Virus Throne

Chapter 833. Desert Footprints

"Boom boom..." The heavy motorcycle continued to speed on the road. Google search reading

Alice's walking speed must be faster than the motorcycle, but in this dangerous environment where she could encounter a zombie army at any time, every bit of physical strength is extremely important.

She hasn't found new food for several days. As an awakener who has been strengthened six times, her physical fitness is extraordinary, but food is a necessary source of energy.

Not eating for a few days or more than ten days is not a big deal, but you can't go without food forever.

Relatively speaking, the demand for food for cultivators is not that great.

Eating wind and drinking dew, inhaling and exhaling spiritual energy, is enough to support the physical needs of cultivators.

However, whether it is an awakener or a cultivator, not eating for a long time will cause the body's function to decline and weaken.

Xu Youran, who often eats spiritual stones as food, is not included in this category.

Although Alice covered her mouth and nose with a thick scarf, she could feel the scorching heat in the air with every breath.

After the full outbreak of the T virus, the zombie army almost wiped out all the plants and animals, and the whole world was desolate, and the natural environment was extremely harsh.

Due to the loss of reproduction ability, the day when all the existing food is consumed is probably the day when all humans will become extinct.

Alice is not only curious about why the Umbrella Company wants to develop this virus, but also curious about what these zombies rely on to survive?

Zombies never devour each other.

Every zombie body carries the T virus. Perhaps viruses are mutually exclusive. In the host's consciousness, other zombies are never regarded as food.

But these endless zombies have swept this world for several years and eaten up all the edible things.

A single zombie cannot form a complete ecological chain. How do they take in nutrients and maintain their body functions?

Without the drive of nutrition, even the sun will go out sooner or later.

Can zombies live like this forever without eating or drinking?

This is too unscientific...

Looking at the dead and windy world, is this the world that the Umbrella Company wants?

At the end of the sight in the distance, a deserted building with a huge GG sign can be vaguely seen.

It is a gas station. Alice stepped on the accelerator and continued to accelerate, hoping to find some fuel here.

Zombies are easy to appear near such buildings. Alice stopped the car far away from the abandoned gas station.

The building was half collapsed, and dust was flying everywhere. Only a zombie dragged heavy steps and swayed in front of the door.

Alice took the crossbow behind her and raised her hand to shoot an arrow.

"Puff!" The sharp long arrow swept across a distance of hundreds of meters.

"Bang!" The head of the zombie was nailed to a van.

"Buzz..." The tail feathers of the long arrow were still shaking violently.

Alice held the machete in both hands and rushed to the gas station like an arrow from a string.

"Swoosh, swoosh..." A figure as fast as lightning shuttled through the abandoned building.

After searching for a long time, nothing was found in this abandoned gas station except the zombie just now.

A corpse that was so rotten that it looked unrecognizable was locked in a large cabinet.

Alice found a notebook, which seemed to record many things after the outbreak of the T virus.

Before she had time to look at the notebook carefully, Alice was attracted by the rotten corpse.

Although the degree of decay was very high, Alice could still see that it was a zombie.

There were no traces of gunshot wounds or knife wounds, as if it was just a pure natural death.

This was one of the few zombies that died of natural causes that she had seen.

Looking at this locked big box, Alice seemed to have some understanding.

Could it be that this zombie was starved to death?

Zombies can't speak, and corpses can't speak either.

After searching around, there was nothing else to find.

There was no food, no fuel, and no resources that could be used.

Back to her heavy motorcycle, Alice casually flipped through the notebook.

The whole book was filled with dense writing, the handwriting was very sloppy, and there were drawings in some places.

"What happened? Why do they seem to be crazy?"

"Oh my God... Can anyone tell me why Old Jack wanted to eat his wife?"

"It's terrible... It's terrible... The whole world is crazy..."

"Everyone is eating people like crazy, and there are no people who eat people. They have taken away all our things..."

"Steve told me that some T virus broke out. What is that? Is it another new trick from Area 51?"

"It turns out that it's not Area 51, but Umbrella Corporation... The greatest company in the world!"

"Our food is running out, Steve said he would go out to find food.

"I'm so scared to stay here alone..."

"Fortunately, I still have a gun, and I can still deal with those terrible zombies!"

"Steve has been gone for many days and has never come back. Has he forgotten his wife?"

"I'm so hungry... I have no bullets..."

"The radio said to go north... There is a shelter over there in Asgara, which is isolated from the world and is a safe zone established by the government. ”

“But how can I go? No fuel, no food, no Steve…”

“I’m hungry… so weak that I can barely pick up a pen…”

"Steve... Steve... is back, he... what happened to him..."

The record ended here, Alice just looked through it briefly.

I got a rough idea of ​​what happened to this gas station after the disaster.

Presumably that Steve must have been infected with the virus when he came back.

Maybe he bit his wife, but with his deep love for her, he finally awakened some sense and locked her in the cupboard.

But they still cannot escape their fate, becoming zombies and marching into the cemetery of death.

Alice looked sadly at the zombie she pinned to the truck, a male zombie wearing a gas station uniform covered in dark brown bloodstains.

That coverall had a name embroidered on its chest: Steve.

This abandoned gas station is just a small microcosm of this miserable world.

What happened at the gas station has happened in every corner of the world.

It is actually very easy for Alice to live on her own.

But she couldn't live alone forever.

When night falls, the wind and sand will be lighter, and it will not be as hot as during the day.

Looking at the stars in the sky, loneliness overwhelmed her like a tide.

She couldn't bear to see the world destroyed like this, she wanted to save the world, she wanted to save everyone, she wanted to destroy the Umbrella Company and find T-virus antibodies.

Alice looked up into the distance. On the desolate land, a wide road stretched into the distance.

All the way north?


"Boom!" Alice started the heavy-duty locomotive and continued to gallop north.

Hundreds of kilometers away to the north, a road extending from the east turned north here.

A convoy was also speeding, five cars.

A heavy-duty Hummer Jeep, two pickup trucks, a large school bus, and a large truck.

Traveling through most of the country, the journey was dusty, filled with yellow sand and howling winds.

The original colors of all the vehicles are almost no longer visible. The windows are all welded with iron bars and mesh, and the front and rear bumpers are all erected with sharp iron spikes.

The five vehicles are armed to the teeth, which is the basis for the survival of Claire's team. Without these five powerful cars, the more than 20 members of Claire's team would have been eaten by zombies long ago.

Xu Youran was still leaning on the passenger seat of the Hummer, thinking hard.

During this period of time, he had been chatting with the young driver at various times, and obtained a lot of information he wanted to know.

He never put down the Desert Eagle in his hand, and there was a submachine gun on the other side.

If you want to survive in such a world, your weapons should never be more than one meter away from you.

As far as the weapon is from you, death is as close as you are.

When Claire's team first started, there were more than fifty survivors.

But after more than half a year of walking, there are still more than 20 people left.

Some people were eaten by zombies, and some people turned into new zombies after being bitten.

Many people in the team had shed tears and shot their former companions.

Along the way, Xu Youran also saw sporadic zombies appearing occasionally in the wilderness.

Because the distance was too far and the zombies didn't attack, it was difficult to judge their strength.

However, the zombie who was just hit and killed on the road was probably as strong as a stronger ordinary person except for the T virus infection.

Regardless of all his strength, Xu Youran is also an awakened person who has been strengthened five times, and his physical fitness is far superior to ordinary people.

If the zombie army were all zombies of this level, he really wasn't too worried about his own safety.

But he knew very well that Resident Evil would never just be those silly ordinary zombies.

The world has a large population, as well as a large number of other animals.

After being infected with the T virus, some zombies will not change much, but a very small number of zombies will evolve.

Junior zombies, violent zombies, Makini zombies, lickers, pursuers, hunters, tyrants, goddesses of vengeance, G-virus experimental subjects...

Some powerful zombies are even as intelligent as humans, but their deep desire to eat has annihilated their reason.

It is not an exaggeration to call these zombies the original sin of gluttony.

Desire has always been in the human spiritual world, and the virus has only released it.

When he was on Earth Star, Xu Youran once saw a scientific report.

It is said that the average weight of humans on Earth is increasing year by year.

As the level of science and technology improves, people's quality of life has also greatly improved. Crop yields have skyrocketed, and their weight has also skyrocketed.

If this continues, all humans on earth and planet will sooner or later become fat, or even eat themselves to death.

Although Earth Star Medicine is not very prosperous, there is a lot of evidence that many diseases are caused by eating.

Xu Youran looked at the world filled with yellow sand outside the car window and couldn't help but frown.

I understand the truth, but in the face of this whole world of gluttonous zombies, what can I do to save you?

Provide these zombies with more food?

It is tantamount to aggravating the original sin of gluttony.

Kill all the zombies on the entire planet?

Thinking about the ocean-like tide of zombies and the powerful mutant zombies, Xu Youran felt a chill down his back.

It's not realistic at all...

Thinking of this, "Gululu, Gululu" Xu Youran's stomach growled.


I'm actually hungry...

With food so scarce and his strength suppressed, Xu Youran naturally developed a hunger reaction.

A strong desire to eat surged in his heart. Xu Youran swallowed dryly and suddenly thought of a question.

How can these zombies live for so many years without food?

This is unscientific...

An abandoned building gradually emerged on the horizon, with a huge GG sign.

The white young man driving the car picked up the walkie-talkie, "Claire, Claire. There is a hotel ahead, the Desert Footprint Hotel."

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