Virus Throne

Chapter 324. Where does that glimmer of hope come from?

The change in the focus of the Conquerors’ battle became the last straw that broke the camel’s back.

Many awakeners were being hunted down and had no way to go up to the sky or down to the earth. They were just about to fight to the death with the Conquerors.

The Conquerors withdrew and went to besiege Xu Youran.

There were more than 2,000 coalition soldiers in the core of the battlefield, and more than 6,000 were running around and being hunted.

After the focus suddenly shifted, hundreds of people quickly escaped from the core battlefield.

This scene made all the coalition soldiers who were still on the battlefield greet their eighteen generations of ancestors countless times in their hearts.

Now, among the more than 2,000 people, they are mainly composed of soldiers from the Qin Army and the Cult.

However, because it is too far away from the South American continent, there are only dozens of four awakeners left by the Qin Army, and the rest are all three awakeners.

The main force of the four awakeners is mostly Cult soldiers.

Ace and others entangled the Conquerors who wanted to besiege Xu Youran like crazy.

They knew very well that Xu Youran had become the focus of the entire battlefield.

He couldn't fall down in public or in private, so they had to do everything they could to share his pressure.

If he fell down in public, the Conquerors would lose their focus and would inevitably disperse and kill all the awakened ones, and no one would survive.

If he fell down in private, those teammates who had been saved by him and fought side by side with him would live in self-blame forever.

But the Conquerors were not robots, they were all professional warriors who had been through many battles, even more professional than Xu Youran.

Since these natives saw their intentions and wanted to help Xu Youran share the pressure, they might as well kill these natives first.

There was actually not much difference between thousands of mechas besieging and killing Xu Youran, or hundreds of mechas besieging and killing Xu Youran.

There would be no more than ten people who could really attack Xu Youran, and a maximum of one hundred people would be enough to besiege Xu Youran.

It's just that Xu Youran's combat power was indeed strong enough, and he was a cultivator in the Nascent Soul Realm and an awakened one.

The pressure on these conquerors was too great.

If you get within five steps of him, you will either have your hands and feet chopped off or your tendons and bones broken.

There are not many conquerors who have died so far, and a large part of the reason is that Xu Youran has not yet merged with his Nascent Soul body.

Within five steps, he is invincible.

This is not a boast, but a real killing.

According to convention, whether it is a dual-system cultivation or a single cultivation system.

As long as they are involved in the cultivation method, they will all be killed without any room for negotiation.

Once a native planet with dual-system cultivation appears, there is no need to harvest it, and the entire civilization will be wiped out directly.

Now the order of the God General is only for Xu Youran, and no one else is mentioned.

Therefore, their primary target is still Xu Youran.

The number of five awakened team leaders who besieged him has reached five.

There are also more than 400 four awakened people, and they are still increasing.

Xu Youran, who was eager to merge with his Nascent Soul body, was petrified by a team leader and instantly fell into a state of stiffness.

This unprecedented awakening skill brought great danger to Xu Youran.

"Shua, shua, shua..." Several fierce attacks were overwhelming and hit Xu Youran.

The stiff state was still penetrating into the body, and Xu Youran's reaction was not slow, and he subconsciously operated the natural meridian.

The moment the vitality flowed through the body, the petrified state was completely broken.

It seems that the cultivation method is indeed the natural enemy of awakening skills. No wonder the technological civilization camp regards practitioners as mortal enemies.

"Boom, boom, boom..." Intensive attacks hit Xu Youran.

"Crack!" The ice armor was shattered again.

"Sizzle..." Several fine wounds cut through the steel body.

A random punch can kill a master. As long as Xu Youran hesitates for a moment, he will definitely be beaten to death.

"Buzz, buzz, buzz..." More than a dozen laser cannons swept across the sky, but Xu Youran, who was blown away, barely avoided it.

He spat out blood again and broke out in a cold sweat.

He was suddenly hit by a falling meteor from the sky, which had already made him a little dazed.

Now there is another petrification skill. Could it be the legendary Medusa's gaze?

"Pop!" With a light sound, a violent lightning struck him and made him numb all over.

He used the impact force to pounce on the body of the Nascent Soul again.

Don't you know that I have been promoted to the Nascent Soul stage by carrying hundreds of heavenly tribulations?

No matter how fierce your thunderous fury is, it can't be as fierce as the heavenly tribulation, right?

However, this kind of lightning is a pure awakening skill. Unlike the heavenly tribulation, it also carries a lot of spiritual energy and vitality of the world.

If only someone could release the heavenly tribulation, I can absorb a few heavenly tribulations and kill you!

"Boom!" Another meteor fell from the sky and knocked Xu Youran hundreds of meters away.

It fell to the ground and smashed a huge deep pit.

He wiped the blood foam from the corner of his mouth and gave himself a shot of pulling up the seedlings for growth.

In the dust, he exerted force under his feet and soared into the air again.

"Ding, ding, ding..." More than a dozen sharp weapons scratched the surface of the ice armor, with a harsh friction sound and a series of sparks.

There were too many enemies and the attack was too fierce. In order to reduce unnecessary injuries, Xu Youran did not dare to implement many attacks.

The result of using too much force might be that he would be hit by more attacks.

He swung his sword to cut off the arm of a mecha, and the next sword should have harvested the life of the conqueror.

But he did not dare to do so, so he could only give up killing the conqueror and dodge and run away.

"Boom!" More than a dozen attacks landed at the place where his figure just appeared. If he escaped a step later, at least a few bones would be broken at this moment.

The golden-level long sword in the hands of the Nascent Soul body had long been tattered, and a sledgehammer hit his chest diagonally.

He pushed the long sword horizontally with both hands, "Crack!" The golden-level long sword was smashed directly, and the Nascent Soul body was swept by the remaining force of the sledgehammer and was hit like a ball.

There were cracks all over his body, like a rag doll on the verge of breaking.

Suddenly, the Nascent Soul body flying in the air became blurred.

It seemed to be entering another world from this world, and then the illusory figure completely merged into Xu Youran's body.

Countless clever designs made the two bodies constantly hit, and finally completed the double body into one.

The moment the Nascent Soul body returned, Xu Youran almost cried.

Too miserable, the iron fool who always ran rampant on the earth was almost beaten into a pink fool.

The Nascent Soul body wandering on the edge of breaking, in such a battlefield, will definitely die in three minutes at most.

With such severe damage, if there is no large amount of spiritual energy to replenish, and Xu Youran can only rely on himself to recover, he will not be able to see people for a few years.

But no matter how broken the Nascent Soul is, it is still a Nascent Soul, and it is a great Nascent Soul.

If Xu Youran's realm is not too low, he can now merge the Nascent Soul and advance to the God Transformation Stage.

With a large amount of vitality returning to himself, Xu Youran's combat power has skyrocketed geometrically.

This is definitely not one plus one equals two, it is even more than three.

Of course, double-body combat has the advantages of double-body combat.

More flexible and changeable, the use of tactics, dividing and attacking, and a series of cool operations can bring more unexpected results.

A person has 200 kilograms of strength, but he can never beat two people who only have 100 kilograms of strength.

Double combat is more suitable for big bosses. In a melee, it is easy to be defeated one by one.

"Dang!" Xu Youran waved his sword and swept away a sword.

He kicked the chest of the golden mecha, "Puff!" This time, the mecha was not kicked away, but the violent force directly penetrated the hard shell of the mecha.

Caught off guard, the five awakeners in the mecha had their ribs broken by this kick.

He groaned and flew back.

Before Xu Youran could chase, five or six attacks came from the side.

Xu Youran, who had just retracted his Nascent Soul body and was still sad about Tie Hanhan's miserable condition, was burned and furious by these pervasive attacks.

"Get out!" He shouted with hatred, mixed with the roar of awakening skills.

The long sword in his hand swept out wildly, "Crack!" The weapons that should have been able to block the long sword were all cut off.

Xu Youran, who had merged his two bodies into one, did not dodge or evade, but directly rushed towards the mechas on the opposite side.

"Puff!" The mecha, which was more than three meters tall, had a head as big as two basketballs, and flew into the sky together with the head of the conqueror warrior in the mecha.

The blood from the broken neck gushed out more than ten meters high, splashing Xu Youran with blood.

"Shua!" Xu Youran used a move to help the growth of seedlings, and threw it towards a five-time awakener of the Qin Dynasty not far away.

With a backhanded earth wall, a bone prison instantly trapped a conqueror, "Puff!" The long sword went straight through the top of his head, killing another conqueror.

"Ding, ding, ding..." Several sharp blades pierced him again, and in the dense sparks, he kicked a mecha in half with one kick.

Diamond-level materials still need some effort, but gold-level materials can no longer withstand his sharp critical strikes.

Xu Youran rushed into the group of four awakened mechas like a mad tiger and started a bloody massacre.

If a tiger doesn't show its power, do you think I'm Hello Kitty?

It took only a few seconds for the two bodies to merge into one, severely injuring a five awakened person and killing three four awakened people in the battle.

Both sides of the battle were extremely powerful, highly mobile, and swift.

In a flash, there were more than ten or twenty swords, without any fancy moves, and there was no time to use fake moves.

In this level of melee, the competition is about who is faster, stronger, and more ruthless.

"Swoosh!" The flying sword cut off a thigh in the air, and the blood didn't have time to splash.

Xu Youran used a backhand sword to split the silver mecha in half.

This side is getting braver and braver, but the enemies are getting more and more.

In order to delay more enemies and share Xu Youran's pressure, the soldiers of the coalition camp are also fighting to the death.

At this point in the war, a large number of casualties began to occur.

No matter the enemy or our side, soldiers died every second, screaming, wailing, blood gushing, and flesh flying.

In Xu Youran's consciousness, he had seen many Daqin soldiers fall, and more cult soldiers fell as well.

He was just one person, but the enemy seemed like an endless stream of ants.

The number of four-time awakeners besieging him had exceeded 500, and the number of five-time awakeners had reached five.

A major general of the Daqin military who had awakened five times was besieged and killed by a group of four-time awakeners.

Tyrant Bear had been chopped into seven or eight pieces, and Oriel was also dismembered on the spot.

Teacher Alrita seemed to be attacking the conquerors like crazy, and her husband, Elder, the handsome blond gentleman, had been beheaded.

The tall and handsome Elton, with a blank look in his eyes, mechanically waved his sword, obviously at the end of his strength, but he was still holding Connie's body in his hands.

Connie's bloodless pale face had long lost its former beauty, replaced by solidified blood.

His big eyes stared at the sky like dead fish, filled with despair.

Xu Youran is not a god, he can't save everyone.

Among those who died in the battle were his friends, his teachers, and his former enemies.

But now, those people are his comrades-in-arms.

He was killing people crazily in the chaos, but he could only watch them die.

Those dead comrades left this world forever.

They can never come back, those feelings can never continue, and those revenges will never have a chance to be avenged.

In fact, they don't have to die, just to help him hold off more enemies.

They burned their lives to create that glimmer of hope for him.

The cold, ruthless killing machines and the various mechas of the Conqueror Legion were still rushing towards Xu Youran.

Where does that glimmer of hope come from?

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