Virus Throne

Chapter 597. Genetic Bomb


Except for Xu Youran, Kukluo and a few others, all other members of the brigade were breathing heavily.

Xu Youran looked at the helpless expressions of the others, “A few rats dragged you here? And everyone is injured?”

“Hu…You don’t understand…We are not afraid of these violent rats…” Machiato explained breathlessly, “If we kill these vegetarian violent rats, the natural disaster-level mutant beasts will come out to hunt and will attack us.”

“Natural disaster-level mutant beasts?” Xu Youran’s expression froze. Hearing that there were doomsday-level mutant beasts on Liujia Star, there should naturally be natural disaster-level mutant beasts. Why didn’t he think of it earlier?

"What's wrong? Do you want to hunt for materials or kill for barbecue?" Xi Suo laughed, "Do you miss us? You come here without saying hello?"

"Get lost! You are always so frivolous..." Xu Youran raised his foot and pretended to kick Xi Suo, "Are there many disaster-level mutant beasts?"

"There are some, but the scope of our investigation is not large, and we are afraid of alarming the doomsday-level mutant beasts." The knight answered while frowning at the fleeing violent rats.

"There is too much noise here, and it is estimated that disaster-level mutant beasts will soon be attracted. Let's go first." Kukluo Luo said in a deep voice.

"Where is your spaceship?" Xu Youran looked around.

He was naturally not afraid of disaster-level mutant beasts, and he also had new ideas because of this.

"In the dense forest in the east, there is a natural disaster-level leopard tiger." Xiaodi said, "We hid the spaceship in the leopard tiger's territory. It's a piece of iron, and the leopard tiger is not interested. Ha, ha, ha..."

"Leopard tiger?" Xu Youran looked at Genos suspiciously. This guy seemed to be a leopard human. Did he evolve from a leopard tiger?

Genos seemed to see through Xu Youran's thoughts, made a ferocious grimace, grinned, and showed sharp, huge canine teeth.

They can't be relatives, no wonder they are hiding there.

Xu Youran thought with some evil taste, "Let's go, let's go to your spaceship first."

"Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh..."

More than a dozen people flashed and flew into the air towards the east, breaking the speed of sound in an instant.

Hisoka was the fastest, and he rushed to the front, responsible for exploring the way and guarding.

Gangjin was the tallest and most burly, and three fox girls sat side by side on his shoulders, looking like he had four heads.

Although Jianan is not very strong in combat and is taciturn, he always has a gentle smile.

But he is a real five-time awakener and his speed is not slow.

When the group passed through the city and entered the dense forest area soon.

"Ah..." A tiger roar sounded in the depths of the dense forest.

"Don't pay attention to it, the leopard tigers are all lone rangers. A natural disaster-level mutant beast poses no threat to us." Macchiato said with a smile, "Demon Slayer, why do you seem a little unhappy?"

"Unhappy?" Xu Youran was slightly startled, "Let's talk about it when we get on the spaceship."




Xu Youran, Kukrolo, and Xi Suo, the three powerful men burst out with momentum.

The top priority is to find the spaceship, there is no need to fight with the leopard tiger.

Although killing these mutant beasts can harvest a lot of natural disaster-level materials.

But for this group of daring star pirates, that little material is not worth wasting time at all.


The roar of the leopard tiger became more and more manic.

How could it not notice such a large group of masters, who broke into its territory with great momentum, and how could it not be angry?

However, everyone found something funny.

Although the tiger was still roaring with all its might, the sound was getting farther and farther away. Tomorrow, the tiger was not stupid. It knew that these people could not afford to offend and was fleeing quickly.

Although the tiger was a lone beast, other disaster-level mutant beasts were not all lone rangers.

If the tiger became restless and provoked a few more disaster-level mutant beasts, it would be a bit troublesome.

The small spaceship of the Illusion Brigade was not hidden secretly.

In this deserted planet, there might be no other people except them.

Everyone boarded the spaceship, and Macchiato began to control the spaceship to take off. He looked at Xu Youran with some doubts, "Demon Slayer, where is the destination?"

"Enter the low-Earth orbit first, and let's talk before we go." Xu Youran said in a deep voice, "I have some questions that I can't figure out."

"Okay." Kuklolo gestured to Macchiato, and the spaceship began to take off quickly.

Like the six awakened humans, the calamity-level mutant beasts can cross the void with their physical strength.

However, there are basically no calamity-level mutant beasts that rashly enter the cosmic void, and even the doomsday-level mutant beasts rarely enter space.

Mutants are different from humans. Although calamity-level mutant beasts have begun to have preliminary wisdom, many of them are no less than normal adults.

But humans have star maps, spaceships and navigation, and wormholes to travel through.

Mutants don’t have star maps, and entering the vast void is almost the same as seeking death.

Even if they reach the doomsday-level mutant beast, they need to eat and replenish energy.

If there are spirit stone mines or other treasures, mutant beasts can survive by absorbing the energy of heaven and earth, but eating is an instinct.

Humans can consciously restrain themselves, but mutant beasts cannot.

Why should they restrain themselves?

Isn’t it delicious for me to eat meat?

In the boundless cosmic void, it is nothing but a foolish dream to want to fly with the flesh and find the next planet of life to feast on.

Generally, the distance between living planets and living planets requires traveling through wormholes.

Even with a sub-light speed spacecraft, it may take a long, long time, let alone mutant beasts.

Human spaceships can travel through wormholes. Mutated beasts approaching the wormholes will only have one result: they will become barbecued.

So when the brigade's spaceship took off, it encountered little hindrance.

That kind of extreme speed is not something that ordinary flying mutant beasts can catch up with.

Everyone in the spaceship found their own seats and sat down. Even Hisoka, who always talked a lot, seemed to feel the dull and depressing atmosphere.

When the spacecraft began to rotate along the low-Earth orbit, Kukluoluo poured a glass of wine and handed it to Xu Youran, "If you have any questions, let's talk."

Xu Youran took the wine glass, looked out the window, and sipped the wine slowly. After a long while, he slowly said: "Daji is dead, Zhu Ming is dead, and Jian Xin is dead. I want an explanation."

"Kid, what do you mean by this?" Gang Jin's rough voice sounded, "Do you think we betrayed you?"

Everyone in the spaceship turned their attention to Xu Youran, with doubts and explorations, as well as confusion and anger.

"We almost died, and the female slave almost died trying to save us." Xu Youran's voice was filled with sadness.

Recalling the scenes that happened in the Golden Palace, I lay on the ground like a dead dog.

Blood and water mixed with tears, he hit his head hard against the ground again and again, praying to make a weak sound.

The high and mighty Emperor of the Void, several people who have awakened seven times, and hundreds of civil and military officials throughout the dynasty.

Except for the female slave, who else cared about his feelings?

Did anyone say a word for him?

Every second in the endless purgatory seems as long as a century.

Zhu Ming and Jian Xin left their lives there forever.

That was his lifelong nightmare, but now he didn't even know who to hate.

Hate the Void Emperor?

Hate the Void Mountain Empire?

He fought openly, killed people, and violated the laws of the empire. Shouldn't he be punished?

After thinking about it, maybe only the person who betrayed him is the real enemy.

This man must be found, and he must die.

He came alone, ready to kill.

If he found out something was wrong with everyone in the brigade, he would not hesitate to massacre the entire brigade.

Kukluoluo drank the wine in his glass in one gulp, his eyes showing infinite compassion, and said in a trembling voice: "Daji, he is dead."

Xu Youran just tasted the wine slowly and remained silent.

"Demon Slayer, we have analyzed it many times." Macchiato's voice was dry, "We also have a rough understanding of some of the circumstances of the Golden Palace trial."

"Tell me..." Xu Youran looked at Macchiato expressionlessly.

"Liu Bu and Jiu Temple understand our actions in such detail." Macchiato organized his words, "If we say that there is no traitor who disclosed these details, I am afraid no one will believe it."

"However, I guarantee with my life that it will never be our Disillusionment Brigade who betrays our own people." Macchiato said solemnly, "Can you find a reason why we betrayed you?"

"Kid, you are indeed quite powerful. The brothers who did this business together are also quite powerful." Lan Hu continued, "But have you noticed? All of you have no background, no wealth, and almost no wealth." A place worthy of murder.”

"Kid, this is the truth. In my opinion, you people don't even have the capital to be framed. Except..." Gang Jin glanced at Hisoka, "Only he is worth shaking the Void Mountain, but he is not It’s worth such a big fight.”

"Kid, I have a video and I will send it to you right away." Hisoka quickly explained, "I really used a space shuttle talisman, and more than a hundred people saw it. It was the cost of my life. It will not be compared to Your void commandment."

"Demon Slayer, you were betrayed. I'm afraid it doesn't have much to do with Hisoka. Later in the Golden Palace trial, Hisoka was never mentioned." Kuklulo said, "The Spacetime Ronin Camp and the Resistance Army are almost kept private. As long as you don’t stand on the street shouting that you are a rebel, no one will pay attention to you.”

Xu Youran frowned slightly as he listened to their chatter, "Where was Daji when she died? Who was she with?"

"This is the crux of the problem!" Macchiato said hurriedly, "Sister Daji has many connections in Void Mountain, but we checked and found that she did not contact those people she knew this time. When she died, we didn't know She didn’t tell us where she was or who she was with.”

Xu Youran thought for a while and said: "The person who was with her in the end is very likely to be the key to breaking the situation. We must find this person. That person is most likely her hidden connection, and the energy should not be Xiao, it’s Prince Shaohao’s motorcycle.”

"After Daji died, all her connections were cut off..." Kukluoluo sighed, "She is like my biological sister. I must find the person who killed her."

Xu Youran frowned and thought quickly. Hisoka survived because of the space shuttle talisman, so his suspicion should not be high.

Judging from other people's attitudes, even if they betray us, after all, we have just formed a group.

But they should have no reason to betray Daji anyway. What is the problem?

"By the way, Hisoka. Is your box still there?" Xu Youran asked.

"Here it is." Hisoka took out the small box without hesitation and handed it to Xu Youran.

"Click!" Xu Youran directly turned on the signal jammer and looked at the members of the Disillusionment Brigade coldly.

Everyone is a little confused, what does this mean?

What to do if you turn on the signal jammer?

Is this going to take action?

Xu Youran already had thirteen small metal pieces on her hands, smaller than fingernails.

"Gene bomb!"

Everyone knows this small metal piece. Although they have not experienced it personally, they have seen it many times.

"Ugh!" Xu Youran raised his hand and threw it out. Each of them got a gene bomb in their hands, "If you want me to believe you, just fuse it!"

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