Virus Throne

Chapter 834. Aggie and Betty

Claire’s solemn voice came from the intercom, “Jordon, stop a little further away. Google search and read Carlos, you and Ajie go check it out.”

Jordon, who was driving, said to the intercom, “Got it.”

After that, he handed the intercom to Xu Youran, who took it and said, “Got it.”

“Squeak…” Five cars slowly stopped a few hundred meters away from the Desert Footprint Hotel.

Ajie, a black man, got out of the car, came to the Hummer Jeep next to the lead car, opened the door and got in.

Jordon drove the car and slowly approached the hotel, trying not to make too much noise.

This is a very ordinary motel, but it has been abandoned and dilapidated for too long, with accumulated dust and debris everywhere.

Xu Youran and Ajie got out of the car, and the heat wave swept in their faces. The dust and sand blown up by the strong wind made it difficult for Xu Youran to even open his mouth to breathe.

He quickly covered his mouth and nose with a scarf, leaving only a pair of eyes exposed, and scanned the surroundings alertly.

The whole hotel was dead silent, except for the whimpering of the wind, there was no sound.

Xu Youran, holding a submachine gun in one hand and a Desert Eagle in the other, took the lead in moving towards the hotel door.

Although he joined the Awakener Team, the Watcher Corps, and later the Destroyer Corps, he still had basic military literacy and training.

In the army, various firearms operations are daily training subjects, which is not a difficult task for him.

Maybe the accuracy of shooting is far inferior to those sharpshooters, but it is definitely far superior to ordinary people.

After all, his physical fitness and sensory acuity are basically a low-profile version of Superman.

Ajie was obviously also a soldier, holding a submachine gun in both hands, and slowly following behind Xu Youran.

The most ideal team is actually a three-person team, advancing in a triangular formation, but Claire's team suffered too much loss of manpower, and there is not much combat power to show.

"Crack!" Xu Youran's footsteps stepped on the rotten corridor floor, making a slight sound.

Although the sound was very faint, it sounded particularly clear in the empty and quiet Desert Footprint Hotel.

The dim light shone in from the broken window. Although it was broad daylight, the whole hotel looked very gloomy and terrifying.

There were messy furniture everywhere, and there were debris all over the floor. A broken skeleton was piled in the corner.

I don’t know if it was eaten by some animal or shared by zombies.

There was nothing unusual in the hall. The two continued to move forward slowly, concentrating all their energy and constantly observing the surrounding environment.

Although Xu Youran was not afraid of the T virus, he even wanted to be infected with the T virus. Even if he couldn’t upgrade or comprehend the awakening skills, at least he could enrich his virus library.

But he also knew that these low-level zombies would hardly bring him any benefits.

He naturally wouldn’t send himself to be bitten.

Apart from anything else, it would definitely be very painful.

If Claire and his companions saw him, they might kill him as a zombie.

The air in the hotel was filled with a rotten stench, and no one knew where it came from.

Two forks appeared in the corridor ahead, and Xu Youran looked back at Aijie.

Aijie gestured with his left hand, using standard military sign language, meaning that the two of them should go one way each.

Xu Youran nodded and walked to the right fork.

Aijie held the submachine gun in both hands, bowed slightly, and walked to the left fork with his legs slightly bent.

There were rows of guest rooms on both sides of the two forks.

Some of the doors were open, and Xu Youran slowly entered these guest rooms and searched them carefully one by one.

It was getting dark, and Claire might want to stay here for the night, and also want to find some daily necessities in this hotel.

Therefore, the hotel must be thoroughly checked to prevent hidden zombies.

Xu Youran seemed very lucky. He checked several rooms on the fork he took, but found nothing.

He also secretly used his strength to quietly break the locks of those locked doors and went in to check.

Aijie was also searching the rooms one by one. The doors of the first two rooms were open, and the messy furnishings inside were visible at a glance. There was nothing.

The door of the third guest room was ajar, and he pushed it open lightly.

Dim light poured in from the gap in the window, and a rotten smell entered his nose.

Aijie sneezed involuntarily, and in the moment of negligence, a male zombie silently pounced on him from behind the door.

Aijie was a retired soldier, and his reaction was very fast. He turned around and hit him with a gun butt.

Although he hit the zombie's head, the zombie had no pain at all, and still pounced on him with his teeth and claws.

He grabbed Aijie's submachine gun with one hand, held Aijie with the other hand, and opened his mouth to bite Aijie's neck.

Aijie, who was fully armed, had a scarf wrapped around his head, and only his hands, neck and eyes were exposed, so his neck became the best target for zombies to attack.

While trying to snatch the submachine gun from the zombie, Aijie dodged the zombie's snow-white fangs.

He was almost bitten by the zombie several times, but Aijie was lucky to avoid it.

After ordinary people were infected with the T virus, although they did not evolve again and had almost no IQ, they were extremely strong under the drive of the desire to eat.

However, Aijie had received professional training and finally began to push the zombie away a little distance with difficulty.

The muzzle of the submachine gun was aimed at the zombie's head, and Aijie immediately pulled the trigger without hesitation.

"Da Da Da..." The submachine gun spewed out fierce fire snakes, smashing the zombie's head to pieces.

The huge impact force threw the zombie away, and with a "bang", it hit the cabinet opposite heavily.

The cabinet was smashed to pieces, and the fragments were scattered all over the floor.

Aijie subconsciously dodged backwards and sat on the bed behind him.

The bed moved slightly, and a female zombie who was originally stuck on the bed and unable to move immediately climbed up.

Before Aijie could react, the female zombie pounced on him again.

"Puchi!" A bite hit his chest hard.

"Fuck!" Aijie roared, desperately hitting the female zombie with a submachine gun.

But having just tasted the bloody meat, how could the female zombie let go? She grabbed Aijie and bit his neck again.



"Da Da Da..."

There was a sound of fighting and the sound of submachine guns firing.

Xu Youran jumped out of the guest room and turned to fly towards another fork in the road.

Aijie must have encountered zombies in that direction, otherwise he would not have shot.

In the dim and narrow corridor, with discarded debris everywhere, Xu Youran rushed to the door of the room where the fight took place at a very fast speed.

Just in time to see Aijie's hands being pressed by a female zombie, the zombie's bloody mouth had opened and bit Aijie fiercely.

"Bang!" The Desert Eagle in Xu Youran's hand rang.

Worthy of being the king of pistols, the huge impact smashed the zombie's head to pieces.

At such a close distance, even if Xu Youran was not good at shooting, such a big head could definitely be easily hit.

However, Xu Youran didn't know that he was still a moment late.

Just a second ago, Aijie's chest had been bitten.

Aijie pushed the zombie away with difficulty, his face was a little pale, and he was still gasping for breath in shock.

"How is it?" Xu Youran asked with concern, "Are you injured?"

"Nothing..." Aijie shook his head helplessly, gasping for breath, "Just a fright."

"I'll ask someone to check you out." Xu Youran saw that Aijie's head was bleeding, as if he had been hit somewhere and scratched.

"Call the doctor Betty." Aijie sat on the bed, his limbs still a little weak.

Although the battle just now was very short, the sudden shock, especially the bite of the zombie, made him feel that the whole world was spinning.

Xu Youran walked out of the room with a gun and continued to explore quickly.

His speed was naturally much faster than Aijie. He checked the entire hotel. Except for the two zombies that Aijie had just encountered, there was no other danger.

Xu Youran walked out of the Desert Footprint Hotel and waved to the distance, indicating that it was safe.

The convoy drove over quickly, and two girls jumped out of a pickup truck.

One of them looked to be about 27 or 28 years old, wearing green camouflage combat uniform, with long blond hair, very beautiful, holding a submachine gun in his hand, looking very heroic.

It seemed to be a simplified version, although not as peerless as her, but not much worse.

The other girl was probably only about 20 years old, looking youthful and beautiful, with an extremely hot body.

This blonde girl only had a pistol in her hand, and she should not be the main combat force of the team.

Xu Youran knew that the older one should be Claire, and hurriedly said: "Claire, Ajie seems to have suffered a minor injury and needs a doctor."

Claire turned to look at the young girl, "Matt, go call Betty, I'll go in and take a look first."

The young girl turned and ran to the school bus behind her, waving as she ran, "Betty, Betty. Your Ajie is injured, hurry up..."

The school bus opened the door, and a beautiful black girl jumped out, not only holding a pistol in her hand, but also carrying a medical kit.

"Is it serious?" Betty ran over and asked anxiously.

"It's nothing serious, just a scratch." Xu Youran gestured inside, "I checked, there are only two zombies, and they have been dealt with."

Betty rushed into the hotel. Ajie is her boyfriend. If it weren't for the outbreak of the T virus, the two would have been married long ago.

After entering the hotel, Betty quickly found Ajie slumped on the bed.

Seeing that there was still blood flowing down his forehead, her eyes reddened slightly, and she half-knelt down and began to clean Ajie's wound.

Ajie looked at his beloved girl with a helpless bitter smile on his face.

He had been bitten, and the T virus would definitely break out. In his opinion, the girlfriend in front of him would soon become delicious food.

Thinking of the terrible T virus and the upcoming separation of life and death, Ajie felt a pang of pain in his heart.

But he didn't have the courage to tell Betty, nor did he have the courage to tell anyone.

He expected a miracle, but he had never seen a miracle...

Members of Claire's team got off the car one after another, began to distribute food, and set up cordons.

Seven or eight half-grown children, the youngest less than ten years old, the oldest only fourteen or fifteen years old, lined up to receive canned food from Otto.

They had not eaten cooked food for a long time, and could only rely on canned food to barely survive, not even to fill their stomachs.

Claire pulled Otto and whispered, "How much food is left?"

"This is the last car, I'm afraid we can't hold on for too long." The thin Otto said worriedly, "There's not much fuel left..."

"I hope we can find supplies at the next stop." Claire nodded, "We will turn to the south tomorrow."

As night falls, everyone hides in the car to sleep. There is a young man named Mikey who is responsible for monitoring the situation. Everyone is not too worried about zombie attacks.

In the desert wasteland more than ten kilometers away, Alice lit a bonfire, lay on the ground fully clothed and just fell asleep.

With her strength, even if there is a sneak attack by zombies, she doesn't care at all, and she can naturally sleep in a dignified manner.

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