Virus Throne

Chapter 827: To destroy someone, you must first drive him crazy

Near midnight, the world's first demon stock was born. Google search reading

The price of the Karls Adventurer's Union bond soared to 80 yuan per share, which was 4,000 times higher than yesterday's price.

Not only is it the first bull stock in the Tashan Bond Exchange, but the bond price has even topped the global bond market.

Countless hot money poured into the Tashan Bond Exchange from all over the world, and everyone was staring at the price fluctuations and buying frantically.

Greed makes people crazy, and desire is endless.

Many retail investors found that the price had skyrocketed to this extent, and they began to sell.

However, those big institutions were buying frantically, constantly absorbing funds, and looking forward to making a fortune when the official mining started.

They are not afraid of high prices, but only afraid of no profits.

The more money you have, the harder it is to make money.

It is easy to double one dollar to make two dollars, but it is difficult to double one hundred million to make two hundred million.

What's more, these big institutions often have billions or tens of billions of funds.

Although this money, even if it lies in the bank and earns interest, is enough for them to spend for several lifetimes, and is enough for ordinary people to look up to.

But they want more and more, and they wish they could buy the whole world with money.

The Tashan Empire has already started celebrating as it sees a large amount of hot money pouring in.

These transactions will generate astronomical taxes.

The financial department of the Tashan Empire has already completed this year's tax task in advance.

The Tashan Bond Exchange has earned a huge amount of commissions, and every staff member is busy because they know that a large bonus will be issued soon.

Retail investors have sold at high prices, from two cents to two cents, and then to two yuan and twenty yuan.

They sold at 70 yuan and 80 yuan, and made a lot of money.

Small institutions took the opportunity to buy in and followed the big institutions to get a little straw.

Large institutions can absorb a large amount of funds and look forward to getting rich returns in the near future.

Everyone has gained a lot of wealth in this game, and everyone's adrenaline is soaring.

Even ordinary people who had no money to invest were excited to see these rich people making a fortune, as if they were enjoying the most exciting entertainment program.

This was a carnival for the whole nation, a surge in wealth, and a feast of desire.

Xu Youran hid in the mountains and practiced diligently, while Carls returned home drunk with the help of his wife Karen.

Lucas and Henry led the deacons of the two branches and finally exchanged all the funds in their hands into chips, holding Carls Union bonds in full position.

These two people calculated very well. They didn't need to rise too much. As long as it reached 100 yuan, they would first close the bonds purchased with their own funds.

Guarantee their own interests first, and then consider the interests of the temple.

They can bet on the bonds held by the temple funds for mining.

If the proven reserves continue to increase after mining, the price may rise even higher.

At that time, they reported to the temple that the bonds that had been sold at 100 yuan were purchased with the temple funds, and the bonds held now were purchased with their own funds.

After years of doing business, they are not only good at forced buying and selling, but also good at speculation and profiteering.

When they walked out of the Tashan Bond Exchange branch in Turant City, Lucas and Henry felt weak in their legs and limbs.

As the top masters among the six awakeners, they would not feel tired even if they did not sleep for ten days or half a month, let alone a sleepless night.

But the night just passed was the longest night they had ever spent.

Every second was tense, and they were fully immersed in the fluctuations of the market.

Adrenaline and dopamine had already exploded.

That kind of tension and excitement brought them endless happiness and joy.


So cool!

The huge wealth of 30 billion has now been exchanged for more valuable bonds. Everyone is satisfied and their faces are filled with excited smiles.

Everyone's face is flushed, as if they drank dozens of bottles of the best wine.

Maybe it won't be too long before they can bathe in the best wine in the world and enjoy all the glory and wealth in the world.

When they left, the bond price of the Karls Union was still rising, but they had no cash in hand, so they could only leave temporarily.

Seeing the stars in the sky about to disappear, Lucas stretched and looked at Henry with a smile, "Anyway, all the money that can be invested has been invested, why don't we take a rest first?"

"Can you sleep? Hahaha..." Henry said teasingly, but he laughed first.

"Yeah... I really can't sleep... Then let's have a drink?" Lucas looked at the twenty or so deacons behind him, "Are you going home to sleep, or are you going to have a drink with me?"

"Hahaha... Where can I sleep!"

"Lord Lucas, you can't sleep, we can't sleep even more..."

"Drink... Drink... Lord Lucas treats, or Lord Henry treats?"

"Hahaha... Let's treat everyone to the best wine in Turant City!" Lucas laughed loudly, very proud.

The wild laughter echoed in the deserted streets in the early morning, as if the devils of hell were whimpering.

A group of more than 20 people soon found a high-end club.

All the top girls, non-top girls, pretty girls, and not pretty girls were called up.

A lot of money was thrown into the sky, like money rain falling from the sky.

Whether it was the mamasan, the girls, or even the waiters, they all laughed from head to toe, sweeping away the bad mood of being woken up.

This place is not far from the Tashan Bond Exchange. It must be the rich man who just made a lot of money.

The best wine in Turat City was served, the best musicians began to play, and the graceful dance of the girls touched everyone's heartstrings.

There is nothing that money can't buy, smiles, enthusiasm, service, happiness...

If you think you can't buy it, it's just because you don't have enough money.

There is a popular saying in this world: millionaires live the lives of multimillionaires, multimillionaires live the lives of billionaires, and billionaires live the lives of God.

The people immersed in the world of luxury feel that they are God at this moment, and their lives are at the top of the world.

It's not just these people who can't sleep peacefully, there are many rich people with similar experiences.

They celebrated this victory in every corner of the world. This is a game of capital, and no one cares where the mining area is.

Under the crazy push of capital, everyone released their greed to the extreme.

When the sun should have risen, the whole world looked extremely gloomy because of the dark clouds and continuous drizzle.

This is the characteristic of the city of Turat. It rains for at least half of the year.

Although the weather is not good, it does not affect everyone's mood.

People who just got up were busy turning on the TV and radio and going to the mailbox to get the newspaper. They wanted to see how much the Kars Union Bonds rose last night and how much they earned.

Lucas and others reveled for a few hours, slightly drunk, and stepped into the VIP room of the bond exchange again.

Turning on the computer and looking at a thick red line that was still rising, everyone cheered again.

The price of their last order was about 80 yuan. Now it has exceeded 90 and is still rising, but the amplitude is a bit slow.

This is also normal. The bonds in the hands of retail investors have basically been sold out.

Small institutions follow large institutions and have not reached the target profit point for a while.

Large institutions are waiting for official mining and want to harvest another wave of leeks crazily.

So although the price is still rising, it is no longer as crazy as last night.

There are still a few dollars away from the first stop-profit point set by Lucas, Henry and others.

Although they will make a lot of money if they close their positions now, how can human desires be endless?

After making one dollar, they want to make two dollars. Everyone is thinking that as long as they make a little more, they will leave the market immediately.

But when that little bit comes, people will think again, as long as they make a little more.

Greed makes everyone blindfolded and rush into the abyss madly.

Lucas watched the price fluctuate slowly, anxious, his eyes red, and kept muttering, "Increase, increase, increase... As long as it increases by three dollars... As long as it increases by three dollars..."

The red line suddenly jumped, ninety-eight yuan!

Now it is only two dollars away. As long as it increases by two dollars, it will be profitable and leave the market immediately.

The red line jumped again, ninety-nine yuan!

It is only one dollar away from the stop-profit point.

Maybe in just a few minutes, Lucas's net worth will exceed one billion.

It is too crazy and too painful. The last dollar increase is slow to move. Lucas wants to get into the computer.

Suddenly, the red line jumped again, ninety-eight yuan.


Why did it drop by one dollar?

Everyone was stunned and looked at each other, but they were relieved immediately.

In the bond market, it is very common for the price to fluctuate by one dollar.

"It must be that a large institution took the opportunity to sell."

"Yes, only sudden shipments will cause price adjustments."

"It's okay, it's just temporary profit-taking."

Everyone comforted each other and continued to stare at the screen.

Ninety-seven yuan... ninety-five yuan...

Everyone looked at each other, and someone said, "The quantity shipped this time is a bit large."

"I don't know where this idiot is, maybe he is from the Aoxion Empire."

"Hahaha... yes, shipping now, isn't it stupid?"

"How much water has these people got into their brains? Now should be the time for everyone to work together to raise the price, why are they shipping?"

"It's a pity that we have no money, otherwise we can definitely make a lot of money again by covering the position now."

"Alas, it's really painful to have no money, watching the opportunity to make money slip away."

"Hahaha... you said you have no money? Hahaha... I'll kick your ass if you pretend to be poor. If you ship now, you will be worth over 100 million."

"Alas, who doesn't want to make more money? Look at how stable Master Lucas is, learn from him."

The price quickly fell below ninety yuan, and it seemed that there was a trend of continuing to fall.

Everyone was a little confused for a while. How much goods should be shipped to cause such a rapid decline?

The news was playing on the TV nearby, and the host was interviewing a mining expert.

The expert seemed very emotional, shouting something loudly, and everyone looked over curiously.

"Liar, the Karls Union is a liar. What a bullshit first prospector, Costa is the world's number one liar."

"Why do you say that? Their current achievements are world-renowned..."

"A world-renowned scam? The so-called mining area does not exist at all, and many laboratories have retested their samples. Those thunder and fire gold sands were mixed into the samples artificially, and they were not formed naturally at all!"

"Naturally formed thunder and fire gold sand ores have very sharp edges and corners, but the ores in their samples are all smooth and obviously processed by humans!"

Lucas immediately changed the channel, and a group of people were testing something in the laboratory.

An old scholar with white hair picked up the test tube and said, "You can see, the veins discovered by Costa are fake. They are thunder and fire gold sand that he mixed in himself!"

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