Virus Throne

Chapter 806. Extremely urgent

Because of this rare wonder, and because of the most beautiful retrogrades around him.

Xu Youran deeply engraved this picture in his mind.

The fiercely burning mountain fire is naturally nothing to a person of his cultivation.

But for any ordinary person, it is a fatal natural disaster.

Faced with such a sea of ​​fire, almost everyone will only think of escaping far away.

But in a corner of this world, there are always some people who bravely rush into the sea of ​​fire against the crowd.

Behind the lights of thousands of homes and the peaceful years, there is only such a group of warriors who are guarding peace for everyone.

There is no rain of bullets, no bloody killing of enemies, but their bravery is no less than those soldiers, and they are also using their lives to protect the ones they love in their hearts.

Although this firefighting mission is difficult, the risk factor is not too high, and all members evacuated the fire scene without injury.

After returning to the fire station, Mike carried his two large bags and followed Xu Youran to the dilapidated apartment.

Leaving Mike to deal with it himself, Xu Youran went to the supermarket to buy a few bags of diapers and baby products, spending almost all the money.

Anyway, tomorrow is the third day of his birth, and he will bid farewell to this world forever, so there is no point in keeping this money.

Carrying these things, Xu Youran came to the door of Brandon's girlfriend Natalie again.

This time he put down the things again and stood quietly for a while, but he didn't hear the baby crying again.

Just when he turned around and wanted to leave, the door opened. Xu Youran turned around and saw Natalie holding a small baby, standing timidly by the door.

An inexplicable bitter emotion instantly surged into his heart, and his eyes were slightly red.

Natalie whispered: "Let Angel see his father, Mr. Brandon, the fire hero."

"Did Hatch say something to you again?" Xu Youran really didn't know anyone else, he only knew a common friend of the two, 'Hatch'.

"Yes, I heard that your stormtroopers went to the Grand Canyon to put out the fire today..." Natalie's eyes were slightly worried, "Is it very dangerous?"

"We have all received professional training. We are actually several kilometers away from the fire scene. It's not dangerous at all." Xu Youran smiled, showing a mouthful of white teeth.

Against the black face of smoke and fire, it looks particularly bright.

"Hatch said that the faster the wind runs, the faster the fire spreads. It should still be very dangerous a few kilometers away, right?" Natalie walked slowly towards him with the baby in her arms, "Come and hug your Angel."

"Me?" Xu Youran looked at himself. Except for his clothes, which were relatively clean, everything else was very dirty.

It was too late when he returned to the fire station. He was in a hurry, so he ran here without taking a shower.

No wonder everyone kept smiling at him kindly when he was shopping and checking out in the supermarket. I believe everyone also knew that this was the Giant Mountain Stormtroopers who had just returned from fighting the fire.

In a small city like Yanes City, a stormtrooper that ranked first in the country suddenly appeared. Various news media have already exposed it.

Almost all citizens can call out the names of these team members, and they also know that these firefighters are working hard for their happy lives.

Wherever the firefighters go, they can welcome the teasing eyes of the girls and the kind smiles of the people.

"It's okay, you hold her." Natalie slowly put the little baby in Xu Youran's arms.

Xu Youran hugged Angel a little helplessly, looking at the little baby in his arms, looking at him curiously with a pair of beautiful big eyes. His nose was slightly sour and tears fell.

In the more than 20 years since he was born, he seemed to have never had such an experience, and he never thought that one day he would hold such a little baby.

The tender skin seemed to be fragile, and the rosy face was like an apple.

The little mouth was babbling something, or it was just unconsciously speaking.

For the field of babies, Xu Youran was completely blank.

But at the moment of holding Angel, he seemed to understand a lot.

So this is the feeling of being a parent, no matter how young, immature, or even ugly your child is.

But in your heart, the little baby is the most beautiful angel in the world.

Xu Youran felt as if her heart was about to melt, and the iron-blooded battles of several years turned into tenderness around her fingers in an instant.

Natalie stood aside, watching Angel's father holding her, and she was crying silently.

She had loved this man and hated this man.

It was not until Angel was born that she realized that her daughter was the best gift God gave her.

When she was completely desperate for this man, this man miraculously woke up.

She heard that because of the birth of her daughter, Brandon found himself again, and he also had the responsibility he needed to bear.

She also heard that Brandon signed up for the firefighter assessment in order to let his daughter know that she had a heroic father.

Brandon, who had been lazy and decadent for more than 20 years, miraculously passed the assessment and helped the 7th Squad become the first urban assault team in the country.

Natalie was proud that Angel had such a father and was ecstatic about Brandon's change.

Who would want their man, their father, to be an incurable drug addict?

Natalie and her daughter saw Brandon in such a state of embarrassment, but it seemed as if they saw the greatest hero in the world. This man was a hero that belonged to them alone.

The efforts of the past two days were not in vain. Not only did they save Brandon from laziness and decadence, but they also made Natalie accept Brandon again.

If he were still alive, what a happy family they would be...

He gently placed Angel in Natalie's arms, and for a moment he didn't know what to say.


Would it be too cruel?

But the teleportation array would not give him more time to stay here, and he also had his own mission on his shoulders, which also did not allow him to stay here.

"Are you going to take a day off tomorrow?" Natalie asked softly, as if it was a beautiful dream, and her voice would wake her up if it was a little louder, "Tomorrow morning, our whole family will go for a walk in the park, okay?"

Xu Youran nodded vigorously without hesitation, "Okay, I'll pick you up tomorrow morning."

"Yeah." Natalie also nodded vigorously.

This man had disappointed her countless times and had broken his promise countless times.

But she knew that he would definitely not break his promise this time.

After leaving Natalie's house, Xu Youran hurried to Brandon's former home.

He had thrown away the useless key a long time ago.

After thinking and hesitating for a long time, he still knocked on the door.

The thin white-haired old woman opened the door, and her eyes softened the moment she saw Xu Youran.

The city was not big, and the reports of the Giant Mountain Charge and the photos of all the team members were almost known to everyone. Brandon's mother had naturally read the newspaper.

Seeing that her once useless son had undergone such a drastic change in just two days, she even couldn't believe her eyes.

But the iron-clad facts were there. The lazy, decadent, and hopeless drug addict Brandon really became a fire-fighting hero and saved the life of a teammate.

All the neighbors cast envious eyes and kind smiles at the old woman.

Now, she is the mother of a hero.

The old woman smiled slightly, but her eyes were a little red, "Why don't you use the key to open the door? I changed the lock back."

Xu Youran was embarrassed to say that he had lost the key, so he had to scratch his head awkwardly.

Seeing that her son was still as cute as before, the old woman slowly opened her arms and hugged Xu Youran in her arms, "You must have suffered a lot..."

Xu Youran also hugged the old woman tightly, which was to return a hug to his mother on behalf of Brandon, and it seemed to be hugging his mother whom he had never met, "I... I'm not hard, the past..."

"Forget it... Don't mention the past, it's all over..." The old woman sobbed and said, "I never thought that my child would become a hero that everyone pays attention to one day, but you did it!"

"I'm just an ordinary firefighter, performing my job duties, not a hero." Xu Youran smiled slightly, "The Giant Mountain Charge, there are many heroes there, I'm still a long way from it."

The old woman slowly stopped sobbing, let go of Xu Youran, and looked at her carefully.

Seeing his dirty body, she frowned slightly, "You are still so dirty, go wash up."

"Okay!" Xu Youran followed the old woman into the room, took the change of clothes and towels handed over by the old woman, and walked into the bathroom.

He washed himself thoroughly, put on clean and tidy clothes, and when he returned to the living room again, the old woman had already placed several plates on the dining table.

"Haven't you had dinner yet?" The old woman smiled kindly, "I made your favorite meatball pasta."

Xu Youran's cultivation has recovered now, and he doesn't need to eat at all, but he still looks salivating.

The old woman quickly brought a large plate of pasta, as well as bread and soup.

When Xu Youran started eating noodles, the old woman sat opposite him, with love slowly in her eyes.

Seeing her child finally walk out of the haze and stand up, even if he didn't become a hero, the mother is the most relieved person.

Xu Youran seemed to feel the old woman's gaze, and felt a sudden pain in his heart. He ate noodles and cried silently.

The old woman didn't say anything, but took a tissue and kept wiping the tears from his cheeks.

"Natalie gave birth to a daughter named Angel. I will pick them up to go to the park for a walk tomorrow morning. How about walking together?" Xu Youran asked tentatively.

Even if he was about to disappear forever tomorrow, he wanted to leave some good memories for Brandon's mother, girlfriend, and daughter.

If in their memories, it was always the hopeless Brandon, their lives would be painful forever.

"Okay, okay..." The old woman said repeatedly, "Natalie is finally willing to accept you again?"

"Yeah." Xu Youran didn't say anything else, just nodded vigorously.

After dinner, Xu Youran left Brand's former home.

He didn't go back to the apartment, but randomly found a deep mountain and started practicing again.

For him, practice is far more important than sleep.

He had saved Brandon's life, but only with greater strength could he save his own world.

The morning sun was bright, casting dots of light and shadow through the leaves.

Xu Youran was also in a happy mood. Walking on the road to Natalie's house, the three generations of grandparents would soon be reunited, which could be regarded as a perfect end to this trial in the world of laziness.

"Ding ding ding..." The cell phone rang suddenly. He took out his phone and saw that it was a call from Vice Captain Jesse.

As soon as the call was connected, Jesse's anxious roar came, "Brandon, gather quickly, a wildfire suddenly broke out not far from Yanes and is spreading to the city... It's an emergency!"

"Yes!" Xu Youran replied firmly.

He looked in the direction of Natalie's house in the distance, hailed a taxi, and sped away.

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