Virus Throne

Chapter 825. The Boiling Old Mike's Bar

There was such a big commotion in the Kela Mountains mining area in Turant City, and the headquarters of the Tashan Temple had already received detailed information.

However, the two elders, Lucas, who was in charge of Glat City, and Henry, who was in charge of Turant City, were personally in charge, and had contacted more than a dozen branches in cities for support, so the headquarters let the two take charge.

All the people in the two branches took action immediately, and even many relatives and friends heard that the temple was ready to take action, and they rushed to the Tashan Bond Exchange one step ahead.

More than a dozen branches of the Tashan Temple extended a helping hand.

Faced with such huge profits, how could anyone not be tempted?

Some people directly invested, and some people adopted the practice of Newster City.

Borrow money and then charge 30% of the profit as interest.

All loans were counted on Lucas. He did not need to pay other fees for the loans he borrowed himself, and Henry helped him borrow, so he had to pay 10% of the profit to Henry as a benefit fee.

Although he only had 60% of the profit, he thought it was a sure win, so he simply accepted all the loans.

After some operations, in the afternoon, Lucas and Henry raised a total of 30 billion yuan.

Not only all the liquidity of the two branches, but also all other assets that can be converted into cash have been disposed of in exchange for cash.

Lucas even pledged all his wealth, and his house and other things had been mortgaged long ago.

Since he couldn't get anything in the primary market, he must make a lot of money in the secondary market this time.

In order to quickly cash out, many bonds and assets of the two branches were dumped at low prices.

Not counting the personal part, the two branches alone have lost at least hundreds of millions of wealth.

However, Lucas and Henry, with red eyes, no longer care about so much.

They just want to buy like crazy now, buying all the market circulating bonds of the Karls Union.

At this moment, the price of the bonds of the Karls Adventurer Union has increased by more than a thousand times, from two cents to twenty-one yuan.

Although this price is very high, there is still enough profit margin from Lucas's budget target.

The two branch elders personally came to the Tashan Bond Exchange in Turant City. It was already crowded here. People who wanted to buy the Karls Union Bonds had occupied the nearby blocks.

The staff of the Turant City Exchange had never seen such a scene before, and they were all busy.

The two elders came, so they naturally would not queue up outside like ordinary people. They had the top VIP trading room.

Lucas and Henry, with astronomical wealth in their hands, screamed like gamblers who had lost their money, "Buy it for me! Buy it at any price! Raise the price for me!"

With the intervention of the Tashan Temple, the price of Karls Union Bonds soared again.

Those who were originally skeptical and undecided came out and bought frantically.

Twenty-three... twenty-five... thirty...

Xu Youran and Karls, who were still prospecting in the Kela Mountains, had already become mud monkeys after drilling around in the mine.

Not only the two of them, but all the prospecting team members had smiles on their faces.

Young Master Tang Tang, who had been sitting in the camp, was even more smiling.

Perhaps without the participation of Costa, a top prospector, other prospectors could have completed the current work.

But those prospectors would never have explored the scope and reserves so quickly.

Those prospectors were not as popular and topical as Costa.

The mining market pursues mineral veins, and the bond market pursues hot spots and topics.

Costa has both of these points, plus a bitter and vengeful Carls, who is in a downtrodden union, it is simply the best drama of a loser's counterattack and comeback.

If the value of this mineral vein reaches 300 billion, and he holds 85% of the shares, that is more than 200 billion in wealth.

In addition to the share given to his father and the city of Turant, there are also various taxes and fees paid, at least 100 billion will fall into his pocket.

When Tang Tang thought of this, a smile appeared on his face involuntarily.

Fortunately, he had an idea and was willing to listen to the stories of the two losers, and fortunately his father was reasonable and accepted his plan.

This time, he will completely wash away the shame of his failed investment.

Not only will he have enough wealth to spend in his lifetime, but he will also have great reputation.

If he wants to succeed the city lord, I am afraid no one will object.

Seeing Xu Youran and Carls walk into the barracks, Tang Tang stood up quickly.

He completely ignored the muddy water on the two of them, rushed up to them enthusiastically, hugged them tightly, and there was no longer any disgust on his face, as if these two were his brothers.

"How are the two bosses?" Tang Tang personally poured wine for the two of them and handed each of them a steaming wet towel.

The servant next to him wanted to help, but he stopped him with a stern look.

"Is it convenient to talk here?" Xu Youran looked around, and there were several servants and bodyguards around.

"Get out, get out, all of you get out..." Tang Tang impatiently drove everyone away, "Costa brothers, what's going on?"

"What's going on? I made a fortune, hahaha..." Carls laughed wildly, extremely excited, wiping his face with a towel while impatiently taking a sip of wine.

"Keep a low profile...keep a low profile..." Xu Youran patted Carls on the shoulder, "Don't show off, make a fortune quietly!"

"Okay, okay..." Karls smiled and poured another glass of wine, "Let our chief prospector talk."

"The scope is very large, even spreading to the back of the mountain." Xu Youran pointed to the mountain in the distance, "It cannot be detected below the mountain. We cannot rule out that this is a continuous mineral vein, extending from the plain here to the back of the mountain... …”

"Stop, stop, stop...Brother Costa, just talk to me about money." Tang Tang quickly interrupted Xu Youran, "I don't understand anything except money."

"The reserves are estimated to be around 320 billion, which is the lowest estimate." Xu Youran said with a smile.

" billion! I...I'm going crazy!" Tang Tang exclaimed in a loud voice.

Xu Youran immediately added, "It will definitely be more than that. If that mountain is flattened, the existing reserves may double."

"Doubled?" Tangtang jumped up immediately, "How much is that? How much is that?"

"Hahaha... My lovely young master Tangtang has a reserve of at least 700 billion." Xu Youran pushed Tangtang back to the chair and sat down, "I bet that there will never be a reserve with greater reserves than this in this world. Thunder Fire Gold Placer Vein!"

"Seven hundred billion? Seven hundred billion?" Tangtang was completely stunned, his eyes were blank and distracted, as if his soul was flying out of the sky.

"What's wrong with Tangtang?" Xu Youran handed Tangtang a glass of wine, "Take it easy first, don't really die..."

Tang Tang took the wine glass numbly, drank it down in one gulp, exhaled a long breath, and finally came back to his senses.

A group of servants and bodyguards not far outside the camp were listening with their ears pricked up.

Tangtang's exclamations erupted from time to time, but they did not hear the specific content very clearly, only a few vague words came out.

"Spreading to the other side of the mountains..."

"Mountains... bulldozed..."


"Seven hundred billion..."

These servants looked at each other and were completely stunned.

Although they are not rich people, they are not people who have never seen money around Master Tangtang.

These numbers sound like myths and legends, so terrifying.

Such a huge fortune is simply unimaginable.

Several servants with sly eyebrows immediately moved their steps and quietly passed on the few words they heard.

The fifth news that shocked the entire world finally came out from the mining area.

According to the latest detection results by Costa, the chief prospector of the Tashan Empire, the mountains in that mining area contain rich thunder-fire gold placers. That is a whole mountain of thunder-fire gold placers.

According to Costa's prediction, it will be the world's largest thunder-fire gold placer vein, with reserves exceeding 700 billion.

In the knowledge of all prospectors in the world, Thunderfire gold placer veins are definitely buried deep underground in volcanic eruption zones. It has never been heard that every mountain is covered with mineral veins.

But this is Costa's conclusion. Tashan's chief prospector may even be the world's number one prospector soon.

All the prospectors went crazy. Costa not only discovered the world's largest thunder-fire gold placer vein, but also proved that the thunder-fire gold placer vein was not only buried underground.

All prospectors around the world opened their maps and began to carefully analyze and study Costa's prospecting theory, treating it as a classic case.

Lucas and Henry, who were frantically buying and selling at the Tashan Bond Exchange, heard the news and their whole bodies were shaking with excitement.

Just now, the two of them used the cash in their hands to purchase more than 10 billion Carls Union bonds at a high price.

In this short period of time, it means that the 10 billion they just invested has doubled.

If they sell the bonds in their hands now, they may make a net profit of 10 billion in just a few minutes.

Excluding interest and costs, Tashan Temple will earn at least several billion this time, and each of them will earn almost hundreds of millions. This is a huge amount of wealth that cannot be spent in several lifetimes.

At the same time, because they have brought billions in revenue to the Tashan Temple, their status will inevitably skyrocket. They may be immediately transferred to the main temple and become powerful figures.

However, people's desires are endless, and greed has long blinded their minds.

You can gain so much by just investing 10 billion. What if you invest all the remaining 20 billion?

Huge wealth, overwhelming power, and several lifetimes of glory and wealth.

Tangtang is crazy, Henry is crazy, Lucas is crazy, everyone is crazy...

The scope and reserves of the ore veins have been roughly detected, and the next step is to enclose the area for mining.

Karls must quickly return to the union headquarters in Glatt City to organize manpower to start implementing the mining plan.

Tangtang left a large number of city guards to guard the mining area, and he would also go to Turant City to report the good news to his father.

Xu Youran followed Karls back to Old Mike's Bar in Glatt City, and was immediately warmly welcomed by the union owners.

Everyone knows that it is precisely because of this legendary prospector that the Karls Union will become what it is today.

Everyone opened the wine and celebrated enthusiastically.

Xu Youran also met Karls' wife Karen for the first time. She was a beautiful woman with long blond hair who gave people a very comfortable and intellectual beauty.

It can be said that Carls’ ability to persist in poverty to this day is inseparable from Karen’s silent support all the way.

Xu Youran pays the highest respect to such a great woman and love.

While everyone was drinking the victory wine, the "ding-a-ling" phone rang.

After answering the phone, a staff member cheered excitedly, "Everyone, everyone. Our bond price has exceeded fifty yuan..."



"Get rich..."

Old Mike's Bar is in full swing!

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