Virus Throne

Chapter 734. Let the gods talk to me

In the eyes of everyone in the arrogant world, the reason why gods can walk freely in the sky is entirely because of their elementalization.

In the technological civilization camp, some ordinary fourth-time awakeners can already partially elementalize, and fifth-time awakeners can completely elementalize.

It’s just that the elemental power consumed by elementalization is too large, and the bonus effect on combat is not obvious, but the restraining effect is very obvious, so few people elementalize.

When the earthlings just began to understand the awakeners, they thought that the elementalization of the fifth-time awakeners was very sharp, and even immune to physical attacks to a certain extent, so elementalization was widely used.

However, with the increase in the intensity of combat, the requirements for the combat endurance of the awakeners are getting higher and higher. Using elementalization for a long time is undoubtedly a suicide act.

At that time, the earthlings believed that the fifth-time awakeners would suffer a decline in strength if they fought for a long time, or even fall back to the fourth awakening. In fact, it was because they consumed too much elemental power.

The fifth-time awakeners can only store so much elemental power, and you have consumed it all by elementalization. It would be strange if you didn’t drop in level.

With the contact with higher-level interstellar civilization, the contents of the Star Sea Kingdom system were largely deciphered.

The awakened people on Earth also have a deeper understanding of awakened people and elemental power.

Although the natives of the arrogant world are very powerful, they do not have the system of the Kingdom of God, so naturally they have not systematically understood and learned about the awakened people.

Including these people fighting, they simply integrate the elemental power into the martial arts they have explored. In fact, it is not a combat skill, but at most the prototype of combat skills.

They don’t know much about these awakened people, let alone practitioners.

In Xu Youran’s view, this arrogant world is obviously a world sealed by the powerful practitioners with formations, and many restrictions have been imposed on awakened people.

As for why this world is sealed, Xu Youran can’t figure out the reason.

Whether he will attract the attention of the practitioners who sealed this world when he uses the skills and means of the practitioners to fight, he can’t care at all.

Because of his arrival, Achilles was killed, which not only made him extremely self-blaming, but also extremely furious.

At this moment, there is only one word in his heart: kill!

Killing Paris, killing the Trojan heroes, these people are still Achilles' culprit.

Just like he said, it has nothing to do with justice, right or wrong, people have emotions, and he is a person with rich emotions.

The death of Achilles completely released the devil in his heart.

Although the hero was scratched by him with several deep scars that could be seen to the bone, and was hit by him, it was at most a serious injury, and it would never be fatal.

He was only a five-time awakener, and he might be able to suppress the whole scene, but he couldn't do it.

More and more Trojan warriors poured out of the city to join the battle group. Although their strength was slightly inferior, they were numerous.

"Swish, swish, swish..." Xu Youran's super flying sword shuttled back and forth, like the sickle of death, and blood and flesh flew wherever it went.

"Swish, swish, swish..." When the "Close to the World" was activated, Xu Youran's figure was like a ghost, coming and going freely in the chaos of a group of heroes.

This world cannot materialize ice armor, and he is not wearing armor, so he still has to be extra careful to avoid injuries.

Even if he is constantly repairing, injuries will always affect his combat effectiveness.

"Huh!" Xu Youran stretched out his hand and caught the long sword dropped by an unknown hero.

The super-quality flying sword reaps the lives of Trojan warriors wantonly, and occasionally bursts out to attack Trojan heroes.

With a long sword in his hand, Xu Youran's lethality suddenly increased.

It seems to have returned to the night when Troy raided the camp, killing crazily in the crowd.

But this time, the enemy has dozens of natural disaster gods, and he also has five elemental powers, gold vitality, and super-quality flying swords, with full firepower.

The lethality this time is definitely far greater than that night. Wherever Xu Youran goes, there is almost no enemy.

Even if he encounters the obstruction of Trojan heroes, it is basically a one-shot deal. If he can't kill the enemy, he will use his body skills to instantly transfer the battlefield.

His divine sense covered the entire scene. Although he was bloodthirsty, he did not forget Paris.

The cunning Paris was in a panic in the chaos. Not to mention sneak attacking the Greek hero or Xu Youran, his longbow had been thrown away long ago.

These Trojan heroes and warriors were also stubborn. Although everyone despised Paris, they still tried their best to protect him.

There were spears stabbing at Xu Youran everywhere, and long swords flashing with cold light everywhere. Xu Youran seemed to be trapped in a violent sea of ​​attacks.

It was impossible not to get hurt in this situation. His iron body and the flesh repeatedly tempered by the golden spirit made him seem to be wearing a layer of natural disaster-level armor.

Although his defense would occasionally be broken, his wounds were healing rapidly under the strong repair ability of the seedling-pulling-out-the-seedling-forcing-growth.

The old wounds were not healed, and new wounds were added. No matter how strong Xu Youran was, he was still constantly injured and covered in blood in this army of thousands of horses.

But he was always biting Paris and chasing him. The Greek army had not landed yet. Although Agamemnon and others were brave, they were completely trapped in a bitter battle at this moment.

If there was no landing support from the Greek army, these people would definitely be surrounded and killed here.

But there is no if in this world. Once Troy is on fire, it means that the city can be attacked.

The bonfires lit on the top of the mountain were to notify the fleet to return. With favorable winds and a large number of fifth awakened warriors paddling, the fleet returned very quickly.

"Swoosh!" The super-quality flying sword swirled and danced, "Puff!" A Greek hero was pierced through the shoulder.

Xu Youran flashed and teleported a meter away, barely avoiding several spears.

"Puff!" He thrust a sword into the hero's back.

Blood splashed, and he twisted it hard, cutting it horizontally.

"Puff!" The Trojan hero was immediately cut into two pieces, blood gushed out, and the broken internal organs fell to the ground.

"Pandaros!" Someone roared, "Huh!" A huge mace smashed down.

"Looking for death!" Xu Youran snorted coldly, and his figure flashed like a ghost.

When he appeared again, he had already circled to the side of the hero.

"Swish!" The Seven Bitterness Sword, with a little bit of cold light, swung out.

"Hah!" The Trojan hero was also a fierce man. He ignored Xu Youran's sword, let go of the mace that could not attack Xu Youran, and grabbed Xu Youran's face with both hands.

He was fierce, but Xu Youran was even more fierce. In such a large-scale melee of thousands of troops, the most deadly thing was often not the enemy's masters, but the cold guns that came from nowhere.

So Xu Youran could not retreat, unless he gave up killing this hero.

But with such a good opportunity, how could he bear to give up.

The long sword in his hand did not change its momentum, and the sword intent of beheading demons instantly merged into the sword light.

He knew the opponent's intention. Wearing a natural disaster-level armor, even if he was stabbed a few times by him, it would probably not be fatal.

If Xu Youran was scratched on the face by him, he might have a bloody head.

This was his own idea, a fighting style of exchanging injuries for injuries.

Xu Youran had fought for so many years, and the thing he was least afraid of was exchanging injuries for injuries.

Not only did he not retreat, but he accelerated to meet the claws.

He just lowered his head slightly and hit the claws with a headbutt.

"Crack!" While the opponent's hand bones were broken, several wounds were scratched on Xu Youran's head.

"Puff, puff, puff..." The sound of a sharp blade piercing flesh rang out. Xu Youran's long sword, wrapped in the sword intent of beheading demons, pierced through the natural disaster-level armor and stabbed the hero into a blood gourd.

"Ah..." The hero who had been fighting Xu Youran screamed miserably, but the sound stopped abruptly.

"Puff!" The super-grade flying sword appeared behind him like a ghost, and cut off his head with one sword.

"Bang!" The blood fountain spurted out from the broken neck, like blood-colored fireworks blooming all over the sky.

Trojan hero Thrace died in battle!

Xu Youran didn't know who was who at all. As long as they were enemies, they all deserved to die.

The colors of the armor were easy to distinguish. Under the cover of his spiritual consciousness, all enemies were clearly marked, clearly, properly, and neatly.

"Huh!" Xu Youran slapped a Trojan warrior with a palm, and the man's body was still in the air, but he was vomiting blood crazily, with broken tendons and bones, and it was obvious that he was dead.

More and more warriors came out of the city. The gate was almost full of Trojan warriors, more than 10,000 people, and the number was still increasing.

Now, let alone entering Troy, the Greek heroes couldn't escape and were completely besieged.

Xu Youran wanted to escape, of course, no problem. He soared into the sky and flew a thousand miles with his sword. Except for the gods, I'm afraid no one could do anything to him.

But how could he escape?

Paris would escape, and he was very good at escaping.

He is indeed the top villain in mythology and legend. It is even more difficult to kill him than to kill a great hero like Hector.

Once Xu Youran got close, there would always be a Trojan hero who happened to appear, either to create an opportunity for him to escape, or to entangle Xu Youran at all costs.

Although flying into the air might be more conducive to attacking, this flying sword was too weak and could only bombard.

It was indeed very fierce, and the attack range was very wide. For the sixth awakener, the lethality was a bit weak and could not complete the final kill.

Since you insist on protecting Paris, then all of you should die!

I will kill one by one, kill everyone here, and see who can protect you?

If everyone came to besiege Xu Youran, he would definitely turn around and run.

But there are Greek heroes here, and Agamemnon and other fierce men are not given away for nothing.

The siege of tens of thousands of people was mixed into large and small battle groups, and the entire battlefield was divided.

"Boom!" Xu Youran fought a hero and finally approached Paris again.

One hundred meters... fifty meters... thirty meters...

This distance is completely close to Xu Youran.

Paris was so scared that his legs were weak and he really couldn't run.

He only knew that the Greek heroes were coming, and he hadn't seen Xu Youran's "miracle" flying in the air.

He thought that he could escape by hiding among the Trojan heroes, but he never thought that Xu Youran was so fierce.

Tens of thousands of Trojan warriors and dozens of Trojan heroes were killed by Xu Youran.

Paris was terrified when he saw Xu Youran, who was covered in blood and holding a long sword, looking like a demon.

How terrifying must Xu Youran be to scare a sixth-time awakener so much that his legs were weak and he couldn't even run.

"'t...kill me..." Paris knew that there was no way to escape, and knelt down tremblingly, "Mount Olympus...gods...protect me..."

Although there were countless Trojan warriors around him, they were all fifth-time awakeners, and they were not good enough in front of Xu Youran.

"Puff!" Xu Youran sent away a Trojan warrior who blocked his way with a sword.

"Bang!" He leaped up and slapped another Trojan warrior to death with a palm, and the golden energy was swallowed and spit out.

"Haha, may the gods bless you?" Xu Youran smiled, blood all over his face, looking as ferocious as a ghost, "Let the gods talk to me, you are not worthy!"

"Crack!" The sword fell with a flash of cold light.

Paris's head flew into the air, with a look of horror on his face.

"Puff!" A pool of hot blood gushed out.

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