Virus Throne

Chapter 325. Killing and Guarding

The gray sky was illuminated by the raging flames.

The rolling smoke made the rosy clouds look gloomy and gray.

The hazy ball of light outside the isolation layer still emitted a little residual heat feebly.

The area of ​​dozens of kilometers was turned into a ruin, with gullies and cracked earth everywhere.

The once abandoned garrison base was completely turned into the dust of history.

Scattered corpses, broken limbs and flesh, and blood flowing freely.

Broken mechas, entire destroyed mountains and forests, and the awakened who were running away in fear.

The air was filled with the scorched smell of corpses and the nauseating bloody smell, as well as the dull and suppressed despair.

The roar of nuclear fusion artillery, the "buzz, buzz" sound of laser cannons, and the deafening shouts.

The screams of the dead, the wails of the dying, and the roars of anger.

Only the soldiers of the coalition army would shout, they wanted to vent their anger and drive away the despair and fear.

The conquerors were just silent killers. They were used to seeing the separation of life and death. These numb killing machines must have bloodshot eyes at this time.

Comrades fell one by one, some died, and some were still struggling.

The middle-aged uncle Olier, who was smiling, died. At his age, he was always called brother.

Teacher Alrita's husband died. The gentle and handsome old man who always maintained a gentlemanly demeanor could no longer be handsome.

The fierce tyrant bear was chopped into seven or eight pieces, and he couldn't die any more.

The golden steel body was as fragile as a rag doll on this battlefield.

Xu Youran was a little depressed when he remembered that this person had beaten him up.

Buddy, I haven't taken revenge yet. Give me a chance to fight back, and you die again...

My comrade!

I guess he will be very happy when he dies.

Because in his life, there was a highlight moment that no one could reach.

He, Tyrant Bear.

He once beat Xu Youran, the world's number one, and beat him to the ground like a dead dog.

That was the real peak of his life, right?

Anyone who saw the scarred Barikaka would always show fear and disgust.

But the kind Connie looked at him gently and healed his wounds over and over again.

In her eyes, Xu Youran did not see fear or disgust, but only compassion and pity.

It was like the tall statue in Rio de Janeiro, casting its eyes on all living beings with love.

Her beautiful big eyes now looked like dead fish, with a hint of doubt and endless despair.

Ace's face was covered with blood, but he was still fighting frantically.

The cigar that was often held in the corner of his mouth had long disappeared.

The handsome cowboy hat flew away, and his naked upper body was covered with wounds, and his whole body was stained red with blood.

The last wound was on his left arm, where he seemed to have burned it with fire.

A dark, coagulated blood scab, a huge wound, and a white bone piercing out.

Because his entire left arm was gone, it must have been broken alive.

Xu Youran knew that it must be very painful.

It seemed that his heart was also very painful at this moment.

Zhang Zhan was a serious old man with wrinkles on his face. Although he didn't meet him much.

But his rigorous and resolute military character left a very deep impression on Xu Youran.

Daqin had already sacrificed a five-time awakener, but Zhang Zhan still rushed towards the conquerors with serious injuries.

Anyone could see that the wrinkles on his face seemed to be getting deeper and deeper, and his hair was turning white piece by piece at a speed visible to the naked eye.

He was burning all his vitality to fight, and even if he could survive, he would not be able to hold on for a few days.

Daqin's soldiers were bleeding and sacrificing, and they rushed towards those cold killing machines without hesitation.

They are using their lives to build a steel wall to block the flood of conquerors.

Their young commander is still surrounded in the core of the battlefield. That person cannot fall down. He must live.

He is the fighting hero of the people of Daqin. He brought the confidence of Daqin's rise. He will also lead Daqin to stand on the top of the world.

Mountains and rivers are silent, and years are silent.

But history will always remember these people and these things.

Xu Youran will always remember these people and these things!

This scene reflected in his consciousness made his heart clenched.

The severe pain made his breathing seem to burn.

But he tried his best, really tried his best, and fought madly with all his strength.

How many times has he used awakening skills since the war began?

One hundred times?

Two hundred times?

How many times has he released the seedling-pulling-up technique?

Fifty times?

One hundred times?

Although conquerors rarely rely on awakening skills in combat, because awakening skills are too restrained by practitioners, they habitually hide awakening skills.

But there are still many people who are using extremely special awakening skills to attack Xu Youran.

Perhaps the awakening skills released by these more than a thousand conquerors combined are not as many as Xu Youran alone.

His mind began to ache slightly, and his mental power was rapidly consumed, making him a little stretched.

The return of the Nascent Soul body greatly improved his combat power, and his mental power was also sufficiently replenished.

But such consumption, except Xu Youran, no one in the entire Earth Star could withstand it.

In countless battles, he always brought hope to his comrades.

Even in desperate situations, he can create opportunities for his comrades to escape.

Fighting to the death, covering the rear, hope, and redemption seem to have become his synonyms.

At this moment, his comrades are redeeming him, and they are brave enough to hold back the Conqueror.

Where this battle will go, Xu Youran has long dared not imagine.

The invincible super-grade flying sword can never return to his side.

Those five-time awakening captains are equipped with powerful mechas made of diamond-grade materials, and they hold sharp weapons made of diamond-grade materials.

They are too strong, and each of them is far superior to the quasi-sixth-time awakening Cao Zhichao.

Compared with these five-time awakening captains, Cao Zhichao is like a toddler.

One of the golden mechas is particularly powerful. Xu Youran confronted it head-on and was beaten to spit blood.

The warrior in this mecha is Qi Zheng, the leader of this operation.

Without the support of the flying sword, Xu Youran's mobility was greatly weakened.

If those comrades hadn't held back more conquerors, Xu Youran would have been killed here sooner or later.

But he didn't know that the order these people received was to capture him alive.

Whether he lost an arm, a leg, or only had half of his body left.

That didn't matter, as long as he was alive.

In the RX1976 Fortress on the Three-Body Planet, Bai Qi watched all the battle scenes intently.

From the image transmission, he couldn't tell whether these natives practiced cultivation techniques.

However, those captains who had fought on countless native planets had enough knowledge and experience to distinguish.

Bai Qi had long known that Earth was the battlefield of the two camps back then, so it was not surprising that there were dual-system practitioners.

After capturing Xu Youran and obtaining the secret he wanted.

He didn't mind whether the civilization of Earth would be wiped out.

At that time, perhaps he had already fled far away and became a free man.

Xu Youran, who he focused on, was extremely powerful.

Not only did he practice dual-system cultivation, he even reached the Nascent Soul Realm.

How did he reach such a high level on a native planet like Earth?

And this kid seems to have mastered several advanced awakening skills, otherwise he would never have been able to hold on for so long.

Bai Qi was very happy. The stronger and more special Xu Youran was, the happier he was.

That means the bigger Xu Youran's secret is, the more benefits he will get after capturing her.

The coalition soldiers were rapidly losing people, and the Conqueror Corps was also rapidly losing people.

Facing the powerful Conqueror, it was a miracle that the coalition soldiers could do this.

Xu Youran slaughtered the Conqueror like killing chickens, which amazed everyone.

But there were too many chickens, with sophisticated equipment, tacit cooperation, and hundreds of times more chickens than himself, making Xu Youran miserable.

Another comrade fell within the coverage of his spiritual consciousness.

Xu Youran's long sword swung out, "Bang!" Instantly surpassing the speed of sound, the powerful impact directly shattered a mecha.

"Ah..." With a shrill scream, Elton, who was out of his mind, was finally killed.

His hands were still tightly holding Connie's body, and he slowly sat down on the ground, blood gushing out of his throat.

The two lived together, studied together, and fought together, and now they died together, hugging each other and falling on the battlefield.

Xu Youran's eyes were wide open, "Shua!" The diamond sword condensed in his hand again, and the sword body of more than one meter long flashed with more than two meters long sword energy.

"Crack!" A tall silver mecha was split diagonally by him.

A strong man about three meters tall, with a horn on his head, and his left arm had been cut off.

Blood gushed out of his mouth and shoulders, and he looked at Xu Youran indifferently and coldly, but there seemed to be a hint of fear in the depths of his eyes.


The generous man who sat on the ground with him on the edge of the training ground and taught him literacy.

In fact, when Xu Youran saw the protruding horn on the forehead of this mecha, he wondered if it was Zhebie.

In the several collisions just now, he subconsciously showed some mercy.

At this moment, he finally woke up. Zhebie was no longer a comrade-in-arms, no longer the generous giant.

Zhebie was an enemy who came to conquer, enslave, and exterminate his world.

He seemed to begin to understand where the blood feud between the two camps came from.

Maybe it was just a difference in ideas at first, and slowly developed into the control of resources.

From disagreements, to frictions, to disputes, and finally to war.

You killed my father, I killed your son.

Generation after generation, the feud turned into a blood feud, and the blood feud became irreconcilable.

Maybe no one can tell clearly when the first sword started and who was the first person to die.

Those are not important at all. Guarding and killing are the main themes of civilization.

The conqueror is killing, and Xu Youran is guarding.

There are more people standing behind Xu Youran, guarding his guard.

"Puff!" Xu Youran swung the sword without hesitation, and Zhebie's hideous head flew into the air.

The years have brought me suffering, but also my passion and unyielding soul.

To protect the civilization of Earth, to protect the one I love.

Please, all the gods and Buddhas in the sky, help me to kill all the evil demons!

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