Virus Throne

Chapter 889. Conquering Paradise Lost

Xu Youran, who closed her eyes tightly, was carefully feeling the changes in the meridians and vitality in her body.

The surroundings are filled with auras of heaven and earth, the most active of which is spiritual aura, but it does not mean that there are no other types of aura.

The spiritual heterogeneous vitality is the main one, supplemented by the other six kinds of vitality. The seven kinds of vitality are rolling and flowing in the meridians, like the Yangtze River.

In the Dantian area of ​​the lower abdomen, seven kinds of vitality gathered together and formed a vague halo.

Because of the ice armor's transformation effect, outsiders couldn't see it, but Xu Youran himself could clearly sense it.

It was a fist-sized light wheel with seven short branches, which looked like a gear.

Only when the energy in Xu Youran's body circulates, will it appear vaguely. Although it is not clear, he is 100% sure that this must be the gear that the old man in sunglasses is looking for.

At this moment, he still doesn't understand the reason for the formation of this halo. It may be related to the transformation of the seven kinds of vitality, or it may be related to the completion of the Seven Sins Trial.

If you have the chance to see the old man again, you must ask him exactly what happened to the gear.

But this gear appeared in his Dantian, how could he hand it over to the old man in sunglasses?

Except for the faint light wheel emerging, Xu Youran did not feel any discomfort, indicating that the light wheel should be harmless to herself.

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Besides, now is not the time to study it carefully. The top priority is to conquer the Lost Paradise Galaxy while the trial has just been completed.

"Huh..." Xu Youran took a long breath and slowly opened his eyes.

Although his body was severely injured, his eyes were full of energy and energy, and he glanced around sharply.

Out of the corner of his eye, he had already caught a glimpse of his name on the stone tablet. Sure enough, it was still black.

After spending a month, going through life and death several times, and being seriously injured, he finally passed the Seven Sins Trial with perfect results.

"Swish, swish, swish..." In the meeting hall, nearly 20,000 senior officials of the Lost Paradise Galaxy all stood up.

"See the Seven Sins Saint..." The Seven Sins Saint spoke first. This is the new professional title developed by the Seven Sins Saint for Xu Youran.

"Seven Sins Saint?" Xu Youran smiled slightly when he heard this title.

These magic sticks are quite knowledgeable and have great ideas.

Given the name of a saint, as a saint, I am afraid that I will be embarrassed to compete with them for power and profit.

However, it seems they are overthinking it.

How could Xu Youran be such a humble and low-key person?

There were more than 10,000 people around, and a solemn voice sounded, "See the Seven Sins Saint..."

"Hua Hua Hua..." Under the leadership of the Seven Sins, more than 10,000 people clenched their right hands and placed their fists on their left chests. They all knelt down on one knee and lowered their noble heads.

"Boom!" Xu Youran took a heavy step forward, the ground shook, and the entire meeting hall seemed to tremble in front of his overwhelming power.

"Everything in the world is not the king's land, and the shores of the land are not the king's ministers!" Xu Youran's loud voice resounded in the sky, "I, Gui Mie, have come with the oracle of the supreme god. Who dares to disobey the king's orders?"

The senior officials of Lost Paradise were intimidated by his momentum and fell silent for a moment.

Kukluoluo quietly stepped aside and stood with Hisoka, watching Xu Youran's performance.

"Today, both sides in the civil war on Trisolaris disobey the king's orders, causing the destruction of all living beings. What crime should they be guilty of?" Xu Youran shouted angrily, "Does anyone know?"

The Seven Sinners took the lead in shouting, "Sin deserves death..."

"My lord, the female slave, leads the oracle, obeys the will of heaven, and wins the hearts of the people. Are you willing to assist me?" Xu Youran's voice gradually turned cold, "The Lost Paradise galaxy has been at peace for a long time, are your swords still sharp?"

"We are willing to fight for the female princess!"

"We are willing to be the pioneers of the female demon princess!"

"We are willing to charge for the female princess!"


Screams were heard one after another in the hall, some were excited, some were hoarse, some were echoing, and some were uneasy.

"Since you all recommend me to be the Saint of Seven Sins, I will also work for the welfare of the Lost Paradise Galaxy." Xu Youran smiled slightly, "When the Trisolaran Galaxy is flattened, it will be the day when the territory of Lost Paradise will expand!"

Territory expansion?

After Trisolaris is completely suppressed, neighboring galaxies will inevitably share some benefits.

The most direct benefit is to encroach on the territory of the original Trisolaran Galaxy and incorporate it into its own galaxy.

Although everyone thinks so, no one has ever spoken out about how to divide the country in a legitimate way.

This is not something that can be put on the table.

In principle, everyone is a vassal state of Void Mountain, and the territory actually belongs to Void Mountain.

It can be divided into which star regions are directly managed, which will naturally bring a lot of additional benefits.

Xu Youran's words today are tantamount to a public commitment to this matter.

As the envoy of the female Princess, he came to the Lost Paradise Galaxy, and what he said represented what the female Princess said.

Even if he, Demon Slayer, is no longer shameless, the female demon princess still wants to be shameless.

The envoy said that the Trisolaran Galaxy should be divided. You can't say that it was the envoy's own initiative.

In fact, it was Xu Youran's own decision. Although the female slave had this intention, she had never promised anyone in public.

"Boom..." Everyone in the hall was extremely excited, and chatter continued. Even the Seven Sins were excited.

If it were said that the reason for agreeing to send troops was because they lost the bet, most people would probably not be so willing.

If the troops were sent just to help the female slaves, these people would be even more reluctant.

All the benefits have been taken away by the female demon princess. Are we going to fight to the death?

But now Xu Youran has made a public promise, which not only gives everyone a way out, but also gives everyone a reassurance.

Seeing everyone's enthusiastic and positive expressions, Xu Youran nodded with satisfaction and said loudly again: "Dear adults of Lost Paradise, no one knows the situation of the Lost Paradise Galaxy better than you. I am now also a part of Lost Paradise. We have to get what we want ourselves!"


"Master Demon Slayer is right!"

"What Master Demon Slayer? Master Saint!"

"Yes, Master Saint!"

Xu Youran pressed his hands down, signaling everyone to be quiet, "The traitors of the Three-Body Galaxy are still stubborn, let us tear them apart with the speed of an eagle, let us destroy them with the cruelty of a wolf! From now on, we will immediately prepare for war, and the target is the Three-Body Galaxy!"


The huge sound echoed in the hall again, and countless people cheered and rubbed their hands.


"Hurry up and kill the little guys from the Three-Body Star!"

"I suggest that we rush out in full force and defeat them in one fell swoop!"

When the arrogant walker saw that the situation was a little out of control, he immediately shouted, "Everyone, please be patient. It will take more than one day to send out a large army. We still need to make proper arrangements..."

Before he finished speaking, Xu Youran interrupted him immediately, "Master Arrogant, in the name of the saint, I suggest that the seven walkers immediately reorganize the army. The commander and military supervisor sent by Princess Nvba will arrive soon. You just need to cooperate with them."

The seven Seven Sins looked at Xu Youran thoughtfully with deep meaning in their eyes.

Xu Youran looked at the seven walkers with a firm gaze, not flinching at all, and his attitude was extremely resolute.

His meaning was very clear. Since you let me accept the trial and gave me this title, I will make good use of this title.

If the Seven Sins knew that Xu Youran was best at messing up the situation, they would definitely regret it.

When he was on Earth, he was made the young commander by Xu Youran, but he turned the whole Earth upside down.

He sneaked into the Fortress Star and sneaked into the Black Blood Manor, but the whole Black Blood family was wiped out.

He was sold to Nüba as a slave, and he stirred up trouble in the Void Mountain,

and robbed the headquarters of the Singers.

Wherever he went, there were always many people who were played by him.

He was not honest even when he participated in the Seven Sins Trial, and passed it with an unprecedented perfect score.

The Seven Sins Slayers gave him the title of the Seven Sins Saint, and it would be strange if he didn't make good use of it.

"Master Xingzhe, what Master Saint said makes sense..."

"Master Xingzhe, don't hesitate any more, send troops quickly..."

"Master Saint has made a promise on behalf of the princess, what are you afraid of?"

"Yes, it's been a long time since we expanded our territory in Lost Paradise..."

The senior officials of the Lost Paradise Galaxy persuaded him, and almost made the Seven Sins Slayer faint.

They just came with three people, talked a few words, and made a promise that they didn't know whether it could be fulfilled, and you were bought by them?

If the Seven Sins were willing to compromise and send troops, they had to lead the matter.

Now that Demon Slayer was in charge, they were naturally unhappy.

"Okay, let's stop here today. I'm seriously injured and need to rest urgently." Xu Youran waved his hand, "Dear walkers, dear lords, I'll leave the important task of suppressing the Three-Body System to you."

After that, Xu Youran bowed and saluted to the people around him.

The high-level officials of the Lost Paradise Galaxy did not dare to neglect them, and even the Seven Sins hurried to return the greetings.

Xu Youran did not mention the bet on passing the Seven Sins Trial, and naturally regarded himself as a member of the Lost Paradise.

Not only did he make an attractive promise, but his attitude was also humble and polite, and people could not find any fault with him.

He would take advantage of the residual power of having just passed the Seven Sins Trial, and in public, take advantage of the opportunity of the Seven Sins to bring him to the stage, and finalize the matter, leaving no room for maneuver.

The Seven Sins acknowledged his status as the Seven Sins Saint, so he would not slap himself in the face immediately.

He, Xu Youran, had seen big scenes before, and was very good at taking advantage of the situation.

After secretly greeting, Xu Youran strode out of the meeting hall with Xi Suo and Kukluo Luo, and his servants took them down to rest and recuperate.

Xi Suo could see that the two were seriously injured. Although he was full of curiosity, he knew that now was not the time to ask.

Before practicing and recuperating, Xu Youran took the time to talk to Nv Ba, briefly talked about the situation in the Lost Paradise, and asked Nv Ba to quickly send someone to contact the military.

Nv Ba did not waste words, and immediately sent several people to form a military supervision team, and immediately set off to the Lost Paradise Galaxy.

At this moment, the 30 million troops brought out from the Broken Dream Galaxy have been divided into three groups, one group is heading to Zhenhun Street, one group is heading straight to the Three-Body Galaxy, and another group is arrayed at the border of the Ruined Promise City Galaxy.

These three groups of troops are actually not far from the Lost Paradise Galaxy, and they can reach the Queen Star within a day's journey.

Xu Youran and the other two can rest in the Queen Star, and leave the Lost Paradise Galaxy after the army building team arrives.

In the past month, he has entered seven different worlds in succession, experienced and felt seven different lives, and experienced several life-threatening battles. Xu Youran is also exhausted, so he just took this opportunity to have a good rest.

Moreover, he has a dying top master in his Void Ring, which can be used well as a powerful trump card.

After entering the quiet room, Xu Youran released Alita immediately and she was responsible for the alert.

If this top master still had the strength to go crazy, Alita could suppress him immediately.

"Shua!" A handsome young man who was seriously injured and dying was released.

Xu Xian, who was once handsome and elegant, now had great difficulty breathing and no strength to go crazy.

"Pah!" Xu Youran slapped two chips on Xu Xian's forehead. The Kingdom of God system and the gene bomb were not missing.

Whether it was Xu Xian, Bai Suzhen, or Lei Wenna, they knew too many secrets of Xu Youran. Only the gene bomb could make Xu Youran feel at ease.

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