Virus Throne

Chapter 807: Wildfire strikes

Captain Eric and deputy captain Jesse were running around in a panic at the fire station. Google search reading

In the summer, it is dry and rainless, and the air humidity is extremely low.

Under such climatic conditions, wildfires are most likely to occur.

What they have been worried about for a long time has finally happened. In the mountains and forests not far from the city where they live, flames have already soared into the sky.

This is their home, where their family lives. No matter what, they must rush to the front line to protect this city.

All the firefighters who are on vacation returned to the fire station as quickly as possible.

Seeing the expressions of the two captains, everyone knew that the situation was very critical this time.

No one spoke, and everyone was silently organizing their equipment.

Soon, all the members arrived, and everyone took several fire trucks and rushed along the road to the Yanes Mountain.

Along the way, many people and cars can be seen leaving the town at the foot of Yanes Mountain quickly. Looking out of the car window, you can already see the flames rising into the sky in the distance, and the billowing smoke covering the sky.

Eric frowned tightly, "This fire was too sudden, and it seems that the fire is very big."

"I hope everything will go well..." Deputy Captain Jesse said faintly.

Several fire trucks rushed to the headquarters at lightning speed, and Eric and Jesse entered the headquarters to wait for orders.

In addition to the Giant Mountain Charge, two other charge teams also arrived at the scene.

The commander pointed to the map and said, "This fire is extremely fierce, and it is very close to Yanes City, so I mobilized three charge teams."

Eric took a look, the Blue Lake Charge and the Fishing Net Charge were old friends, and everyone nodded to each other.

Although the captain of the Blue Lake Charge mocked Eric a few times, they were all comrades who fought the fire side by side.

At this time, whoever still has the mood to care about those things is joking with his own life.

"The southwest direction is Yanes City. The Giant Mountain Charge is building a firebreak here to prevent the wind direction from changing and the wildfire from spreading to Yanes." The commander pointed to a gentle hill on the map and said.

"The Blue Lake Charge is in the southeast, defending the east of the Giant Mountain Charge, and is ready to evacuate from the two-lane road at any time." The commander pointed to two other locations on the map, "The fishing nets are building a firebreak in the east of the wildfire.

The three Charge Captains compared the commander's map and recorded the coordinates on their own maps.

"This time the fire is fierce, I set up three warning points." The commander said solemnly, "The first warning point, Giant Mountain and Blue Lake must retreat. The second warning point, everyone must evacuate. The third warning point, no one is allowed to approach Yanes City..."

The three captains listened to the commander's words, and their hearts sank. This was the worst plan to give up Yanes.

"Everyone, the fire is urgent, go out immediately! "The commander waved his hand.

Eric and Jesse, who were worried, immediately rushed out of the command center and began to gather the team.

The team of 20 people ran quickly towards the designated location, and everyone was in a depressed mood along the way.

As the terrain became higher and higher, the mountain fire in the distance was clearly visible and was slowly advancing in their direction.

The fire broke out in the Peeples Valley, where there were continuous mountains and high mountains.

The area where the Giant Mountain Chargers were located was a gentle slope hilly area between the Yanes Mountains and the city of Yanes.

Unlike the dense pine and cypress forests in the distant mountains, this area is full of low bushes. The tallest bushes are only a little over a person tall, and there is a distance of one or two meters between each other.

But this distance is useless when a wildfire strikes.

Under the strong wind, the area within dozens of meters will instantly turn into a sea of ​​fire.

Although the low bushes can not burn for a long time, they are enough to be fatal. Eric observed the terrain, judged the wind direction, and divided the assault team into two groups.

"Group A goes to the foot of the mountain, and Group B goes to the top of the mountain." While arranging the tasks, Eric looked at Xu Youran and pointed to the top of the low mountain in the distance, "Brandon, you go to the top of the mountain over there to look out."

Jesse pointed to a small valley a few kilometers behind him, "There is a safe house over there. The three houses are built with fireproof materials, and the surrounding vegetation has been cleared. If we have to, we can retreat over there. "

All the team members looked at the farm in the distance and started to act separately.

Xu Youran guessed that he might be the worst in everyone's opinion, so he arranged a lookout job and ran to another hill without saying a word.

When he reached the top of the hill, he swung the thermometer in one hand to measure the temperature, while observing the humidity meter at any time.

"The temperature is 40 degrees, the wind speed is 16 to 24 kilometers, the wind direction is south, and the humidity is 6%. "Xu Youran reported on the intercom.

Eric heard the report, but his frown did not relax.

Above the wildfire, the thick smoke and heat waves that covered the sky are rapidly affecting the surrounding weather changes.

A huge storm cloud is forming. With this humidity and temperature, it will never be a cumulonimbus cloud.

The guys of the Giant Mountain Team are great, and the firebreak is built very quickly.

A simple firebreak of nearly two kilometers long was quickly built.

Even if the wildfire changes with the wind direction, it should not be able to cross this firebreak.

"Jesse, light the fire quickly." Eric commanded the team members to start the action. This firefighting operation was relatively smooth. The wildfire was still far away, and they had completed the firebreak.

The team members held the dripping oil igniter in their hands and ignited the entire firebreak.

"Boom..." A firefighting plane flew low overhead.

"Boom!" A loud noise came, and the water bombs loaded by the firefighting plane were sprinkled.

"Puff..." The firebreaks that the Giant Mountain Charge had just ignited were all extinguished.


"Are you crazy?"

"Don't you have eyes?"

The team members cursed angrily, and the firefighting plane obviously threw it in the wrong place.

But this low-level mistake made the efforts of the entire charge go to waste.

Xu Youran was on the top of a small hill in the distance, and he was also glaring, wishing that he could use the flying sword to directly blow the flying sword down.

But even if he blew down the plane, it would be useless, because the firebreak was too humid to ignite.

It cannot be ignited here, which means that the stormtroopers cannot ignite it in a short time. When the wildfire strikes, the heat wave can instantly evaporate all the water, and it cannot stop the fire at all.

Xu Youran looked at the thermometer and hygrometer in his hand, and reported again, "The temperature is 41 degrees, the wind speed is 20 to 32 kilometers, the wind direction is south, and the humidity is 5%."

Eric angrily raised his middle finger to the sky, pointing to the gentle slope on the other side of the hill, "We can only move forward, everyone speed up."

The command center also received the report from the Giant Mountain Stormtroopers, but there was nothing they could do.

Firefighting planes enter and exit the fire scene at a fast speed and low visibility. Usually, they can only see the fire and throw water bombs down, and it is normal to make mistakes.

However, in this emergency, low-level mistakes are indeed very fatal.

The Giant Mountain Stormtroopers regrouped and continued to move forward, starting to build a new firebreak.

Behind them was a rugged hill and valley, and it was impossible to build a firebreak.

Further back was the command center, and then the city of Yanes.

The news that the Peep Valley Fire was spreading to Yanes City caused a sensation in the whole city.

Everyone was either staring nervously at the direction where the smoke was covering the sky or staring at the news on TV, paying attention to the latest developments of the fire.

Natalie and Brandon's mother did not wait for Xu Youran.

They naturally thought that the lazy Brandon had taken the opportunity of his vacation to take the white powder again.

Just when they were a little sad and desperate, the news that the wildfire was spreading came.

They immediately understood where Brand had gone. He was a member of the Giant Mountain Charge and would naturally appear on the front line of firefighting.

Their hearts were immediately tightened again.

For these firefighters, facing the sea of ​​fire is just a job.

But for their families, every goodbye may be a separation of life and death.

Every time they see their family members who are firefighters come back, they will have a feeling of surviving a disaster.

Xu Youran is still paying attention to the temperature and wind direction. The higher the temperature, the closer the wildfire is to here.

The wind speed is getting faster and faster, which means the speed of the wildfire spread will also get faster and faster.

Originally, the firebreak was built in one hour, and everyone had a chance to evacuate safely.

But if the wildfire hits in forty minutes, then everyone will be buried in the sea of ​​fire.

How fast the wind is, how fast the fire is, and people can never outrun the wildfire.

"Captain, the wind speed has reached a maximum of 40 kilometers!" Xu Youran looked at his teammates who were still desperately rushing for time on the top of the mountain and shouted anxiously.

"Just a little bit, just a little bit..." Eric kept muttering in his mouth, and gave his team a little more time to complete the construction.

Behind him is Yanes, that is his hometown, where his family and friends are, and that is his home.

If the wildfire cannot be stopped, I am afraid that the whole Yanes will be burned to ashes.

Xu Youran is very anxious, very anxious, not only because of the wildfire, but also because the time for his teleportation is coming soon.

"Captain, it's not good!" Xu Youran looked at various indicators and data, "The wind speed has reached 56 kilometers, and the wind direction has turned to due south and west, and is moving in our direction!"

"Okay! It's done, hurry up and light the fire!" Eric roared hoarsely, "Hurry up, boys, light the fire!"

All the team members started to light the fire, and the heat waves rolled in the air.

"It's too late, Captain! The wind speed has exceeded 64 kilometers!" Xu Youran shouted anxiously, "It's in our direction, I'm already at the forefront of the fire, hurry up and evacuate!"

About a kilometer in front of Xu Youran, the flames soared into the sky, the flames jumped up hundreds of meters high, and the sea of ​​fire was spreading at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Evacuate! Brandon, evacuate to a safe area quickly!" Eric shouted anxiously while directing other team members to evacuate.

Xu Youran wanted to evacuate, and he could evacuate at any time, but he still wanted to stand guard for the last shift and was waiting for orders.

Now that they had received the order, they arrived at the small farm in the safe zone with a few flashes of "whoosh whoosh whoosh".

Eric and other team members were also evacuating, but the wind speed was getting faster and faster, and the fire was getting faster and faster.

He looked at the fierce fire that was overwhelming, and his heart seemed to sink to the bottom of the valley, and it was icy.

In order to build a firebreak, they had no time to move to the safe zone at this moment.

Eric looked at the terrain, which was a low and gentle slope. "It's too late to evacuate. Let's build a fire station on the spot!"

All the team members were shocked when they heard this. Building a fire station on the spot meant that they would be completely exposed to the terrifying power of the wildfire, which was a deadly situation.

But they did not regret it. The firebreak they built the second time was very successful and would definitely prevent the wildfire from spreading to Yanes.

But the wildfire that was forced to turn was about to engulf them all...

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