Virus Throne

Chapter 43. The shocking reward exchange

Xu Youran continued to look and found that they were not all traditional cold weapons, but also some new synthetic weapons.

There were also many weapons made of mutant beast materials, but the best quality was only silver grade.

The approximate exchange ratio was 1:3, and a weapon required three merits of the same level to be exchanged.

However, the exchange ratio was slightly different depending on the different materials and quantity of the weapon.

The exchange ratio for boxing gloves, brass knuckles, etc. was about 1:1, and the exchange ratio for spears was 1:4.

Xu Youran had brass knuckles with golden armor, and his bare-handed combat was currently his most impressive skill, so he had no interest in weapons for the time being, not to mention that his merits were not enough to exchange for any powerful weapons.

With curiosity, he opened the unknown civilization item reward, and a strong sci-fi style came to his face.

[Comprehension Burning Greaves, Eternal Storm Half Armor, Giant Needle Assassin Gauntlets, Agile Persian Greaves, Swift Flying Snakes, Knight V-Class Leopard Mecha, Metal IX-Class Snake Mecha, Terminator D-Class Transformer Mecha, Zeus XII-Class Leopard Mecha, Angel IV-Class Eagle Mecha...]

There are some notes and explanations below. Most of the items in this exchange column are from unknown civilizations, which may be ancient civilizations or extraterrestrial civilizations.

The names of the items are mostly named by researchers themselves, mainly protective gear and mecha, but most of them are broken.

These broken unknown civilization technology products, after being repaired by researchers, some can barely be used.

However, due to power or other reasons, the efficacy is often not very ideal.

The most important thing is that with the current level of human technology, it is even difficult to figure out the original purpose of the items, and they can only be repaired according to their own understanding.

The second awakening has little authority, and there are not many secrets that can be exchanged and understood.

There must be good things, but the exchange authority has not been developed at this stage.

Xu Youran was not interested in these things at all.

With a little disappointment and helplessness, he clicked on the last column, the unknown purpose miscellaneous rewards.

[Danxia Jade, Feixue Gan, Wanzhang Baojing, Leihuosha, Gangyi Tiangen, Feiyan Baozhu, Leiming Baozong, Huayu Liutian, Langzhi, Gantian Jing, Meteorite Fragments, a section of indestructible finger bone, sharp metal fragments...]

After clicking on each item, there is a brief introduction to its origin, and there are many uses speculated by scientific researchers, but they have not been confirmed, so they are classified as unknown purpose miscellaneous items.

An item in the list instantly attracted Xu Youran's attention. The sharp metal fragments require ten silver merits to exchange for rewards.

He clicked on the light screen and quickly entered the page.

"Hiss" Xu Youran's eyes widened, this is...

He quickly took out the fragment he got and compared it with the fragment on the light screen.

Xu Youran was ecstatic, this is a fragment of the same item!

Moreover, they are two adjacent pieces, and the dense and fine patterns are exactly the same.

The color and material look exactly the same, and even the gaps at the fracture can be completely matched.

Although the description given in the list does not know the specific information of this fragment.

But Xu Youran knows that this is definitely a treasure.

Now the second fragment has appeared, what should I do? This piece of metal must be taken.

But the merits are not enough...

Xu Youran was very entangled in his heart. The rank reward is useless for an officer like him in the military system. He clicked on the rank reward column again.

The introduction of this column is very simple. For every ten points of bronze merit (one hundred points of black iron merit, one point of silver merit), the soldier level rank will be upgraded once.

For every ten points of silver merit (one hundred points of bronze merit, one point of gold merit), the lieutenant level officer will be upgraded once.

For every ten points of gold merit (one hundred points of silver merit, one point of diamond merit), the school-level officer will be upgraded once.

Under normal circumstances, the military rank of the army will be upgraded once every four years.

He is now a second lieutenant. Logically speaking, if he has no special contributions, he will be promoted to lieutenant in at least four years.

But Xu Youran knew that he could not rely entirely on others to find his father.

He had to do everything he could to improve his strength and status.

The higher the status and the higher the level, the higher the information and level he would be exposed to.

So, although those reward exchanges were very attractive to him.

He also wanted to study it carefully and exchange some good things, such as that piece of metal fragment, such as those powerful synthetic weapons.

However, he must move to a higher level as soon as possible, which is the top priority.

So he chose to exchange without hesitation.

[A prompt popped up on the light screen: Lieutenant Xu Youran, congratulations on your successful exchange. Your file has been updated and your military certificate will be delivered to you as soon as possible. ]

Looking at the remaining two silver merits and seventeen bronze merits.

Although Xu Youran felt distressed, he would never regret it.

According to the ratio of ten bronze merits to one silver merit, he still has three silver merits to use.

As for the seven bronze merits, although they can be exchanged for some equipment, those equipment are completely rubbish for Xu Youran at this stage.

He found the list of synthetic weapons and chose a rhino horn sword to exchange.

[The light screen popped up again: Lieutenant Xu Youran, congratulations on your successful exchange. Your rhino horn sword will be delivered to you by the military research institute as soon as possible. ]

Although he is now working hard to learn swordsmanship, among all kinds of weapons, the sword he is best at is so far.

At the same time, a major officer knocked on the door of Commander Zou's office.

The confidential secretary opened the door, and the major officer quickly came to the desk.

"Pa" gave a military salute, "Commander Zou, the military department just received a special exchange application. Please verify it."

"Oh?" Commander Zou was a little surprised. He looked up from the tall pile of documents, "What application? Do you still need our help to verify it?"

"Xu Youran, leader of the Special Operations Platoon of the Second Regiment of our Warden Regiment, proposed to exchange for a military rank reward. He has already exchanged ten silver meritorious deeds for one promotion. The military has approved it, but I hope we can further verify it."

"Huh?" Commander Zou was also stunned for a moment, and then seemed to think of what Xu Youran asked him to investigate.

He quickly popped up the light screen of his mobile phone and entered his special account number, password, face recognition, iris recognition, and fingerprint recognition.

Through a series of strict identifications, log in to the military intranet and start the query.

After a long while, he sighed softly and dialed Xu Youran's cell phone.

"Hello, Commander Zou." Xu Youran was sitting in his barracks in the light curtain.

"Xiao Xu, have you redeemed your military rank reward?"

"Yes, I hope to give back to the country and people to the best of my ability."

"There are so many good things, but you don't exchange them for a military rank that will not help you improve your strength? The military department has some questions, so I want to understand the situation."

"Report to the commander. Military rank may not be of much help in improving my strength, but it may be helpful for me to find my father."

Xu Youran's answer, although not that lofty, was very practical and consistent with Commander Zou's guess.

After a moment of silence, Commander Zou said: "I looked up the name Xu Tian. There are more than a thousand Xu Tian in the military system, but none of them match your father's characteristics. Unfortunately, I can't help you."

When Xu Youran heard the news, he was speechless for a while and adjusted his mood. "Commander Zou, thank you very much for your help. In any case, thank you very much. I will think of other solutions myself."

"The military department also has many branches. It's possible that my authority is not enough, so the inquiry is not comprehensive. Many branches have very high confidentiality levels, and some information even requires authorization from the top leader. Don't be discouraged. There must be a way."

"Please rest assured, chief, I am not that easily attacked. I will continue to work hard to improve my strength, and sooner or later I can obtain the authorization from the supreme chief." Xu Youran's eyes were still bright and persistent in the light screen.

"I believe your father must still be alive. If he knew that you were working so hard to find him, he would be very pleased. By the way, how about you come over this afternoon to collect your new ID."

"Yes! Chief, I will be there in the afternoon." In the light curtain, Xu Youran stood at attention and saluted.

Commander Zou looked at Xu Youran's tall and straight figure, handsome face, and firm and persistent eyes in the light screen, nodded and hung up the phone.

"Oh, what a good boy. This is a model in the military, worthy of promotion and learning." Commander Zou looked at the confidential secretary and the major officer.

"Get that child's certificate quickly, and get the new uniforms and equipment ready. I will personally award him the title in the afternoon."

After pondering for a moment, he then said to the confidential secretary: "Take into account this child's deeds, especially his use of the rare ten silver medals to improve his military rank, and his unremitting search for his father, including his killing alone. Report the achievements of more than a dozen silver-level mutant beasts to me, and spread them as far as possible."

After hanging up the phone, Xu Youran sat blankly for a long time.

Even Commander Zou couldn't find any news about his father. What's the reason?

He was very sure that his father must be a soldier. Even if he retired, he should be able to find it in the military system.

Commander Zou's authority is not enough. Is he really going to achieve great military exploits and obtain the authorization from the supreme leader?

After thinking for a while, Xu Youran began to wash up, put on a brand new combat uniform and a military cap.

Looking in the mirror, he saw that it was rare to wear a military cap, which made the young and handsome Xu Youran look even more heroic and outstanding.

Coupled with his sharp-edged face and serious, cold expression, he was clearly a warrior in the army.

But what he didn't know was that when he boarded the Warrior Jeep and headed to No. 700 Yanjing West Road.

News about him has spread overwhelmingly in the 025 base, and this news has been submitted to the military department by the 025 base in the form of a press release.

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