Virtue is Abundant

Chapter 548: The power of the blood of the Dragon King of old!

The power of the uncontrolled dragon clan rose up.

"Meow, I'm almost unable to cover up the power on you, Xiao Wu!" Chris said in a panic.

In the nick of time--crack!

Wu Xiaode slashed Ge Jiastafu's neck with a knife.

Grace Taf fainted immediately, swayed, and fell on the back of the black cat. As soon as she lost consciousness, her awakening was interrupted.

— But Wu Xiaode's own awakening has just begun!

Those dazzling lights collided back and forth in the dark magic fog around the black cat, and they were about to break through.

"Chris, raise your head and open your mouth." Wu Xiaode said calmly.

Before he finished speaking, he had already picked up Gerstaff and ran along the cat's spine towards the cat's head.

Chris also knew the situation was critical—it must not be found!

If it failed before, the only one who died would be Gerstaff.

But now, Xiao Wu has also joined in, so if there is a problem, Xiao Wu will die too!

Following Wu Xiaode's words, she raised her head slightly and opened the cat's mouth. Wu Xiaode just jumped up high and said loudly:

"Hold it!"

I saw him jumping down with Gerstav in his arms, and landed in the black cat's mouth. The black cat immediately understood what he was thinking, and directly embraced the two of them.

while shutting up--

Wu Xiaode slashed himself on the neck with a knife. --He passed out too!

The fluctuations in the two of them disappeared immediately, and they lay unconscious in the mouth of the black cat.

These things are slow to say, but in fact they only happened in a few moments. The man in the red robe didn't notice it.

He waited quietly for the results of the search.

Seeing this, the black cat breathed a sigh of relief, and silently held the two in its mouth, grinning and sucking in air from time to time, so as not to suffocate the two in its mouth.

Time passed slowly.

The black cat squatted on the branch, lost in thought. --What should we do now?

I can't stay here forever.

But Xiao Wu had already passed out, so he couldn't come up with another idea. Although he knew he and the female dragon were going to stay away from the village—

But the road ahead has also been set up with many barriers, and that road has become impassable!

Should he find another way, or find a place to hide? The black cat was confused.

— She spent her whole life having fun, and her brain never considered such a thing. Come on, Chrissy!

The black cat secretly encouraged himself.

Make your own decisions that are best for them. The black cat looked left and right, and suddenly saw another change below.

The man in the red robe seemed to be waiting impatiently, turned around and flew away in another direction.

The black cat watched his receding back, and an idea gradually appeared in his heart. That's right.

You can't go wrong! ....

In a daze.

Wu Xiaode gradually came to his senses.

He sat up from the soft pink tongue and saw that Giraffestaff was still unconscious.


In desperation just now, the strike was a bit heavy.

"Chris, how long has it been?" Wu Xiaode asked. Chris's voice came suddenly:

"I don't know either—don't worry, I took you out of the village! The pursuers didn't find you, so you're safe now!"

Wu Xiaode looked towards the Book of the Dead.

I saw that the sealing task was still 7 minutes away. Wu Xiaode heaved a sigh of relief. Actually the whole thing is pretty clear.

After 7 minutes, if you leave the village without being discovered, you will be considered as having successfully escaped the first seal.

Although various historical records say that goblins are absolutely unreliable—but with such a simple matter, Chris should be fine. —That's why I fell into a coma with peace of mind.

Wu Xiaode stood up and said, "Where are we now? Are we in a human city?" "No, we are in a safer place."


"I don't know what the control center is called." "Huh?"

An ominous premonition emerged in Wu Xiaode's heart.

He simply walked to the cat's mouth and looked out cautiously.

Through Maomao's teeth and lip flesh, one can see that the outside seems to be a super-large camp, with various powerful professionals coming and going, looking very busy.

Where the **** is this?

Wu Xiaode was puzzled for a while. Sudden.

A familiar figure came into view. -- That man in the red robe!

He seems to be the leader here, standing in front of several rows of heavily armed soldiers, he said loudly:

"Haven't found it yet? Go! Send more people to search the mountains!"

"Send 3,000 professionals to guard the human city below the mountain, and don't let any suspicious target go!"

"All dispatched!"

People left the camp in a hurry and went all over the mountains and plains. Wu Xiaode was stunned for a few breaths, and murmured:

"Chris, this seems to be the center of an operation to get us."

"That's right," Chris excitedly claimed credit, "I've watched a lot of movies and books before, and I remember a classic line."

"What?" Wu Xiaode asked.

"The most dangerous place is the safest place—am I smart?" Chrissy asked in a flattering tone.

Wu Xiaode was silent for a while, and said with difficulty: "You did well."

He quickly pulled himself together, his eyes wandering around the entire camp. soon.

He saw a few more acquaintances.

The village head, elders, and villagers of Long Village!

These members of the Dragon Clan are resting, and no one cares about them, and some soldiers even talk to them.

"?????" Wu Xiaode.

If these men were captured—

They are all dragons, how could they be caught so easily? Besides, why do they seem so composed?

—They are even familiar with professionals. This is somewhat incomprehensible.

Wu Xiaode murmured: "Chris, you sneak over and hide beside those dragon villagers, let's listen to what they are saying."


The black cat responded and quickly slid over, hiding behind a large luggage bag next to a tent.

Just listen to the chatter of the villagers sitting aside:

"It's pretty stupid, knowing that her age is approaching, and not doing anything about it."

"A bunch of bureaucrats."

"That's right, I can tell that the little girl will wake up soon..."

"The old royal family only has this little bloodline left. Wouldn't it be better to get rid of it earlier? Let it go to our village, just for that vain hope?"

"There is no other way. It is said that that kind of talent can only be awakened in a completely natural environment."

"But... that kind of talent really exists?"

"It is said that during the reign of the Dragon King in the past, few people awakened." "...."

Wu Xiaode was stunned.

- Can the whole village be acting?

Everyone knows that Gorgistav is the last bloodline of the old dragon king. Only Gorgistav herself did not know.

No wonder you have to leave this village to unlock the first seal!

Otherwise, sooner or later, her power will be used by those who arrange everything secretly. "Chris...Thanks to you bringing us here, we finally found out the truth."

Wu Xiaode said sincerely.

The black cat "meowed" twice proudly.

Wu Xiaode looked at Ge Jiastaf who was still in a coma, and felt the blood power gradually surging in his body.

— You can't stay in the village, and you can't go to the human city below the mountain. Go the other way.

"Chris, let's go north, according to memory

, there is a desolate world of ice and snow, and it is not an easy task for the pursuers to find us there. "

Wu Xiaode said.

"North? Good!" The black cat responded.

It turned into an afterimage and quickly swept towards the north of the jungle. At this time, 7 minutes just ended.

Wu Xiaode endured it for a while, until he was far away from the camp, then he gave up resisting, allowing the dragon power in his body to boil again.

——The blood power of the Dragon King family in the old days? What will it be?

Wu Xiaode closed his eyes tightly, letting that inexplicable force blow over his body. I don't know how long it has been.

The black cat had climbed the ridge.

This place is full of wind and snow, no matter it is from the village or the camp, it is already very far away.

Wu Xiaode opened his eyes, crawled out of the black cat's mouth, and jumped onto the cat's head.

"Congratulations, Xiao Wu, I can feel that the power of your bloodline has been awakened a level—to celebrate, let's have hot pot tonight."

Chris licked the corner of her mouth.

"No problem, can you sense what power is in me?" Wu Xiaode asked in response.

Chris said angrily: "I don't know, the dragon is a very cunning race, no one can figure out their twists and turns, I hate playing games with them, I lose every time."

very good. Not even the goblins know.

So, how to use this power? Wu Xiaode looked at the Book of the Dead.

There is only one line of small ice crystal characters on the Book of the Dead:

"You have mastered the blood power of the old dragon clan????', please try to use it." Wu Xiaode was speechless for a while.

—How to use it, you should give me a manual! The lineage of the old Dragon King was all dead, leaving only Gerjastav.

Gerstav didn't even know that there were actors who lied to her in the village, so how could she know how to use the power of blood?

Wu Xiaode can only explore by himself.

He jumped first, and then used up jump, down jump, oblique jump, character move left, right move, squat up squat, fist kick—

However, after trying for a while, there was no movement.

Yes, I can indeed feel that some kind of power seems to appear in myself.

This kind of power can call the law to come, and build a mysterious emerging power for a certain word or deed of one's own.

But--what is it?

Wu Xiaode sighed, a little helpless, and also felt a little sad for Ge Jistaf.

That girl is still sleeping on the cat's tongue.

Who knows how she got here for so many years? "Let's go, Chris, let's continue heading north." Wu Xiaode said.

"Hot pot tonight?" Chris asked again.

"No problem, I'll go hunting after a while, and I'll have a good meal tonight," Wu Xiaode promised.

"Oh yeah!"

The black cat cheered, and ran towards the back of the ridge with its paws.

Seeing that she was about to climb over this mountain range, Wu Xiaode couldn't help but look back at the way she came.

Bright lights were lit in the far-off valleys. It was the light in the pursuer's camp.

Wu Xiaode glanced at it, and couldn't help whispering: "A bunch of shit, I'll deal with you when I gain strength."

As soon as the voice fell a sudden change occurred—

An invisible force flew from his body into the sky, like a gigantic ghost, rushing towards the lights in the mountain depression silently.

The book of the dead frantically refreshed lines of tiny words in ice crystals: "You have successfully released the blood power of the Dragon King of old."

"You've given your current pursuers brand new titles:" "A bunch of shit."

"This name is a one-time name, passively triggered."

"Effect: Immediately transform into shit, which lasts for three days. If it is not eaten or trampled, it can be transformed back again!"

--to the essence

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