Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 151 Canteen Conversation

After finally clearing away all the food on the table, the two of them entered the post-dinner stage for a period of time, feeling full of wine and food.

However, they would definitely have to eat in a while, so the two of them were not in a hurry to leave the canteen.

Before the food was fully digested, Yue Yuan quickly took out the military arrangements to discuss with Manyue Mei.

If Yue Yuan is the leader of the dictatorial group, then Manyue Mei and Zhu Pite are the two second-in-commands of this group. One of them controls the external force and the other controls the internal force.

So in a sense, the new human government is now considered a military political system, but the power of the scientist group in the system is also very high, and it is the highest-status group except for military matters related to people's choices.

Because of this, the new government established a chief scientist position, which is in a different system than the military, but both belong to the agency under the headquarters.

At this moment, after talking to Man Yuemei about military affairs for a while, Yue Yuan talked about the fleet again: "After the expansion, the fleet's field operations will still be under your control. However, it is different now. According to each mountain-class battleship, At full manning of 3,000 people, there are 30,000 people. In addition to the 60 Callisto-class battleships with about 1,000 people each, and the manning of other frigates, the entire fleet has a full strength of at least 100,000 people. It is so huge. What do you think about the management and command of our fleet?"

In the past, a Callisto-class battleship would have required at least 2,000 people to be fully manned. But now that human artificial intelligence technology is more advanced, only 1,000 people can operate a Callisto-class warship. .

The Callisto-class battleship is a battleship the size of Callisto, not a battleship as large as Callisto. It is a battleship class specially defined by humans to commemorate Callisto. It is now a sub-class battleship. .

"Management is not a problem, just follow our previous system, with captains and scientific officers." Man Yuemei replied: "Use the flagship Tianqin as the command center, and according to the original system, equip each Shan-class warship with a The captain and the scientific officer, in principle, the captain takes the lead in military operations, and the scientific officer takes the lead in those with a more scientific nature.

Each Mountain-class battleship is equipped with several Callisto-class battleships, as well as other types of ships, as a small formation. The command is naturally based on the tradition of our army. The highest orders are issued by the flagship. Needless to say, Commander Yue also knows this. "

"The most important thing now is the training of new recruits. After the recruitment expansion, I plan to select the best candidates to board the ship, and then conduct daily training in the old-to-new model. Within five years, the new recruits will be completely familiar with the warship, and it will take another five years to conduct detailed training on the fleet's specific tactics. Train and strive to allow the fleet to form a real combat effectiveness before arriving at the next destination."

"Also, the Shan-class warships use many new technologies and equipment, so we have to make choices when it comes to recruiting more people. I think we need to reduce the number of pure warrior talents and increase the number of talents with special skills and expertise on the ship."

"Especially now that every Shan-class battleship is powered by fusion propulsion and is equipped with a neutrino communicator, so the demand for engine crew members and communications troops is even greater."

Manyuemei talked eloquently and summed it up in one sentence: In the space age, people with strong muscles and simple minds cannot board the ship. Everyone on board a mountain-class battleship must be a talented person.

It is conceivable how much investment is required to form a mountain-class battleship into a combat effectiveness. It is not only about building warships, but also training personnel and various tactical training.

"Well, for the specific details of this matter, you will lead a meeting later, and then write a memo about the specific details of the discussion and keep it in the headquarters." Yue Yuan nodded and said that you just have a plan.

After talking about the military topic, Yue Yuan had nothing to say. He has a lot to say about science and social issues, but Man Yuemei is not a scientist.

So all of a sudden, the two of them fell into silence.

Normally, it would be time to leave after eating, but now both of them knew that they would have to eat again after a while, so they both sat in the cafeteria, waiting for the food to be digested.

The atmosphere was quiet for a while, and the two of them just sat there, seemingly glaring at each other.

"Uh" After a while, Yue Yuan broke the silence, but apart from military and work matters, he didn't know what to say, so he casually talked about the topic: "What do you think about the universe?"

"I didn't expect that Yue Shuai would care about other things besides work. It's really rare." This answer is very charming.

Yue Yuan shook his head secretly. He was obviously asking about the universe, but he got such an answer, so he stopped answering.

Unexpectedly, after only a few seconds of silence, Manyuemei asked again: "What does Yue Shuai think of life?"

"It's nothing more than birth, old age, sickness and death." Yue Yuan replied casually.

Manyue Mei heard the perfunctory, she smiled and said: "That was the previous concept."

"Lying drunk on the battlefield, wrapped in horse leather." Yue Yuan added.

That's right. After the military and political center is moved to the Tianqin, once a war breaks out, the Tianqin as the flagship will definitely be on the front line of the battlefield. If there is an accident, it will definitely be wrapped in horse leather.

However, this answer did not seem to satisfy Manyuemei, so she shook her head, but did not pursue the question further. Instead, her tone changed: "Shuai Yue, are you willing to listen to my opinion?"

Well, the tone was no longer cold. Yue Yuan looked at Manyuemei curiously, wanting to see what her expression was like now, but what he saw was a pair of cat's vertical eyes. In addition to feeling a bit demonic, what else? Can't even tell.

So he nodded: "Of course."

After hearing Yue Yuan's answer, Manyuemei remained uncharacteristically silent for a long time, and turned her head to look out the window from time to time, wondering whether she was thinking about something or adjusting to the changes in her eyes.

After a while, she took a deep breath and said slowly: "When I was a child, my father once asked me if I was afraid of growing old. My answer was: No, I want to grow up quickly."

"Later, when I grew up, I saw my grandfather who was dying, my grandmother who was hunched over, and many old figures. My answer at that time was to cherish my youth, so I joined the army."

"It wasn't until the sun was destroyed, and then I learned about the effect of red gas discovered on Callisto, that mankind began to sail under your leadership. At that time, I asked myself again, and my answer finally became so unpromising: I'm afraid Youth is gone.”

"Yes, I have begun to envy you who have hundreds of years of life, but I am not afraid of death, I just miss my youth. Wasn't Yue Shuai curious about why I used life potion by any means at that time? This is the reason."

Yue Yuan nodded. This was the first time he saw Manyue Mei like this.

Indeed, if he thought about it from his perspective, Yue Yuan felt that he would definitely do the same thing. Who wouldn't love a strong body and a young appearance, not to mention women, but men as well.

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