Virus Throne

Chapter 24. Fierce Battle with Mad Dogs

"How did you manage to hold on for more than a year? Didn't you go out?" Xu Youran was a little curious.

"From the balcony, I could see many people dying outside. At first, there were news reports on TV, but later, the streets were full of mutant beasts. How could I dare to go out?" Han Qisheng scratched his head a little embarrassedly and said, "There is water and electricity at home. During the day when there are no mutant beasts, I climbed out of the balcony to the neighbor's house and brought back all the food from the neighbor's house."

Seeing the skinny Han Qisheng and the relatively healthy Han Lifan, Xu Youran probably understood something.

Maybe the little Han Lifan doesn't understand it yet, but one day he will know that his father once protected him with his life.

Climbing to the neighbor's house from the height of the twelfth floor, and it can be imagined that it was definitely not climbed once, otherwise there would not be so much food to support it for so long.

For an ordinary person, every climb may be a risk of life.

Han Qisheng said a little embarrassedly: "The child is still young. If I die, he will definitely not be able to survive alone, so I have to eat a little."

Xu Youran nodded, showing understanding, "Pack up, let's go. Bring warm clothes, the weather is getting colder. Don't bring other things, the military will ration them."

Han Qisheng quickly got up and started packing. When he put the clothes of the father and son into the box, the little Han Lifan was also helping.

Xu Youran looked at the father and son, with mixed feelings in his heart.

At this moment, he missed his father very much.

The father and son simply packed their clothes, brought a few bottles of water, and came to the living room.

Xu Youran opened the door and walked out first.

Although he followed Xu Youran and got a 100% guarantee of safety, Han Qisheng was still terrified.

But after being trapped for more than a year, he really couldn't bear it anymore. He searched all the neighbors' houses that he could crawl into, and couldn't find anything to eat anymore.

He had no choice but to hold his son in his arms, followed Xu Youran out of the house tremblingly, and then turned around to close the door.

To be safe, Xu Youran shook his hands and condensed a large shield.

"Wow, wow!" The father and son exclaimed in unison.

Xu Youran only carried a combat backpack that didn't look big, so where did he get such a big shield?

And shouldn't soldiers carry guns?

Xu Youran turned around, smiled, and made a gesture to silence, and whispered: "You will understand once you enter the main city. I am an awakened person who can use special abilities. There are many such people in the city now.

The father and son followed Xu Youran in the elevator downstairs in a daze. Xu Youran was thinking all the way about how to quickly send the father and son back to the main city.

Until the three of them left the community, they did not encounter mutant beasts, which made Han Qisheng feel relieved.

When passing a medium-sized supermarket at the entrance of the community, Xu Youran habitually swept his spiritual sense around. When he scanned the underground floor of the supermarket, his face changed drastically.

The underground floor of this supermarket should be a warehouse for storing goods. At the door of the warehouse, more than a dozen wild dogs were lazily lying on the ground, including several bronze-level wild dogs.

What surprised him was that there seemed to be human breath in the warehouse.

It was just that the thick iron door separated them and the distance was relatively far, so the induction was not very clear.

What should I do? He looked at the father and son beside him.

After a little hesitation, he turned around and took the father and son back, "There are people in the supermarket. Find a place for you to hide first, and I will go to save people. "

Han Qisheng was a little confused. Where was the person?

He really didn't see anyone, not even the mutant beast.

He found a unit in the nearest building and took the elevator to the top floor.

Xu Youran scanned it with his spiritual sense, found an empty room at random, and broke the door lock.

After settling the father and son, he turned and jumped out of the stairwell window behind him.

He landed on the ground with a "bang", and the ice armor and earth shield in the air were fully armed.

From the situation scanned by the spiritual sense, it seemed that this group of mutant beasts had been entrenched here for a while.

Three mutant rabies with bronze teeth, five black iron wild dogs, and nine ordinary mutant wild dogs.

This is a bit of a big scene, it seems that they are going to kill.

He quietly sneaked into the supermarket and walked down the stairs to the basement.

Although he tried his best to control himself and landed lightly, he was still discovered by the alert mutant rabies.

"Awooo" "Awooo" Several mutant rabies, howling to the sky, staring at the stairs closely They moved forward as if facing a great enemy, as if they also felt a strong threat.

Xu Youran was discovered, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he calmly walked down the stairs and entered the encirclement of a group of wild dogs.

The three mutant mad dogs did not act easily, but the other wild dogs could not help but pounce on them.

Facing the formation of this group of mutant beasts, Xu Youran did not dare to be careless.

The awakening skill ‘Cold Air’ immediately spread to the surroundings.

“Ah” The awakening skill ‘Roar’ roared, and a roar “Boom” in the basement "Boom" echoed.

Many people always think that they must capture the leader first when facing a group battle, but this trick is completely useless against mutant beasts.

It doesn't matter to mutant beasts whether there is a leader or not, biting the prey is the most important thing in their eyes.

These violent mutant beasts have no morale, and their instinctive desire is their strongest morale.

Xu Youran swept the shield in his left hand, and the earth spikes "swish swish" bounced out, instantly killing three ordinary wild dogs.

The bronze-level sword in his right hand slashed across a black iron-level wild dog, but only scratched its front leg.

Xu Youran, who was confident of his strong defense, spun and rushed into the pack of wild dogs. He kicked an ordinary wild dog with his right leg.

The wild dog's neck was broken and it was obviously dead.

"Woof woof woof" the wild dog barked wildly, "Awoo, awoo" the injured wild dog wailed continuously.

Xu Youran just gritted his teeth and said nothing. His natural true energy was running to the extreme, and his limbs were warm and full of strength.

The deceleration of the cold air and the shock of the roar had a certain impact on the group of wild dogs, but the stronger they were, the less impact they suffered.

However, more than a dozen wild dogs continued to bite Xu Youran with their claws and teeth.

But when they encountered the defense of Xu Youran's silver-level ice armor, at most they left some scratches and "sizzling" scratching sounds.

With a "click", Xu Youran's right hand holding the knife was bitten on the wrist by a wild dog that suddenly jumped up.

Xu Youran's left hand shield quickly smashed the wild dog. Without the shield's obstruction, two more wild dogs pounced on Xu Youran's left side and bit him.

The wild dog that bit his right hand was dizzy from being hit by the shield, but it held on tightly and did not let go, which greatly restricted Xu Youran's performance.

The three bronze-level mutant mad dogs seemed to have seen an opportunity.

"Ah" barked wildly and pounced on him to bite, "Shua shua shua" three bronze earth spikes pierced the wild dog that bit his right hand.

He pulled back his right hand with force. Although the wild dog was pierced, it did not die for a while and still bit his wrist tightly.

The ice armor came with a "crackling" friction sound, sharp and piercing.

In a flash, the three mutant mad dogs were almost about to tear open the ice armor.

Xu Youran roared like a hungry wolf, and with his right hand, he pulled hard, splitting the wild dog in half from the part where the earth spikes pierced it.

The bronze sword in his right hand was released, dragging half of the wild dog's body, drawing a beautiful arc in the air, and cutting another black iron-level wild dog in half.

Dog blood was splashed all over the sky, and Xu Youran's gestures brought a bloody storm among the wild dogs, and the wild dogs broke their bones and tendons during the punches and kicks.

"Ding" [Basic skills, single sword upgrade, black iron quality LV6. ]

In the melee, the single sword technique that he had practiced for many days was upgraded.

Xu Youran's single sword technique became more sharp, weird, and tricky. The big shield withstood the bite of the wild dogs, and the right hand single sword cooperated to quickly harvest the lives of the wild dogs.

Xu Youran, who had a set of auxiliary and defensive awakening skills, had the bronze sword in his right hand as the most effective means of killing.

The upgrade of single-sword swordsmanship was just like timely help, greatly improving his lethality.

A moment later, the wild dogs in the field were dead or injured, and the only ones who could barely maintain their combat effectiveness were the three mutant mad dogs.

The bronze-level mutant beasts have a little intelligence.

Looking at the dead and wounded companions, blood was flowing everywhere, and there were broken limbs and meat everywhere.

The pungent smell of blood and the wailing of injured wild dogs made this small basement look like a slaughterhouse.

The god-like man in front of him was tall, strong, calm and wise.

The ice armor that once shone like crystal has been dyed blood red.

Although the large shield in the left hand was covered with scratches, it was still solid.

Blood kept sliding down the sword in the right hand.

A handsome round haircut, not messy at all.

A pair of deep, cold eyes, burning with crazy fighting spirit.

The three mutant rabies had begun to retreat, but there was no way to retreat. The only way out was at Xu Youran's feet.

"Ah Wu" "Ah Wu" the mutant rabies screamed in the face of death, and launched a final attack on Xu Youran frantically.

The sneer on Xu Youran's mouth became more obvious.

The days of madly fleeing when chased by ordinary mutant beasts seemed to be not long ago.

Now, he can fight a group of mutant wild dogs alone.

Unfortunately, his attack method is still too simple. The earth thorns are not lethal enough, and the knife skills can only be said to be barely passable.

If it weren't for the silver-quality ice armor, Xu Youran would have had no choice but to flee.

He once again blocked the big shield in front of him diagonally, knocking away a rabies.

His right hand stabbed straight into the abdomen of a rabies, but his left leg was bitten by the last rabies.

He threw the battle knife in his right hand and the rabies he was wearing out together.

With a swing of his body, the big shield in his left hand smashed the head of the rabies below.

Although the mad dog has bronze-level defense, don't forget that Xu Youran is also a bronze fighter.

His strength has been greatly improved through training and actual combat over the past few months.

When the impact and defense are equal, plus the bonus of the bronze shield.

The facial bones of the mad dog below were instantly broken.

With a shrill scream, the mad dog was smashed directly to the ground.

At this time, the mad dog that was just smashed by the shield rushed up again.

Xu Youran stepped on the neck of the mad dog on the ground with his right foot, and hugged the last jumping mad dog in his arms with his free right hand.

He let go of the shield with his left hand and twisted it with both hands.

With a "click", the mad dog's neck was twisted and died in Xu Youran's arms.

The mad dog on the ground had its neck cut off, and it couldn't die any more.

The mad dog pierced by the sword was left with only the last whimper, and it was already breathing out more than breathing in.

Xu Youran turned around and looked at the dead and wounded mutant wild dogs.

This was how he had grown in the past few months.

From a weak and frail man, he became a powerful warrior and second lieutenant platoon leader who could fight against a pack of dogs alone.

He wiped the sweat from his forehead, but didn't know that his hands were covered with blood.

"Hahaha, hahaha" The sneer at the corner of his mouth turned into a wanton laugh.

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