Virus Throne

Chapter 457. Crisis Resolved

The auction went smoothly, but the total auction amount was still far from the loophole that King Shandong wanted to fill.

The Blue Princess's family could help, but King Shandong didn't want to hand over such a big handle to her family.

Even if her family could help him get through this crisis, he would definitely continue to be held hostage after he inherited the throne in the future.

In desperation, he chose to auction the Soul Stone.

As long as there is enough time and resources, a treasure like the Soul Stone can even create a new empire.

But he has no time, the King of Four Seasons is about to come out.

The Soul Stone appeared at the underground world auction, and King Winter also received the news.

A strange smile of conspiracy appeared on his face, and he sent out several instructions.

Some of the nine giants of the Kowloon Association received the news, Lan Gang, the director of the Military Intelligence Bureau of the City of Destruction, received the news, and some people from the Illusion Brigade also received the news.

Shenwei Continent, Hanchun Palace.

King Hanchun and King Kuixiong, the grandfather and grandson, are entertaining a distinguished guest, Han Xin, the chairman of the Super Energy Transformation Group from the Broken Dream Galaxy.

Several important officials of the court accompanied them, and more than a dozen beautiful dancers were dancing in the hall.

Zhao Yang, the commander of the Commerce Department, raised his glass and squeezed out a warm smile on his fat face, "Chairman Han, I toast you a glass. I hope that our cooperation will be pleasant, and I hope that Chairman Han will take care of me."

"Okay, okay." Han Xin raised his glass with a gentle smile on his gentle and handsome face, "King Hanchun and King Kuixiong, the two kings will join forces and ascend to the throne. It is only a matter of time. We in the Broken Dream Galaxy are all businessmen, so we naturally hope to do business with the strong."

The administrative system of the Broken Dream Galaxy is very different from that of the Three-Body Galaxy.

The Three-Body Galaxy adopts a traditional monarchy, which is somewhat similar to the Void Mountain Empire.

The Broken Dream Galaxy adopts an enterprise management model. The entire kingdom is a super-large company, held by several large groups.

All management positions are employed by the board of directors of the Broken Dream Strategic Development Group.

The board of directors uses a voting system to decide on major and minor affairs in the kingdom based on the shareholding ratios of several large groups.

"Chairman Han is too polite. I hope that your company's transformed people can arrive as soon as possible to enrich our strength." King Hanchun enthusiastically raised his glass and gestured. King Kuixiong also raised his glass.

At this moment, King Hanchun, King Kuixiong, and Chairman Han Xin received the news of the appearance of the Soul Stone almost at the same time.

King Hanchun and King Kuixiong smiled at each other. Han Xin remained calm, but also made arrangements in secret.

Many people in front of and behind the scenes are actually waiting for the appearance of this gem.

The pressure from the Broken Dream Galaxy, the pressure from the Ruined Promise Galaxy, the pressure from several princes competing for the throne, and the appearance of the Illusion Brigade are all forcing King Shandong to take out this gem.

This is something that King Four Seasons paid a huge price to prepare as the inheritance treasure of the Three-Body Star Kingdom.

King Four Seasons plans that even if he fails in his attack, as long as he finds a suitable life planet for this Soul Stone and properly places it.

Even if one day the Three-Body Kingdom becomes a captive star system, as long as his descendants can secretly manage this life planet well, there is always hope for a comeback.

But in order to get a more generous return in the process of robbing the mineral star, King Shandong arbitrarily misappropriated the silver steel from the military warehouse.

From a small deficit, it gradually evolved into a big deficit, and now it has even become a financial disaster.

Under the overt or covert instigation of various forces, he stepped into the abyss step by step.

The treasures he embezzled from the treasury were far from enough to make up for the deficit.

If he wanted to embezzle everyone's deposit, it would inevitably lead to a situation of collective attack.

Now he can only take the risk and auction the Soul Stone.

Although he made full preparations, he also knew that once there was a problem with the Soul Stone, it would inevitably lead to his total collapse.

On the small mountain hundreds of kilometers away from the Ninth Town, the purple-haired Macchiato jumped down, and Franklin carried Lu and followed closely.

Xiao Di and Kuang Quan, with their figures flashing, guarded on both sides.

Their target was Jiushi Town, and the first thing they needed to deal with was the heavy firepower of the first line of defense.

At the same time, the hidden thugs in Cyber ​​City emerged one after another.

"Have you heard? The first auction item is the spirit essence."

"Hiss... spirit essence? How much?"

"The spirit essence worth hundreds of millions, just thinking about it makes people excited. I heard that there are also natural disaster-level virus reagents!"

"Fuck! This..."

"What do you say?"

"Hey, hey, hey... what else can I say?"

"Good brothers, let's make a fortune, let's go!"

"Let's go!"

In the dim light, many, many figures surrounded Jiushi Town. Roughly speaking, there were at least tens of thousands of people.

Although most of them were four awakeners, there were also many five awakeners, and even many three awakeners wanted to fish in troubled waters.

Hundreds of mercenaries gathered together. Someone looked at Lan Hu, who was standing at the front and looking at Jiushi Town, and asked, "Boss Lan Hu, what should we do?"

"Hey, hey, hey... Want to get rich?" Lan Hu grinned, revealing his sharp canine teeth, "If you do this, you will have a good life."

"We all listen to the boss!"

"Yes, let's do something big!"

"Let's go!" Lan Hu took the lead and rushed towards Jiushi Town.

Almost everyone in the auction house was surprised. Didn't the Disillusionment Brigade bloodbath the Tears Jade Star for the Soul Stone?

That battle was the pinnacle of the Disillusionment Brigade, and it really made their reputation famous.

Kukrollo's face was expressionless, Daji was calm and collected, the vigilante had a smile on his face, Gang Jin kept chatting with Alita, and Genos drank as if no one else was around.

Although many people have doubts, it does not affect their enthusiasm for this gem.

Everyone knew that it would be impossible for any one person present to eat this gem alone.

Many people began to contact secretly, and even began to ask the boss behind the scenes for instructions.

With the strength of these people, even if they bought this gem, they would definitely not be able to keep it, let alone find a living planet to reproduce the Laiyu human race.

The benefits that the Soul Stone can bring are too great. Whoever owns this gem will have a steady stream of tear stones and tear jade produced hundreds of years later.

That is a huge amount of wealth that can buy everything in the world, provided that this gem can be kept.

The auction lasted for a day, and the female slave also watched it for a day.

It was a bit interesting at first, but the items later auctioned may be precious to other people, but to her they were all garbage.

Just when she was getting tired, the Soul Stone appeared.

This gem immediately caught her attention. When she was in Void Mountain, she had also heard about some deeds of the Laiyu Human Race.

But at that time, she just listened to it as a story.

It wasn't until she saw this Soul Stone with her own eyes today that she knew that even in the empire's treasure house, there were only a few such rare treasures.

She herself has jewelry inlaid with tear stones and tear jade, which are so exquisite that she can't put them down.

But those expensive jewelry instantly lose their flavor compared to this soul stone.

Love it, love it!

This is the gem that the imperial genius should possess. Only this kind of gem is worthy of my status as an emperor!

She had even begun to fantasize about hanging the Soul Stone on her chest.

The emperor and empress will all pale in comparison in front of me, ha, ha, ha...

Just as the female demon was about to take action, Wujiang patted her shoulder lightly, his eyes full of meaning, and he shook his head slightly.

"Huh?" The female slayer looked at Wujiang in confusion. Is there anything else here that Wujiang needs to be afraid of?

Wujiang shook his head firmly, his refusal obvious.

The female demon pursed her lips in displeasure and stared at the bright gem that was as warm as jade.

This is the last auction item and the most expensive one.

The price on the light curtain has never changed, and everyone seems to be more cautious.

Some people kept bargaining, "I can offer 200 million, which is the limit of what I can use."

"I can offer 150 million, how many of you are there?"

"I still have 300 million in cash here, what does Chairman Mike say?"

"The auction just cost a lot of money. Let's do this. I'll pay 100 million."

"It's almost 800 million. I don't know if I can take a picture."

"I guess even one billion can't stop it. Do you want to recruit a few more people?"

"Ask Heitan, he should still have money. Who knows how that guy came with Daji?"

"I can't understand him. Maybe he's fascinated by that flirtatious fox."

"Heitan, do you still have money? Do you want us to cooperate in filming and running the business together?"

"Hey, there are so many bosses, count me among them. If I pay 300 million, how many shares can I hold?"

"At least 20%, you are the richest now."

A group of dignitaries began to form a small circle in the Kingdom of God system and began planning.

Soon, some people seemed to reach a consensus and started bidding.

"Three hundred and ten million."

The price on the light curtain started to beat.

"Three hundred and twenty million."

Others also came to an agreement and started bidding.

The prices on the light screen began to beat crazily, 400 million, 500 million, 600 million...

It wasn't until the price exceeded one billion that the changes in the numbers on the light screen began to gradually slow down.

Xu Youran didn't know the importance of the Soul Stone, but he knew the importance of money.

The natural disaster-level virus reagent that is crucial to him only costs 450 million.

At this moment, it seems that money has turned into paper and completely lost its value.

"Two billion." Someone finally raised the price to the ceiling. Everyone stared at this number in shock. It was too scary.

"Bang!" Daji's little hammer fell gently, "Congratulations to this friend, you have obtained this priceless treasure."

While everyone was still immersed in the crazy auction of soul stones, Ninth World Dragon Heart slowly stood up and said, "Dear friends, thank you for your active bidding. This auction ends here. Friends who have bought the goods please Follow me to the warehouse to trade.”

The underground world auction has officially ended, and the next step is to complete the transaction and everyone is happy.

On the Trisolaran Star, King Shandong in the palace of Lord Shandong also received the news, with a happy look on his face.

More than three billion is enough for him to solve the current crisis.

There was only one step left, the last step, and he could sit back and relax.

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