Virus Throne

Chapter 425. Definition of an independent contractor

Xu Youran spent this day getting information from his teammates who had been hanging out in the underground world all year round.

Everyone is an awakened person, and their physical fitness is far beyond that of ordinary people. It is not a big problem to stay awake for several days and nights.

Later, more and more people joined the chat. Not only were they answering Xu Youran's questions, but they were also exchanging information with each other.

What I thought was a simple security mission before now involves Iemura Ryumi and even the Kowloon Society.

The difficulty and risk factor of the task have skyrocketed, and the reward of five thousand universe coins is obviously too low.

Everyone could see that Xu Youran had an unusual relationship with Xisuo, and they all wanted Xu Youran to help negotiate prices, so they were all more polite to him.

As evening approached, Hisoka informed everyone to prepare. Tonight, Longmei Club in Jia Village would hold a dance to entertain some guests.

As a warm-up before a large-scale event, it can also be regarded as a run-in for the security team.

All the security personnel had finished eating in batches before their employer had a meal.

As the leader of a security team, Hisoka began to perform his duties for the first time.

Jiacun Longmei's compound covers a large area. She is a descendant of the local powerful in Jiacun Town.

All large and small organizations and societies in the town are basically controlled by relatives of the Jiacun family.

Hisoka, who came from the Wolf Warriors, finally began to show his professionalism.

However, everyone can see from the positions assigned by Hisoka that Iemura Ryumi doesn't seem to care much about these "non-staff" personnel.

Except for Xu Youran and Hisoka, who are both in the inner house and closely protecting Iamura Ryuumi, the others are almost at the outermost edge of the defense line.

Even Ximen Xiao, a five-time awakener, was placed on the outer edge.

Although everyone is dissatisfied, they also know their own weight.

Compared with the established underground organizations such as Tuzhengtang and Tiezhantang, they are still far behind.

Whether it is combat effectiveness, professionalism, or even loyalty, they are all far apart.

The reason for dissatisfaction is also very simple. The more peripheral the job, the lower the reward.

If the enemy attacks forcefully, the security personnel on the outermost perimeter are most likely to die.

When Hisoka recruited people in the tavern, many people thought he was giving out points, but now it seems like he was giving out propositions.

Dissatisfaction is dissatisfaction, basic professional ethics are still there, everyone starts to perform their duties.

Xu Youran briefly observed the situation of the security personnel. The security measures of Jiamura Longmei were very strict, far beyond his imagination.

The outermost security personnel were even deployed outside the town, but the formation was relatively sparse, just in case.

The nightlife in the town is particularly rich, and many adventurers choose to leave Shiwandashan at night.

Among the lively and noisy crowd, many members of the village association were lurking among them, closely observing suspicious persons.

The outer perimeter of the compound is the responsibility of the Jiacun Association itself, plus the masters of Tuzhengtang and Tiezhantang.

The three expressionless men in black were always the ones guarding Kamura Ryuumi.

Gu Yang, the leader of Tuzheng Hall, Cui Miao, Xisuo and Xu Youran, the masters of Tiezhan Hall, and Long Mei's personal slave girl, were all consciously excluded by these three people.

Gu Yang, Cui Miao, and even Jiacun Longmei didn't understand why Xisuo brought Xu Youran into the hall to participate in the most important security work.

Iemura Ryumi maintained her identity, and because of her trust in Hisoka, she did not interfere.

However, Gu Yang and Cui Miao had long disliked Xisuo.

Although it is said that the Wolf Warrior Special Service Company on the main star is very powerful, the powerful dragon cannot overwhelm the local snakes.

Hisoka's unscrupulous behavior and Iemura Ryumi's attention to him made these two hall masters very unhappy.

These two people kept looking at Xu Youran with contempt. How could a slave of Hisoka be qualified to stand with them.

Although Xu Youran has never done security work, he has done assassination work.

A good security guard may not necessarily make a good killer.

But a good killer must be a good security guard.

If you want to complete the assassination mission with the minimum cost, you must first have a sufficient understanding of security work.

He turned a blind eye to the hostile looks from those two people.

There are idiots like this who think highly of themselves everywhere, and there is absolutely no point in competing against them.

The main thing is that there is no benefit.

If something really happened, Xu Youran wouldn't mind giving them a ride.

Although both of them are five-time awakeners and their strength should be quite high, they are still not enough in front of Xu Youran.

During dinner, a large number of guests were invited, and most of the guests came from Cyber ​​City.

The anti-gravity locomotives are parked in the parking lot outside the town, and the entire village will start to move.

This is a preview before a large event and a public relations exercise.

Many dignitaries from Cyber ​​City arrived, including more than a dozen nobles whose names started with black.

There are also many wealthy people and government officials in Cyber ​​City, including the deputy director of the Mineral Resources Department, the meritorious officials of the Commerce and Trade Department, the deputy director of the Household Tax Department, the owners of large mining sites, the owners of smelters, and the directors of processing plants. long……

Although many people from the yamen hold deputy positions, it can be seen that Longmei of Jiacun has a wide network of contacts and is involved in many industries.

Many of these large mining sites, processing plants, and logistics companies have her shares.

Ryuumi Iemura has been standing at the door of the banquet hall to greet the guests. Although her figure is indeed not that attractive, her identity, status, and strength are all there, so many guests are chatting happily.

Xu Youran followed Hisoka, not far from Jiacun Longmei.

For experts like them, this distance is not a distance at all.

Xu Youran looked at the three expressionless men in black and quietly tugged at Hisoka, "What do those three people do? The boss's personal bodyguards?"

"Hey, you didn't know this, right?" Hisoka whispered, "These three people are from the Yingui Army."

"The Ghost Troops?" Xu Youran asked doubtfully, "People from the military?"

"It's not the military. The Yin Ghost Force is the most powerful force organization of the Kowloon Society." Hisoka took two glasses of wine from the servant and handed one to Xu Youran, "Strictly speaking, the Kowloon Society only has nine people. The Yin Ghost Force It belongs to the Kowloon Society and does not take orders from any one person. Only if more than five of the nine people agree can the Yingui troops be dispatched."

"Very powerful?" Xu Youran began to observe these three people carefully. Apart from their calm demeanor, there was nothing special about them at all.

"A force composed of more than a hundred five-time awakeners, do you think it is strong or not?" Hisoka slowly sipped the wine in his glass.

"Fuck! More than a hundred people awakened five times..." Xu Youran was really shocked. He was indeed a giant in the underground world of Cyber ​​City.

This ghost army has surpassed the total number of people who have awakened for all five times on the Earth Star.

"Afraid? Hehe." Hisoka glanced at Xu Youran maliciously.

"The Yingui troops are also responsible for security. What am I afraid of? I'm just a little surprised." Xu Youran always felt that Hisoka was weird.

Although all his actions seemed so reasonable.

But Xu Youran just felt that there was something wrong with him, but he didn't know what the problem was.

"Whoa!" Xu Youran waved his hand as if inadvertently, and the awakening skill tracking had already taken action.

Silently, a spiritual mark fell on Hisoka.

Unless he is much stronger than Xu Youran, or his mental power is much stronger than Xu Youran, it is impossible to discover this mark.

Although he and Hisoka are friends rather than enemies now, Xu Youran is in danger, so it would not be wrong to mark such a dangerous person.

What's more, he has done experiments with Haoyu, and those who have awakened five times should not find out.

No matter how talented the five-time awakener is, he is just a dual-element practitioner who has awakened the power of two elements.

Xu Youran is a fellow practitioner of the fourth element and has awakened the power of the four elements.

At this stage, there are probably only a handful of people in the entire universe who are mentally stronger than him.

"Hey, hey, hey..." Hisoka smiled strangely, but did not continue the topic of the Yin Ghost Troops, "Logically speaking, you are my servant. Life and death are in my hands. I should trust you the most. You are the one..."

"You mean, you don't trust me?" Xu Youran was shocked, why did Hisoka suddenly bring up this topic.

"I don't know if I should trust you. This is really a strange feeling." Hisoka's smile remained unchanged, but the words he spoke made Xu Youran a little creepy. "Whenever I get close to you, I always feel very dangerous." It feels like I’m joking with my own life.”

Xu Youran forced out a smile. He felt that he had restrained himself very well and he should have never shown any murderous intention towards Hisoka.

This Hisoka's senses are really too keen.

Perhaps because of the years of fighting and fighting, Hisoka unknowingly sensed the aura of death on his body.

Seeing Xu Youran's embarrassed expression, Hisoka spread his hands indifferently, "But this feeling is very interesting. I like this feeling of danger, and I like to challenge death."

"Lord Hisoka..." Xu Youran was about to explain, but was interrupted by Hisoka waving his hand.

"Do you know what an independent contractor is?" Hisoka said with a playful smile, "Only responsible for oneself, only responsible for one's own goals, only responsible for one's own interests. This is my definition of an independent contractor."

Xu Youran slowly savored his words. There is no doubt that Hisoka is an extremely egoistic and selfish person.

You must be careful not to be betrayed by Hisoka at any time and have to help him count the money.

Hisoka thought he had mastered his genetic bomb, which might be the last insurance to protect himself.

At this time, all the guests had arrived, and Iemura Ryumi was leading everyone into the banquet hall.

Gu Yang and Cui Miao were obviously very dissatisfied when they saw that Xisuo and Xu Youran were still chattering away.

They didn't dare to offend Xisuo too much, so they reached out and pushed Xu Youran.

For these two small characters, Xu Youran will naturally not waste the tracking quota.

But in Xu Youran's heart, the two of them were one step closer to seeing each other off.

He looked at the two of them with apologetic smiles and followed a group of security personnel into the banquet hall.

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