Virus Throne

Chapter 23. Survivors

Shouldn't this allocable resource be used like this?

Xu Youran tried to allocate it to himself, but the virus couldn't be allocated to himself. Could it be that it could only be allocated to the mutant beast to upgrade the mutant beast?

But what's the benefit of upgrading the mutant beast? The system won't set up useless functions.

Looking at this black iron-level wild dog that has grown a lot in size, Xu Youran has a new idea.

"Hua La" he removed the ice armor, put away the sword, and took a bare-handed fighting posture.

"Hu" the wild dog rushed towards him fiercely, and its sharp canine teeth flashed coldly.

Xu Youran slid and easily dodged the pounce, twisted his body and hit the wild dog's side abdomen with an elbow.

"Awoo..." The wild dog screamed and was hit and flew sideways.

Xu Youran followed with a side kick, sweeping the wild dog's neck with one foot, and the wild dog fell to the ground with a "thump".

The wild dog, which was hit twice, quickly jumped up with its strong physical strength and bit again.

Xu Youran grabbed its neck with his left hand, but it tilted its head and bit him. Its teeth left two shallow bloody marks on his forearm.

This was intentional for the wild dog to bite him. Xu Youran wanted to continue to be infected with the virus.

He quickly grabbed the fur on the wild dog's neck with his left hand, and quickly grabbed one of its hind legs with his right hand, and used force to hold the wild dog horizontally in the air, and then smashed it down.

With a lightning strike on his right knee, with a "click", the spine of this black iron-level wild dog was actually broken into two parts by Xu Youran in mid-air.

As soon as his left hand loosened, he swung the whole wild dog with his right hand and smashed it to the ground with a "bang".

"Awoo, awoo..." The whole head of the wild dog was almost smashed, and it died screaming.

After dealing with this wild dog, Xu Youran also had a preliminary assessment of his combat power.

With bare hands, it should not be a problem to deal with a lone black iron-level mutant beast.

He quickly cleaned the wound and found his combat backpack from a hidden place.

Following the route in his memory, Xu Youran returned to the room where he had stayed with Dongfang Bai for a night a few months ago.

Everything in the room had not changed since they left. Xu Youran looked at this familiar yet unfamiliar scene and couldn't help but sigh.

The scenery remains the same, but where is the beauty?

He quickly locked the door, closed all the doors and windows, took basic protection and rushed into the bathroom.

He felt unwell and estimated that the virus was about to break out.

He found an old towel, wet it with water, bit it in his mouth, and began to circulate the natural meridian.

The pain of the virus outbreak was still heartbreaking. Xu Youran resisted the urge to roll on the ground, bit the wet towel tightly, and madly circulated the natural meridian technique.

After a long time, the symptoms of twitching and cramping of the limbs, splitting headaches, and foaming at the mouth slowly subsided.

It is indeed a lethal virus. Compared with the outbreak of rubella and retrovirus, the pain is much stronger.

He slowly spit out the wet towel, turned on the shower and started to rinse, while his spiritual consciousness probed into the sea of ​​consciousness.

The system list did not change much, and he carefully observed the changed data.

Magic awakening skills.

Earth attribute:

[Earth shield, bronze quality (black iron skill +1). You can use the earth element to condense a bronze shield to resist bronze-level physical attacks, with weak elemental resistance. (Upgradeable)]

[Earth thorns, bronze quality (black iron skill +1). You can use the earth element to condense three bronze earth thorns to pierce the enemy, bronze-level physical attacks. (Upgradeable)]

Basic attributes.

[Character attribute: bronze fighter. ]

[Allocated resources: rabies virus +1, rubella virus, retrovirus. ]

Seeing the changes in the data, he began to analyze it.

It seems that the rabies virus infected this time is the same type as the first infection, but different from the infection in the demon ape.

So only the data of the earth shield and earth thorns changed, and because the infection is black iron level, it is still the virus that I helped it upgrade to black iron level.

It seems that the bronze quality cannot be improved by a black iron infection, and the other thing is that two copies of the virus were obtained.

I was bitten three times today, but only had one attack.

So the quality improvement should only be related to the number of attacks, not the number of bites.

My previous assumption was a bit taken for granted.

If I follow my assumption, the quality will be improved several times after being infected with the virus.

If I feed wild dogs for a day, I will probably be invincible.

Alas, I still think too simply and too beautifully.

The system may only be an auxiliary function, which can help me to be infected but not die, and also clearly plan the evolution route.

I don’t know how many times of black iron skills +1 can make my bronze quality skills improve?

Last time, I killed a silver-level demon ape and got a silver skill +1, which directly upgraded the bronze quality awakening skills to silver quality.

It is very likely that ten or more bronze skills +1 will be needed to upgrade the bronze quality awakening skills to silver quality.

Tomorrow, I will continue the actual combat drill and test.

After Xu Youran finished washing up, he returned to the living room, skillfully took a bottle of Brave the World from the refrigerator, and sat on the sofa and drank beer slowly.

Only this time, he was alone, and he couldn't help thinking of that heroic girl again.

Starting from the next day, he no longer searched on the ground, but swung his flying claw from a high-rise building to another high-rise residential building.

This is a flying claw made from the claws of a bronze-level wild cat. The soldiers gave it a nice name 'Lingxiao Flying Claw'.

When encountering a large number of mutated beasts, Xu Youran fell to the ground, without using any awakening skills, and simply relied on unarmed combat and single-handedly killing the mutated beasts.

I don’t know if the spread of the virus has been affected by something, or if it is limited by longitude, latitude, temperature, and humidity. Most of the mutated beasts in this area carry rabies viruses.

Every night at night, Xu Youran found a relatively safe private house to rest, adjust, and wait for the virus to strike.

After searching for three days, nothing was found except that the black iron skill had changed to +3 and the rabies virus had changed to +3.

He found that ordinary mutant beasts and black iron-level mutant beasts seemed to have little effect on his evolution. Should he look for some bronze-level mutant beasts to try the effect?

Until the fourth day, when Xu Youran threw out his flying claw and was flying between two high-rise residential buildings.

His consciousness swept away as a habit, and then he jumped onto the high-rise rooftop opposite and stood firm.

No, it seemed like my spiritual consciousness had scanned someone just now!

Because the distance was beyond the range of his spiritual detection, he lay down on the edge of the rooftop and began to observe.

Both of these residential buildings were tall buildings with more than 20 floors. Suddenly, he saw a figure on the balcony of the twelfth floor of the opposite building.

There were two figures, one large and one small. The older figure was a man in his thirties, and the smaller one was a child of about three or four years old.

The man held the child in his arms, and the two of them were looking down from behind the iron railings of the balcony.

It seems to be basking in the sun and looking at the scenery.

survivor! Xu Youran was a little excited and finally found the survivor.

Because she was afraid of scaring the whole family, Xu Youran swung back to the residential building just now.

Discovering that the elevator in this building was still usable, he took the elevator to the twelfth floor and started knocking on the door according to his estimated location.

"Bang bang bang" rhythmic knocking sounded in the empty stairwell, "Is anyone home?"

His consciousness swept out at the same time. Everyone in the room, one large and one small, was obviously stunned, and they didn't know how to speak for a long time.

"Don't be afraid, I'm a soldier. Second lieutenant and platoon leader, I'm here to rescue you." Xu Youran said loudly.

There was the sound of panicked running inside the room, and then the sound of "clatter, clatter" being unlocked.

"Are you really here to save us? Great, great!" came the man's excited voice.

"Bang" the door was pushed open violently, and a lot of dust fell on the door that had not been opened for a long time.

Xu Youran waved his hand and caused the strong wind to blow away the dust, and saw a lean man standing in the door with an excited expression and dancing.

In the middle of the living room in the distance stood a little boy of three or four years old, looking at the door in confusion.

Although the man was too thin to look good, his hair was neatly trimmed, his beard was cleanly shaved, and his clothes were clean.

When the man saw Xu Youran wearing a black camouflage combat uniform with stripes and stars on his epaulettes, he finally confirmed that it was a soldier.

The man, whose face was flushed with excitement, quickly put his head out and looked around, but found that Xu Youran was the only one in the corridor, and couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

However, his good upbringing still allowed him to respond quickly, "Comrade platoon leader, come in quickly, come in quickly."

Xu Youran stepped into the room, which was an ordinary residence with three bedrooms and one living room.

The man looked nervously in the corridor for a long time before closing the door again and locking it.

Xu Youran knelt down and looked at the ignorant little boy, and couldn't help but feel sad, "Kid, what's your name?"

The little boy was not afraid of strangers and said crisply: "My name is Han Lifan. Are you a soldier? What's your name?"

The man hurried over and said, "Comrade, my name is Han Qisheng. This is my son Han Lifan, what do you call him?"

Xu Youran stood up, "My name is Xu Youran. I am the platoon leader of the special operations platoon at the 025 human base. I am here to search for survivors."

"That's great! That's great!" Han Qisheng said yes repeatedly. He was so excited that he didn't even know what to say. His face turned red and he was at a loss.

After a while, he suddenly grabbed Xu Youran's hand and shook it. His eye circles were red, and tears flowed down. "Comrade, it's great, great that you can come! Xiao Fan can be saved." Yes, Xiaofan is saved."

Xu Youran patted the back of his hand and comforted him: "Sit down and talk about the situation. Don't get too excited. I will take you back to the human base. There are millions of survivors there. The army will protect everyone's safety."

Han Qisheng wiped away his tears and smiled sheepishly, "Sit down quickly. I have been frightened for more than a year. This is too exciting. Don't be offended."

Xu Youran sat on the sofa in the living room and looked around, "You and your son are the only two in the house?"

Han Qisheng also sat down with his son in his arms, "Forget it, when the virus broke out, everyone died. The child's mother went out and never came back, maybe..."

At this point, I choked up again and shed tears.

The little Han Lifan looked at Uncle Bing Xu Youran curiously, and then looked at his father curiously. He stretched out his little hand and wiped his father's face carelessly, sensibly helping his father wipe away his tears.

Xu Youran was moved by the scene, thinking of his father, and couldn't help but feel sad.

But now he is a soldier and a savior, and he wants to give firm confidence to the father and son.

After adjusting his mood, he slowly said, "Don't be so pessimistic. Maybe your wife is still alive in the main city. When you return to the main city, you can register in the military camp, and maybe there is still hope to find your wife."

"Thank you, thank you." Han Qisheng thanked him again, "Are you the only one responsible for searching and rescuing survivors?"

"Yes, only me. Other search and rescue teams may have more people." Xu Youran knew what he meant, and quickly added, "But don't worry, I can guarantee your safety 100%, and I can call an armed helicopter to take you back when necessary."

Although a lot of supplies were transported from the imperial capital, the armed helicopter used aviation kerosene.

Military supplies should still be used sparingly. It is indeed a bit extravagant to dispatch a military helicopter for two people, not to mention that with Xu Youran's combat power, it is still no problem to escort two people back.

The Ghost Record of the Undertaker

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