Virus Throne

Chapter 826. City Lord's Night Banquet

There was laughter and laughter in Old Mike's Bar. Looking at the old brothers around him, Carls couldn't help but feel emotional. Google search reading

Many of these people were members of his father's union and joined his union because they were dissatisfied that the temple had killed his father.

Everyone was holding a fire in their hearts, and they all wanted to find an opportunity to deal with Lucas, preferably by killing him.

Unfortunately, the gap in strength and status is too big.

They, low-level adventurers, had no chance of even getting close to Lucas.

Although the union in Karls was in extreme decline, these people still had firm beliefs and did not leave.

Some of them are four-time awakeners, some are five-time awakeners, and there is even a six-time awakener.

If you leave the Karls Union, you will actually have good development, at least it will not be a problem to support your family.

But because of their faith and unwillingness, they chose to fight side by side with Karls, even if they couldn't even buy white bread for their children.

They had endured too much for Karls and his father.

The great discovery and huge harvest of this prospecting will make everyone here become a multi-millionaire, or even a billionaire.

Although there is still a long way to go before killing Lucas, at least they have taken the first step, and with the original accumulation, there will definitely be more opportunities.

Karls looked at the people around him and said with a smile: "Everyone, don't look at the skyrocketing bond prices now, but people always have to leave a way out for themselves. While the price is so high, cash out if you can, and keep the money in your pocket. In your pocket, that’s your money.”

"Hahaha... Karls, what are you talking about?" A union member laughed, "Don't you have confidence in our union? I am full of confidence. Bond prices will continue to skyrocket. I will not do it until I die. Sell."

"Even, even...I won't sell it even to death!" Someone on the side echoed.

"What Carls said seems to make sense. If the scene yesterday happens again, I'm afraid I will be killed by my wife, hahaha..." Some people seemed to be frightened by yesterday's plunge and began to seriously think about what Carls said.

"Hahaha...Old Mike..." Karls turned around and said, "You are already so old, so sell the bonds to support your retirement."

"Okay... okay... I don't understand anyway. I'll ask someone to sell it after a while." Old Mike raised his glass and gestured, "Cheers!" "




Everyone in the bar raised their glasses, and the vision for a better life in the future made everyone excited.

"Ding ding ding..." Karls knocked on the wine glass, "Everyone, let's drink here first. The Lord of Glatt City will host a celebration dinner later. Let's go eat the Lord's feast together!"


"The city lord is treating you to a treat?"

"Hahaha... Our Carls Guild is no longer that low-class little guild, hahaha..."

Leaving everyone in the union behind, Karls and Karen took Xu Youran back home.

The two of them had been working in the mining area for a day, and they were dirty and dirty. Naturally, they couldn't attend the city lord's dinner like this.

After bathing and changing clothes, the three of them went straight to the Lord's Mansion of Glat City. Xu Youran even made a note of the address of Karls' house.

Although the mining area is in Turant City and not in Glat City, the Carls Adventurers Guild is registered in Glat City.

The union has detected the world's largest vein of Thunderfire gold sand. Whether it is mining, smelting, or processing, a certain amount of tax must be paid to Glat City.

Not even Tang Tang can change this, and he also agrees to pay these taxes.

Part of the tax was handed over to the Tashan Empire, and part was retained in the local area and controlled by local finance.

The city and the areas under its jurisdiction, infrastructure construction costs such as roads, electricity, health, education, etc. all come from these taxes.

The country and these cities provide a place and environment for people to live and work in peace and contentment, and they are equivalent to invisible shareholders of taxpayers.

Only when the country is stable, prosperous and strong can these taxpayers get better protection of their interests.

Many people don't understand. They think that the construction of these public facilities is provided by the government as a matter of course.

But whether it is Tangtang or Karls, they know very well that every businessman needs such a strong partner if he wants to make money steadily.

Since they have to pay taxes in Glat City, the Karls Union immediately jumped from a low-level small union at the bottom to a major taxpayer in Glat City.

In order to celebrate and win over the Karls Union so that they would not go to Turant City, the city lord Eugene specially held this dinner.

When the three of them arrived at the City Lord's Mansion, they saw the entire City Lord's Mansion with bright lights, busy traffic in front of the door, and countless dignitaries from Glatt City arriving in an endless stream.

When he heard that Karls and Xu Youran had arrived, the city lord Eugene went out to greet them in person, showing great enthusiasm.

Entering the huge banquet hall, the three of them discovered that at least a thousand people were already seated, all of them prominent figures in Glatt City.

The three of them were taken to the most prestigious seats in front of the main stage. Xu Youran and Karls didn't have much reaction, but Karen was experiencing this kind of scene for the first time and couldn't help but feel a little frightened.

As members of the Kars Adventurer Guild arrived one after another, the dinner officially began.

Karls and Xu Youran were naturally the absolute protagonists. City Lord Eugene was so shameless that he almost blew them away.

A group of dignitaries and business celebrities came up to toast one after another. The two of them also drank until their glasses were dry, and they were extremely generous.

Now in the Kela Mountains mining area, even if calculated based on a conservative valuation of 320 billion, if each of the two holds 5% of the equity, that would be worth 16 billion.

These two billionaires are second to none in the entire Glatt City business circle, even in the Tashan Empire.

Of course, what is calculated here is assets, not cash.

If you really want to convert the equity in your hands into cash, I'm afraid it won't be that much.

However, there is no wealthy person with a net worth of more than 10 billion in the entire Glat City. It is the first time for the two of them to break through the 10 billion threshold.

The dignitaries who had once completely dismissed the Karls Union now had as wonderful expressions on their faces as they could, and they were flattering to the extreme.

The Tower Mountain Temple Branch, as the leader of Glatt City's business community, should have attended this dinner.

It's a pity that Lucas, leading a group of senior executives, is still fighting hard at the bond exchange in Turant City, continuing to frantically acquire the bonds of the Carls Union, and has no intention of attending the dinner.

Although this made the dinner a lot of fun, it didn't affect everyone's efforts to please these two new billionaires.

With everyone singing their praises, Karls walked onto the main stage and began his "acceptance speech."

With the sudden rise in fame, Karls, as a true native of Glatt City, naturally had to say a few words as a representative.

It's nothing more than remarks about how good the city lord's policies are and how loving he is to a small organization like the Karls Union.

While the wine was in full swing, I watched Karls talk energetically on the stage.

Xu Youran suddenly thought of yesterday, when Kars was seriously injured and on the verge of death, and almost choked up when he said those words.

"Don't let me die with nothing..."

He smiled faintly. Tonight was destined to be Karls' most glorious moment and the pinnacle of his life.

Everyone in the banquet hall looked at Karls on the stage, with true or false admiration in their eyes.

Xu Youran slowly retreated to the corner, turned around and left the banquet hall.

This is just a world of experience that he needs to walk through, and he wants to conquer greed here.

For Karls, Tangtang, Karen, Bol, and Ali, he is just a passerby.

Tomorrow morning the three days of training will come to an end and he will leave this world forever.

The Tashan Empire, and even the world's most outstanding prospector, will disappear from this world forever.

All he could do had been done, and now it was time to say goodbye.

Taking advantage of the darkness, he left the city lord's palace and returned to Turant City as quickly as possible.

When he found Bol, he had been waiting for Xu Youran in Turant City for a long time.

"Have you dealt with all the things I told you?" Xu Youran smiled and rubbed Bol's head.

"Mr. Costa, don't worry, everything is done properly." Bol opened his huge eyes and looked at Xu Youran with admiration, "They are all in this temporarily rented house. I have found many friends. Help and nothing will go wrong.”

"This is five hundred thousand, and there are a thousand spiritual stones." Xu Youran handed Boer a backpack, "It is enough for your family to live happily for a lifetime. If you want to practice, practice the techniques I teach you. ”

"Thank you, Mr. Costa!" Bol took the backpack and bowed deeply to Xu Youran, "Sir, I will work hard to practice and strive to become a strong person like you."

"As strong as me? Hahaha..." Xu Youran smiled bitterly, "I'm actually not strong at all, and the path of cultivation is very difficult. There will be countless risks waiting for you."

"Isn't Sir powerful yet?" Bol said with some confusion, "Of all the people I know, Sir is the most powerful."

Xu Youran shook his head slightly and pointed to the stars in the night sky, "Boll, remember my words. Never, never be too confident in your own strength. One mountain is higher than the other, and there are countless terrifying strong men in that starry sky. ”

"Starry sky?" Bol looked up at the night sky. There were only stars and no one in sight.

Xu Youran knew that when talking about the universe and starry sky to Bol, he would definitely not be able to understand it. He sighed softly, "Go, Bol. Take your family and leave the Tashan Empire immediately. How far can you go?" Just go as far as you can.”

"Okay, sir." Bol bowed deeply again, "Thank you very much, Mr. Costa. I wish you a safe life."

"Good guy?" Xu Youran couldn't help but laugh a little, and kicked Boer on the butt, "Get out of here, you brat."

Bol reluctantly turned around and left. After walking far away, he still looked back at Xu Youran.

Xu Youran waved to Bol, "I hope we will meet in the starry sky if we have the chance!"

"Sir, I will go find you!" Bol shouted, his eyes slightly red, and he started running with big steps.

He knew that after tonight, he might never see the generous and kind-hearted Mr. Costa again.

Watching Bol leave, Xu Youran sighed softly, turned around and walked into the small temporarily rented house.

A moment later, Xu Youran walked out of the house, and her figure quickly disappeared into the darkness of the alley.

Ten minutes later, he arrived at the place he had agreed with Ali and met the honest and honest guard Mr. Ali.

Xu Youran took out two bundles of cash from his backpack and stuffed them into Ali's arms, "This is three hundred thousand, Ali. The money I borrowed from you last night, as well as your wages for the past two days, are all here. ”

"Is this... Mr. Costa... too much?" Ali was a little confused. Xu Youran asked him to meet here, but she never thought of giving him so much money.

"This is what you deserve from life to death." Xu Youran smiled lightly, "Goodbye."

After turning around and leaving, Xu Youran found a small shop, picked up the phone and dialed a number.

When someone picked up the phone, Xu Youran said lightly: "Start taking action."

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