Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 145 Physical Strengthening

Human beings have set foot on the stars, but due to habit, time calculations still use the unit of the earth's era. Three hundred and sixty-five days in a year are also earth years and earth days.

On the other hand, because Callisto was basically Chinese in those days, some important festivals have been passed down, such as the Spring Festival and Qingming Festival.

And now at this point in time, it is the arrival of the New Year.

However, there is no New Year Gala during the current New Year. Instead, there is only a holiday, a fifteen-day long holiday, and then the people of the whole screen celebrate the festival according to customs and habits.

The physical strengthening schedule is scheduled before the Spring Festival.

With this arrangement, it happened to be a holiday, and some people who had gone out to land returned to the spacecraft one after another, and everyone was there. Secondly, it is to give people a festival of eating and drinking.

Nowadays, mankind has a star system to rely on, and materials and resources are almost inexhaustible. It can be said to be an era of great material abundance.

Food processing technology has also made great progress in recent years. Starch products are in full bloom. Basically, all related foods on the earth can be synthesized, and various flavors are not scarce.

As for meat, although it cannot be artificially produced, it does contain a sufficient amount of artificial protein and is processed with various flavor condiments. There is basically no problem in eating the taste of various meats.

Luxury items like wine are now ubiquitous.

Just before the Spring Festival, people who undergo body strengthening transformation can eat and drink as much as they want eight meals a day.

On this day, the new government opened enhanced drug injection points on the Hope and several other residential spacecrafts.

Countless residents excitedly came to the cabins at each registration point according to the appointment time, waiting for the moment when they became superhuman.

At the same time, introductions to the effects of registered enhancement potions, as well as various instructions and precautions were also played in various cabins with high traffic flow.

"Hey, Brother Bu! What a coincidence, why did you come to the regular injection site? You shouldn't be. It's so crowded?"

A familiar voice attracted Yaode who was playing with his mobile phone in the waiting area. He followed the sound and saw an acquaintance about his own age walking towards him from the cabin door.

"Hey, don't mention it. I accidentally messed up the task a few days ago and was fined three months' salary. Now I'm so poor that I can't even fart. How can I still have money to go to a special injection site?" Yaode looked helpless. He didn't want to add some special enhancements to himself, but he didn't have the money.

"What mission is so serious? Well, it couldn't be a secret, right? If it is, just pretend I didn't ask." The visitor came to Yaode's side in a few steps, and then sat down on the empty seat on the bench next to him.

"I'm just an excavator, so what secrets can I have?" Yaode complained to himself, and then said: "During a mission to capture sea beasts, because of my misjudgment, the team lost a landing craft, plus two Ten thousand members were seriously injured.”

"Fuck, it turns out you were the one leading the team on the failed mission in the news! That really deserves a punishment. I think three months is less than that, so you should be demoted."

"Young sister!" Xiao Yaode's face darkened, and he cursed in his heart for hurting his friend.

"Don't worry about my sister, she is at a special injection site."

"Then what are you doing here? It's so busy?" Xiao Yaode was curious, put his phone in his pocket, and then looked at his friend next to him.

He knew this guy. Although his family background was not that good, he had a flexible mind. After completing my studies, I started doing some small businesses to earn contribution coins. Now I seem to be running a home decoration company that specializes in providing personalized fine decoration services to those who live in houses. It seems to have been very successful recently. It is a kind of savings type. There is no reason. No money.

Well, money.

Nowadays, when humans talk about money, they basically refer to contribution coins. Old coins have been eliminated by the market due to limitations in practicality.

Wherever there are people, there are rivers and lakes. As long as people still have exchange needs, commerce will exist. Therefore, even if daily supplies can basically be obtained for free, other commercial activities will still occur.

The new government has not organized business activities, because the consciousness of individual human beings at this stage has not reached the standards of communism. The new government needs a good internal circulation in human society.

"Hey, don't mention it, my sister borrowed all the money." The man replied.

"You shouldn't. What kind of function does she want to activate? The gene is so expensive?" Yaode felt even more itchy. It was obvious that he was very concerned about his friend's sister.

"Cat's Eye."

"Holy shit, so cruel? That's 50,000 contribution coins! My five-year salary is really rich. And I remember that thing can't achieve normal human vision switching, right?" Xiao Yaode was shocked on the surface. In my heart, I was looking forward to what my friend's sister would look like after she changed into cat eyes.

"No, she thinks she looks good. Who knows? I can't stop her. I only have one girl in my family. What else can I do if I don't give it to her?"

Relatives last for three generations, and after three generations they do not belong to family members or blood relationships. This is an ethical and moral consensus formed in human society over the years. It is also a consensus that children need to leave their parents and live alone when they reach adulthood. Therefore, many people care very much about true relatives.

The discovery of cat eye gene expression fragments by humans was purely accidental. Therefore, although it is possible to modify the dominant gene expression of cat eye traits in humans, the specific relationship between this gene expression and the expression of human eye traits has not yet been understood. Therefore, it is impossible to combine the cat-eye function with human eyes. For example, only giving the dynamic vision function to human eyes can only change the human eyes to look like cat eyes.

"Nice job." Xiao Yaode chuckled, heartily approving of his friend lending money to his sister.

"What's great?"

"Ah, nothing."

Realizing that he had spilled the beans, Yaode quickly changed the topic: "Brother Long, it's rare to have a rest. How about coming to my house tomorrow and having a couple of drinks together? Invite your sister to join us!"

Brother Long? !

The face of the man who was called Brother Long turned dark. He didn't know how many times he told these dormitory friends when he was a student not to call himself Brother Long, just call him his full name Long Dalin or Dalin. As a result, The more he talks about it, the more excited these people get, especially this Yaode.

"You also called my sister, she will be a breadwinner tomorrow, aren't you afraid of being poor for you?" Long Dalin touched his abdominal muscles. Today he injected a booster and took auxiliary drugs. Tomorrow, he will definitely eat eight meals a day.

The most important thing is to call people into your home. How dare you entertain people with the basic rations that you receive for free that have no taste. You must buy good food with your contribution coins. If you really open your belly to eat, you will really be poor. possible.

And this guy just said that he had three months of salary deducted. Why are you so generous?

While thinking, Long Dalin's heart moved, and he exclaimed in hindsight: "Damn it, do you want to be my brother-in-law?!"

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