Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 152 Manyue Mei

I don't know if some string was touched, but Manyuemei didn't seem to notice Yue Yuan's movements and was still talking slowly.

"If youth is like a dream, then I never wake up. Unfortunately, dreams don't get longer and longer. I can only face reality calmly. People will grow old, and it is useless to envy them.

If the potion of life had not appeared, maybe I would no longer be there now. I believe that many old people on Callisto had the same feeling, because we have the same reluctance to let go of the passage of time! "

"Haha, maybe Yue Shuai doesn't feel this way." Manyuemei looked at Yue Yuan with a pair of cat eyes, and the crystal in her eyes seemed to reveal a bit of self-deprecation.

She continued to pause for a while, and then said: "The feeling before using the life potion was as if the spring was bright yesterday, and in the blink of an eye, the autumn wind blew up. I know how much bright sunshine has been swayed in the conversation and laughter day after day, but I only know that I will never be able to grasp the helpless and boundless years behind this watery tenderness."

"How many people in the world are trying to keep their youth, but I understand that even a thick layer of makeup can't hide the wrinkles that appear quietly, and even a fluttering dress can't stop the fading vitality. The years are still passing by like a river. It’s just as unstoppable.”

Um. Why do you sigh about youth? Yue Yuan secretly cursed, you have never used or worn any makeup or fluttering dresses! What kind of style does this Manyue Mei have? This guy is not like this usually!

Suddenly, Yue Yuan felt a little unaccustomed to the appearance of Manyue Mei. He was still used to the Manyue eyebrow who handled things neatly and ruthlessly.

Could this be her unknown side?

Or was she explaining to herself why she used means to fabricate a non-existent son in order to seek a normal injection procedure of life medicine?

But didn't I already say that I won't do it next time? It means it's over. Why do I still mention it after so many years?

Yue Yuan was thinking about leaning on his elbow, but Manyuemei on one side was still talking there.

"After I went to work on Callisto, I once wrote this sentence in a small photo: As long as I am young, I don't ask for youth to stay forever. At that time, I thought, as long as my youth is vigorous, it will be worthy of my life. It’s been a lifetime, but that doesn’t mean that I’m so free and easy that I really don’t care about growing old.

It’s just that I had no choice at the time, so I was willing to let nature take its course. Even if I couldn’t bear, reluctance, reluctance, or unwillingness to lose something I was destined to lose, I had to let it go in the end. "

"Because I know that youth is just a process, and the true meaning of youth lies in its inevitable passage. No matter how hard I try or how persistent I am, I can't have it forever. In this case, why should I try so hard to keep my youth?"

"But youth has favored me so much. It has allowed me to go from being sensible to graduating from the military academy. It has allowed me to taste all the joys and sorrows, right and wrong, love and hate, gains and losses. In the end, my youth is not in vain, so I no longer sigh. Youth is fleeting, no longer complain about the ruthless years.

In the hurried time of the past, I am actually a contented person. If the sky wants to be barren, let it be barren. If the earth wants to grow old, let it grow old. If the youth wants to go, let it go. I will not feel sad like a mourner, but it is legitimate. I made up my mind to bid farewell to my passing years, and the life potion shattered everything. "

"The starry sky is so bright and beautiful, and I yearn for it, but I don't want to spend my old age facing that magnificent starry sky. That would make me feel ashamed, so I used the power in my hand to fabricate it."

Hearing that he was indeed explaining that matter, Yue Yuan waved his hand and interrupted: "Didn't I say it at the time? This matter has passed, and you don't have to worry about it."

"Shuai Yue, don't you think I'm selfish?" Manyuemei stared at Yue Yuan's face. The cat eyes that were still changing seemed to make her a little uncomfortable, and she blinked while staring.

"Actually, it's okay if you don't fabricate that record. And if it were me, I would do the same thing. This is human nature." Yue Yuan said sincerely: "But you also know that that regulation is all for the rapid development of the human population. It depends on how strong you are, not who you are targeting, nor is it targeting women.”

"I know, remember those three backup plans." Manyuemei bowed, "Actually, from a rational point of view, those three backup plans are more suitable, although the resistance will be greater."

"You don't even seem to object to the three backup plans, but why?"

Before Yue Yuan finished speaking, Manyue Mei seemed to have guessed what he was going to say, so she said directly: "Didn't I already tell Yue Yuan the answer? In the bridge corridor of the Hope ! There is no choice among the three backup plans. Since there are choices now, why don’t I choose it myself? "

Have you made your choice?

Yue Yuan subconsciously wanted to ask this question, but when he reached his lips, he swallowed it back. At this moment, he seemed to realize why Manyue Mei was acting out of character.

Of course Yue Yuan remembered what Man Yuemei said when he was in the bridge corridor of the Hope.

‘I haven’t found a man worthy of me on the Hope! ’ This sentence that sounded arrogant because of Sister Manyuemei’s voice sounded again in Yue Yuan’s mind.

Thinking of this, Yue Yuan raised his eyelids and looked at Manyue Mei, who was directly opposite him, and their eyes immediately met.

"Is this woman attracted to me?" Suddenly, Yue Yuan suddenly realized such a thing, but he didn't know if it was an illusion.

For a moment, Yue Yuan didn't know whether he should ask the words that were swallowed back just now.

If asked, Manyuemei said: I have chosen, it is you.

So how should you answer?

Although human society is now very open to matters between men and women, as an old man, Yue Yuan still has not changed so quickly. This is why he has remained single after so many years.

And the main thing is that he feels that it is useless to find a partner, and since he cannot have offspring and cannot contribute to the reproduction of mankind, it is better to stay alone and save some energy so that he can focus more on the future development of mankind.

Not only Yue Yuan, but also Manyue Mei.

And this time is not short, and the life potion expiration time of the two people is also different.

Yue Yuan felt that if Manyue Mei really fell in love with him, then he would probably forget about reproducing offspring. After all, after one person's life potion expired, the other one was still taking effect.

There is no way to misplace time. In this case, it is impossible to wait for the other one to fail, because it will take hundreds of years to wait, and even waiting for death will not work.

"It must be my misunderstanding." Yue Yuan thought to himself.

He felt that if Man Yuemei was really like this, it would also have a bad influence, that is, it would make other people think that he and Man Yuemei had joined forces to rule the new human race by force.

Thanks to Brother Jun for the reward while reading the book. Well, the author will try his best to add more.

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