Virus Throne

Chapter 81. Unknown Civilization

Looking at the three energetic young people in front of them, even Guo Ziping, who was once obsessed with power and intrigues, has now lost all his glitz, his eyes are clear and firm.

Commander Zou shook his head and couldn't help but smile, "You're really old."

He took out an electronic key the size of a lighter from the drawer and handed it to Guo Ziping, "Open it."

"Open?" Guo Ziping took the key with some surprise and inserted it into the keyhole on the collar he was wearing.

"Click" the collar fell into his hand, and Guo Ziping said strangely: "Chief, this..."

"Although your meritorious service is not enough, we cannot let a real soldier wear a collar to fight." Commander Zou said solemnly, "From now on, you are a regular soldier and belong to Xu Youran's first company, with a military rank of second lieutenant."

Guo Ziping looked at Commander Zou with some surprise, then at Xu Youran, then at the collar in his hand, and couldn't help but have mixed feelings.

Xu Youran patted his shoulder, "Lao Guo, you don't have to borrow your cell phone anymore. Congratulations."

Commander Zou waved his hand and said: "Your mission this time will be very difficult, and the situation at Base 021 may be far beyond your imagination. So this time the military department will make an exception and prepare to lend you some equipment."

When it came to borrowing equipment, Xu Youran was a little uninterested. Now that his armor and weapons were all of gold quality, he really didn't lack any powerful equipment.

Secretary Zhang walked to the wall nearby and, after a series of complicated operations, opened a secret door.

Seeing Xu Youran's somewhat indifferent expression, he smiled mysteriously, "Xiao Xu, don't be anxious first. We'll talk about it after you've seen it."

Xu Youran and the other three followed Secretary Zhang into the secret door with some curiosity. Inside was a huge warehouse with rows of shelves filled with a dazzling array of strange items.

"The last time you went on a mission, there wasn't much equipment transferred from the Imperial Capital. Now the fighting situation in the Imperial City has eased a lot. This time, a lot of equipment has been transferred to support Base 021. Please take your pick." Secretary Zhang Explained the origin of these equipment.

Xu Youran looked curiously at one shelf after another. There was a label on each shelf.

There are more than a dozen shelves with protection, auxiliary, attack, rescue, materials, unknown uses...

He casually picked up a dark iron plate. The material seemed to be just an ordinary piece of iron, with strange lines carved on it.

These lines were somewhat similar to the lines on the rags Zhang Tianbing used before. He tried to input his spiritual power, and "swish" the small iron plate instantly transformed into a huge shield.

He tapped it with his fingers, and it made a crisp sound, as if it was made of metal.

After looking at the instruction manual next to it, I saw that this shield came from Sanxingdui and could resist attacks from bronze-level mutant beasts.

Although the shape is different, no matter how you look at it, it seems that this shield is a solidified earth shield.

Although Xu Youran disdained to use this shield, it completely aroused his curiosity.

He inspired it with his mental power again, and the huge iron shield turned into a small iron plate again.

"Secretary Zhang, where did all these things come from?" Xu Youran found that he seemed to have overlooked something particularly important before.

"The iron plate in your hand comes from Sanxingdui. Some of the other items come from Qinling Mountains, the First Emperor's Palace, Mawangdui, and Lop Nur. There are also some relics from abroad." Secretary Zhang gave a brief introduction.

"Hey, are those gossips true?" Zhang Tianbing's curiosity was also aroused.

"Many things are not entirely based on speculation. There are many magical ruins in our country and around the world. For example, Atlantis, the Pyramids, and Bermuda. There are places where we humans can explore, and there are places where we can't explore them at all. Inaccessible." Secretary Zhang is determined to educate these young people on science today.

"We have discovered many magical things in these unknown civilization ruins that humans have explored. They are generally divided into two categories, one can be easily driven by mental power, and the other requires energy to drive."

Secretary Zhang pointed to the iron plate, "This can be driven by mental power."

He then picked up what looked like a wrist phone and pointed at a backpack-sized piece of equipment next to him.

"This little thing should be a communication tool. This is our human guess. This backpack is a driving energy prepared by our scientific researchers to drive it. And it uses helium 3 as the core energy, but it can barely project it. It’s just a light screen image.”

"Is this an alien's mobile phone?" Xu Youran took the little thing and fiddled with it in surprise, "It seems that the technological level of aliens is not that good."

As he spoke, he looked at the little thing.

There is a huge difference between this little thing and that iron plate, and Guo Ziping's wrist guard.

It shimmers with metallic luster, but feels like warm jade when touched. It has no patterns and is full of technology.

Putting down the little thing, he read the instruction manual. This little thing turned out to be from Mayan ruins.

"Do we still have things from foreign relics?" he asked curiously.

"After World War II, the United States came into contact with some unknown extraterrestrial civilizations and obtained a large number of unknown technological products for research. Therefore, the technological level of the United States was once greatly ahead of other countries..."

"Is it District 51?" Guo Ziping interjected and asked.

"Yes, the Americans are very cunning. Since then, countries around the world have begun to invest in the exploration of unknown civilization technology. my country naturally cannot lag behind. Not only can our own ruins not be easily explored by foreigners, we also provide technology, equipment, and personnel to some weak countries to help them explore the ruins. Many of these are brought back by our special agents sent abroad, which can be regarded as gifts to assist in exploration." Secretary Zhang is telling these young people the top secrets of the Qin Dynasty.

While listening to Secretary Zhang's explanation, the three browsed the manual, looking for equipment that might be useful.

However, many of the equipment here are consumables, such as a piece of rag that looks like the rag that Zhang Tianbing used before.

From the pattern, it looks like pieces of ice crystals stacked together. The explanation in the manual is that mental power can stimulate ice cones to attack the enemy.

But as the number of uses increases, the pattern is slowly becoming blurred. It is obvious that after a period of use, the pattern will completely fade, and this is just a piece of rag with a strange material.

There is a spherical crystal that looks like a gem. It can emit beams using helium-3 as energy. As the energy provided increases, its power can be continuously improved, but the highest power is only the level of a helium-3 sniper rifle.

It is obvious that this is because the quality of energy provided by humans is not good enough. Perhaps this crystal needs other types of energy.

Xu Youran came to the shelf of materials and saw a lot of fragments and many unknown mineral elements on Earth.

These things are placed here to try their luck. Maybe the magical ability of an awakener can match one of these materials.

There are broken things that look like arm guards, and fragments that look like weapons. The materials are all unresolvable.

Suddenly, Xu Youran's eyes were stern. Among a pile of broken fragments, he saw the fragment he had seen on the exchange list.

He took the fragment in his hand with great joy. Yes, it was another part of the fragment, but from the shape and size, it was still incomplete.

(For details, please refer to: Chapter 36: Backing against the darkness, chasing the light, Chapter 43: The reward exchange that shocked the world)

For some reason, he always felt an indescribable sense of familiarity when holding it in his hand.

He took out the fragment he carried with him and compared them with each other, the material, pattern, width...

When he put the two fragments together, a magical scene appeared.

The broken parts of the two fragments can be spliced ​​together perfectly.

This shows that the two fragments were originally connected together, and they were broken for some unknown reason.

The two fragments spliced ​​together look like a broken sword, which should be the position of the sword body.

The patterns on the fragments are also perfectly connected, and the total length is about 30 centimeters, which surprised him.

"Secretary Zhang, can you give me this fragment?" Xu Youran took the fragment to find Secretary Zhang.

Secretary Zhang was also shocked when he saw the two pieces of debris in his hand. "I remember there was only one piece of debris. Where did the other one come from?"

"I accidentally got the other piece in Xuanwen Lake. These two pieces seem to be one piece." Xu Youran explained vaguely.

Secretary Zhang also felt that this matter was too magical. A piece of debris far away in the imperial capital was actually one piece with the fragment found in Xuanwen Lake.

"I will ask the chief later. It shouldn't be a big problem. This fragment is a few years old. It is not very useful except that it is very hard and sharp."

"Okay, thank you!" Xu Youran happily hid all of them close to his body. He thought that the chief had agreed.

Secretary Zhang smiled helplessly and shook his head. Xu Youran was a war hero, so it was nothing to give him.

When he turned to the auxiliary shelf, Xu Youran was attracted by something that looked like a futon.

This was an irregular round object with a diameter of about 30 cm. The material seemed to be jade, but it was dull and rough.

What attracted him was the countless complex patterns carved on it, which formed a magical pattern, which attracted his eyes involuntarily.

It was as if he could see the universe and the starry sky from this pattern, which was extremely deep and mysterious.

He couldn't bear to leave his eyes when he stared at it, and slowly it seemed as if his consciousness was attracted to it.

Xu Youran was startled and quickly moved his eyes away, looking at the instruction manual next to him.

The explanation in the instruction manual was that injecting a large amount of mental power into it could stimulate the futon to glow and illuminate.

Xu Youran was a little speechless. This researcher was too careless and didn't think about it.

If it was just for lighting, wouldn't it be better to use a flashlight?

Why bother to carve so many patterns?

He picked it up casually, and suddenly had some sudden inspiration, and input a stream of true energy into the futon.

In an instant, the futon was shining brightly and changed suddenly.

Xu Youran's true energy was swept towards the futon like a tide.

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