Virus Throne

Chapter 598. A false alarm

Not only everyone in the brigade, but also Jian An and the three fox-human girls each received a genetic bomb. read

"Boom, boom, boom..."

Several powerful auras exploded wildly, including Lanhu, Gangjin, Xiaodi, and Genos.

Shenzang's cold murderous intent has locked onto Xu Youran, and his hand is on the hilt of the sword, as if he can strike out with a killing blow at any time.

"What do you mean?" Gang Jin stood up and stared at Xu Youran with a pair of huge scarlet eyes.

"Ghost Slayer, isn't this inappropriate for you?" Lan Hu also stood up slowly, a bone-chilling chill spreading throughout the command room.

Genos waved his hand, and the spear was already in his hand. His legs were slightly bent, as if he could pounce on Xu Youran at any time.

"Kid, this joke is not funny at all." Hisoka lazily leaned back on the sofa, "If we are willing to accept slavery, I'm afraid we will all live well, and there is no need to fight and kill all day long. "

Kuklulo said nothing, staring thoughtfully at the thin piece of metal at his fingertips.

Xu Youran was still sitting on the sofa, drinking the wine in the glass in one gulp, leaning back and changing into a comfortable position, with a faint smile on his face, and the signal jammer that had been turned on at his feet.

If Hisoka hadn't given him the shield, he would have killed these people even if they were exposed.

Now Hisoka gave him the jammer without hesitation, which actually provided him with a lot of convenience.

Why does he want to enter low-Earth orbit?

On the brigade side, only Kukrollo and Hisoka are six-time awakeners who can cross the void.

The other top five awakened people could barely survive for a few minutes.

Without the protection of the mecha, the awakened ones below the natural disaster god general are completely vulnerable in the void of the universe.

Xu Youran could tear apart the small spaceship of the brigade in a very short time.

At that time, the only enemies he really needs to face are Kukrollo and Hisoka.

"I'm stupid and can't tell who is lying. So I can only use this method. If you are willing to fuse the gene bomb and let me control your life and death, it means that you have no evil intentions in your heart." Xu Youran said slowly and calmly, "I don't want to By integrating, I can only nip all the uneasy factors in the bud.”

"Hey, hey, hey..." Lanhu Jiejie said with a smile, "Are you sure you can kill all of us?"

"Both the leader and Hisoka are six-time awakeners. Demon Slayer, please calm down. Don't let this kind of thing destroy our unity." Macchiato hurriedly walked between the two parties, "We will investigate slowly, and we can always find something. Find out the truth."

"I am about to go to the Trisolaran Galaxy with the female princess to quell the war. I don't have time to dwell on this matter." Xu Youran's face gradually turned cold. "Give me an answer immediately, otherwise, I will have to kill them all."

"What if it has nothing to do with us? What if it was really an outsider who betrayed you?" Macchiato said eagerly.

"Then I will unbind the gene bomb and sincerely apologize to everyone." Xu Youran said solemnly, "It was us who almost died, not you who almost died."

Macchiato wanted to say something more, but was interrupted by Kukrollo waving his hand.

He frowned and looked at Lan Hu and Gang Jin, and said coldly: "What are you doing? Want to rebel? Do you want to kill me, the leader? Everyone, sit down!"


Lan Hu, Gang Jin and others sat down reluctantly, but still locked onto Xu Youran.

Once Xu Youran makes any move, he will inevitably receive a thunderous blow from several people.

"The Void Mountain Empire has revoked your past wanted orders. Now you are legal citizens of the Void Mountain Empire." Xu Youran looked at Kuklulo, "I want you to follow me to the Trisolaran Galaxy to quell the chaos."

Kukluoluo nodded slowly. Xu Youran asked them to fuse the gene bomb, which was indeed a bit unexpected.

But thinking about it from another angle, if he was standing in Demon Slayer's perspective and couldn't tell the difference between friend and foe, there really wasn't much he could do.

"We can all fuse the gene bombs and hope to find the person who killed Daji and betrayed you as soon as possible." Kukluoluo sighed softly, "We are willing to prove our innocence to you, because we are really innocent, and also because, You are also part of the Disillusionment Brigade and our family."

"Swish!" With a soft sound, the thin piece of metal completely integrated into his body.

"We are willing to prove our loyalty and trust to our partners, and we hope that you will not betray our loyalty and trust." Kukluoluo smiled, "We just don't want our own people to misunderstand us. We are not afraid. Fight with you."



Lanhu and Gangjin both looked at Kukluoluo anxiously. They did not expect Kukluoluo to integrate the gene bomb so neatly.

"You guys..." Kukluoluo smiled bitterly, "Gangjin, let me ask you. If Lanhu's apple is lost, I suspect that you ate it secretly. Are you willing to prove to Lanhu that it was not you who ate it? "

Gang Jin nodded vigorously without thinking, "I don't eat apples, I only eat meat."

"Pfft!" Lan Hu spit out a mouthful of wine and kicked Gang Jin in the calf, "The leader was just making an analogy."

"Okay, I will prove that I don't eat apples." Gang Jin spread his hands helplessly.

"Why are you willing to prove your innocence to Lanhu?" Kukluoluo pointed at Xu Youran, "Because you grew up with Lanhu like a real brother. You don't want to be misunderstood by your brother. But Gui Mie We just got together, and you feel that you have already explained it, and you don’t care whether he believes it or not.”

There was silence in the command room, and everyone was thinking about Kukololo's words.

Many times, they would even risk their lives to prove something to the people they care about.

But Demon Slayer had just joined the brigade, and everyone was not very familiar with him, let alone a deep relationship.

Maybe in everyone's cognition, we have already explained it, believe it or not, it's up to you.

Or in their subconscious, they did not really accept Demon Slayer and these newly joined members.

Kukololo saw everyone's expressions, including Xu Youran, who seemed to be thinking about his words, and nodded with satisfaction, "So, first of all, I have to express an attitude on behalf of the brigade. We must sincerely accept Demon Slayer, trust him, and let him trust us."

"Now, I give my life to Demon Slayer. Even everyone gives their lives to him." Kukololo looked at Xu Youran with a smile, "Demon Slayer, we can sincerely accept you and trust you with our lives. Are you willing to trust us?"

Xu Youran discovered that the reason why Kukololo became the leader of the brigade was not entirely because of his strength.

Being able to subdue these unruly and extremely evil criminals, Kukololo's vision, mind, and bearing are indeed far beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Compared with him, I seem to be much more stingy.

But the responsibility on his shoulders is even greater, and he cannot bet on the fate of so many people.

"Humph! I hope he can understand the captain's painstaking efforts." Gangjin snorted coldly.

"If we merge, I will kill him by surprise one day, so that he won't even have time to detonate." Lanhu licked his lips with a scarlet tongue.

"Swish, swish, swish..."

Pieces of metal flakes disappeared from everyone's fingertips.

Xu Youran mobilized the Kingdom of God system to check, and the thirteen gene bombs were all in place.

As long as the mental power moved and the corresponding code was activated, it would explode immediately.

The life and death of all members of the Illusion Brigade here depended on his thoughts.

Although he was ready to break with the brigade completely and even kill people.

But he was able to solve this matter properly, and he still relaxed secretly.

Even if he could kill all these people, he would have to pay a high price.

The Void Emperor asked him to do three tasks to make up for his crime. He had just started the first task, and it was time to use people.

The members of the brigade had their own division of labor and duties, and their combat power was not weak. They were the best helpers.

He wanted to get the help of these people, but he couldn't use them with confidence, so he could only resort to this last resort.

As if he felt the resentment of Lan Hu, Gang Jin, and Genos, Xu Youran smiled.

He stood up and took out a bottle of fierce magma, poured himself a cup, and handed it to Gang Jin.

Gang Jin took it with some doubts and held it in his hand. What does it mean?

Ghost Slayer poured a cup. Did he want us to drink it too?

This is a wound disinfectant. The instructions say that it cannot be taken internally. Can this thing be drunk?

"Ton!" Xu Youran drank half a cup, "Huh..." He exhaled a long breath, "It tastes very good and very strong. You can try it."

No one moved, and Gang Jin didn't move with the bottle of fierce magma. The atmosphere was a little awkward for a while.

"Hey, hey, hey..." Hisoka grinned, "Master Demon Slayer, we have now integrated the gene bomb. You can tell me what the next plan is."

"You're right, I didn't think you would integrate the gene bomb." Xu Youran reached out and turned off the signal jammer, "I was originally planning to kill people, but it seems that there is no chance now."

"Humph! Little ghost. You don't think we are really afraid of you, do you?" Gangjin looked at Xu Youran provocatively, "I just think what the captain said makes sense..."

"We want you to accept us and believe in us, and we also want to accept you and believe in you. What the captain said makes sense, tell me the next plan." Lan Hu said indifferently, "Let's die, fight. Death or explosion, it doesn't matter, life is picked up anyway."

"Hey, hey, hey... look at what you said..." Xu Youran smiled bitterly and shook his head, "I was forced to no avail. In fact, I think the most fiercely opposed should be Xi Suo. But I didn't expect him to be so obedient."

"Of course I am obedient, I can't beat you, and I can't run away..." Xi Suo smiled bitterly, "I'm not afraid of death, but I don't want to die meaninglessly."

"Alas... Don't always live and die..." Xu Youran drank it all in one gulp, "You guys use your mental power to detect, I have already disarmed the gene bomb. In fact, I just want to see everyone's reaction."

"Huh?" Xi Suo was stunned, and quickly checked with his mental power.

Sure enough, there was no abnormality in the whole body, the gene bomb was really disarmed.

"Damn it!" Xi Suo kicked Xu Youran's calf hard, "Good boy, you actually tested us!"

Everyone knew the result from his expression, and quickly checked it out. Sure enough, all the gene bombs had been disarmed.

Everyone then realized that Xu Youran was just testing everyone, not threatening them with the gene bomb.




Almost everyone in the brigade ran over and lined up to kick Xu Youran.

He grimaced in pain, covered his legs and hid in the sofa, not daring to show his head for a long time.

Amidst the laughter and noise, the awkward situation was completely relieved.

Although the gene bomb was integrated, everyone would continue to cooperate with Xu Youran.

But whether one's own life is in one's own hands or not, the mentality and emotions are completely different.

Now that I realized that Xu Youran was just trying to intimidate everyone, I felt completely relaxed.

Xu Youran also knew very well that these extremely evil people could never be controlled with genetic bombs.

These desperadoes are not afraid of death. At the critical moment on the battlefield, they may hold him and die together.

If you want to gain true comrades and share life and death together, the most important thing is affection and trust.

But his time was limited, so he could only pretend and threaten like this, and he had no chance to continue the detailed investigation.

The false alarm passed, and everyone took turns to ravage Xu Youran who was hiding on the sofa, seeming to be venting their dissatisfaction with him.

The relationship between Xu Youran and the members of the brigade seems to be getting closer and closer, and the invisible barriers are slowly being eliminated.

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