Virtue is Abundant

Chapter 549: irresistible spell

Yes, my dragon has awakened. " said the old blind man.

Because he couldn't figure out the current situation, he made up his mind to follow the words of the Duke of Abyss.

If that guy also pretended to be "Davier" and was in this dream city, then he would have to get the words out of the mouth of the Duke of the Abyss.

— Then go kill that guy and get back the power of "God's Punishment"!

"Davier, Darvil, this incident is really worthy of applause. I originally thought that the probability of the dragon awakening was less than 30%, but you succeeded!"

The Duke of Abyss applauded.

"It's easy to say, Your Excellency the Duke, the plan for tomorrow morning remains the same, right?" asked the old blind man.

"Of course it won't change. We will go to the Tomb World early tomorrow morning, and all the treasures inside will belong to us."

The Duke of Abyss took the conversation as a matter of course, and at the same time, he was thinking about the means to **** the dragon.

The old blind man grinned. very good.

The information of the Purgatory Demon Lord is correct.

Both my initial investment and this additional investment in Purgatory Demon King are worth it.

But the Demon King of Purgatory didn't know about the loss of his "God's Punishment". --You don't have to tell her either.

In short, this time I want to accept her favor. Then next...

"Your Excellency, Duke of Abyss, I have a small question." The old blind man said. "Please speak." The Duke of Abyss said.

"It is said that the Tomb World is guarded by a Star Lord, and has been guarding it for countless years. Are we really sure to kill him and take away the treasures of the Tomb?" asked the old blind man.

The Duke of Abyss grinned and said:

"He's not at home—by the way, come with me, and I'll show you a traitor." Before the old blind man could speak, the Duke had already walked straight to the front of the street. The old blind man thought for a while, followed, and asked:

"Traitor? What do you mean?"

"You will know soon." The Duke of Abyss said.

The two walked all the way, but within a few hundred meters, they saw a woman's face hanging in a window on the side of the street.

Because of the enormous pain and torture that this female face has endured, the facial features have been distorted, and it is almost impossible to see the original appearance.

In the large fish tank filled with dark yellow solution on the side—

The old blind man saw a body that was continuously corroded by the solution, continued to grow, and then corroded again.

"Stop." The Duke of Abyss said.

Immediately, the solution in the big fish tank turned into cool spring water. Only then did the female face slowly regain its sanity.


The Duke of Abyss flaunted his arms, pointed to the window and said, "What a perfect torture specimen, I have rarely created specimens with such passion."

The old blind man agreed absent-mindedly: "It's really good, it fits your usual style."

—The robbers are all like this, taking destruction as their pleasure. What's the point of such nonsense?

The Duke of Abyss laughed loudly and said, "Do you want to hear about this process?" "All ears." The old blind man continued to echo.

This moment.

The Duke of Abyss sensed something was wrong.

- This taboo life is Darville's subordinate, but Darwell is absent-minded at the moment.

Wouldn't he be angry if he moved his own men? At least--

He should also ask himself, why should his men be made into specimens. This is the normal unfolding.

Why is he so indifferent?

The Duke of Abyss did not show any signs of expression, and glanced lightly into the window.

The taboo life has regained consciousness, looking out of the window—she looked at herself with abyss-like fear in her eyes.

Then she saw Darville. she--

A look of confusion was revealed. Why confused?

A huge shadow looms in the heart of the Duke of the Abyss

so that he immediately became serious.

"Tell me why you didn't say anything when you met your master—if you tell the truth, I'll take out those three thousand blades in your body."

The Duke of Abyss said via voice transmission.

Xuezhi said dumbly: "There is a law of cause and effect between me and my master. Now the law of cause and effect has not disappeared, but I can't sense it from the person next to you." In other words--

This Davier is a fake! Who is he?

What is the purpose of coming to the City of Dreams?

The Duke of Abyss slightly raised his hand and released a spell. In the window, the fish tank disappeared.

Xue Zhi's body got up, walked to the face, and put the face on the neck. The skull begins to grow.

Then there is blood and flesh.

"You gave up this specimen." The old blind man said.

"Indeed, I gave up the specimen, because she made a great contribution just now - I always reward when I have merit." The Duke of Abyss said.

"What great achievement?" asked the old blind man. The Duke of Abyss whistled. Instantly.

One after another robber appeared on the street, Qiqi looked at the two of them. "Your Excellency, you called us?"

A robber asked respectfully.

"There's a fake 'Davier' here." The Duke of Abyss said briefly. All Jiemo looked at the old blind man.

The old blind man finally laughed and said, "What a big feast."

He stomped lightly. The world became silent.

Looking from the extremely far dark void, I saw that the dream city exuding neon brilliance suddenly collapsed into many fragments, scattered all over the sky.

— like fireworks blooming in the sky. Then--

The huge and irresistible explosion sound just came! Rumble! !

——The City of Dreamland was destroyed just like that!

However, an angry roar blocked all movement:

"Damn it, you killed my servant Pronotheus, I'm going to make you a torture specimen!"

Duke of the Abyss!

He stretched out his hand and pointed at the old blind man, and the demons around him shot out one after another.

The old blind man smiled coldly.

sudden change --

In an instant, all robbers and even the Duke of Abyss disappeared from the dark void.

The old blind man was gone too.

However, on the original site of the City of Dreams, a magnificent and gorgeous star quietly appeared!

This piece of stars exudes a far more dazzling brilliance than the dream city, as well as a more abundant and incredible vitality, slowly spreading towards the surroundings.

same moment.

On one of the broken pieces of the city of dreams.

Xuezhi's body collapsed into mud again with the destruction of the world. Yet she is immortal!

After the huge shock wave passed, groups of flesh and blood gathered together, regrowing bones, flesh, skin, hair, organs and facial features.

The white-haired and red-eyed Xue Zhi was resurrected!

She looked up into the air, fully expecting to see a big battle. However, the next second.

In the void, densely packed planets appeared, forming a colorful galaxy.

Seeing this scene, Xuezhi couldn't help shivering. "A Lord of the Stars...".

she groaned. That's right.

All those planets are full of vitality. Sentient beings have established a huge civilization system in the galaxy.

The worlds of life and death are unified in the galaxy, each performs its duties, and transfers souls to each other.

The gods promote the development of the world, protect the life on those planets, and rack their brains to make everything better.

These boundless planets constitute three thousand worlds!

The huge galaxy composed of three thousand worlds is the Lord of the Stars!

The birth consciousness of a world is the life-like body of the world, also known as the master of the world.

The Lord of the World is naturally afraid of robbery.

After all machine

There will only be one time, if you can't beat it, you will be killed by Jiemo.

But the Lord of the Stars has three thousand worlds, and he has rich experience in fighting the robbery.

The outcome is not certain yet!

Seeing this huge galaxy appearing in the void, Xuezhi no longer dared to have any delusions.

She turned around and was about to flee into the darkness. However, the next second.

She suddenly stopped again.

Wu Xiaode's order came to her mind again:

"The Duke of the Abyss has a 'Brilliant Holy Light' in his hand. You should make a promise to him first, and then find a way to get this card. This is an order."

Xiao Wu....

To issue such a ridiculous order. The whole order is so vague—

"False and submissive first", "find a way to get it later". There are countless loopholes in these two sentences alone.

Talking to the Duke of Abyss by himself can be said to be hypocrisy, and even running away by himself can be said to be trying to find a way.


Xuezhi was about to fly away immediately.

However, she struggled to get up, but stayed where she was.

—The battle between the Lord of Stars and the Robbers is the best chance to win that card.

Why don't you do it yourself?

In fact, in the endless void worlds, there is no reason to speak of at all.

Such as the Duke of Abyss.

He tortured himself as much as he wanted. But Xiao Wu is different.

What you say to him, he will listen carefully. free.....

If you really want to be free, you should earnestly fulfill his orders, instead of obeying and disobeying and causing some troubles.

one way or another.

If you want to be free, you should show your sincerity! He is reasonable!

Xuezhi gritted his teeth, and looked seriously at the three thousand stars in the void again.

Just now it seemed that the Duke of Abyss landed near a huge and blazing star. There should be the main battlefield!

Xuezhi's figure soared into the sky and flew towards the boundless gorgeous stars. -

the other side.

Wu Xiaode opened his eyes and saw a rock above his head. There is the sound of fire burning nearby.

"You're awake." Chris's voice came.

"Well, how long have I been in a coma?" Wu Xiaode asked. This is a cave.

It's snowing all over the sky outside. It was completely dark.

Gerstaff, however, was nowhere to be seen.

Chris said: "You slept for three hours - don't rush, you let go

Due to the huge blood power, your world power has been exhausted. Fortunately, your soul power is eternal, otherwise you would be dead now. "

"Too big?" Wu Xiaode said.

"That's right, you gave hundreds of people the title of legal recognition at once, and it's a miracle that they didn't die." Chris said.

Only then did Wu Xiaode realize that he didn't even have the strength to sit up. A splitting headache.

Seeing this, Chris waved a short staff to release a black magic to help him relieve the pain. "Where's Gerstaff?"

"Go hunting, I said you want to eat hot pot at night, so she went out." "She--"

" She has also awakened, don't worry, I have told her what you did just now, so she will use her power carefully."

·...That's good. "

Wu Xiaode heaved a sigh of relief, and looked at the Book of the Dead floating in midair. I saw that the page of the book had been opened, and there were lines of small words written in ice crystals: "The battle records have been sorted out, and you can check them at any time."

"After sorting out the entire battle process, the knowledge inherited by the Emperor has activated a part of the hidden memory, and I learned that the power you currently have is:"

"Old Dragon King Blood Curse." "Elementary."

"Description: You can give the target a title and activate the title skill immediately."

"—Irresistible Words

curse. "

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