Virus Throne

Chapter 41. Summarizing the Harvest

Commander Zou looked at Xu Youran's eager eyes and seemed to understand something in his heart, "Is your father a soldier?"

"Well, it should be, or it was. Actually, I'm not sure, so I'd like to ask you to check it out for me." Xu Youran said hesitantly.

"He's missing?"

"Actually, he disappeared before the virus broke out." Xu Youran actually had high hopes that Commander Zou could help him.

If Commander Zou's rank cannot be found, it can only mean that he either thought wrong, or the confidentiality authority is too high, or even beyond the authority of the commander of an army.

"Okay, I can check it for you. Do you have any other requests?" Commander Zou decided to help this child who had lost his father, although he had no hope for it.

"I don't have any other requirements. I'll go back to the camp first."

"Okay, you go back first. I will tell you as soon as I have news. After this mission is over, your immediate superior will contact you." Commander Zou waved his hand to indicate that he can leave.

Xu Youran left Commander Zou's office and dialed Li Xuan's number as he walked, "Where are you?"

"I saw that you were busy, so I went back first. I have another day off, so I will go to the Second Regiment to find you." Li Xuan's pleasant voice came from the other side of the phone.

"Okay." Xu Youran recalled the conversation in the office just now, "By the way, I have something to tell you. The military has established a new Watcher Legion that is independent of the Guardian Legion, and I chose to join it. "

"You are really a fighting maniac." Li Xuan thought for a moment, "Which department do you think I should join?"

"You are a girl, so you must be in the Civil Welfare Bureau. You don't have to go to the battlefield, and the safety factor is high. You should be an iron rice bowl." Although they have not been in contact for a long time, Xu Youran has a lot of feelings for this naughty girl with a sharp mouth and a heart. I still have a certain fondness for it.

"Okay, then I will also join the Watcher Corps!" Li Xuan said firmly on the phone.

"Oh no, what the hell? Are you addicted to arguing? Are you risking your own life to argue with me?" Xu Youran was a little confused.

“That’s it. I’ll tell my parents soon, and I’ll report it to our group leader when we get back to the camp.

"Are you a girl, or is the Civil Welfare Bureau more suitable for you?" Xu Youran was a little afraid of this bully.

"No more talking, it's decided! If you hang up, remember to come to me."

"Dudududu" came a busy signal from the phone. Xu Youran was speechless. He would have known better not to ask her. Wouldn't this have harmed her instead?

Back at the military camp, Xu Youran went to see Commander Ge and gave a brief report on the status and process of the twenty-day mission.

Of course, he automatically filters out some more sensitive content.

Someone has already reported Xu Youran's fierce performance to Commander Ge in advance.

But until Xu Youran reported his mission experience in detail, he was still a little unbelievable.

This young man is so fierce. A few months ago, he had to cooperate with others to barely kill a silver-level mutant beast and almost lost his life.

Now he can fight against more than a dozen silver-level mutant beasts. Xu Youran's growth rate is really too fast.

After bidding farewell to Commander Ge, Xu Youran returned to his barracks.

Although he should be on duty today, he had just returned, so it was rare for him to be lazy for a day.

He took out the piece of metal from his pocket and carefully scratched away the thick layer of rust on it with a bronze sword.

A dark green metal fragment was revealed. He carefully picked up the fragment, turned on the strong flashlight, and studied it carefully.

The entire fragment is covered with extremely fine patterns. Because it is a fragment, it is impossible to tell what the patterns are.

He tried to use his true energy, spiritual consciousness, and mental power to probe into the fragment again, but the effect was still the same.

Although there is no special reaction, the tolerance level for these three forces is very high.

Even a bronze-level sword cannot leave a single scratch on this fragment. The material of this fragment is at least gold-level.

And it must be a man-made product. In Xu Youran's opinion, modern smelting technology may not be able to complete such fine lines.

The cleaned metal piece now looks more like a fragment of some kind of weapon.

The shape is a bit like a sword, and it is a very narrow sword.

He tried to use the sharp points on both sides of the metal piece to scratch his bronze sword.

Xu Youran couldn't help but be a little surprised when a deep mark was left on the sword.

It was too sharp, so he clamped the metal piece harder.

There was a soft sound, and a small piece of the bronze sword was cut off.

"Hiss" Xu Youran took a breath, what kind of material is this metal piece made of, and who made it? This is too outrageous.

However, looking at the small section in my hand, it is only about twenty centimeters in length and only about three centimeters in width.

Xu Youran sighed, such a small piece couldn't be used as a weapon.

However, this kind of valuable treasure might come in handy in the future, so he carefully put away the piece of metal.

It's time to sort out the gains during this period. I don't know when I will have the opportunity to go out to perform tasks next time.

For other awakened people, such an extremely dangerous task is an opportunity for Xu Youran to grow rapidly.

His consciousness took back the sea of ​​consciousness and studied the system carefully.

Legal awakening skills.

Soil properties:

[Earth Shield, Silver Quality. You can use earth elements to condense a silver-made spike shield to resist silver-level physical attacks, with weak elemental resistance. (Upgradeable)]

[Earth Spikes, Silver Quality. You can use earth elements to condense three silver-made earth spikes to pierce the enemy, with silver-level physical attacks. (Upgradeable)]

[Roar, Black Iron Quality. Roaring loudly can shock the enemy's mind within a certain range and boost the morale of teammates. Regardless of enemy or friend, the stronger the strength, the less impact will be. (Upgradeable)]

[Earth Wall, Silver Quality. In a place where a large number of earth elements gather, use mental power to condense an earth wall to block the enemy. This is a magical escape skill. (Upgradeable)]

Variant Attributes:

[Ice Armor, Gold Quality. Condense a set of fantasy armor that belongs to you, providing you with all-round protection while counterattacking your enemies. Resist gold-level physical attacks and bring silver-level physical counterattacks to your enemies, with weak elemental resistance. (Upgradeable)]

[Cold, Silver Quality. A certain range of cold air is formed in any place with water, which reduces the speed within the range and has limited effect on objects beyond the bronze level. (Upgradeable)]

Basic attributes.

[Character attributes: Bronze fighter. ]

[Allocated resources: Rabies virus +5, Rubella virus, Retrovirus, Silver skill +1. ]

Basic skills:

[Escape. (Unupgradeable)]

[Unarmed combat, Silver quality LV1. (Upgradeable)]

[Single knife, Black iron quality LV7. (Upgradeable)]

This silver-level skill point was obtained when killing the tiger.

Before, he had been fighting and had not thought about it carefully. Now he saw his skill bar.

Only Roar is of Black Iron quality. A row of Silver and Gold awakening skills mixed with a Black Iron level one is not very good.

During this period, he was mostly in single combat, and there were not many melee situations, so he rarely used Roar.

Now that he has free time, he touched it with his consciousness and upgraded Roar.

"Ding" Awakening skills upgraded.

[Roar, Bronze quality. Roaring loudly can shock the enemy's mind and boost the morale of teammates in a large range. Regardless of the enemy or the friend, the stronger the strength, the less impact. (Upgradeable)]

Xu Youran looked at the light screen, feeling a little depressed.

First of all, it was very different from his imagination. He thought that the silver-level skill +1 should be able to upgrade the awakening skill of black iron quality to silver quality.

But the actual situation is that he thought too much. He only upgraded his black iron quality to bronze quality, which is one grade higher.

Secondly, the improvement of the roar from black iron quality to bronze quality is not too big. It simply expands the affected area.

As Xu Youran explored the system, he began to understand more about how to use the system.

To obtain skill points, you must jump to a higher level.

Black iron kills bronze and can obtain bronze skill points.

But when Xu Youran was a black iron warrior, he had never killed a bronze mutant beast, so he didn't understand this at the time.

After he awakened for the second time and became a bronze fighter, he killed a silver-level demon ape, so he obtained silver skill points.

So now, he can only gain skill points by killing mutant beasts above silver level.

Another way to get skill upgrades is to be infected with a stronger virus of the same kind.

He was infected with the common rabies virus and mastered the earth shield and earth thorns.

Later, he was infected with the bronze rabies virus from the bronze field mouse, which upgraded his earth shield and earth thorn skills to bronze quality.

But later he used silver skill points to upgrade these two skills to silver quality, so he couldn't improve the quality if he was infected with the silver rabies virus again.

If he wants to upgrade the earth shield and earth thorns to gold quality, he must either use ten silver skill points to upgrade them or be infected with the gold rabies virus once.

Find a gold-level mutant beast carrying rabies and let it bite?

Damn, this is the rhythm of killing, not the rhythm of upgrading.

There is also the rule of using skill points. It should be that no matter what level of skill points, it can only upgrade the awakening skills by one level.

Even gold skill points may only be able to upgrade the black iron quality to bronze quality.

This is a pitfall. Be sure to pay attention next time, otherwise you will waste advanced skill points.

If you don't know the basic skills, can you also use skill points to rush up?

If you can rush up, it is a good way to quickly improve basic skills.

However, basic skills can be improved through self-training, while awakening skills are still more dependent on skill points.

Therefore, the wisest choice is to practice basic skills hard and save skill points to improve awakening skills.

I roughly sorted out my gains and familiarized myself with the correct use of the system.

Xu Youran can finally have a good rest. This night Xu Youran rarely did not practice.

After twenty days of continuous fighting and facing life-and-death crises many times, Xu Youran really felt deeply exhausted.

He needed to rest well and relax his tense nerves. He lay on the bed and soon fell into a rare deep sleep.

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