Virtue is Abundant

Chapter 547: Awakening day!

Wu Xiaode snorted, and let go of Sophia on the ground.

Sophia got up immediately and ran out without looking back. She ran.

Several other children ran out together.

Wu Xiaode and Ge Jia Si Tafu were left in the cave. Gerstaff hesitated and said:

"Xiao Wu, I always feel that something is weren't so intense before."

"Don't worry, they all have injuries, and an adult will come to ask about the situation soon." Wu Xiaode said casually.

Beside his ear, a small figure lay beside his ear, whispering about the current situation:

"The first seal has appeared." "What is it?" Wu Xiaode asked.

"The fetters of the village," the fairy Kris said quickly, "If Gerstaff stays in the village, she will suffer more serious injuries sooner or later. The seal is firmly rooted in the deepest wound in her heart—"

"You must take her out of this village as soon as possible." "Understood." Wu Xiaode said.

Twenty minutes later.

Several children were lying on a stone bed in the middle of the village. The elders of Longcun are treating the children. Things have gotten bigger.

For the sake of justice, the dragon elders naturally used techniques such as mental torture. The ins and outs of the whole incident were presented to everyone.

"Xiao Wu, you are just defending yourself, there is nothing wrong with that." The elder said gently.

"Then she almost killed me, so what?" Wu Xiaode pointed at Sophia and said. The elder said: "She didn't do it on purpose, I guess—"

Wu Xiaode interrupted him directly: "Elder, my parents died fighting for the village, so they can't protect me. What do you mean, as long as the orphans whose parents died in battle, they deserve to be bullied by other children?"

All the Dragon Clan members present were speechless.

"You children make a fuss, don't hurt your peace, you will be good friends when you grow up." The elder smoothed things over.

"So children's affairs are not a big deal?" Wu Xiaode asked again.

The injury on his body healed a lot, so he stood up at this moment, pulled Gerstav out from the crowd, and said loudly:

"Gerjastaff has been bullied for the past few years, I don't believe you didn't find out." "You just think her parents are dead, so it doesn't matter if you bully her."

"This is good."

"I hope that after you die in battle, the same will happen to your children. After all, there are me and Gerstav as precedents."

"What happens to us, remember, it will be the same with your children." "Let's go, Gerstaff!"

He led Ge Jia Si Tafu, and regardless of what the adult dragons present thought, he slipped out of the crowd and left far away.

The elder thought it was just a trivial matter. But look around.

It was as if something had taken root in everyone's hearts. That's the way it is.

The baby dragon nearly died.

If every descendant of the war dead in the future will end up like this, who would still be willing to fight for the village?

And Gerstaff.

All these one cares about her...

—If I die, will my child be like Gerstav and Wu Xiaode?

The crowd fell silent for a while.

Several elders looked at each other, and for the first time there was a little worry in their eyes. Wu Xiaode shook his head.

This thing is actually very buggy.

Any organization that doesn't treat the orphans of martyrs kindly is brainwashed. But the reality is like this.

Where is the problem? ..

On the barren hills outside Dragon Village.

In a remote cave.

Wu Xiaode squatted on the ground, dug up the soil, and dug out the two people's treasures. It was an iron box.

There are only a few gold coins hidden in it.

The two of them can complete their training every day because of these few gold coins. dragons need safety


The higher the sense of security, the deeper the slumber, the more effective the cultivation, and the faster the strength will improve.

But they only have these few gold coins.

Gerstav looked at Wu Xiaode in a daze, and whispered: "Xiao Wu, what are you thinking?"

"What you said during the day probably has some effect, at least they won't deal with us tonight." Wu Xiaode said with a slight smile.

Chris followed.

When you enter the dreamland, you can't bring anything with you. But Chris--

She hid her equipment and brought it all in! Don't worry about money.

In the future, the speed of our practice will become rapid! So the most important thing right now is another thing—

Learn about the dragon's civilization so that you can help Gerstav break the seal. In fact --

After becoming a dragon, I know how the dragon people live. The innate power of the dragon family is flight, dragon power, and human form. Needless to say, flying.

Longwei is the natural coercion of higher species, and ordinary animals can't even move an inch under Longwei.

And in terms of eating--

The Dragon Clan can eat for half a month at a time.

In this case, driving Longwei to hunt can completely support himself.

"I was thinking, why don't we go down the mountain and live in the human city-state to the south." Wu Xiaode said.

Gerstav was shocked.

She was born and raised in the village, but never thought of leaving. If you leave the village--

Sophia and the others can't bully themselves! Why didn't I think of it before?

No, it was not unexpected.

But there are all kinds of dangers outside the village, and young dragons cannot deal with them.

"But it's dangerous outside the village, Xiaowu, can we do it?" Gerstav said worriedly.

Wu Xiaode said: "Leave him alone, it's better than staying here and being bullied, isn't it?

He suddenly saw the Book of the Undead emerging from the void and unfolding in front of him. Fairy Chris whispered in her ear:

"I connected my divination technique with your Book of the Dead, and it will show you the specific situation."

Wu Xiaode nodded slightly, and looked towards the Book of the Dead. Lines of small ice crystal characters have already appeared:

"With the help of the great prophecy of the goblin, the current information is as follows:"

"You must leave the village with Gerstav within an hour to avoid some kind of danger, otherwise this seal will be deepened here by Gerstav's painful memory and cannot be broken by you."

"Remaining time: 59:59."

God knows what will happen in the village against Gorgistav! But now I can't bother to inquire.

The time is only one hour!

Wu Xiaode stood up, grabbed Gerstav's hand, and said softly:

"Come with me, sister, we deserve a better life than being hated by them here."

Gerstav bit her lip, nodded and said, "Okay, I'll listen to you, Xiao Wu."

Wu Xiaode was overjoyed.

The two had been dependent on each other, and during the day he helped her fight again, and finally won her approval.

So now I can talk to her as soon as I say it. That's it!

The two children tidied up, and only a rag bag was packed, which contained the only change of clothes, a hunting knife, a bow and arrow.

"Go!" Wu Xiaode said.

Taking advantage of the darkness, they groped towards the direction outside the village. At this time it started to rain.

Thunder rolls.

Gerstav hesitated and said, "Xiao Wu, why don't we leave tomorrow?"

"No! Everyone stays at home in this weather, so we can act. We don't know what will happen tomorrow."

Wu Xiaode said firmly.

Ge Jia Si Ta Fu has also suffered hardships, a little rain is naturally nothing, when Wu Xiaode said this, he immediately

No more words.

Wu Xiaode carried the rag bag on his back, and walked out leading Geji Tafu. Did not go for a while.

Suddenly, I heard a "boom" sound from a distance on the road when I came. The two looked back.

"It's our home!" Gerstaff said in surprise.

In the dark rainy night, a soaring fire lit up on the hillside. The cave where the two lived was set on fire!

What's the matter? have no idea.

But this is clearly an attack on Gerstaff!

Wu Xiaode's heart sank, and he vaguely sensed some kind of ominous omen. Something dangerous is about to happen, imminent.

This situation.....

There is no way to hide your strength anymore! -- Chrissy's strength!

"Gerjastaff, I have something to tell you." Wu Xiaode said. "What?" Gerstaff asked.

"As for me, I have a good friend who is utterly sincere. She will come to help us soon. Don't panic when you see her."

Wu Xiaode waved.

A black cat quietly appeared on a big tree in front of the two of them. "cat?"

Gerstaff was puzzled. How can a cat help us?

I saw the black cat "meow" at the two of them, and then galloped towards the dense forest.

"She has already found her way down the mountain to the human world - let's follow her!" Wu Xiaode said.

He was in the front, and Gerstav was behind, and quickly chased after him in the dense forest. Time passed slowly.

half an hour later.

The black cat suddenly stopped in front and looked back towards the mountains.

I saw a huge ball of flames appearing in the sky, falling straight down like a meteor.

boom! ! The earth kept shaking.

— That's the direction of the village! But what happened?

Wu Xiaode grasped Gerstav tightly with one hand, and looked at the black cat.

The black cat also had a serious face. It squatted on the ground and thought for a while, raised its front paw, bit it with its mouth, and then drew a strange rune array on the ground.

"Xiao Wu, this is the magical formation of bala la, I'm worried that I won't be able to protect you for a while, so you stand up first."

Chris voice transmission. "good."

Wu Xiaode stood in the middle of the magic circle holding Ge Jia Si Ta Fu. The black cat let out a fierce breath.

"She's yelling at us?" Gerstaff asked.

"No, she is reciting a spell." Wu Xiaode said. T-device--

The figures of the two shrank rapidly, becoming only as big as a thumb, and before Gerstaff could react—

The black cat stretched out its tail, rolled it lightly, and put the two of them on the cat's head.

"Listen, although I'm a master of peek-a-boo, I haven't taken others to hide with me, so from now on, please keep quiet."

A female voice came out of the black cat's mouth.

A dense dark mist began to appear on its body, disappearing into the night, almost merging with it.

Wu Xiaode and Gerstav nodded quickly. "Hold on—"

The black cat jumped forward, jumped onto the branch of the big tree, and was about to leave the area. Sudden.

Where Wu Xiaode and Gejistaf were standing, several figures appeared. —A dragon warrior wearing full armor and holding a weapon!

"Didn't find it?"

A muffled voice sounded.

At some point, a man wearing a gorgeous crimson robe appeared beside the big tree.

These people are just a few steps away from the black cat.

But they didn't perceive the existence of the black cat at all! Wu Xiaode couldn't help his heart palpitations.

If it had been a little later, these people would have caught themselves and Gerstav! What a difference!

"Report to my lord, the last trace of those two people is here, and then disappeared."

A dragon warrior said.

"It's just two kids, they can't run far

Yes, keep looking, you will definitely find it. "


The dragon warriors headed into the jungle.

The man in the deep red gorgeous robe stood where he was, not knowing what he was thinking.

Just listen to him muttering to himself:

"It's been too smooth all this time, and it finally led to this disaster..."

"Actually, the day of awakening is just around the corner, so we should have been careful." A few meters away.

On the big tree, Wu Xiaode clutched the cat's hair tightly, a ray of doubt flashed in his heart. wake up?

Gerstav was raised in the village, and was bullied by children every day, with swords and guns on her body, and she didn't even have enough time to practice.

So you said she was about to wake up?

Wu Xiaode suddenly felt something turned his head and looked.

I saw the **** the cat's back bursting out with shining rays of light, almost breaking through the fog around the black cat.

--She's really waking up! No! It's dangerous right now!

Wu Xiaode's thoughts flashed, and he quickly thought about the way to deal with it, but found that the same vision also appeared in himself.

He froze for a moment. --What's happening here?

A line of small ice crystal characters appeared in front of his eyes:

"As a 2P player, you have the same blood of the Dragon King, and you also shoulder the same fate."

"Your super-limit dragon blood power is about to awaken!"

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