Virus Throne

Chapter 80. Always Be Prepared

With the addition of Zhang Tianbing, the entire team system of the first company was formally constructed.

News of victory continued to come from the front. In the final stage, no silver-level mutant beasts appeared, which allowed the three members of the Destroyer Team to rest for a few days.

As the human-occupied area continued to expand, the former food reserves and military bases returned to human hands.

The expanding defense line required more soldiers to garrison, and the soldiers of the Guardian Corps set out from the main urban area.

The Second Regiment, where Xu Youran had served, also evacuated the main urban area and moved towards the outer defense base.

This time, because of sufficient preparation and material allocation, the soldiers of the Guardian Corps no longer used fixed city walls.

The mobile Great Wall of Steel was advancing forward in a planned manner every day. Tanks, armored vehicles, ground-to-ground rocket launchers and other heavy army firepower once again became the killer in the hands of human soldiers.

Faced with the overwhelming and ferocious mutant beasts, the problem of ecological balance could no longer be considered at this time.

The bombing, clearing, and defense tasks of the 025 base were executed perfectly, and were highly praised by the military. The whole army reported and praised them.

However, due to the number of fortifications and the number of soldiers, the expansion of the 025 base finally stopped a month later.

At the end of February 2036, the 025 base began to shift from recovering lost territory to internal adjustments.

Millions of ordinary people living in the main urban area began to return to their former homes in a planned manner, and production and life began to gradually return to order.

Nanjiang in March was still cold, and the occasional spring rain brought a hint of vitality. A little green began to appear on the willow branches, and the dead grass on the grass also sprouted new buds.

After a cold winter, people began to go out of their homes, and the number of people on the streets began to increase, and slowly became lively.

The sudden disaster not only destroyed people's lives, but also destroyed people's confidence.

After nearly two years of long waiting, it seems that people's lives finally saw hope.

The powerful Qin State and its powerful army were not defeated. Instead, they held their ground in adversity until the swift counterattack this winter.

The city government began to release materials into the market in a planned manner, and state-owned enterprises and private enterprises gradually began to resume operations.

Some hotels and restaurants on the street also began to resume business one after another. The reserve materials outside the main urban area brought new vitality to this once dead city.

Because of the special nature of the Destroyer Tactical Team, Xu Youran's company did not participate in the subsequent defense work and was still stationed in the compound at No. 700, Yanjing West Road.

Using this more than a month, Xu Youran continued to practice swordsmanship madly, and his basic skill long sword was finally upgraded to silver quality 1.

Perhaps it was influenced by the fragment of the unknown civilization technology product he accidentally obtained, and he had a fanatical obsession with swordsmanship.

In order to practice swordsmanship this month, he used soft and hard to get a lot of swordsmanship secrets from General Zou.

There was no way, he wanted to exchange it with military merits, but it didn't work. All his military merits were confiscated.

It seems that before he accumulates 100 silver merits, he can't expect to exchange military merits for anything.

Although he has been obsessed with the other fragment on the military merit exchange list, he can only drool without military merits.

He secretly took the fragment and tried every way to test it, and got an incredible conclusion: it cannot be damaged.

High temperature, freezing, heavy blows... He tried everything, but he couldn't hurt the fragment at all.

This fragment is like other unknown civilization technology products preserved by the military, all of which are magical and incomprehensible.

Some restaurants on the street slowly resumed business, which allowed Xu Youran to finally treat guests with his salary.

While Zhang Haiyang and Li Xuan were taking turns to rest in the city, he treated everyone to a meal.

Everyone was amazed when they heard about Xu Youran's rapid promotion, but it was also reasonable.

Xu Youran's Destroyer Squad combat mode has now been popularized throughout the army, and each base has one or two Destroyer Squads.

There are even more Destroyer Teams in the big bases such as the Imperial Capital, the Magic Capital, and the Auxiliary Capital.

With the exposure of Zhang Tianbing, everyone has basically made some guesses about the members of the Destroyer Team of Base 025.

However, seeing the glorious military exploits of the Destroyer Team, there is no gossip.

Guo Ziping's current status is special, so he can only stay in the compound. Mayor Guo will occasionally come to see his son.

As for Xu Youran, even if he met her on the road, Mayor Guo would turn a blind eye and ignore her.

Xu Youran can also understand the attitude of the old mayor. Although Guo Ziming deserved to die, he died at the hands of Xu Youran anyway.

Li Xuan applied to Xu Youran several times to join his company, but was rejected by Xu Youran.

This lively and lovely female soldier's thoughts on Xu Youran can be seen by anyone.

But Xu Youran can no longer let go of anyone except Dongfang Bai. If Li Xuan really joins the company, it will be a great test for Xu Youran's determination. He is very afraid that he can't withstand this test.

As spring approaches, more and more ordinary people take to the streets, as if they have returned to the time before the disaster.

However, Xu Youran saw growing worry on the faces of Commander Zou and other senior military officials.

He knew that the so-called good days were only temporary. The mutant beasts rampaging across the country were not completely eliminated as people imagined.

These mutant beasts were just temporarily suppressed by the powerful firepower of humans and huddled down.

They became more and more concentrated, cunning, and powerful from their previous scattered and wandering state.

Just like raising Gu, there was also survival of the fittest among the mutant beasts. The weak were constantly eliminated, and the strong became stronger and stronger after devouring the weak.

Under the sunny spring weather, there were mutant beasts wandering in the wild, with undercurrents.

And even if all the mutant beasts in Daqin were eliminated, it did not mean that the world would be peaceful.

The countries outside the country had already fallen apart and fought each other. Human bases were constantly being breached by mutant beasts around the world, and the whole city was bloodbathed.

The Daqin military not only had to clean up the mutant beasts in the country, but also had to station legions and super bomb troops to assist in the defense of neighboring countries.

It is not possible to ignore them. Everyone is in danger. The existence of those overseas bases can also disperse the pressure of Daqin to fight against mutant beasts.

The Daqin currency issued by Daqin has become a global currency. Wherever the Daqin army goes, super bombs open the way, and the J-25 fighter jets cooperate with armed helicopters to sweep all mutant beasts.

Of course, this is only the surrounding areas of Daqin. For the time being, the military does not have such a strong military force to support the world.

Xu Youran has fought close combat with silver-level mutant beasts many times, and he feels scared even with his combat power.

Especially the leopard tiger he encountered before, which was only one step away from breaking through the gold level. If the leopard tiger had not been killed at that time, Xu Youran suspected that the leopard tiger would definitely be promoted to gold by early summer at the latest.

He is different from all the ordinary people on the street. He is the captain of the strongest combat power Destroyer Squad of Base 025, and he shoulders huge pressure and responsibility.

So he still works hard day and night, and never relaxes for a moment.

Finally, the internal stability work of Base 025 came to an end.

One day in March, three members of the Destroyer Squad were summoned to the office of Commander Zou.

Commander Zou had more and more white hair, his face became more and more old, and even his back was a little hunched.

Commander Zou looked bitter and said in a hoarse voice, "Xiao Xu, how have you rested during this period?"

"Report to the chief, my bones are rusty from resting. If I don't fight again, I'm afraid I will forget how to hold the sword." Xu Youran straightened his back and said loudly.

"Bullshit, you little brat, I don't know what you are thinking?" Commander Zou smiled a little, "Are you worried about your 100 merits?"

"The chief is wise..." Xu Youran scratched his head a little embarrassedly.

"The situation is far from as optimistic as everyone imagines. On the contrary, the situation is getting more and more critical." Commander Zou sighed, "Our military's cleanup is just to clean up some scattered and weak mutant beasts."

"Chief, leave the next task to us, you don't have to worry." Xu Youran has been idle for almost two months, and he is indeed a little restless.

If the main line to the other four large bases is not opened for one day, it means that there will always be a task pending, and he has to be on standby at any time.

This delayed his plan to go to the imperial capital to meet Dongfang Bai again and again. Although the two still occasionally exchange emails, this cannot solve Xu Youran's homesickness.

In addition, he also wants to go to the imperial capital as soon as possible to see if he can find a way to the military and investigate his father's affairs.

"Leave it to you? Alas, what I'm afraid of is leaving it to you. The next battle may be more difficult than you can imagine." Commander Zou was a little helpless, but there was no other way.

"Chief, are you talking about opening the main line of the 021 base?" Xu Youran asked tentatively.

"Zhang Yichi, the commander of the 021 base, is my old superior. After being outdone by our 025, he was very angry and formed five destroyer teams. Each destroyer team is composed of three awakeners. During this period, two teams died in battle." Commander Zou rubbed his sore eyes with both hands.

"Hiss, six three awakeners died in battle? The situation at the 021 base is so bad?" Xu Youran and the other two were shocked.

Guo Ziping and Zhang Tianbing are both three awakeners, which means that if they participated in the battle, they would also die.

"It's very bad. Before, he refused to accept our support because of his face. But now he can't bear it anymore and has sent a request for support. We have begun to gather eastward and plan to reinforce five divisions, plus an armored division." Commander Zou said while looking at the expressions of the young people in front of him.

After the reorganization after the disaster, the original Nanjiang Military Region had more than 300,000 troops, but only more than 100,000 were left.

Now we need to reinforce with the equivalent of six divisions, which means we have almost withdrawn more than half of the 025 base's troops.

From the reinforcement figures, we can see how critical the situation is this time.

"Watcher Corps, there are three regiments in 025 base now, and we will support two regiments." Commander Zou stood up here, his tone was solemn and his attitude was serious, "As the only Destroyer Squad of 025 base, you will be a sharp knife, piercing the mutant beast army outside 021 base, are you ready?"

Xu Youran and the other two looked at each other and shouted in unison: "Always be prepared!"

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