Virus Throne

Chapter 42. Wrong way to open

At dawn, Xu Youran was awakened from his deep sleep by a loud military call. (っ◔◡◔)っ

After washing up, he felt more energetic than ever before.

With renewed vitality and fighting spirit, Xu Youran rushed to the training ground.

He didn't have to be on duty today, so it was time for him to train again.

As the mutant beasts evolved and became stronger, facing the complicated domestic environment, he thought of his father who was watching from somewhere in the world.

Xu Youran forced himself to become stronger and stronger, whether to settle down or to make achievements.

There were too many reasons for him not to relax.

Seeing the familiar faces in the queue, Xu Youran smiled happily, greeted his comrades with a smile, and hugged them happily.

The comrades were celebrating Xu Youran's return alive, and Xu Youran was celebrating that the comrades were still there.

When instructor Meng Wenxing appeared in front of the queue, Xu Youran trotted forward, stood at attention and saluted, "Report to the instructor, Xu Youran from the special operations platoon of the second regiment has returned to the team."

Meng Wenxing had never shown such a beautiful smile on his face. His serious and cold face was twisted like a dough ball, "Stand at attention, return to the team!"

Then he took the lead in applauding, "Welcome, Platoon Leader Xu Youran has returned safely!"

The warm applause from his comrades made Xu Youran's eyes red as he trotted back to the team.

This is the breath of life, this is the breath of life, this is the breath of life and death between comrades.

Xu Youran thanked God again for giving him such an opportunity, and hoped that his fearless battle would be more meaningful.

The training of the day began again. For Xu Youran now, simply running laps can no longer meet his training intensity.

So his physical training was changed to weighted running. Thirty kilograms of weighted running is the basic skill of the army's individual soldiers.

But for an awakener like Xu Youran, his physical fitness is improving rapidly every day, and this weight is obviously not a pressure for him.

So his current weighted running is 300 kilograms. When 300 kilograms of iron blocks are tied to his legs and body, even if he is an awakener, he still feels a lot of pressure.

After ten laps of weighted running, Xu Youran, who was sweating profusely, panted and wiped his sweat back to the team.

Thinking of the piece of metal, he had some new ideas, "Report to the instructor, can I learn the long sword?"

"Long sword?" Instructor Meng Wenxing frowned slightly, "This is a bit unpopular. Few people learn long swords. In actual combat, the practicality of long swords is far less than that of battle knives. Let's do this, you wait a moment."

After that, Instructor Meng Wenxing popped up the light screen and started to make a phone call, "Old Liu, there is an awakened warrior who wants to learn long swords. If you have time, teach him?... He is a good seedling... He is here with me now... Okay, wait for you."

After hanging up the phone, "I found the best swordsman in our regiment, surnamed Liu, and he will come over in a while."

In just a moment, a thin man in his thirties was already running from a distance.

Seeing Meng Wenxing, he greeted, "My name is Liu Qisheng, who wants to learn swordsmanship?"

Xu Youran took a step forward, saluted the lieutenant, and said, "Reporting to the commander, I am Xu Youran from the special operations platoon."

Liu Qisheng raised his sword-like eyebrows slightly, and stared at Xu Youran with a serious expression for a while.

Suddenly, he raised his hand and stabbed Xu Youran's chest with his palm as a sword.

Xu Youran subconsciously reacted, and quickly blocked with his left hand, swinging away the palm sword.

The right hand clawed at Liu Qisheng's shoulder, and Liu Qisheng lowered his shoulders and stepped sideways, and his body slid around to Xu Youran's left side.

The left knee pushed against Xu Youran's lower abdomen, and the left hand turned into a palm sword and stabbed Xu Youran's left rib.

Xu Youran's silver-quality bare-handed fighting is not for show. Following Liu Qisheng's body, he also began to rotate, and the right hand tiger claw continued to grab Liu Qisheng.

The two of them fought like butterflies in the field, exchanging several moves in a flash.

This wonderful fight dazzled the soldiers and amazed them.

After more than 20 days of not seeing each other, Xu Youran's fighting level has obviously improved greatly.

Liu Qisheng is strong in his unique moves and varied methods, while Xu Youran is strong in his solid basic skills and powerful force.

Although the two fought evenly, anyone with a discerning eye could see that

if Liu Qisheng had a long sword in his hand, Xu Youran would have been pierced several times.

Of course, Xu Youran also knew this, but if he was armed with ice armor, Liu Qisheng would probably be exhausted and there would be nothing he could do.

In a blink of an eye, more than a hundred moves passed, and Liu Qisheng forced Xu Youran back and jumped back out of the battle circle.

Rubbing his numb arms, "You are so strong, you kid! Come with me."

Xu Youran followed him to the side with a smirk and took the unsharpened long sword that Liu Qisheng gave him.

He weighed it in his hand and it was light. It seemed that if he wanted to use a long sword, he would have to find a way to get a heavy sword in the future.

Unlike other awakeners, his only earth spike was too limited. It was okay in positional warfare, but not very effective in mobile warfare.

The higher the level of the mutant beast, the faster it moved. When the earth spike was ejected, the enemy had already changed positions.

Unless the mutant beast was extremely large, it could hurt the enemy with random stabs. However, the larger the mutant beast, the higher its defense.

This made his earth spike a useless product. It didn't matter whether he had the earth spike or not when killing low-level mutant beasts.

When killing high-level mutant beasts, the earth spike could at most interfere with or assist in bleeding. If the mutant beast was powerful, it would kill Xu Youran before the bloodletting treatment was completed.

Therefore, working hard to improve his skills and lethality has become an inevitable option for Xu Youran, if he can match it with powerful weapons.

With Xu Youran's strong defense, close combat is his first choice.

Well, he's trying to make himself a magic-based human shield that's good at melee combat.

Xu Youran couldn't help but secretly complain that the growth path designed for him by this system was too weird.

From this day on, Xu Youran began to learn swordsmanship from Liu Qisheng, the best swordsman in the Second Regiment.

December 25, Christmas Day in the West, Xu Youran had just finished training in the morning.

A reminder came from his wrist phone, and he popped up the light screen and started checking.

[Notice from the Awakened Council:

Hello, Comrade Xu Youran.

After on-site inspections by the council and military experts, it was finally confirmed that your battle report is true, and your meritorious deeds have been distributed to your meritorious service system.

In order to thank you for your outstanding contributions to the tranquility of our motherland.

In order to thank you for your heroic fight to protect the safety of people's lives.

The Council of Awakeners will award you the title of Honorary Member of Base 0086QG025.

You can go to the Awakening Council at No. 700 Yanjing West Road at any time to collect your relevant documents, exercise your rights and perform your obligations.

In addition, a bronze merit reward will be issued to your merit system once a month.

I hope you will continue your efforts and achieve greater success in the future battle against mutant beasts! ]

Xu Youran was very happy to see the reward meritorious service implemented. He could finally redeem the reward he wanted to redeem.

But what does this honorary committee mean?

Are you forcibly tying me to the chariot of the Council of Awakened Ones?

Find a time to go there some other day, just in time to drop by and see Li Xuan.

Xu Youran opened his merit system:

[Silver Merit: 12.

Bronze Merits: 17. ]

Has this month's bronze merit award been awarded to me?

Although Zhang Tianbing acted like a pyramid schemer, he was still very good at what he did.

I won’t bother you with anything. I’ll decide your status first and then give you the reward.

Eaters have short mouths, and takers have short hands.

It will be easier to talk and do things next time we meet.

This guy is a bit interesting.

Back in the barracks, Xu Youran took a quick shower.

The light screen popped up again and the military merit redemption list was opened. The long-awaited moment was finally coming.

[Great Qin Guardian Army Military Merit Exchange List

Xu Youran, the second awakener.

Position: Platoon leader.

Rank: Second Lieutenant.

Silver Merit: 12.

Bronze Merits: 17.

Your redemption list:

Military rank rewards

Rank rewards

Skill rewards

Cheats Rewards

Weapon bonus

Unknown civilization item rewards

Unknown purpose sundries reward]

He first clicked on the skill rewards and started browsing.

[Ba Duan Jin, Sanyi Qi Conquering Method, Yu Step Method, Stone Extension Method, Kong Jin Qigong, Youth Qigong, Jiuding Shen Refining Method, External Qi Self-Protection Method, Tongzhong Jin Qigong Exercise, External Qi Correction Method, Sleeping Immortal Technique , Tai Chi Qigong, Hunyuan Dan Gong, Yin and Yang Dual Cultivation Technique, A Zi Guan Ming Thought, Tai Qing Qi Adjustment, Qi Subduing Method, Full Lotus Position Training, Fa Wudang Internal Qi External Qigong, Bao Ming Gong, Internal Nourishing Qigong, Chaos The First Opening Technique, the Immortal Family’s Secret Five-Animal Play, the Red Pine Nut Guidance Technique, and the Xiao Wuxiang Gong...]

He was dazzled by the hundreds of exercises on the list, and there was a detailed introduction to each exercise when he clicked on it.

He then clicked on the secret book reward.

[Absolute Sword Sound Transmission Soul Searching Technique, Yuanyang Couple Sword, Five Tigers Broken Door Knife, Holy Fire Order Divine Skill, Wuluo Light Smoke Palm, Seven-string Invisible Sword, Peacock Spreading Screen Sword, Huashan Jade Fist, Huashan Fuhu Fist, Flying Sand and Stones Thirteen postures, three no three no hands, Capturing Dragon Kung Fu, Cha Fist, Indra Grasp, Tiangang Beidou Step, Burning Wood Knife, Wind and Thunder Palm, Shaolin Drunken Fist, Shaolin Demon Subduing Palm, Thunderous Wind Kung Fu, Thirty Happy Palms, Orchid Acupoint brushing hand, Piao Xue Penetrating Cloud Palm, One-Character Electric Sword, Three Flowers Gathering Top Palm...]

There were thousands of secret books, which made Xu Youran's eyes hurt from reading them.

He looked up at the sky and was speechless for a long time.

Come on, I always thought that my practice of Natural Classics was very good, and I was always ashamed to speak out.

Now that I see these exercises and secrets, I realize that I am still too young.

There is no second best, only second best...

Did the compiler of these exercises learn from martial arts novels, or did the martial arts novels learn from these exercises and secret books?

I didn't have any meritorious deeds before, so I didn't pay much attention to it. Now that I look at it carefully, it's so shocking.

What the hell is youth qigong? There are also Tongzhong Jinqigong exercises. Which set of radio gymnastics is this?

The exchange merits for these skills and secrets range from one black iron meritorious service to ten silver meritorious deeds.

Perhaps due to limitations in military rank or strength, the redemption list he saw did not include rewards for more than ten silver meritorious services.

Let’s look at the weapon exchange again. Open the weapon exchange table, which is divided into two categories: hot weapons and cold weapons.

Click on the list of hot weapons, ranging from ordinary pistols to various individual rocket launchers, heavy machine guns, and anti-material sniper rifles.

But he didn't see some particularly powerful weapons, and he didn't even see the legendary super bomb. He probably didn't have enough authority.

Xu Youran was not interested at all in thermal weapons.

Continuing to click on the list of cold weapons, Xu Youran's head buzzed again.

What's happening here? Have I traveled through time?

Tiger-head knife, sawtooth wolf-toothed fan-shaped knife, seven-treasure gold knife, knife, tiger-headed knife, seven-treasure inlaid knife...

White cloud sword, rainbow sword, soul-chasing sword, sun-moon sword, black hook sword, pear-blossom sword, heavenly wolf sword, eight-diagram sword...

Water-absorbing and lifting spear, five-hook silver spear, silver-pole spear, golden snake spear, pear-blossom spear, snake-shaped spear, silver mother-child mandarin duck five-point spear...

Spears, swords, halberds, axes, hooks, forks, all kinds of cold weapons, all kinds of strange shapes and names, Xu Youran was stunned.

It's over, I chose the wrong way to open it...

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