Virus Throne

Chapter 890. I will help you find a wife

Power, prestige, and status are never given by others. Google search reading

The Great Emperor of the Void gave the female demon power, but the major galaxies were still in conflict with each other, and the Trisolaris galaxy was also in constant civil war.

In the final analysis, the fledgling female tycoon does not have enough confidence and foundation.

His own strength, personal connections, and resource control are all too weak.

The powerful people from these separatist parties will not buy her account at all.

Xu Youran ran around for many days, fought fierce battles, and narrowly escaped death. Finally, it opened up a little situation for her and laid some foundations for future interstellar hegemony.

He could clearly see the situation of the female slaves, and naturally he could also see his own situation clearly.

It is so difficult for a female princess of the royal family, let alone a little person like him who comes from a humble background.

Wanting to sweep across the starry sky by oneself is very unrealistic, at least in the Star Sea Divine Kingdom, and even unrealistic in the entire starry sky.

So far, he has never heard of anyone from the two camps who can dominate by himself.

As tyrannical as the Void Emperor, he still needs to rely on the three guardians of the Gongsun family and Void Mountain.

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The prosperous Void Mountain Empire is only among the strongest in the Thirty-Three Stars Domain.

The entire Thirty-three Star Domain is just one of the many star domains that fight against the Jiuli Sect.

According to legend, the eighty-one most powerful experts in the Jiuli Sect can easily destroy a star field.

It's just that many star regions involve most of the Jiuli Sect's strength. Otherwise, not to mention the Void Mountain Empire, even the Thirty-Three Star Regions would have become interstellar dust long ago.

If you want to fight for a corner of the earth and stars in this dangerous cosmic sky, you not only need to be strong yourself, but also need the support and alliance of a group of powerful partners and powerful forces.

Xu Youran never thought about overthrowing the Void Mountain Empire, and he couldn't do it either.

What he wants is an ally, an ally who is extremely powerful, and who is also very friendly to him.

The Void Emperor's attitude toward him was like a superior king treating an ant.

Therefore, he very much hopes that the female demon will become the next Void Emperor, at least not so contemptuous.

It was an investment and a bet, a bet he made for Earth's billion survivors.

Building good relationships and networking with party members are the investments he has made for himself.

After seven trials, he left some seeds behind, which might one day bring him a surprise.

The dying young master Xu Xian in front of him is a key point.

Not only did he want Xu Xian to live, he also wanted to live a better life and even advance to Mahayana.

Just imagine, there is a powerful practitioner hidden in your Void Ring, who can come out and sweep everything at any time.

This is the real trump card, and it is far more reliable than the spiritual imprint of the Void Emperor.

This is the correct way to open the Void Ring, which is called strategic equipment.

Whoever wants to kill me in the future should first ask my iron son Xu Xian whether he will agree!

Xu Xian can not only become his personal bodyguard and thug, but also a key factor in connecting to another line. On the other side of the line is another practitioner, the powerful Bai Suzhen.

Many masters of Cihang Jingzhai have ascended, and they should all be fighting for the Jiuli Sect in the stars.

If Xu Youran hadn't intervened, and if Xu Xian hadn't been involved, Bai Suzhen would have become the vanguard of the Thirty-Three Stars Domain.

Now that Xu Youran has Xu Xian's thread in his hands, Bai Suzhen may become his surprise soldier in the future.

As for the other masters of Cihang Jingzhai, Xu Youran didn't dare to expect that.

"You..." Although Xu Xian was seriously injured and on the verge of death, he was still conscious. As soon as his forehead went cold, he knew what the other party was talking about. As for the specific situation, he couldn't even detect it now.

Without the influence of the Jiuli Sect's formation, Xu Youran looked like a completely unfamiliar young man to Xu Xian, but his breath felt very familiar.

"Me? What am I?" Xu Youran smiled slyly, "I'm saving your life, please be honest."

As he spoke, his mental power enveloped Xu Xian, suppressing Xu Xian, who was still struggling, to the ground.

"Where...where is this?" Xu Xian looked at the surrounding environment and the young man in front of him with some confusion.

"Don't you recognize me?" Xu Youran smiled faintly, "I am your eldest brother Fahai, brother Xu Xian."

"Fa...Fahai..." Xu Xian was a little confused, but this man's aura was indeed very familiar, " Brother?"

Just after a big battle with Xu Youran, even if he couldn't use his true energy and spiritual consciousness, he could still sense some of Xu Youran's aura.

But this strange young man said that he was Fahai, and that he was the eldest brother and brother when he opened his mouth, which completely confused him.

"Hmm... This is a bit troublesome to explain. It's a long story..." Xu Youran shook her head helplessly and pointed at Xu Xian's forehead, "I installed the Star Sea Divine Kingdom system for you. You can mobilize your spiritual consciousness or mental power. Learn it yourself first.”

For the indigenous people living on a captive planet, the common sense knowledge of the universe and the stars is enough to subvert their three views. It is better to educate Xu Xian first and educate him about science.

Xu Xian also knew that he was in extremely poor condition at the moment, and it would be easy for the other party to crush him to death.

Even though there were countless doubts in his heart, he still subconsciously mobilized his weak consciousness to open the Star Sea Divine Kingdom system.

A virtual light curtain was immediately reflected in his mind, and countless unheard information immediately attracted his full attention.

"By the way, I also installed a genetic bomb for you." Xu Youran pointed at Xu Xian's forehead again, "Don't have any strange ideas, otherwise it will be 'bang'..."

"Gene bomb?" This is a new word that Xu Xian has never heard of, but it doesn't seem to be a good thing.

"You can learn what you want to know from the Divine Kingdom system. Learn it yourself first. I need to heal my wounds." Xu Youran took out hundreds of spirit stones and threw them around him, and then took out a few bottles of healing potions and handed them to Xu Xian, "After you have cleared your blindness, practice and heal your wounds quickly. Don't disturb me."

Xu Xian was completely confused this time. He looked at the potion in his hand and then at the spirit stones.

If this young man is Fahai, what does he mean by this?

Just now everyone was fighting to death, but now he has to heal himself?

Moreover, where is this?

Although the practice room is not luxuriously decorated, it is the era of starry sky civilization after all. At first glance, there is almost nothing that Xu Xian recognizes.

Xu Youran no longer cares about Xu Xian, closes his eyes and immediately starts practicing and healing.

Alita was severely injured in this battle.

In order to bring back Xu Xian, the great master, and to protect the Void Ring, millions of spirit stones were shattered.

He also asked Hisoka and Kukrolo for these spirit stones just now.

It would be a lie to say that he didn't feel bad. Xu Youran was so sad that he wanted to blackmail the Seven Sins again.

But as long as Xu Xian could be saved, all the efforts would be worth it.

Xu Youran was practicing the Soul Refining Sutra and frantically running the Pulling Up the Seedlings to Help Growth.

Within the range of his mental power, Xu Xian and Alita also benefited. With the help of healing potions, their injuries recovered quickly.

Although Xu Xian's injuries were recovering, he was still unable to practice for a while, so he could only popularize the basic knowledge of the starry sky first.

The Star Sea Divine Kingdom, the two major camps, the nine star regions, the ten major divine sects, the awakened, the practitioners...

Countless contents that subverted his three views flooded into his mind, making Xu Xian feel as if he had entered another world.

Name: Xu Xian

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Age: 1,200 years old

Place of Origin: Lustful World

Identity: Demon Slayer Slave of Zhenlong Mansion, Void Mountain Empire

Position: Guard

Joining Time: Year x1024zz9959 in the Divine Kingdom Calendar

Home Address: Zhenlong Mansion, Void Mountain, Void Mountain Empire

Family Relationship: ...

Bank Account: ...

Account Balance: ...

Military Achievements: ...

Points: ...

Resume: ...

He focused on understanding the gene bomb. After reading about the effects and usage of the gene bomb, Xu Xian glanced at Xu Youran fiercely.

What the hell is that 1,200 years old?

You are only 1,200 years old, and your whole family is 1,200 years old!

The more information he learned, the more Xu Xian understood the weird things Xu Youran had just said.

It turned out that this was the truth of the world. Everything he had thought of was just a farce directed by the Jiuli Sect to provide them with a steady supply of soldiers.

The world he once lived in, the goals he once fought for, the battle between good and evil, the unification of the world, and the ascension to the immortal world, were nothing more than a process of raising Gu.

The winner of the game of raising Gu, which concerns the lives of countless people, often ascends to the immortal world in ecstasy, but that is just the beginning of another cruel killing.

The masters of these indigenous planets, after practicing to the Mahayana stage, can basically dominate the world.

But no matter how many such masters ascend to the Jiuli Sect, they are just stronger ants.

They will become cannon fodder and vanguards of the Jiuli Sect in the starry sky, and most of them will die tragically on the interstellar battlefield.

In the eyes of the top ten divine sects of the Jiuli Sect, only the strong ones cultivated by their own sects are the real direct descendants.

This scene is also being played out in the Star Sea Divine Kingdom, where the indigenous planets are constantly harvesting slave soldiers.

The powerful slave soldiers charge on the front line of the interstellar battlefield.

Only a very few lucky people with extraordinary talents or extremely good luck will stand out and get rid of the shackles and fetters of fate.

And such a lucky person, if he does not have a group of powerful comrades or allies, will often soon fall in the interstellar battlefield like a meat grinder.

It turns out that all these years of desperate struggle are just a joke.

While Xu Youran was healing himself, he was also healing Xu Xian and Alita.

Although Xu Xian's injuries could not be fully recovered, it was not a big problem for him to practice independently.

But when he learned the truth about these worlds through the Kingdom of God system, an unprecedented sense of fatigue and loss came over him.

There was even a feeling of despair, which made him want to end it, and he had no interest in practicing and healing at all.

Even if he could practice, what would happen?

What if the injury recovered?

What if he was promoted to the Mahayana stage?

Although Xu Youran was practicing with his eyes closed, his mental power and consciousness always enveloped Xu Xian.

He found that Xu Xian's mental state was a little abnormal, and he slowly opened his eyes, "What's wrong? Are you hit? Give up treatment?"

"This... is all this true?" Xu Xian spoke with difficulty, his voice was a little dry.

"It's more real than real gold, hahaha..." Xu Youran smiled and patted Xu Xian on the shoulder, "Don't lose heart, practice hard and heal your wounds. All chess players were once chess pieces. Maybe one day, we will become chess players too."

The Star Sea Divine Kingdom and the Ten Great Divine Sects, the giants that have ruled the universe for countless epochs, really make people feel desperate and helpless.

But Xu Youran is definitely not the kind of person who sits and waits for death. He is like a tenacious grasshopper, jumping with all his strength every second, hoping that one day he can jump out of the cage.

He also hopes that his comrades can struggle with him to fight against the boundless darkness that threatens the entire starry sky.

"Instead of standing by the abyss and envying the fish, it is better to retreat and weave a net. Think about Bai Suzhen." Xu Youran's eyes cast into the distance, "She is still waiting for her husband in Jiuli Sect..."

Suddenly hearing the name Bai Suzhen, Xu Xian's eyes lit up and immediately recovered his spirits, "Will we still meet again?"

"Nonsense!" Xu Youran glanced at Xu Xian with disdain, "Follow your brother Guimie, eat delicious food and drink spicy drinks, brother will take you to find a wife!"

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