Virtue is Abundant

Chapter 551: Seal Battle!

It's snowing outside. The cave was sealed.

Chris stood on the edge of the pot, happily eating hot pot. suddenly.

Feeling something in her heart, she suddenly looked back. I saw that Ge Jia Si Tafu was still sleeping peacefully.

Wu Xiaode was lying in the corner, turning around uneasily.

The bed made of top-quality soul crystals under him gave off faint fluctuations, and some soul crystals began to turn into gray stones.

"Huh? You have absorbed the power of so many soul crystals... What is this kid dreaming about?"

Chris reluctantly put down the bowl and chopsticks, flew directly over, landed on Wu Xiaode's finger, and rubbed vigorously on the holy treasure ring.

"Ah Ring Spirit, Ring Spirit, you know what relationship I have with him, let me get something out to help him."

Chris said to the ring.

A ray of light flashed through the ring of the holy treasure—crash la la la!

A large pile of top-quality soul crystals fell out of the ring and buried Wu Xiaode in it.

Chris pulled the soul crystal away, flew out, nodded with satisfaction, this is enough for you!

Finally, I can eat hot pot with peace of mind.

She flew back and continued to eat happily. The dragon clan sleeps in a dreamland.

The fire dragon ran around in the endless abyss, and finally fell all the way, reaching a sea of ​​flames full of molten lava.

"Purgatory Demon King, get out of here! Fire Dragon shouted angrily. Boom--

The sea of ​​flames set off monstrous waves, and giant metal ships floated up from the bottom of the sea, full of densely packed purgatory devils.

Just as the fire dragon was about to exhale, a picture suddenly appeared in his mind again.

"Although you can chase the purgatory devil, once such a thing is noticed by the purgatory devil, it will make a choice."

"If its strength remains at its peak level, it will wait for your arrival and fight you to the death."

"If its strength has fallen to the bottom, then it will use the power that sealed you at that time in an attempt to stop you."

"Because of the existence of the seal, you can find it."

"If the seal is broken by you, then you will regain power, but you will not be able to find it again.

"This is the choice that must be made in the battle between the devil and the dragon.

"Wait for it to choose—"

The fire dragon suddenly pulled up, crossed the boundless sea of ​​lava, and stared coldly at the endless monsters below.

Countless knowledge is awakened in its mind.

This is not even an "empowerment" but could be called an "enlightenment" --

It sees through the whole situation in an instant.

Now these endless devils will fight with themselves to prevent themselves from looking for their masters.

But they are only the first line of defense.

In the depths of this endless sea of ​​lava, there will soon be a large sacrifice array that seals itself—

Or a portal.

That door will lead straight to the world of the dead, to the place where the Lord of Purgatory is.


The Demon King of Purgatory must have sensed what happened here, how will she choose?

bang rumble

The sea of ​​molten lava kept shaking, completely dissipating the power of space that shrouded in the void.

—The disappearance of the power of teleportation means that the portal cannot be constructed here.

The Purgatory Demon King chose to abandon the seal!

She would rather let Wu Xiaode face the sacrificial seal formation than Wu Xiaode go to her to fight to the death!

The fire dragon let out an angry roar.

Thanks to the knowledge he just gained, at this moment, he finally saw through all the arrangements of the Demon King of Purgatory.

At the moment of the Demon King's death, he declared the succession of the "Crown of Purgatory" to billions of worlds and purgatory.

Anyone who wants to inherit the "Crown of Purgatory" must kill Wu Xiaode to avenge her.

However, if someone actually does this step and wears the crown, then the crown will be dedicated immediately

Sacrifice all the strength and life of this person to resurrect the Demon King!


The Purgatory Demon King sealed all Wu Xiaode's power.

In this way, Wu Xiaode's "anger" cannot devour the corpse of the demon king of purgatory, so as to make the world evolve.

Her body is still in Wu Xiaode's world!

That body full of the power of purgatory, as the eye of the entire sacrificial seal formation, provides a steady stream of great power for all the seals!

While constantly looking for someone to kill Wu Xiaode, at the same time using his own body to seal Wu Xiaode's power.

Such a poisonous method! pity--

The only thing she didn't expect was that Wu Xiaode possessed the Banner of No Beginning.

After Wu Xiaode killed her, he didn't stay in that era at all, and directly used the Beginless Banner to go back many years later.

This escaped countless pursuits!

In this way, during that long time, the Demon King of Purgatory has been looking forward to in the world of death, but he has not waited for any news. Now.

She was timid.

She threw the sealing sacrificial array to Wu Xiaode!

The fire dragon kept soaring in the sky, suddenly its eyes flashed, and it rushed towards a certain place in the molten sea.

Boundless flames lingered on it, so that when those devil's spells collided, they were immediately burned into ashes.


The fire dragon rushed into the sea of ​​lava and dived into the depths. In its ears, the Emperor's voice kept ringing:

"If it is the highest-level Purgatory Demon Soul Sacrificial Seal Formation, then what you have to remember is that you only have one chance to make a move.

"Of all your sealed powers, you can only free one."

"This liberated power must be strong enough, so strong that it can capture the entire formation from within!"

"Remember, there is only one chance to make a call!"

The fire dragon kept identifying all kinds of purgatory banning runes that appeared around it, avoided the attacks of various devils, and even broke through their positions directly, and dived into the depths of the molten sea.

Only one can be liberated. So. Which one to liberate?

Fire Dragon soon had an answer in his mind.

It reached the bottom of the sea of ​​magma, and found the banned existence from the forbidden formation etched with countless purgatory runes.

Without any fancy skills—

The fire dragon directly bumped into those densely packed banning runes.

For a moment, all the runes in that area were shattered. The flames all over the fire dragon also burned out.

Chris, who was eating hot pot outside, couldn't help turning her head to look, only to see that the top-quality soul crystals covering Wu Xiaode's body had all exhausted their strength and completely turned into ashes.

"Is this kid dying?"

Chris rushed over, pointed at the short staff, pushed away all the stones, and landed on Wu Xiaode's fingers again.

"Ring, he should be at a critical moment, give me some more soul crystals.

Chris said.

A ray of light flashed on the ring again.

However, what came out this time was not the best soul crystal.

"What? There are only high-level soul crystals? Forget it, I'll bury him a little deeper, I hope he has enough.

Chris said. in a dream. The fire dragon has completely disappeared.

It turned back into Wu Xiaode, landed at the bottom of the sea of ​​lava, and held down the banned card with his hand.

"Give me a hand—"

Wu Xiaode held the card tightly, and said softly: "Shen Xiujun.

On the card, Shen Xiujun, whose eyes were closed, suddenly opened them.

The void shook.

The monstrous molten magma separated towards the two sides, quickly rolled up, wrapped the countless devils and flew towards the depths of the sky.

"Brother Wu, it's really strange, someone blocked the connection between me and you..."

"What are you doing in the bar?" Wu Xiaode smiled.

"I'm practicing frying fish, I'll make it for you when you come back." Shen Xiujun said.

"That's great, I must have a good taste when I go back—but now my other abilities are sealed, you come to help me.

"Well, I'll protect you!"

The girl flew forward, opened her arms, and hugged Wu Xiaode lightly.

She rested her head on Wu Xiaode's There was fascination and tenderness in her eyes, and she whispered:

"All living beings who have no meritorious virtues will not be pardoned, and all the worlds, whether good or evil, will be turned into dust.

Boundless darkness exploded from her body, sweeping across the entire sealed world.


The wailing of hundreds of millions of devils rang out for a moment, and then seemed to be strangled by the throat, and it turned into dead silence.

The entire lava world quickly turned into fine dust, and then into fine powder, floating in the boundless dark void.

A line of small ice crystal characters appeared in front of Wu Xiaode's eyes: "All your abilities have been unlocked."

"Your world is about to start absorbing the corpse of the demon king of purgatory and transforming it into the power of the world."

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