Virtue is Abundant

Chapter 546: Dragon Awakening Dreamland

A city of neon lights and shadows floats in the endless darkness. --The City of Dreams.

In the void hundreds of miles away from it. The old blind man appeared quietly.

Of course he can't see that city, but he has countless means to sense everything in that city.

"Hypnos...huh, hang out with Jiemo, devour endless dreams, destroy everything..."

"A bunch of garbage." The old blind man murmured in a low voice. — There is no need to fear the enemy.

But the most important thing right now is to confirm the information that the Demon King of Purgatory said. This is about the integrity of the devil.

He stretched out his hand.

The mother of all things suddenly appeared in midair.

"Does the guy who stole 'Heaven's Punishment' have anything to do with Jiemo?" asked the old blind man.

- Robbers are going to rob graves.

If the guy who stole 'Heaven's Punishment' was acquainted with the robbers, I'm afraid he also had a plan in this matter.

Then you can catch them all. pity--

To the disappointment of the old blind man, the mother of all things shook her head and said:

"Master, he is the enemy of the robbers, so he should not join forces with the robbers."

Seeing that the old blind man's complexion was not good, and there was another thorn in his hand, the mother of all things hurriedly said:

"However... I used to cooperate with a heroic spirit named 'Human Emperor' very early on, and he was a disciple of the 'Human Emperor', so I have been paying attention to him."

"He once killed the bone monster Davier, and then acted as Davier to deal with robbery demons."

"The other robbers didn't see him through."

The sharp thorn in the old blind man's hand did not go down. Yeah?

That thief once played the role of Darviel, the bone monster? The old blind man suddenly thought of a coup.

If I also dress up as the bone monster Davill to deal with the robbers, and then kill some of the robbers—

These robbing demons will definitely find "Davier" for revenge.

At that time, once the robbers find him, it means that they have found him. This is tantamount to mobilizing the Robbers themselves to find that guy for themselves.

very good. Just do it!

The old blind man stretched out his hand, and a picture book suddenly fell from the void.

This illustrated book is full of all kinds of robbery demons, not only their vivid images, but also detailed introductions.

The old blind man rummaged around for a while, and immediately found the bone monster Davier.

"...a rather weak robber, who wanted to deal with me back then, but he ran away as soon as I stepped forward."

The old blind man meditated and put his hand on the illustration book. -crime.

His whole body changed completely, and he directly turned into the appearance of the bone demon insect Davier. "Okay, let's meet those robbers and see if the information about the Demon King of Purgatory is accurate."

said the old blind man.

"Yes, Master," said the Mother of All Things.

The old blind man flew directly towards the city of dreams. same moment.

In the city of dreams.

In a casino, the Duke of Abyss was shaking the dice, having fun with several robbers.

A human head suddenly appeared, whispering: "Master, Davier is back."

The Duke of Abyss clapped his hands, put the dice on the table, laughed and said, "The business is here, you keep playing, I will earn a dragon and bring it back to raise."

He got up from the poker table and walked down the corridor, out into the street. "Guide him to teleport to the street, I will chat with him and take a walk."

The Duke of Abyss spoke. "Yes, Master." Human Head said. After a few breaths.

A figure flashed on the street. "Davier".

The Duke of Abyss stepped forward and laughed, "How is it? Is your dragon awakened?"

"Davier" changed his expression. how?

Another Darville here too?

Countless thoughts flashed through his mind suddenly.

A faint killing intent began to escape from his body.

-..the other side. unreal world. coffee shop. The underground chamber.

Satan commanded:

"Come here, maximize the power of the sacred isolation circle."

"But master, that will consume a lot of gold." An angel said.

"Don't care about the consumption of gold, we need it to achieve absolute safety and concealment now, after all—"

Satan looked at the sleeping and awakening coffin that was constantly humming, and said in a deep voice:

"We are all in the same boat. If the boat capsizes, no one will survive." In the coffin.

Darkness. The darkness gradually disappeared.

There was a slight sobbing sound. Who is crying?

Wu Xiaode looked around in a daze, and suddenly found himself standing in a cave. Weeping came from the corner of the cave.

There was a little girl squatting there, covered in scars, crying with her face covered. ...Here is the power awakening dream of the Dragon Clan.

So that little girl -- is it Gerstaff?

Wu Xiaode walked over slowly, looking at the shocking wound on her body. Something must have happened before I came here.

The shadow card representing Garystaff was almost half gray, which proved that she was on her way to a dead end.

Wu Xiaode frowned, and shouted:

"Why are you crying, what happened, tell me."

The little girl stopped crying, turned her head to look at him, with a forced smile on her face, and said softly:

"It's okay, brother, sister is okay."

A piece of information immediately appeared in Wu Xiaode's mind.

Because of participating in this awakening dream, he became an orphan in the Dragon Clan.


I want to meet the dream power that seals her together with Gerstaff. Wu Xiaode closed his eyes slightly.

In this dream, Gerstaff also had no parents when she was a child. her parents...

He died fighting to protect the village.

—So being bullied by peers? Harmful. That's all. Worth half dying?

Wu Xiaode was speechless for a while.

He suddenly turned his head and looked towards the entrance of the cave, only to see another girl appeared at the entrance of the cave. "Hee hee, Gerstav, it's great that you are here, and your brother."

The girl turned and ran.

Gejistaf panicked immediately, grabbed Wu Xiaode's hand, pushed him and said, "Brother Xiao Wu, hurry up, go home!"

"Sister, how about you?" Wu Xiaode took advantage of the situation and called out to his sister.

"I can't escape, otherwise..." A gleam of panic flashed in Gerstav's eyes.


It turned out that what happened when I was a child turned into a psychological shadow. Really boring.

Wu Xiaode calmed down, stood in place and said: "Sister, it's okay, there are two of us."

The voice just fell.

I saw five children appearing at the entrance of the cave. Three men and two women.

Holding sharp knives, swords, and daggers in their hands, they smiled and said:

"Haha, Gerstaff is here, and her brother!" "This is fun."

"Come on, Gerstav, come here, kneel in front of me, slap yourself a hundred times, and I can save you a knife."

Wu Xiaode listened slowly, more and more memories appeared in his mind.

Gerstaff has a talent since she was a child, and the wounds on her body can heal quickly.

So these children of the Dragon Clan developed the habit of killing her for fun. ——Actually speaking seriously, the lack and scars of childhood need a lifetime to heal.

I just read the beginning myself.

I still don't know if the pain that Ge Jistaf endured is only these, or if there are more unknown sides.

On the opposite side are five more people. how to spell?

Seeing that Gerstav was about to go there tremblingly, Wu

Xiaode grabbed her and pulled her back.

"Don't go." Wu Xiaode said. Grace Taf said:

"I won't die, Xiao Wu, you hide, it's none of your business."

"Idiot, look at their virtues, I will be fine?" Wu Xiaode cursed. He pulled Gerstav and walked towards the innermost part of the cave.

The whole cave is not that big.

The innermost part is getting narrower and narrower, and only two people can pass through. Wu Xiaode breathed a sigh of relief as soon as he came here.

As long as you don't get surrounded by five people and fight two against two, you still have a young dragon with a healing talent on your side.

--Who is afraid of whom?

"Don't surrender, or if they accidentally stab my head, neck, or heart, I will die, understand?"

Wu Xiaode warned Ge Jia Si Tafu.

Gerstav gritted her teeth and finally nodded. It's okay to be bullied in the past.

This time, if Xiao Wu was implicated and killed because of his surrender, then he would not want to live anymore.

Since you don't want to live anymore, what are you afraid of?

When the five children on the opposite side saw it, they hesitated. The girl at the head scolded:

"Damn Gerstaff, do you think you can resist us like this?" She held a short sword and strode towards the two of them.

"Sophia's swordsmanship is very powerful." Gerstaff said quickly. "Understood." Wu Xiaode responded.

He squatted down, making a movement that would pounce at any time.

A girl named Sophia rushed forward, stabbing at Wu Xiaode with a sword. "It's you, kid, who made Gerstav learn to resist!" She shouted.

Wu Xiaode suddenly raised his hand and threw a stone.

—It turned out that he was squatting on the ground just now to pick up stones! There was a sneer at the corner of Sophia's mouth.

There was a sound of "Dang", the stone was thrown away, but the sword was getting closer. Good swordsmanship!

Wu Xiaode thought that the opponent's swordsmanship was great, but he never thought it would be this powerful! He was about to sideways pass the opponent's sword—

After all, I have so much combat experience and skills, and even the memories of the Emperor, Robber, and Purgatory Demon King, it is not a problem to avoid this sword technique. sudden change --

puff. There was a soft sound.

The dagger pierced Gerstaff's body. Gerstav rushed forward to block the sword! Wu Xiaode was stunned.

Sophia was a little surprised, but still laughed loudly and said, "Yes, yes, Gerstav, you are very self-conscious!"

Several other children also laughed together.

They waved their weapons and charged forward together. At this time Wu Xiaode moved.

While the sword was still piercing Gerstav's chest, he rushed up and grabbed Sophia by the collar—

Head hammer!

Sophia's face was covered in blood, and she subconsciously reached out to cover her nose. Wu Xiaode pulled out the sword that had pierced Gerstav's chest, and—


The dagger pierced Sophia's body.

Sophia screamed and fell limp to the ground.

Wu Xiaode drew out his dagger, and rushed towards those children.

The children are usually arrogant, but when they saw Sophia was stabbed in the opposite direction, and then the kid rushed over with a sword, they immediately hesitated.

Wu Xiaode's sword moves were blocked by the Purgatory Demon King, but he can always do basic fighting.

Holding the sword with both hands, he slashed vigorously, knocking out the long knife in the boy's hand in the front, and stabbing him in the stomach—

Amidst the boy also fell to the ground. Wu Xiaode picked up the long knife.

With a dagger in one hand and a long knife in the other, he took two quick steps back, stepped on the fallen Sophia, and shouted, "If you come again, I'll cut off her head."

The remaining three children were about to rush forward, but they dared not move at this moment.

Because Wu Xiaode's knife had been attached to Sophia's neck, cutting the skin and bleeding.

--He really knows how to do it!

three small

The child looked at each other in blank dismay, not daring to move.

One of the girls dropped her weapon and said loudly, "I'm going to call the Lord." After she finished speaking, she turned and ran.

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