Virus Throne

Chapter 733. Sharp Golden Energy



The super-grade flying sword violently bombarded at twenty times the speed of sound, and the vitality handprint fell from the sky.

Dozens of heroes were completely stunned by this attack. Although no one would die under this level of attack, injuries were inevitable.

The huge shock wave blew away all the hundreds of soldiers near the city gate.

These Trojan warriors were only five awakenings, and they immediately caused a large number of casualties.

There were more than a dozen soldiers nearby who were bombed, their limbs and pieces of meat were scattered in all directions, and there were hundreds more who were injured and vomited blood.

Although the towering walls of Troy were also affected, they suffered little damage.

Priam and others who were standing on the city wall watching the Trojan horse were frightened and turned pale.

The smoke dispersed, and everyone looked at Xu Youran, who was proudly suspended in the air with his hands behind his back.

"Swish, swish, swish..." The super-grade flying sword exhaled cold light and shuttled back and forth around him, like a silver dragon across the sky, looming.





"How can it be?"

"He...he is..."


Everyone was horrified by Xu Youran's overwhelming power, and for a moment they forgot that the other party was an enemy.

In everyone's understanding, only gods can fly, and they can fly elementally.

Xu Youran can be said to be the first person they have seen who can fly physically without using any elements.

This is beyond the scope of human beings and is comparable to gods, or he is a god!

And that half-sword flying all over the sky, what the hell?

"Gods? Haha..." Xu Youran looked down at dozens of Trojan heroes and smiled contemptuously, "Have you ever seen a real god? Do you know what a god is? They are just a bunch of bumpkins in captivity. Today, I will let you Open your eyes!”

"Lord Cross...K..., this..." Priam's old voice sounded. Although he was shocked by Xu Youran's surprise attack, he still mustered up the courage to speak, "You're not dead?"

"Of course I won't die. I'm so young. You've died several times, but I still can't die." Xu Youran smiled disdainfully, "Where's Paris?" Let him get out and die! "

"Lord Cross, your Greek army has left and the war has stopped, why do you need to be aggressive anymore?" Priam was too old and no longer wanted to live, so he stood up and questioned Xu Youran.

"Today, I came here. It has nothing to do with war, justice, right or wrong, or kindness. It only talks about positions and feelings." Xu Youran's cold voice was full of killing intent, "You killed my best friend. Achilles, then all go down and bury him!"

"After you go to hell, remember to tell me my name. I am not Cross, my name is: Demon Slayer! Demon Slayer who destroys all ghosts and gods! Moreover, the war is far from over. Hahaha..."

Xu Youran laughed and said, "Come out!"

The huge wooden horse was slightly shattered by the aftermath of the bombardment. At this moment, there was a sudden "click, click" breaking sound.



"Kill, kill, kill!"

Dozens of Greek heroes, led by Agamemnon, smashed the huge wooden horse into pieces and jumped out one after another.

"Hahaha... Stupid Trojans, still want to transport us to the city?" Agamemnon laughed wildly, "Aren't you afraid of dying fast enough?"

"Lord Cross..." Odysseus bowed deeply to Xu Youran in mid-air, "Thank you for your help..."


"Damn it!"


"so close!"

All the Trojan heroes were also completely confused. After a long time, the Greek heroes did not retreat, but hid in the Trojan horse.

If these people were really transported into the city of Troy, the result would be extremely miserable.

But look at the huge city gate that was half blown down by some ghost. It's actually not much better now.


The rapid sound of the horn sounded, and heroes with quick reactions had already blown the horn desperately. This was a signal to summon the soldiers.

Xu Youran knew very well that even if he used all his firepower, it would be a fool's errand to annihilate these dozens of natural disaster generals.

There is absolutely no problem in killing Paris alone, but these people will definitely not let him do so.

"Demon Slayer..." Priam said tremblingly, "The gods of Olympus promised not to join this war, you..."

"Me? Haha... I am not your god." Xu Youran smiled, "I am the devil from hell. I will make you pay for your arrogance!" "

Xu Youran's face turned cold and he shouted angrily, "Kill! Until death!"


Agamemnon and the others were already impatient, their swords flashed with cold light, and they immediately attacked the Trojan heroes. The war broke out instantly.

Spears stabbed, swords flew, and there was a chaos in front of the gate of Troy. Dozens of natural disaster god generals fought in a melee. The power was earth-shattering. Ordinary fifth-awakened warriors could not break into the battle circle.

"Boom!" The remaining half of the city gate finally could no longer withstand the impact and collapsed completely.

"Ula!" the Greek heroes roared, their morale boosted.

Someone had set fire to the huge wooden horse, and flames shot into the sky.

Priam's elderly wife supported him and stood on the city wall watching all this numbly.

They knew that from the moment Xu Youran fell from the sky, Troy was doomed.

If the gods had not joined the war, even if the Greeks were cunning and really entered Troy, they would still have the strength to fight.

But Xu Youran, who was suspended in the air, and the flying sword that flew across the sky, were all beyond their cognition, and an unparalleled sense of powerlessness came over them.

When Hector killed Cross, they were only worried about Achilles' revenge.

Sure enough, Achilles immediately killed Hector to avenge Cross.

When Paris sneaked and killed Achilles, they thought that the Greeks would retreat after being hit hard.

The Greeks really left a huge wooden horse and boarded the warship and left.

But who knew that these were all Greek conspiracies.

Moreover, Cross not only came back to life, but also became a god.

How can mortals match gods?

The power of the gods of Mount Olympus has long been deeply rooted in people's hearts, and everyone can only crawl and pray in front of the gods.

Xu Youran's spiritual sense had already swept out all over the place. The time to teleport away was approaching, and he had to settle this feud before leaving.

Give an explanation to Achilles, and also to himself.

Paris, who was selfish, mean, shameless, and insidious, was the main culprit and must die.

The other Trojan heroes were accomplices, so kill as many as you can!

Suddenly, the spiritual sense swept a person, Paris, who was ashen-faced and trembling like a sieve. The handsome Paris was not even as good as a dog at this moment, sweating and extremely embarrassed.

But he was very smart. He did not hide with other old, weak, women and children, but rushed to the battlefield at the city gate.

Maybe he also knew that it was impossible for him to hide when the gods came to the world.

Dozens of heroes were fighting in front of the city gate, and maybe he still had a chance to survive.

No matter how powerful the gods were, dozens of Trojan heroes were enough to save his life.

Xu Youran did not enter Troy to hunt Paris. There were still many civilians in the city. Paris was a natural disaster god after all. The aftermath of the battle was enough to kill many people.

He knew very well that after conquering Troy, the Greeks would definitely bloodbath the city.

But that was the Greeks' business. He had no power to stop it. But he really couldn't kill those innocent civilians with his own hands.

Besides, Paris was not far from the city gate. Even if he mixed into the battlefield, he could still be killed.

In any case, Paris must die today!

"Priam, your son Paris is here, hehe..." Xu Youran laughed evilly, "It seems that your way of educating children is wrong. How could you teach such a thing?"

"He... is here?" Priam was stunned. A god was standing in the air. Did Paris come here to die?

Xu Youran was suspended in the air. He had the best vision in the entire Troy city. He glanced at the direction of the Aegean Sea from the corner of his eye.

Someone lit a fire on the top of a small hill not far away, and the flames soared into the sky and the smoke billowed up.

Rows of masts appeared on the sea level, and thousands of warships of the Greek army raised their sails and headed towards Troy.

"Hehehe... not only your son is here, but the Greek army has also come back." Xu Youran smiled coldly, "Priam, go to hell and repent!"

"Swoosh!" The super-quality flying sword blasted towards the heroes in the chaos like a meteor.

Paris held a longbow and a long sword on his waist. Just as he got out of the broken city gate, Xu Youran's flying sword fell from the sky.

"Boom!" At the critical moment, Paris swung his long sword and chopped the flying sword.

"Crack!" Paris's long sword broke into several pieces, "Puff!" He spit out a mouthful of blood and was blown away by the huge shock wave.

This was definitely a sneak attack. In Xu Youran's spiritual sense, all of Paris's movements were in sight.

This grandson sneak attacked him twice. Once, he sneak attacked Cross before he came down, and the second time, when he was fighting Hector, Paris sneak attacked him again.

Maybe it was due to his personality, or maybe it was due to his awakening skills. Paris always liked to hide in the dark and sneak attack, and always caused huge losses to the Greek heroes.

If Xu Youran hadn't come, Cross would probably never wake up that day.

In fact, until now, Xu Youran has not figured it out.

Whether he came or not, Achilles could not avoid the ending of death in battle.

If Cross died in Paris's first sneak attack, Achilles would still join the battle, and the ending would hardly change.

History always goes in the right direction and never changes because of anyone.

But at this moment, Xu Youran was in no mood to think about such a profound question. Since he came, Paris must die today.

The super-grade flying sword is indeed sharp, but the shortcomings are still very obvious.

If you want to kill Paris, it seems that you still have to do it yourself.

"Swish!" Xu Youran flashed and rushed in the direction of Paris.

"Looking for death!" A Trojan hero had already gone mad with killing intent. He didn't care if you were a god or not. He would kill you without hesitation. He thrust a spear with a ferocious cold light.

"Swish!" Xu Youran's figure disappeared out of thin air as if teleporting, and instantly appeared one meter away.

He raised his hand and grabbed the hero with a star-destroying hand. The golden energy was infused into him, and Xu Youran's grab was like a sharp golden hook.

The destructive power of the golden energy was extremely strong, and it could be said to be the strongest among all kinds of spiritual energy.

"Swish!" Xu Youran tore the hero's armor with one claw, leaving several deep blood marks from the shoulder to the chest.

"Bang!" He slapped the hero's sword with his backhand, and the violent vitality blasted the hero away.

"Puff!" The hero flew hundreds of meters backwards and spurted blood.

Paris was so frightened by Xu Youran's mighty power that he turned around and ran away without caring about sneak attacks.

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