Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 147 Stage Overview

As the festival approaches, Yue Yuan also delivers a speech on live video.

"We have gone through 1,150 years since the solar system disaster to today. At the same time, today is also the 40th year since we arrived in the Wolf 1061 star system. Even though we spent most of our time hibernating , but the time of the universe has indeed flowed for thousands of years."

Yue Yuan gave this type of speech every few years in order to enhance cohesion and enhance his ruling prestige. He felt that since he chose the path of dictatorship, he should not give up halfway, but should go all the way to the dark side. Of course, the more consolidated his position, the better.

This time the speech was conducted through the human intercom system as usual, and his speech could be seen in every room, every cabin, and on TV screens everywhere.

Yue Yuan's speech was heard in various cabins. This kind of New Year's speech that comes only once every few years is considered rare. Most of the residents on the Hope are willing to spend some time listening, not to mention that this year is special. Most people basically have their cats eating and drinking freely at home, and they happen to be eating and listening at the same time.

"Since the day the sun was destroyed, various disasters have followed one after another. The earth has been destroyed, the moon has turned into ashes, Mars has followed suit, and even the sun has failed to leave behind the remains of new stars. We are lucky, we rely on Surviving the obstruction of Jupiter with difficulty, relying on the only remaining radioactive minerals on Callisto and the wisdom of countless scientists, we embarked on the journey to the stars."

"After nearly a thousand years of sailing, we arrived at the other side of the star, Ross 154. There, where we thought we could develop safely, we encountered the nano-mining robot of the Mok civilization, which is an artificial intelligence consciousness that we call 'Silver Mist Consciousness Body'."

Yue Yuan first reviewed the thousand-year history of mankind, and then began to describe the technological regression of mankind since the disaster. Finally, with the efforts of countless scientists, the retrograde technology was slowly pulled back and then moved forward to surpass it.

Many people stopped what they were doing and listened carefully to Yue Yuan's speech.

The history since the disaster has been written into human history textbooks, but such a speech that reviews history in a short language gives the listeners a sense of the condensed history of the vicissitudes of time.

Especially for the new generation of humans, from the speech, they experienced a feeling that was different from taking a history class, and it was like reviewing history.

Each of Yue Yuan's words that condensed the entire incident appeared in their minds, one after another of the historical texts they had learned in class.

One must never forget the past and the future. At this moment, the new generation seems to understand the significance of history.

"Shortage of energy, lack of materials, retrogression of science and technology, and the chasm of the Milky Way. The difficulties in the past cannot stop the pace of our great mankind. With excellent qualities, we are united and united. Now we finally use our wisdom to make the entire human race reach the stage of success." The standard for reaching stardom.”

"The laws of heaven are always there, neither to survive for Yao nor to destroy for Jie. Whenever disaster strikes, the only one who can save us is ourselves, and our God is our own wisdom."

"This is a good era, an era that we humans created with our own hands. In a few decades, we have Life Potion 1.0, which can increase human life span from just a hundred years to two hundred years. Now We have successfully developed Life Potion 2.0, which is a great scientific achievement because it can deceive genes for four hundred years.

It is worth mentioning that the two medicines have different formulas. Although they cannot be used at the same time, they can be used in sequence. In other words, our life span has reached six hundred years."

In fact, if both are used at the same time, they will take effect at the same time. But if you do this, it means that after two hundred years, version 1.0 will expire and version 2.0 has been in effect for two hundred years, so there will only be two hundred years left, which is a repeated effect.

Therefore, for humans who have used the 1.0 version of the life potion, it is best to wait until the drug's effectiveness has expired before using the 2.0 version.

Only in this way can the maximum benefit of the life potion be exerted, and at the same time, there is another advantage. If one wants to have offspring, people can have several children when one life potion expires and the gene reproduction function is restored.

On the other hand, the new government can also firmly unite the entire human society with life medicine to a certain extent.

Yue Yuan's speech continued: "'The Chao bacteria don't know Hui Shuo, and the crickets don't know the Spring and Autumn Period'! Life potions and strengthening potions, two great biotechnological achievements, have finally allowed us to transform from Chao bacteria and crickets into the real universe. life"

"In terms of physics, we have also successfully made breakthroughs in controllable nuclear fusion, miniaturized nuclear fusion reactor technology, universal quantum computers, new artificial intelligence based on quantum computers, and new materials. Everything is booming!"

"Based on universal quantum computers and superconducting technology, we have successfully developed a new type of personal data terminal, which is also known as a mobile phone. Its performance is 100 million times that of previous traditional terminals! Yes, you heard it right, 100 million times times. This means that in the near future, each of us will have a supercomputer of our own."

"The vigorous development of computer technology has enabled us to make exciting achievements in virtual reality technology and artificial intelligence, including faster network speeds and smarter artificial intelligence."

"Relying on these technologies, our productivity has made a huge leap, allowing us to go from having only one Hope and one Callisto ship to now having a fleet."

As the content of Yue Yuan's speech changed, the TV screen automatically divided into a section, showing the construction scenes of spaceships, docks, and battleships.

So far, mankind has fifteen residential spacecrafts, and their names are also very simple. The original Hope is Hope 1, and the others are from Hope 2 to Hope 15.

The newly built residential spacecraft is much larger than Hope 1, with a total length of 2,200 meters, and a radius that is 300 meters longer than Hope 1, reaching 850 meters. The design is also mainly for residential use, so the number of people it can accommodate is also larger than that of Hope 1. Wish there were many more on the 1st.

Of course, because the residential spacecraft needs to rotate to generate simulated gravity, it stands to reason that if the radius is too large, it is not completely suitable for human habitation. Fortunately, after being strengthened with strengthening potions, all human body indicators have become extremely strong, and a larger gravity difference will not have much impact.

From Hope 2 to Hope 15, each spacecraft can accommodate 300,000 people. However, it is not fully occupied yet. It will be fully occupied from the 1st to the 3rd, and adults will start to move in from the 4th.

The reason is that the population consists mostly of newborns, children, teenagers and girls, numbering approximately 300,000.

In other words, the total human population now is about 970,000, which is about nine times more than when we first came to this galaxy. However, almost one-third have not grown up and are still raising children with their parents or the new government. raised by.

But in general, the various population policies introduced by the new government are quite effective, but because of those open policies, the social atmosphere has become very open, leading to the emergence of many illegitimate children.

The social atmosphere of mankind has changed. The problem of illegitimate children is not a problem. People have become accustomed to it, especially the new generation of humans.

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