon King of Purgatory, and I would like to make the following explanation:

"The devil king is about to fake his death somewhere, and get away to build other worlds. If you are willing to donate generously and subsidize a little gold, my king will reward you generously in the future! This message is free of flow, reply to the verification code TD to unsubscribe."

The old blind man frowned, and released the power of his soul to sense the wooden box. This box is really nice.

It condenses the power of "immortality" and will not be damaged by any power. That alone is worth looking up to.


What happened in purgatory, what does the devil king of purgatory want to do, what does it have to do with me? The old blind man pondered for a few breaths, then waved his hand casually.

Two letters suddenly appeared at the end of the letter: "TD."

— This is considered a polite refusal by myself.

With a "pop", the lid of the wooden box was closed, and it disappeared into the void again. okay.

It's clean!

The old blind man picked up a steamed stuffed bun and was about to continue eating, a sudden change occurred—

With a "pop", the void opened, and the wooden box fell to the ground again, and opened towards the old blind man. A piece of letter paper stood up, showing the small characters on it:

"I am the secret envoy No. 2 of the Demon King of Purgatory, and I would like to explain as follows:"

"The devil king is about to fake his death somewhere, and get away to build other worlds. If you are willing to donate generously and subsidize a little gold, my king will reward you generously in the future! This message is free of flow, reply to the verification code TD to unsubscribe."

Secret envoy No. 1 left, and secret envoy No. 2 came. It's over, isn't it?

The old blind man fell silent.

I can buckle the wooden box myself. But is it necessary?

There seems to be another mystery on this wooden box, and it will not be easily detained.

I have been operating here for countless years, and the plan is moving forward little by little. Why offend the devil?

Although I am not afraid of her.

But being missed is not always a good thing. Besides, I don't know if it's true or not.

Legend has it that the crown of purgatory has incredible power, and it is only by chance that I have some understanding of the secrets of this crown.

Of course, I didn't want to get this crown at all.

—The reason lies in the fifth causal law of the crown. The secret I got was—

"The fifth cause of the crown

The law of fruit determines that it only belongs to its original owner, and anyone who wants to replace its owner will end in a very miserable end. "

For countless years, I have been curious about what the fifth law of causality of this crown is. If the other party's answer matches your own information—

Then it might really be the Demon King of Purgatory himself!

The Tomb World has many protection techniques, but the other party can put such a box in and directly reach him, this is not easy at all!


The secret of the crown is not ordinary, and absolutely not many people know it. --wait and see.

The old blind man started to walk forward, when the wooden box suddenly appeared again. The box was opened again, and inside was a brand new letter:

"The fifth law of karma in the crown of purgatory:" "Refining the soul."

"Anyone who wears this crown will become a puppet of the devil, ready to exchange his own death at any time to resurrect the devil who has sunk into the world of death."

I see! The old blind man suddenly realized.

That's right.

Even if the Purgatory Demon King is really dead, as long as someone avenges her and wins this crown, she can be resurrected!

This coincided with his own intelligence. --Is she really dead?

Either didn't die, or died, and even died on purpose—

Maybe she went to the world of death to build a world of death that had never existed before and belonged to her?

Genius idea!

Among the heavens and worlds, there are many world-like life forms, but there is not a single death-like world! The old blind man sighed in admiration, put away the letter, and began to think.

The other party is eager to get their own investment.

In my capacity, I can indeed make such a large investment. Investing means standing for her.

Do you want to do this?

—I have never heard of this kind of thing before, even I am interested in it.

Perhaps in the world of death, it is not easy for even the devil king of purgatory to do something great.

Then help her, anyway, I don't have much loss. after....

There will be rewards.

Thinking of this, the old blind man squatted down, and suddenly crystal clear round beads scattered from his hands, and fell into the wooden box with a clatter.

The wooden box was never full.

After a while.

The old blind man withdrew his hand and said calmly: "Okay, you can go back." The wooden box suddenly disappeared.

After seven or eight breaths--

The wooden box appeared in front of him again. Inside was still a letter:

"Thank you for your generosity, one day in the future, when your world is in danger, I will come to help

The old blind man laughed dumbfoundedly.

Tomb World is in danger?

Ridiculous, who dares to fight with himself?

But the promise was satisfying. The old blind man slowly put away the letter.

Countless years later. It's still the Tomb World.

Xuezhi was dancing in the secret passage.

A black cat suddenly appeared from the void and landed in front of her. "Xiao Wu said, you don't have to dance."

Black cat road. Xuezhi immediately stopped.

She didn't care about the origin of the black cat, let alone whether it was sent by Xiao Wu, and asked respectfully: "Does the master have any orders?"

The black cat took out a note and read it accordingly: "Xuezhi will go to the City of Dreams instead of me, as my representative, and follow the Duke of Abyss until I return."

"I'm going to the City of Dreams? What about the master?" Xuezhi asked.

"He presides over a dragon's awakening ceremony in the 'Unreal World' Maodao. "The awakening of the dragon clan? Was it successful?" Xuezhi asked.

"Successful! Xiao Wu is very tired now and is resting, so I sent you to temporarily replace him to follow the Duke of Abyss. He will arrive on time tomorrow morning."

The black cat disappeared after speaking.

Xuezhi stood where he was, with an uncertain expression on his face. — Then go to the dream world.

I know that place myself.

Guys of the level of Hypnos, don't even try to deal with him. so....

I just went to see the Duke of Abyss. If he is a good guy, I happen to use his hands to do something.

Xuezhi's figure flashed and disappeared from the world of the tomb.

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