Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 153 Specialized Technology

Over the past forty years, thanks to stable years and inexhaustible resources, mankind has made remarkable achievements in various fields.

But now, after another three years, it’s time to set sail again.

On the Wolf 1061 c satellite, all resource development factory modules that can be moved are packaged, then launched into space through the orbital mass accelerator, and then loaded into the cargo spacecraft.

Because humans have defined themselves long before resource extraction, basically all buildings on the Wolf 1061 c satellite are built according to detachable modular standards.

Bases and factories, for example, are directly connected by movable or foldable structures. It can be said that after humans left this time, the foundation of what was originally on the planet was not dug up.

Even the core components of the Orbital Mass Accelerator, the detachable guide rails, and the like were eventually launched into space by rockets and taken away.

By doing this, humans suddenly turned the originally bustling planet back to its original deserted state. Of course, there are some differences. Since human mining is basically reckless and destructive mining, all deep mines are basically directly exploded by hydrogen bombs. Therefore, after humans evacuated, the surface of the planet has undergone tremendous changes.

There are deep pits and ravines everywhere, canyons and fissures everywhere, and valleys and caves everywhere.

Of course, although humans exploit such large-scale destructive mining, the planet is really big. With humanity’s current industrial capabilities, even with more than 40 years of destructive mining, it is still not possible to fully exploit the resources of this satellite. .

Looking from orbit, you can only see huge changes in the landscape.

After the ground engineering facilities, various types of equipment, and various types of robots were packaged, the transfer station located in its orbit also began to change itself. The structure that was originally spread out as a material receiving port was slowly gathered together, and the various suspension cabins were also slowed down by the operation of the mechanical structure. Tighten slowly to reduce the size of the overall transfer station while strengthening its structural strength.

Demand will also promote the development of related technologies to a certain extent.

Since mankind positioned itself as a wandering civilization, there has been a great need for "modularization and folding". In the past forty years of development, mankind has worked hard to research various complex and precise mechanical structures.

This has allowed mankind to rush all the way on this technological route, and it can be said to be far ahead of other technologies in applications such as gears, force transmission, folding, and deformation.

If it continues to develop like this, it may one day become a unique technology.

This far-leading application is also very cool in terms of visual effects. When collapsing and placing various space platforms, artificial satellites, ground buildings, etc., they are just like the expansion and collapsing of the base in the game "Red Alert" Same.

If there was space technology, the action would probably look like Transformers.

Of course, this 'if' is actually still N levels of civilization compared to the level of human technology today, but it can be regarded as a specialized technology among civilizations of the same level.

Hmm. Gear transmission specialization.

With this kind of specialized ability, if humans replenish energy and resources next time, they don’t need to painstakingly build various factory buildings, machinery and collection bases from scratch. They can land directly, and then use landing ships as landing ships. Various types of bases are deployed, and various drones and unmanned collection equipment are deployed to carry out large-scale resource extraction.

In Yi Kai’s words, humans have almost turned the ‘red alert’ into a reality.

When he first heard Yi Kai say this, Yue Yuan was stunned for a moment, so he got introduced to a game called "Red Alert" at the end of the twentieth century.

Yue Yuan once knew about this kind of "specialized technology". The precision parts in it are simply mind-numbing. Just the folding structure of an unmanned mining vehicle has thousands of parts of different sizes and functions stuffed inside. gear.

When looking at the process of making a mechanical structure, it is almost like looking at the world of gears.

According to Yu Nanfeng, in order to ensure that some pinions can withstand the strong pressure of force transmission, the mechanical department specially uses scraps of new materials to make them. For this purpose, an anti-particle cutting technology has been specially developed, which is very cost-effective.

It is precisely the emergence of this technology that allows the alloy with a melting point as high as 150 million degrees Celsius to be processed twice.

Currently, this specialized technology is also used in tactical armor, which will make the various movements of the tactical armor more human-like, or even worse.

While the base on the Wolf 1061 c satellite was being packed up, the base on the planet Wolf 1061 c was also undergoing the same action.

Groups of landing personnel wore new spacesuits, took transport boats to transport biological resources obtained from the last mission, returned to the landing ship and then returned to space.

The space station in orbit also began to change its posture after all personnel returned, tightening its unfolded structures, then starting its engines and slowly leaving the planet's orbit.

At the moment of leaving the space station, the space station can no longer be called a space station, but must be changed to a biosphere spacecraft, because these space stations are originally designed according to the model of the Hope spacecraft.

However, just like the Hope series of spaceships, except for the first one built by humans when they came to this star system, the other spaceships were built according to the standards of a first-level civilization. In other words, there are now a total of 7 biosphere ships, 6 of which are in the 2200-meter length class.

In appearance, they are basically no different from residential spaceships.

Therefore, like residential spaceships, they have been slowly autobiographical, but the autobiographical speed is slightly faster. The reason is that there are various living creatures taken from the planet Wolf 1061 c stored on it, and the gravity of this planet is greater than that of the earth. In order to allow the living creatures to adapt to the environment as much as possible, they can only be made to rotate relatively fast.

The creatures on these seven spaceships are the result of more than forty years of continuous collection by humans.

There are not only animals and plants on it, but also soil, water and other inorganic substances from the planet Wolf 1061 c. Humans have also designed it specifically according to the planetary environment, and the lighting has also been designed according to the spectrum of the Wolf 1061 red dwarf star.

Seven spacecraft are equivalent to creating seven Wolf 1061c biospheres.

In fact, the new government also knows that in more than 40 years, it is far from being able to completely collect the biological resources on Wolf 1061 c. However, basically all the places that humans can touch and the creatures that can be found have been put on the spacecraft. .

Of course, except for the super large animals and plants.

There are also huge creatures on this planet. Although they are not as big as blue whales, there are also many creatures larger than white sharks, and they are basically aquatic animals. This kind of creature takes up too much space and has a harsh living environment. Humans have tried to capture and raise it in captivity, but they all died.

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