Virus Throne

Chapter 458. Robbery of the Auction

Getting the money is not the last step of King Shan Dong's plan. Read М

He will use the huge amount of money from the auction to quickly purchase a batch of liquid silver steel from the Huinuo City star system.

Only when this batch of liquid silver steel returns to the Fortress Star warehouse can he solve the financial crisis.

But he has a bigger crisis. These auction items are all embezzled from the national treasury by him.

Before the Four Seasons King comes out of retreat, he will return these treasures to the national treasury intact, especially the Soul Stone.

The huge Three-Body Star Kingdom naturally has more treasures in the national treasury than these.

But King Shan Dong can embezzle very few things, so he had to set his sights on the Soul Stone.

So, he must take back these auction items now.

Moreover, he cannot take them blatantly, but in a roundabout way.

Otherwise, he will be attacked by the people involved and the bosses behind them.

Now, he has to carry out the most critical step of the plan, robbing his own auction and taking back his auction items.

He knows very well that although the Kowloon Club is the hard work of his many years of operation, it is not reliable.

Among them, only a few are his true confidants.

Other competitors for the throne have already divided his Kowloon Club into pieces.

Some of the nine giants were originally bought by him from others.

These people are still working for their original bosses in secret, and he has discovered some clues over the years.

Since he wants to rob the auction, he has to make it more realistic and reshuffle the Kowloon Club.

He made a lot of preparations for this auction, and he prepared more trump cards to rob the auction.

Many people are eyeing this auction, and now it depends on whose trump card is strong enough.

The final auction item of the auction is indeed amazing enough, and many guests have not even recovered yet.

But the auction seems to end very hastily, whether it is the guests, the auctioneer, or the Kowloon Club, they all seem to be eager to end this auction.

Many guests who have auctioned goods are looking forward to the treasures that are about to be in their hands and feel sorry for their wallets.

Many guests who did not get any treasures in the auction got up and prepared to leave after watching a big show for free.

The nine giants and their capable subordinates suddenly received alarms from all directions.

"Report, a large number of unidentified awakened people appeared in the southeast of Jiushi Town."

"Report, a large number of awakened people also appeared in the east of Jiushi Town, and they looked like mercenaries."

"Alarm! Alarm! We were attacked suddenly, we were attacked suddenly! Northwest mountain area... west..."

"Alarm! Masters are coming, five people, with very strong firepower! Yes..."

In a moment, countless unidentified awakened people appeared in all directions of Jiushi Town at the same time.

Many people have begun to attack the first line of defense of Jiulonghui, and some have even killed their way into the first line of defense.

The nine giants were about to lead the guests into the underground warehouse, but they all stopped at this moment.

Everyone's heart was hanging, and what was supposed to come finally came.

Originally, the Illusion Brigade was their imaginary enemy, but who would have thought that the Illusion Brigade would actually accept the employment and be responsible for the security of the auction.

With the Kowloon Society in charge and the reputation of the Illusion Brigade, it was thought that the thugs' extravagant thoughts could be dispelled.

But at the last moment, something happened, and it looked like it was no small matter.

The people under the command of the nine giants, together with a large number of mercenaries, formed a mixed formation for defense.

Many people in the hall received the news almost at the same time. The nine giants synchronized the video images sent by the first line of defense in real time.

The synchronized images came from the soldiers of the first line of defense. In the gloomy night, the awakened people were everywhere in the distance.

The dark heads were like dark clouds rising on the horizon.

The distance was very far, and the faces could not be seen clearly at this moment, but the strong sense of oppression and fierce murderous aura made everyone feel breathless.

Everyone in the Kowloon Society was nervous and sweaty in their palms. These people usually roamed in the underground world of Cyber ​​City and wandered on the edge of sunlight and darkness.

In the eyes of the Kowloon Society, they were just a group of stragglers and a group of begging stray dogs.

Wherever the Kowloon Club goes, these people can only lick their asses.

But today is different, the auction items have been leaked out.

That is billions of wealth, which can make anyone crazy and can make anyone rise to the top in one step.

Even the high and mighty King Shandong is worried about this money, let alone these begging wild dogs.

Since ancient times, money has moved people's hearts, let alone such a large amount of wealth, and so many dignitaries gathered there.

Even if they can't grab the auction items, even if they rob those dignitaries, it is enough for these thugs to risk their lives and fight for a future.

Many people here are hired by others, and many people are organized by members of the Illusion Brigade, but most of them are people who are blinded by interests.

The fierce murderous aura rises to the sky, and everyone's eyes are bloodshot. They are panting and hideous, like beasts that choose people to eat.


They are more terrible than beasts.

They are organized, premeditated, have defense maps, and are led by strong people.

They are awakened, super warriors evolved from human civilization.

Several giants of the Kowloon Society are checking the situation in different directions.

They are all the first line of defense. In some places, the enemy has not approached yet, but in some places, the war has already begun.

The crowd in the hall, which was originally noisy and about to leave, was now in dead silence, and you could hear a needle drop.

Everyone knows that this auction will not end simply like this.

But when the mystery was revealed and the hammer fell, everyone panicked.

There were nearly two thousand people in the hall, including more than a thousand masters of fifth-time awakeners.

This is a powerful force that can sweep through Cyber ​​City.

At this moment, no one felt safe. Who knew how many thugs were hiding among the more than a thousand people?

Yanagisawa Ryuto saw the defense line where the fighting broke out. A large number of low-level warriors from the Kowloon Society were stationed there, and several kilometers around them had been reduced to scorched earth.

Positional laser cannon, nuclear fusion artillery, antimatter annihilation cannon, ultrasonic concussion cannon...

Although these large weapons eliminated by the military are powerful, they have poor flexibility.

Without the support of other military branches and automatic tracking equipment, these weapons cannot cause any harm to real masters.

The swaying positional fort was filled with flames and thick smoke. The boulders were smashed into powder and the jungle was razed to the ground.

The ground is littered with craters from heavy weapons bombings, as well as the bodies of countless Kowloon Society soldiers.

The picture Ryuto Yanagisawa saw came from a fixed-point monitoring device.

Through the billowing smoke, he seemed to see several figures finishing the killing and rushing towards the Ninth World Town.

It has enchanting purple hair, a beautiful huge tail, a pair of steel-like fists, and a behemoth-like figure carrying a petite and exquisite girl.

Not only Yanagisawa Ryuto saw this scene, but several giants also saw the backs of these people.

On another battlefield, the battle is not over yet, and the incoming enemy has not yet broken through the defense line.

Although there was only one enemy, his appearance was so sudden that the heavy weapons of the first line of defense were useless.

It was a man wearing a warrior robe. The exposed skin was covered with dark brown dry wrinkles, just like old tree bark.

There was a long sword in his hand that shone with cold light, and streaks of blood appeared as his figure flashed.

Hundreds of people surrounded him and fought crazily, with screams, wails, the muffled sound of long swords cutting flesh, and the crisp sounds of bones being severed...

The sword warrior was slaughtering an army alone.

Kuchiki Terran!

The giant of the Kowloon Society instantly saw the origin of this warrior.

There are more than two defense lines that have started fighting. Directly west of Ninth World Town is the Hundred Thousand Mountains.

Across the 100,000 Mountains, you will find the headquarters of the major legions. The Kowloon Society's defense line here is the weakest.

At this moment, there was a ghostly figure that had just broken through the defense line.

It's not that he has the strongest combat power, it's that this person is too weird.

Wearing a black tight-fitting combat uniform and a black scarf covering his face, only a huge one eye on his face was exposed.

"Bang!" The whole person turned into a ball of black smoke, and when he reappeared, he was already hundreds of meters away.

Behind him, hundreds of soldiers were still chasing him. Laser cannons fired volleys and nuclear fusion artillery bombarded him wildly, but they could do nothing against this cloud of black smoke.

Yanagisawa Ryuto turned around and looked at Kukrollo coldly.

What he saw was Kukluoluo's calm smile and his eyes as deep as the stars.

Ryuumi Iemura took a step across and stood beside Ryuto Yanagisawa. He narrowed his eyes and stared at Daji. He squeezed out two words between his teeth, "Slut!"

Daji still stood gracefully on the auction stage, with a charming and charming smile, unmoved at all.

Gang Jin took a step forward, and his majestic momentum soared into the sky.

Haoyu followed him, staring at Xu Youran with cold murderous intent in his eyes.

Katsuya Ryuuo intentionally or unintentionally protected Yanagisawa Ryuuto's back and looked at Genos.

Genos smiled strangely and put down his wine glass, his sharp canine teeth flashing with a ferocious cold light.

Kurosaki Ryujun moved his steps and stood in front of Zeta Jones, and his momentum began to rise.

The atmosphere in the hall instantly became extremely tense, and a war was about to break out.

Although only the nine giants saw the battle, everyone saw that something was wrong, and everyone was secretly on guard.

The bodyguards hired by dignitaries all moved closer to their employers, and many began to move slowly towards the exit, for fear of attracting others' attention.

The Ninth World Dragon Heart looked at Kuklulo with deep meaning, "Is this how the Disillusionment Brigade accepted the commission?"

"Our task is to ensure the safety of the auction. Now the auction is over." Kukluoluo said gently.

Xu Youran was completely confused by the sudden change of situation. What is going on?

The Disillusionment Brigade was the security guard at the auction just now, and now they are going to rob the auction?

"Hey, hey, hey..." Hisoka laughed weirdly and said softly, "Do you want to make money?"

"Think!" Although Xu Youran was full of doubts in her heart, her body was honest.

"Then join us and steal the auction. Hey, hey, hey..." Hisoka said casually, "You might die."

"I'm not afraid of death!" Xu Youran finally understood Xisuo's intention. It turned out that he was also here to rob the auction.

But then he reacted again, bah, bah, bah...

Who said they were going to rob the auction with you?

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