Virtue is Abundant

Chapter 545: end

unreal world.

Cuiyun Mountain, in front of the West Queen Mother Temple. The void flashed.

The black cat jumped out and landed in front of Wu Xiaode. "It's all done!"

She put the black flag, the ring of holy treasure, and the love letter storage box of Desmarkt in front of Wu Xiaode, and said out of breath.

"Thank you, let's go have dinner together now." Wu Xiaode said. "Eat?" The black cat's eyes lit up.

"That's right, Chris, you are really my lucky star, you have helped me a lot, I want to treat you to a good meal." Wu Xiaode said.

"I want to eat strawberry cake!" the black cat raised its paw. "no problem!"

Wu Xiaode put on the ring and opened the wooden box.

I saw that the wooden box was full of shining top-quality soul crystals, each of which exuded powerful and pure soul power.

This is several times more precious than the high-level soul crystal in my hand! The old blind man is generous!

But maybe this little money is nothing to others.

Wu Xiaode put away the wooden box, put away the Beginless Flag, and picked up the black cat. "Set off!"

"Yeah! It's a big meal!" the black cat cheered.

Wu Xiaode flew out in a flash, and quickly left Cuiyun Mountain.

One person and one cat entered the city, went directly to a restaurant that eats Western food, ordered a table full, and started to eat and drink.

Wu Xiaode's flowing purple hair was so beautiful that he caught many eyes in a short while.

Not long after.

An old voice sounded:

"I feel the breath of perdition emanating from your body, as well as the endless fire of purgatory." Old blind man!

He stood in front of the dining table, and the people around him couldn't help turning their heads immediately, never looking this way again. — He didn't even use any spells!

Wu Xiaode said calmly:

"Please sit down, my partner, we haven't met since you invested in my world."

The black cat took one look at the old blind man, ignored it, and continued to eat his own cake.

The old blind man also took a look at the black cat. He didn't care at first, but then he took another look, his expression slightly shivering.

Sure enough, the Demon King still has wrists!

It's rare to be able to mix with goblins and still have such an intimate relationship! "You have been silent for so many years, why did you suddenly appear in this 'illusory world'?"

The old blind man asked straightforwardly.

Wu Xiaode showed the color of memory and said: "Many years ago, I accepted your investment, and I also remember that I promised--"

"If your world is in danger, I'm here to help."

"Oh? That's why you came to the 'Unreal World'?" asked the old blind man.

"That's right, I discovered something, and I think I should report to you in person," Wu Xiaode said. The old blind man's face darkened, and he made a move.

The mother of all things, covered in spikes, quietly appeared, floating in the air.

This scene was so weird, but no one turned their heads to take a look. "Investigate."

The old blind man spat out two words.

The mother of all things opened her eyes and glanced at Wu Xiaode.

She only saw a majestic woman full of sulfur breath and whose figure was soaked in invisible fire.

—This must not be the person I know. "The Lord... not him..."

the Mother of All things groaned.

Only then did the old blind man put the lunch box that had just appeared in his hand back into the void, cleared his throat, and asked, "Your Majesty the Demon King, how did you know that my things were stolen?"

"What? Your things were stolen?" Wu Xiaode said unexpectedly. This moment stunned the old blind man.

——The Devil King of Purgatory came to find him, but it was not what he thought? So what is she coming for?

"It seems that I have misunderstood you, so why did you come to this world to find me?"

the old blind man asked calmly.

"I come

Just to tell you an intel, you will absolutely love it. "Wu Xiaode said. "All ears," said the old blind man.

Wu Xiaode put down the knife and fork, leaned forward, and whispered in the old blind man's ear:

"A group of robbers gathered together, headed by the Duke of Abyss, is plotting to steal your world treasure."

"They are in the dream city of Hypnos right now."

"—I'm pretty sure they haven't set out yet, but I know they're due tomorrow morning."

The old blind man showed hesitation on his face, but Wu Xiaode has already said quickly:

"There is no need to doubt my information, because you only need to take a look for yourself, and you will immediately understand that there is absolutely nothing wrong with my words."

"—This information is just a small reward for your investment in my world, are you satisfied?" He took a breath.

Two breaths. Three breaths.

Wu Xiaode had already sat back, the knife and fork in his hand continued to cut the steak.

The old blind man held his breath and thought for a while, and the expression on his face became much more gentle. ——The Demon King of Purgatory didn't know that his "Heavenly Power" was stolen! The devil has new information for himself!

It is said that I am staying in the virtual world now, so my tomb is indeed prone to some mistakes. The old blind man figured things out, cupped his hands and said:

"Over the years, my investment in you seems to be the most valuable—if your information is correct."

Wu Xiaode picked up the red wine and greeted him:

"I came here in person to repay the investors."

The old blind man nodded, put a cloth bag on the table, and said, "This is an additional investment. I will thank you in person after I resolve this matter."

"There's no need to thank you, go quickly, don't let things change." Wu Xiaode said. The old blind man glanced at him, and then disappeared in a flash.

Everything is back to normal around here.

The black cat's head was still buried in the strawberry cake, but its tail moved, and it directly hooked up the cloth bag and placed it in front of Wu Xiaode.

"They are all the best soul crystals, no problem pages."

The black cat muttered vaguely while chewing and eating.

The cloth bag was rolled in front of Wu Xiaode by the cat's tail, and it was gently placed on the table, making a pleasant knocking sound.

"This blind man is so open."

Wu Xiaode was filled with emotion, put away the cloth bag, and took out the wooden box instead. He quickly wrote a note in the box and patted it.

The wooden box suddenly disappeared. okay.

Xue Zhi's side has also been arranged.

"What are you going to do after eating?" the black cat asked.

"I'm going to awaken the power of a dragon, would you like to play?" Wu Xiaode said. "Okay, okay!"

City of Dreams.

Xuezhi stood in the middle of the street, looking around with interest.

A wooden box suddenly appeared in front of her, and it was quickly opened, revealing a piece of letter paper inside.

"The Duke of Abyss has a 'Brilliant Holy Light' in his hand. You should pretend to be a snake with him first, and then find a way to get this card. This is an order."

The breath of causality exudes from the letter paper. — This is Wu Xiaode's order!

Xuezhi frowned.

This guy really treats himself like a slave. "Understood, go away."

She said to the wooden box angrily. The wooden box jumped into the void and disappeared. Xuezhi stood there and gritted his teeth.


How in the world to be free?

He had to come up with an idea as soon as possible to let that kid be saved by himself once. She was thinking about it secretly, when she suddenly felt something, she looked up and looked across the street. I saw that all the people around me disappeared.

Across the street stood an elegant man in a tuxedo, accompanied by a floating head.

"Forbidden species...why are you here?" the man asked.

Xuezhi frowned, stood where he was and saluted respectfully;

"Your Excellency, I will

On behalf of my master Davel, I will temporarily cooperate with your actions until tomorrow morning. "

"Ah..... I can get the head of Hypnos as a servant, and I already think it's very impressive. Unexpectedly, Davier also got a remarkable thing as a servant."

Baron Abyss said with interest.

Xue Zhi clenched his fists tightly, and his sharp nails pierced into his palms. He said.....

amazing stuff. hell.

If it wasn't that he couldn't beat him, he would have to tear him alive!

"It's actually fine now, you can go to the top floor of the tallest building in the city and wait, if there is anything I will tell you."

The Duke of Abyss said lazily.

"Yes, your will will definitely be carried out." Xue Zhi respectfully said. She turned and walked towards the building.

The Duke of Abyss stood there and thought for a few breaths, then suddenly asked again: "Will my will be carried out?"

-- not too stupid!

Xuezhi turned around, smiled and said, "Of course, this is my lord's order."

"Then, tell me what happened to Davier's dragon." The Duke of Abyss said. "This requires a little reward, Your Excellency the Duke." Xuezhi said.

"You are Davill's subordinate, but you want to ask me for a reward, just to betray him?" Duke Abyss said.

"You have interests that you care about, so you don't have to care about my thoughts, do you?" Xuezhi said.

The Duke of Abyss sneered and snapped his fingers.

Multiple lights and shadows suddenly appeared in the void, condensing into the scene just now, repeating the conversation between the two.

— This is evidence of betrayal.

The pupils of the Duke of Abyss turned completely black, but a **** long tongue spit out from his mouth, and he said with a grin: "Tell me, what happened to that dragon—if you don't tell me, I'll kill you first, and then give your body to me." your master."

Xuezhi froze.

—How could it be like this?

The other party can obviously exchange information from him, and only need to pay a small reward, such as creating a chance for himself to save Wu Xiaode.

But the other party chose to force himself to speak.

"I'm very sorry, I won't say anything about your attitude." Xuezhi said.

"Trash that betrayed the master, you have aroused my desire to kill, go die now." The Duke of Abyss said. The world suddenly turned into turbid pitch black.

Nothing can be perceived.

Xuezhi only felt a pain in his neck, and then lost control of his body. The next moment.

The world is back to normal.

She saw her body lying on the ground, while her hair was being twisted by the Duke of Abyss, and she was randomly inserted on the spiked street lamp beside the road.

"You have one last chance to tell me what happened to that dragon." The Duke of Abyss held her head and said in a deep voice.

Xuezhi saw his headless corpse being torn apart by a group of burning monsters and scattered all over the ground. The Duke of Abyss continued:

"I know you are immortal, but I have ten thousand ways to torture you."

"Before tomorrow comes, before your master returns, I will make you feel a million kinds of pain in the world...

"Unless you tell me what happened to that dragon."

He stretched out his hand, and placed a flame under Xue Zhi's head, continuously roasting it. Xuezhi was in extreme pain, and he clenched his teeth tightly, unable to speak a word.

Until a certain moment - "The dragon has awakened." She finally couldn't help but say.

The corners of the Duke of Abyss curled up, and he lowered his head slightly, looking into her pleading eyes. "You **** thing, if you are my slave licking the soles of my shoes, I think it's dirty."

He looked at her, stuffed the fire directly into her mouth, and continued proudly: "Continue to feel the pain, torturing you is just a little pleasure of mine."

Xue Zhi felt himself being picked up by the other party's hair.

"Perhaps you thought I would let you go if you told about the dragon?" "No."

"Hypnos, here

I dismembered her, stuffed everything about her, soaked in fel physalis-"

"She's immortal, hahahaha, I'll see how this immortal thing enjoys that pain later."

"So peel off her face and make a separate specimen for me to see."

The floating head respectfully said: "Yes, Master."

Feeling the endless pain, Xuezhi looked at the tyranny on the opponent's face, and for some reason, suddenly remembered the past scenes.

—I was born on the corpses of the gods. Imprisoned in the bronze gates of the robbers.

Countless years later.

That boy took himself away from that place where there was only endless and then...

Every day passed smoothly.

Either study with Shen Feixue on how to cook, or stay behind the bar, drinking some wine casually, looking at the blue sky outside, and the wind blowing through the yellow sand.

Teenagers seldom use themselves.

You can do whatever you want. until--

He kept trying to betray him. Like this moment.

— A burst of pain beyond the limit came. Xuezhi can no longer think about anything—

Every second that followed was a pain that surpassed the limit, as long as eternity, and it shattered her mind.

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