Virus Throne

Chapter 424. High-risk mission

For a treasure, a planet with life was destroyed. Read М

The methods of this Illusion Brigade were indeed too cruel.

However, it also reflected their strength from another perspective.

A planet with life, based on the population of one billion on Earth.

I am afraid that at least ten fully armed and fully armed Xu Youran would be needed to do this.

Doesn't that mean that almost every one of the thirteen members of the Illusion Brigade has a combat power close to Xu Youran?

Thinking of this, Xu Youran himself was a little terrified.

Facing such a powerful threat, it is not excessive for Jiulong to make such a big fuss.

Although Xu Youran was secretly shocked, his expression was very calm.

"We received such a dangerous mission, are you not worried at all?" Fang Yan asked in surprise.

"Well, I am very worried. The risk factor is indeed very high, and everyone should pay attention to safety." Xu Youran only cares about whether there are six awakeners and whether the rewards are rich enough.

If there are six awakeners in this mission, it will exceed his ability limit.

If the rewards of the mission are not rich enough, it will not meet his interests.

Once he finds these two signs, he might get up and leave.

Xu Youran wants to hide in the Cyber ​​City with a population of more than 100 million, and no one can find him.

Through continuous fine-tuning over the past few days, he even let the God Kingdom system of Demon Slayer often capture his image.

Unconsciously, he has completely adjusted the image of Demon Slayer to his own.

Now he does not need the illusion effect of ice armor, he is also Demon Slayer, the difference is that he does not have a gene bomb on him.

"I can see that you don't seem to be nervous at all." Fang Yan muttered, "I don't know if it is ignorance or you are really strong enough."

"Alas, I'm really scared." Xu Youran was stunned. Is my acting so bad?

He did try his best to show that he was very nervous, but he was not a professional actor after all.

Fang Yan has been in the world for a long time, and her ability to observe people is absolutely first-class, especially men.

Although she can see Xu Youran's nervousness and worry from his expression and movements.

But Xu Youran's eyes were too clear, not the kind of clearness of ignorance, but the kind of determination to move forward.

She had seen the calmness of life and death in the eyes of those top masters who had experienced many life-and-death crises.

This Ghost Extermination is not as simple as he said. A small slave would not have such a strong strength, let alone such a look.

Xu Youran was a little overwhelmed by her look, and hurriedly changed the subject, "Sister Fang, tell me about the Illusion Brigade."

"I also heard a lot from hearsay, and a lot of the content was seen from the official bounty order." Fang Yan temporarily put aside her doubts, but secretly made up her mind that she must try to get closer to this Ghost Extermination, and the safety factor might be higher.

"By the way, that Ximen Xiao is a fifth awakener, and Jianxin also looks very powerful. Why don't we ask them." Xu Youran knew that many times, people at different levels and in different circles know different things.

"Okay, I'll ask them to come over." Fang Yan activated the Kingdom of God system and started calling the two people.

The two people who received the invitation were very confused. Hisoka, the servant, looked very honest and played very openly.

But Demon Slayer was Hisoka's personal servant. When Hisoka was not around, he was the one who organized everyone. These two people had to come.

They entered the room and found that it was not what they thought at all.

Demon Slayer and Fang Yan, each with a cup of tea, were exchanging information enthusiastically.

The nine big bosses of the Kowloon Society are all well-known giants.

They are the ones who have the final say in the underground world of Cyber ​​City.

It is incredible to think that such a big boss actually needs external aid for security work.

When Fang Yan said the name of the Illusion Brigade, the two were instantly relieved.

If it is the Illusion Brigade, it is not too much to ask the six awakeners to provide security.

Of course, with the power of the Kowloon Association, it is probably possible to invite six awakeners, it depends on whether the price is proportional to the effort.

Since the opponent may be the Illusion Brigade, Ximen Xiao and Jianxin did not hide anything and shared what they knew as much as possible.

Arc Light Galaxy, Broken Dream Galaxy, Ruined City Galaxy, Lost Paradise Galaxy, Hongxuanhe Galaxy, Oscar Galaxy...

The surrounding galaxies belong to the Void Mountain Empire, Fengxing Valley Empire, and Mission Hills Empire in the 33rd Star Field of the Fifth Star Region.

These galaxies have lord states, governor states, and state capital states, and they constantly attack each other for resources and population.

Every galaxy wants to annex other galaxies, strengthen itself, and cultivate more strong people.

But in order to meet the resource needs of the Kingdom of God, they have to maintain cooperation to a certain extent.

These kingdoms were once empires, and their founders were all seven awakeners.

As time passed, the strength of the empire gradually weakened.

The old generation of seven awakeners died, but the new generation stopped at six awakenings.

The kingdom ratings gradually decreased, and many star systems were only one step away from becoming captive star systems.

The countries fought each other on and off, and the wars continued all year round. They formed alliances and fought openly and secretly, and never stopped.

In Xu Youran's opinion, it was somewhat similar to the Warring States Period of the Qin Dynasty.

The Void Mountain Empire, the Fengxing Valley Empire, and the Mission Hills Empire were all three empires with powerful strength and many masters.

Once a full-scale war breaks out, it will have a huge impact on the entire 33rd and 33rd regions of the fifth star region.

Thanks to the coordination and balance efforts of all parties, the all-out war was forcibly suppressed.

They continue to create disputes through their subordinate kingdoms, which is the source of constant wars in several nearby galaxies.

Countless planets have been shattered at the borders where several major kingdoms have been at war with each other all year round.

Under the influence of celestial gravity, countless broken planetary debris formed a long and narrow suspended continent.

Garrisons, merchants, refugees, and adventurers from various kingdoms flocked here.

When war comes, we take up arms, and when a brief period of peace comes, everyone goes about business in harmony.

The indigenous people of the Broken Continent are also struggling to survive on this continent.

More and more people are dying on this continent, corpses are piling up in mountains, and innocent souls are howling and wailing during the day.

Over time, this continent became known as Zhenhun Street.

It was a real chaotic zone with no rules.

Many aboriginal people cannot live anymore and even eat the corpses of their own kind to make a living.

In recent years, a terrifying legend has been circulating in Zhenhun Street.

There was a group of children, led by their leader, who committed all kinds of crimes including burning, killing, looting, and using all kinds of methods.

Many children died in the war while they were growing up, and only thirteen children survived.

They formed a terrorist organization: the Disillusionment Brigade.

This organization not only wiped out the entire underground world of Zhenhun Street, but also extended their minions to other galaxies.

Under the guise of independent contractors, the Disillusionment Brigade travels between galaxies and is a nightmare in the underground worlds of major galaxies.

Wherever they appear, they will inevitably commit shocking crimes, and blood will flow wherever they go.

Each of these thirteen members is an S-class wanted criminal and has a high price on his head.

But because they often help the top leaders of major kingdoms to deal with some shady matters, they have many secrets of the kingdoms in their hands.

On the surface, they are placing a bounty on the Disillusionment Brigade, but secretly, they are covering their whereabouts.

Many high-ranking officials in the kingdom hate them deeply, but there is nothing they can do about it.

Because they all know that if something happens to the Disillusionment Brigade.

Their dirty secrets will soon become shocking to the entire Thirty-three Star Domain.

Some secrets are too involved and may even lead to the destruction of the entire kingdom, and the people of the whole country go down to eat.

The leader of the Disillusionment Brigade, Kukrollo Iliad, is an S-class felon with a bounty of one million cosmic coins.

This amount is the highest reward for S-class felons, and the next higher level is for SS-class wanted criminals.

Only those extremely evil criminals with the ability to destroy a living planet will be defined as SS-level wanted criminals.

For wanted criminals of this level, the empire would often intervene.

When certain criminals have the power to destroy a galaxy, they are designated as SSS-level wanted criminals.

Once it reaches this level, even the Star Sea Divine Kingdom will intervene.

It's a pity that if you want to hunt such a powerful person, you have too many worries. Once a war breaks out, all life will be destroyed, and the Star Sea Divine Kingdom will also have many worries.

"Are there any Sixth Awakening in the Disillusionment Brigade or the Kowloon Society?" Xu Youran must be most concerned about his own life safety.

Whether you can get huge returns should be put first, your own safety is the first priority.

Now he doesn't dare to fight, and he can't afford to die.

Once his plan fails, the only thing that awaits the billions of people on Earth is extinction.

"Some people suspect that the leader of the Disillusionment Brigade is a six-time awakener, and some say that the Nine Dragon Hearts of the Kowloon Society are six-time awakeners." Ximen Xiao frowned and said solemnly.

"Two people suspected of being Sixth Awakened..." Xu Youran pondered for a moment, "Have they ever fought against Sixth Awakened?"

"The two of them should not be six-time awakeners, the accuracy is over 80%." Kenshin said firmly.

"Oh? Why are you so sure?" Fang Yan looked at Jian Xin doubtfully.

Kenshin has always been a man of few words, so after saying this, he continued to turn on the speechless mode.

"There should be some truth to what Kenshin said. If it is a sixth-awakened person, there must be more than S-class wanted orders." Ximenxiao added.

Xu Youran secretly breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that there were no people who had awakened six times.

Fang Yan seemed to see the change in his mood, and couldn't help but feel a little strange, even if there was no one who had awakened six times.

With two such powerful forces colliding, you, a little slave like Demon Slayer, are not worried at all?

"It seems that this mission is far more terrifying than imagined..." Fang Yan murmured in a low voice.

Although he has lived a life of licking blood from the tip of a knife all year round, this mission is too dangerous.

Xu Youran, who had been deep in thought for a long time, suddenly raised his head and said with a ferocious expression: "Yes, it's too dangerous. We need to pay more!"

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