Virtue is Abundant

Chapter 550: Xiao Wu's revenge!

The hot pot was gurgling and steaming.

Chrissy grinned.

Wu Xiaode lay there, letting Gerstav feed him the soup.

—The goblin provided the iron pot and seasonings, and Gerstav picked mushrooms and wild vegetables, and beat a pheasant.

The meal is made.

"How long will it take me to recover?" Wu Xiaode asked. "There is bad news and good news about your body," Chris said.

"The bad news first." Wu Xiaode said.

"You've exhausted the power of your newly awakened blood, so at least you need to take good care of your body before we can continue on our way," Chris said.

"Good news?" Wu Xiaode said.

"Now you are a dragon, do you understand? You can recover your body using the method of the dragon family." Chris said.

The Way of the Dragon...  

Isn't that lying on the treasure and sleeping?

Wu Xiaode lightly rubbed the ring of the Holy Store on his finger.

The wealth won by bone dragons, blood infants, and cooperating with Satan in gambling games are all in this ring.

Oh no.

There are also two investment funds given by the old blind man.

In the past, the currency I obtained was gold, and if it was higher, it would be high-level soul crystals.

What the old blind man gave were top-quality soul crystals!

The ultimate soul crystal is a treasure that cannot be found in the heavens and all worlds, and it is a perfect soul energy crystal.

When it comes to money, I really have enough. This is indeed good news.

"Gerjastaff, how are you feeling now?" Wu Xiaode asked.

"While you were asleep, I had successfully awakened the power of blood." Gerstaff said softly.

"Is it the same low-level Dragon King Blood Curse as me?" Wu Xiaode asked with interest.

Gerstav carefully wiped the corners of Wu Xiaode's mouth, and whispered in his ear:

"Brother Xiaowu, you are only five years old and your body has just begun to grow. This matter will not affect you, and you will definitely recover soon.

The Book of the Undead opened immediately, and lines of small ice crystal characters quickly appeared:

"Gerjastaff cast the old dragon king's blood curse on you, and you temporarily got the following title—"

"'You are a brother'."

"Equip this name, the recovery speed of the body will be increased by three times, and the growth and puberty will also come earlier."

"This title is automatically equipped and lasts for three days. Wu Xiaode was silent for a while.

very good.

Gerstav also seems to have broken through the first seal.

——Originally, she would wake up in the village, and then be caught by those people, thus her power would be sealed, or her power would be taken away directly.

Now, this seal has been broken.

"Chris, can you still do divination?" Wu Xiaode asked. "The divination has already been carried out, and the second seal has quietly opened." Chris said.

"What is it?"

"You killed the enemy in that camp, but then, more and stronger enemies will come after hearing the news. You have to quickly improve your strength while avoiding pursuit until Gerstav successfully kills the old dragon king's blood. The curse has been upgraded to a secondary level." Chris said.

Wu Xiaode looked out of the cave.

The wind and snow kept whistling.

It looks like a blizzard tonight, and the entire mountain range will be covered in heavy snow.

One — those enemies just turned into shit.

Even if there are pursuers coming, at least they have to wait until after tonight.


Wu Xiaode didn't ask any more questions, just finished dinner quietly.

after dinner.

He wiped the ring of the sacred treasure, released gold coins all over the ground, and directly piled up the entire cave.

"Gerjastaff, these gold coins are for you to sleep and practice." "Xiao Wu, where did you get so much gold?"

"Those who came after us - after they were killed by my dragon king's blood curse, I confiscated


Gerstav was only six years old, she nodded half-understanding, walked to the corner, yawned, and lay down with her clothes on.

not for a while.

She fell into a deep sleep.

"Girstaff is just a dragon, so these gold coins are enough for her to sleep." Kris commented.

Wu Xiaode realized something, and asked, "What about me?"

"You? Although this is a dragon awakening dreamland, you are the master of the world, Xiao Wu. You need more and higher wealth." Chris said.

"I see, but I can't sleep right now." "Why?"

"Night watch, in case something happens at night, I can—" Chris interrupted him: "Then you can't do anything—after all, your whole body strength is exhausted, so let me come to watch the night, you go to sleep quickly, while There is no chasing troops today, so I need to replenish my strength. Wu Xiaode thinks so too.

I can't even raise my hands now, even if there are chasing soldiers, so what?

It's better to let Chris do some concealed arrangements. He lay down among the gold coins and tried to fall asleep. But after a few minutes one by one

Wu Xiaode glanced back at Gerstav, and saw that she was lying there, not only had fallen asleep, but even started drooling, as if she had eaten something delicious in a dream.

I slept so well!

The dragon clan can only become stronger by sleeping. Ge Jiastaf sleeps like this, and it is estimated that the blood curse of the old dragon king will be upgraded to a second level soon.


I can't sleep by myself.

Wu Xiaode thought for a while, then simply touched the ring, took out all the top-quality soul crystals given by the old blind man, and arranged them into a bed.

Gerstaff groaned.

"This power is too strong, she can't stand it, let me help you move it farther away." Chris said, waving the short stick.

The soul crystal bed flew up together with Wu Xiaode, and landed far away on the other side of the cave.

Gerstaff stopped moaning and fell into a dreamland again.

As for Wu Xiaode one by one

He landed on the bed made of top-quality soul crystals. almost instantly--

An uncontrollable drowsiness rushed over. "It's so effective..."

Before he could finish muttering a sentence, he fell asleep.

Seeing that the two were asleep, Chris got up quietly, flew to the entrance of the cave, waved the short staff and recited the spell:

"Barahoo, balahoo, no one sees a hole here! The hole just disappeared.

She checked it out, walked back with satisfaction, and sat down in front of the hot pot again.

"I'm all asleep... that's great, I'll have my second meal!" The short stick pointed lightly.

Suddenly, steam rose from under the hot pot. Chris ate happily. It was dark all around.

Wu Xiaode slowly opened his eyes, and was surprised to find that he had regained his strength.

But in the next second, he reacted. wrong!

This should be a dreamland!

He stood up and looked around. somewhere.

In the darkness all around, there seemed to be an inexplicable force hidden.

This power is like a wandering ghost, flying wantonly in the void, but it cannot be grasped or seen.

-What's the situation?

Wu Xiaode felt something in his heart, and subconsciously stretched out his hand, wanting to touch that power.

That force seemed to have heard his call, and immediately flew over, gradually gathering and forming in front of him.

One by one is a black wall. Wall of Sighs!

"It's you...I understand..." Wu Xiaode said softly.

Usually, no matter what powerful skills I have acquired, I have to go through the Wall of Sighs and transform them into skills that suit my own style.

but now--

The Wall of Sighs has been sealed by the Demon King of Purgatory!

Wu Xiaode's heart tightened, and he couldn't help reaching out to touch the dark wall.


fingertips just touching the wall—

The wall of sighs suddenly turned into multiple lights and shadows, and disappeared before his eyes.

" are sealed..." Wu Xiaode sighed in frustration.

How great it would be if the old dragon king's blood curse could be turned into a skill of his own style!


Wu Xiaode was silent for a while, and suddenly there was a piece of information in his mind. In the inherited knowledge of Renhuang's empowerment, for some reason, a scene that has never been seen before quietly emerged.

The Human Sovereign stood on a mountain pavilion and said casually: "The dragons and devils are natural and mortal enemies.

"If a devil dares to seal the Dragon Clan, it will definitely arouse the most primitive power in the Dragon Clan's bloodline."

"As long as that dragon relies on the power of its blood, it will definitely be able to find the devil who cast the seal."

"...Regardless of life or death."

Wu Xiaode stood there in a daze for a moment, his eyes suddenly flashed fiercely.

"Obviously I was the one who won, why do you still seal me?" "I don't accept it!"

······Go to the world of death, find you, and kill you completely...

As the anger in his heart became more and more intense, **** runes appeared on the surface of his body.


The land of the dreamland cracked a bottomless Hundreds of millions of undead wailed from the ground, mixed with the boundless breath of death and rushed straight up.

—There is no doubt that the following is the way to the world of death!

However, Wu Xiaode has long been used to the world of death, so he jumped down without even the slightest hesitation at this time.

In the boiling, burning abyss, one after another ghost figures and countless skeletal hands immediately flocked to him, trying to catch him.

However, with a flick of his body, he directly turned into a dragon made of flames.

The power of the bloodline is constantly awakening!

The flame dragon wiped out all the ghosts, and then continued to rush down towards the bottom of the abyss.

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