Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 146 I want to be your brother-in-law but you want to be my father

"Uh, did I make it that obvious?" Yaode admitted happily with a funny dog-headed expression.

He met Long Dalin's sister once, and he really fell in love with that pretty girl, especially after he heard that she wanted to get a cat eye for him, he liked her even more. But now he can't reveal that he likes cat eyes, so he must try his best to show that he likes her in person.

"It's not impossible. It's up to you to chase after you. You're free to love, but you have to get some good products. I'm tired of eating steamed buns." Long Dalin swallowed his saliva. He missed the Yaode family very much. Delicious beef flavored "meatballs".

That kind of thing tastes like beef and has a full beefy texture when chewed. Although as a new generation, he has never eaten real beef, he often hears his parents talk about the earth and has seen the legendary cow.

In short, he misses that taste very much, but it is difficult to find something like that on the market. I heard that it seems to be a new thing created by the food research department.

"Hey, do you want to eat 'beef balls'?" Seeing the way Long Dalin swallowed his saliva, Xiao Yaode guessed right.

"It's the one I ate at your house last year. Oh yes, it's called 'Beef Balls'. It's almost impossible to find that thing on the market now. It's very exciting when drunk. I estimate that three hundred pounds of it will be enough for us to have a meal." ." Long Dalin looked nostalgic.

After having a meal last year, in the days to come, once he had some free time, he often visited the food vendors on several residential spaceships, but he didn't sell any of them. Not for sale.

"It's easy to talk about other things, but 'beef balls'." Xiao Yaode spread his hands and said helplessly: "You also know that you can't find it. To be honest, there is not even a gram of that thing, let alone three hundred kilograms!"

"No, my future brother-in-law is actually so stingy?" Long Dalin said in a half-joking tone.

"Not really."

Seeing the serious look on Yaode's face, Long Dalin realized that the other party really didn't seem to be dunking, so he confirmed: "Are you kidding?"

"Do you think I will make fun of my happiness in the rest of my life?" Yaode asked back with a speechless look.

It seemed that Long Dalin really thought to himself: This guy's target is my sister, there is really no need to joke about this kind of thing. Thinking like this, he said: "Okay, let me believe you for now."

After hesitating for a moment, he said with some reluctance: "You really don't have even a gram?"

"Don't think about it, we won't be able to eat that stuff in the near future." Yaode shook his head.

"If you want to be so exaggerated, where did you do it last time?"

"I got it from my mother's house. That thing is now only for scientists. How can I, a big-headed soldier, get it!" Yaode told the story, and then he added: "Unless I upgrade it two more levels, otherwise If you still don’t believe that there will be no chance in five years, just call your mother and ask her now.”

Long Dalin's mother is Long Xiaolin. His surname is Long because his other brother has taken his father's surname. In today's human society, it is very common for there to be several children in a family, some of whom take their father's surname and some of whom take their mother's surname.

"Well, the phone won't be called, I believe it."

Long Dalin knew that his mother was very busy, and obviously didn't want to call and ask about such a trivial matter. Moreover, he felt that he was currently working hard for his own future, and contacting his mother too much would make people think that he was involved in a backstage relationship.

Long Dalin seemed to still miss the taste, so he suggested again: "How about we go to your mother's house? Just so she can see what her future daughter-in-law looks like?"

There must be one in Yaode's mother's house, because her mother is a scientist, the geologist Bu Lianshi.

"What's so good about it? You can make your own decisions about your own marriage. Let me tell you, I won't cost my mother a penny for major events in my life. I can just tell her when I get married." Yaode shook his head. , obviously he didn’t want to go to his mother’s house.

It's not that he really doesn't want to go, the main reason is that he has been having some trouble with the Bu trainer recently, because the Bu trainer is very opposed to him actively signing up to participate in the mission of landing Wolf 1061 c.

But at that time, Bu Lianshi was also on a geological exploration mission on the planet, so Yaode felt confused, so he got into an angry quarrel with Bu Lianshi.

However, Long Dalin didn't know about this, so he considered his words and continued: "I think since you really like my sister, you should be more direct and take her to meet her parents. And I heard that Professor Bu has been You should be quite lonely alone, and I probably like to see you taking the girl to find her. It’s almost the Chinese New Year, so the family should be more lively.”

"That's right." Yaode nodded, as if he was convinced by Long Dalin, but after only two seconds, he suddenly became alert, and then looked at his old classmate with wide eyes: "By the way, it should be Isn’t this your real purpose?”

"Yes, there's no 'beef balls' on the market at all. I'm greedy." Long Dalin replied immediately.

"Don't be pretentious, you know I'm not talking about 'beef balls'." Yaode stared into Long Dalin's eyes, and then continued: "Tell me, do you want to pick up my mother?"

"How is that possible? I'm not Cao Cao." Long Dalin immediately turned away his eyes and shook his head.

"Cao Cao? What Cao Cao?"

As a new generation with a bad history, Yaode obviously didn't know what Cao Cao was, but he noticed an imperceptible glitch in Long Dalin's eyes just now, so he took out his phone and immediately looked up Cao Cao. After flipping through it twice, he found the resume of 'Cao's wife' among Cao Cao's glorious deeds.

Yaode secretly took a deep breath to calm down: "You Long Dalin, it's a shame that I still treat you as my brother. If you want to date my mother, just say so. I won't say anything, so what's the need? It’s secretive, and it’s also in line with social values ​​for a single woman to remarry.”

"At that time, I told my sister that we would go to Professor Bu's house for dinner tomorrow." Seeing what Yaode said, Long Dalin, who didn't notice him secretly taking a deep breath, simply admitted his true purpose immediately.

"Fuck!" Yaode's face darkened, and he cursed inwardly. He didn't know how he felt now.

Just as Yaode was about to hold back a few more words to vent his feelings, he heard his number being called from the loudspeaker in the cabin.

"Please ask Mr. Yaode No. 666 to go to injection room No. 6 to inject basic strengthening medicine and receive auxiliary medicines!"

The voice broadcast lasted three times.

Watching Yaode leave, Long Dalin took out his mobile phone comfortably on the seat in the waiting area and waited for his number to be called.

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